Tesla released the data, why did it lead to more questions?


Tesla doesn't need pr.

周三,高盛前高管加里布莱克(Gary black)在推特上发文,问特斯拉首席执行官埃隆马斯克(Elon Musk),他以"专注于产品"为由拒绝了。马斯克的答案在意料之中。毕竟,特斯拉几乎是中国的"交通之王"。

On Wednesday, Gary black, a former Goldman executive, tweeted, "are you considering hiring a public relations person?" Asked Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who declined on the grounds of "focusing on products.". Musk's answer is expected. After all, Tesla is almost the "king of traffic" in China.


On the one hand, Tesla once became the focus of the market in the first quarter of this year's earnings and net profit; On the other hand, as the "brake failure" incident continues to ferment, Tesla has also become the object of discussion, including the public, experts and the industry.


Tesla is standing in the spotlight of mixed praise.


At the same time, there are also some Tesla rights owners standing under this "light", among which Ms. Anyang Tesla car advocate is the representative. Looking at her personal microblog, you can see a sentence written in the signature column - model 3 out of control, let me grow into a we media.


Anyang car owner personal microblog signature, tuyuan party microblog

就在两个月前的2月21日下午5点半左右,张女士和她的父母以及1岁的侄女驾驶着一辆特斯拉Model 3从小南海水库返回安阳市。车上,张女士坐在副驾驶座上,父亲开车,母亲和侄女坐在后排。

Just two months ago, around 5:30 p.m. on February 21, Ms. Zhang, her parents and 1-year-old niece drove a Tesla Model 3 back to Anyang City from Xiaonanhai reservoir. In the car, Ms. Zhang sits in the co driver's seat, her father drives the car, and her mother and niece sit in the back row.


More than half an hour later, the vehicle went to the south section of Anyang 341 national highway and encountered a traffic accident. According to Ms. Zhang's younger brother's recollection of the trip, he arrived at the scene after the accident. After the traffic police's investigation, they found that the vehicle first rubbed an SUV in the inner lane, then hit a Nissan car, and finally stopped after hitting the protective belt in the middle of the road.


After that, Tesla and Ms. Zhang had no objection to the situation of the accident, but they had differences on the cause of the accident.


After the accident, Tesla issued a series of responses and data, and believed that the vehicle was in the overspeed state of 118.5km/h before the accident, and the collision accident was not caused by the problem of vehicle braking system.


However, Ms. Zhang said that before the accident, the vehicle's brake had failed. "The brake can't be stepped down, it has hardened, and the brake has failed." she also stressed that before the accident, the vehicle's speed was maintained at 60-70km / h, and it didn't exceed the speed limit.


As a result of such differences, they did not get a good solution after many times of communication between the two sides, which led to the occurrence of the "roof protection of Shanghai auto show" incident, and eventually turned into a nationwide right protection case.


Tuyuan Tesla official micro


It is worth noting that the above differences are based on the premise that the data given by Tesla is accurate.


Just after the data was released, Tesla was questioned by many people in the industry and automotive engineering professionals, saying that the key data was missing, and the gap between the speed provided and the vehicle owner was too large, so that many people on the Internet thought that "Tesla may have lied".


So, did Tesla really lie?


To solve this problem, wired travel tries to conduct multi-party verification from the perspectives of car owners, automotive engineering professionals, industry insiders and lawyers, investigate from the aspects of public information and automotive technology engineering, and start with the differences between Tesla and car owners to try to approach the truth to the greatest extent.


1. Is the car speeding?


Imagine that there is such a road section where large trucks and slow agricultural vehicles often come and go, and there is also a narrow road section. In the face of such complicated road conditions, how fast will it take to drive the vehicle forward?


This question was answered by Ms. Zhang and her party after the accident - 60-70km / h. At that time, this speed information was not noticed by so many people. However, as Tesla disclosed the data of the vehicle in the accident and said that the speed reached 118.5km/h before the accident, which was speeding, the speed information became one of the key data.


The speed gap given by both sides is too large, and so far no more evidence has been produced to support their respective views.


In this regard, we have started a series of investigations and verification.


On February 21 this year, Ms. Zhang's father's Tesla Model 3 was driving on Anyang 341 national highway. For local people, because of the complex road conditions and the high risk of accidents, this national highway also has another name - "lethal road".


Just after the traffic accident of Ms. Zhang's family, many media have gone to the field and experienced the road conditions in person. Through the video reported by Tencent prism, we can see the complexity of the road conditions of the accident section.


To get to the intersection of the accident, we must first pass a section of "three lanes to one lane" Lane narrowing section. Because there are high-voltage poles on the right side of the road, all vehicles must change lanes to the leftmost lane; After passing, it will face a section of uphill with an inclination of 10 degrees, and after the downhill, it will encounter the reverse situation of the opposite lane, so it is necessary to slow down.


In addition to the road conditions, it can also be seen from the video that there is a large traffic flow in this section of the road, and from time to time there will be semi-trailer trucks and slow agricultural vehicles on the road. The overall situation on the national road is more complex.


For this situation, the line travel to 341 National Road side business shop owners to verify. According to the owner of a fast food restaurant on the side of a national road, the traffic flow on this national road is very large, especially the large trucks carrying goods.


Ms. Zhang's younger brother also revealed a detail confirming the situation to wired travel. According to him, the first time after the accident, he arrived at the scene and saw the scene in a mess. He also saw that many large trucks were still parked in the driveway of Tesla.


Photo provided by interviewees at the scene of Tesla collision in Anyang


Because of this, after Tesla released the data of speeding, zhangjiaren unanimously did not accept the data.


"At that time, my mother, my sister and my one year old daughter were in the car. How could my father drive so fast?" Ms. Zhang's younger brother said so. According to him, his father got his driver's license in 1986 and has been running transportation. He is very sensitive to the speed of the car and can't make fun of his family's life.


Coupled with such complex road conditions and large traffic flow, it is difficult for vehicles to reach a speed of more than 100km / h. In order to confirm the fact of speed, Ms. Zhang's younger brother has repeatedly investigated the road conditions during the same period of time, but still encountered many large vehicles and large traffic flow.


This can also be seen in the video reported by Tencent prism. After running the whole accident section, according to the driver's introduction in the video, the speed of the driving vehicle has been maintained at about 50-60km / h, and it is difficult to increase the speed by more than 80km / h in the process.


However, there is also a possibility.


From the perspective of the whole section, the complicated road conditions are mostly concentrated in the first half of the road, while the latter half of the road can be slightly accelerated. At that time, the vehicle in the video, when asked to Tencent prism by connecting, was a Roewe rx5, not a Tesla.

众所周知,特斯拉Model 3的百公里加速时间肯定比荣威rx5快得多。根据特斯拉官方数据,这一时间只有3.3秒,因此在下半程中,车速也可能达到100公里/小时。

As we all know, the 100 km acceleration time of Tesla Model 3 is certainly much faster than that of Roewe rx5. According to the official data of Tesla, this time is only 3.3 seconds, so in the second half of the journey, the speed may also reach 100 km / h.


In addition, after some media field visits, it was found that the traffic monitoring probes on the road were not turned on, so it was impossible to see whether the Tesla driven by Ms. Zhang's family had reached the speed limit before the collision.


It seems that everything is in a dilemma, but if you look back at the origin of the accident, there may be some gains.


Through consulting information, we can learn that after a general vehicle collision accident, the traffic police will issue an accident confirmation letter after investigating the scene, which indicates the time and place of the accident, the cause of the accident and other information related to the accident.


After seeking many ways, we got this letter about the accident of Ms. Zhang's family, which stated that the vehicle driven by Ms. Zhang's father violated the first paragraph of Article 22 and the forty third paragraph of the road traffic safety law.


Certificate of Anyang Tesla collision accident, photo provided by interviewees


Through reading the regulation, we can see the detailed description of the two regulations


Article 22 paragraph 1 a motor vehicle driver shall abide by the provisions of the laws and regulations on road traffic safety and drive safely and civilly in accordance with the operation specifications.


Article 43 for motor vehicles driving in the same lane, the rear vehicle shall keep a safe distance enough to take emergency braking measures from the front vehicle.


There is no mention of violation of speeding related laws and regulations in the accident confirmation" The certificate of accident identification issued by the transportation department is a document with evidential force. If the document does not mention speeding, it can prove that the owner is not speeding. " Zhejiang zeding Law Firm lawyer Xia Jinyan told the online travel.

根据我国的限行实践,国道的限速一般为60-80公里/小时。据张女士的弟弟介绍,事故路段最高限速为80公里/小时,这意味着张女士一家驾驶的特斯拉Model 3没有超过撞车前的限速,更不用说特斯拉数据中的118公里/小时了。

According to China's traffic restriction practice, the speed limit of national roads is generally 60-80km / h. according to Ms. Zhang's younger brother, the maximum speed limit of the accident section is 80km / h, which means that the Tesla Model 3 driven by Ms. Zhang's family did not exceed the speed limit before the collision, let alone the 118km / h in Tesla data.


"In the face of two data with too big gap, compared with the vehicle information data given by Tesla, the certificate of accident identification issued by the traffic police department is more convincing and more credible." Xia Jinyan said so.


Now, with the mutual confirmation of the on-the-spot road conditions, the oral statements of the parties and the accident identification certificate issued by the traffic police department, it can be proved that the speed in the data issued by Tesla is problematic, and there are also many doubts about the braking system data provided by Tesla.


2. Did the brakes really fail?


"The brake doesn't work. The brake doesn't work!"


Just seconds before the crash, Ms. Zhang's father found it difficult to stop the car and called out this sentence. After the collision, Ms. Zhang described what happened in those seconds through her personal microblog:


About 200 meters away from the traffic light intersection in front, Ms. Zhang's father released the switch, and the vehicle began to slow down and slide forward. When approaching the vehicle with red light in front of it, first step on the brake lightly without obvious deceleration, and then step on the brake again. It is found that the brake pedal is stiff, hard to step on, and the brake fails.

当时,特斯拉Model 3仍以每小时50公里左右的速度行驶。在连续避开两辆车后,撞上了一辆哈弗越野车。然后它转向左边,撞上了一辆日产汽车。最后,它撞上了路上的混凝土护栏,停了下来。

At that time, the Tesla Model 3 was still driving at about 50km / h. After avoiding two cars in a row, it hit a Haval SUV. Then it swerved to the left and hit a Nissan car. Finally, it hit the concrete barrier in the road and stopped.


More than a month later, under the pressure of public opinion, Tesla also released a data table including the vehicle speed at that time, brake master cylinder pressure, ABS signal, AEB signal and forward collision warning signal, and said: "when the vehicle is driving at a higher speed, the driver starts to press the brake pedal with less force, and then the automatic emergency braking function starts and plays a role, The braking force is improved and the impact of collision is reduced. The braking system works normally and the vehicle speed is reduced. "


According to the data released by Tesla on the Anyang Tesla collision accident, the source is Tesla official micro blog


In other words, Tesla means that the vehicle's braking system is normal and there is no brake failure.


On the one hand, the car owner thought that the brake failed before the crash, on the other hand, Tesla thought that the vehicle brake system was normal. For a time, in the different opinions of both sides, the answer to the question fell into a fog.


But fortunately, after that, many automotive engineering engineers and experts began to spontaneously interpret the data issued by Tesla professionally.


Among them, Luo Xinyu, calibration engineer of electronic stability system in Bosch Engineering Technology China, according to the data of key nodes, fills in the spare part of Tesla data through difference and integral operation, and interprets the data in detail in the video.


In his opinion, the speed of the Tesla was always decreasing at the time of the incident, and the maximum deceleration can reach 0.7G by calculation; At the same time, according to the data, the pressure of the brake master cylinder has been rising until it almost meets the 140.7bar pressure of the braking demand.


In addition, ABS (anti lock braking system) and AEB (automatic braking system) are triggered in the data. If the former is triggered, it means that the wheels and the ground have reached the limit of braking and the ABS function is normal; The latter is a more advanced function. If this function is triggered, it can prove that ibooster and ESP system are working normally.


Diagram of speed and brake cylinder pressure in Tesla data, screenshot from Luo Xinyu's personal microblog


For ibooster and ESP system, the former is a kind of electric booster, which mainly provides power for Tesla's braking, and amplifies the driver's braking force in emergency braking to achieve better braking and parking; ESP is the electronic stability program system in the car, which is back-up to ibooster in the braking process. Assuming that ibooster fails, esp can use the pump to boost the ibooster.


In addition to the side verification of the normal operation of the AEB system, some Automotive Software engineers believe that the pressure of the brake master cylinder can also prove that ibooster or ESP is working normally.


"After the vehicle starts braking, it can be seen from the data that the pressure of the brake cylinder is also rising, so that it reaches 140.7bar at last. It is very difficult for people to step on such a high brake pressure, so the brake assist is working normally." He Liu, an Automotive Software Engineer, said on the connection trip.


Therefore, from the comprehensive data, the normal operation of ABS, ibooster or ESP can prove that the brake system of the Tesla at that time was working normally. Luo Xinyu and he Liu both affirmed the conclusion.


But that doesn't mean Tesla is innocent.


In Luo Xinyu's opinion, this data can not fully explain everything. On the contrary, there are some doubts. First of all, in terms of deceleration, the calculated value of 0.7G triggers ABS, but this value is too low. After all, the deceleration of normal vehicles on dry asphalt pavement can reach 1g-1.2g.


One of the reasons for this abnormal phenomenon is whether the road surface is smooth, whether there is sand or water, which will affect the friction coefficient between the wheel and the ground, thus affecting the braking limit of the vehicle. For this point, the line travel also to Ms. Zhang's brother for verification, the other side said: "at that time, there was no water or gravel on the road, relatively clean."


Because Tesla has not given the sensor parameters of the relevant tires, the reason for this abnormal phenomenon is unknown. In addition, there is also the problem of the brake pedal becoming hard, which is also a problem repeatedly emphasized by the Zhang family


But Tesla's data also doesn't explain how the problem happened.


"The hard brake, as the name suggests, means that the brake pedal can't be pressed down. The main reason is that the power assist fails. However, from the given data, it can be proved that the power assist is working normally, which leads to a contradiction. Unless Tesla can supplement the brake pedal position information or ibooster data, it may be able to solve this problem." He Liu said this to the connection trip.


Schematic diagram of brake system


Just at this time, the car critic Wang Yin's team sent a video to answer this question. In the video, his team appeared abnormal hardening of the brake pedal in the process of testing Tesla Model 3, and finally said that it might be due to the limitation of kinetic energy recovery function.


For this point, Ms. Zhang's brother said a detail, which may be confirmed" According to my sister, when the accident happened, after releasing the switch, I found that the recovery of kinetic energy seemed to be limited, and the speed did not drop down, so I stepped on the brake, and then I found that the brake pedal became hard. "


According to he Liu, although the power recovery system and the brake system are two systems, this may be one of the reasons for Anyang's "brake failure" phenomenon. However, this discovery still does not help Tesla to prove itself innocent in the data.


After all, this reasoning is based on the premise that the data is reliable.


3. Is Tesla's data credible?


According to the above, before the accident, there was a big difference between the speed given by Tesla and that given by the owner. Finally, through multiple verification, it can be proved that Ms. Zhang's father did not exceed the speed limit, which also means that there is a problem in the speed part of Tesla's public data.


In addition, this data itself lacks a lot of key signal information, such as switch pedal opening, motor signal, brake pedal position signal and ibooster / ESP signal, etc., so that it is impossible to tell exactly what happened during the accident.


It should be noted that the background data and EDR of Tesla will be recorded truthfully.


Background data. In fact, in the previous "brake failure" incidents, the data provided by Tesla all came from this. It mainly stored the data generated in the process of vehicle driving, but this part of data was questioned and could be modified.


This is not the first time Tesla has been questioned in this regard.


Online travel has been in the "monitored? Being dumped? Being cheated? "I dare not drive Tesla any more" describes that when a Tesla owner was defending his rights, there was a few seconds difference between the official parameter record given by Tesla and the data recorded on the vehicle's dash cam. After the owner asked for the data, Tesla said that he could not give it.


Screenshot of communication between rights owners and Tesla staff, provided by interviewees


In contrast, EDR (event data recorder) reads data similar to the "black box" on an airplane. It is understood that the device only supports physical contact reading, that is, contact with the vehicle, plug in the cable to download and read, and can only read but not modify.


However, in view of the fact that Tesla has only said that the data about Anyang car owners disclosed this time is from the original data, but it has not made clear whether it is from the background or EDR, so the validity of the data provided by Tesla is still in doubt.


"Tesla certainly knows how to pursue the advantages and avoid the disadvantages. For the data that is beneficial to itself, it will certainly be used to deal with the car owners who safeguard their rights. If it is not beneficial to itself, it may choose not to disclose the relevant data." Wang Wei, an auto parts testing engineer, said to the reporter.


For Tesla, it can do all this because in terms of data, Tesla is both an athlete and a referee. In short, on the one hand, Tesla manages the whole driving data, on the other hand, it can take the stored data as evidence of some accidents.


Tuyuan Tesla official micro blog


Because of this, "this data has no credibility. It's a diversion or a delay. It doesn't prove Tesla's own innocence." Zhang Xiang, a member of the automotive industry expert think tank of the Ministry of industry and information technology of the people's Republic of China, told futureauto daily.


In view of the whole rights protection of Anyang car owners, according to Ms. Zhang's younger brother's recollection, she initially sought public data from Tesla, and Tesla refused this request. After that, under the pressure of public opinion, Tesla said that it could disclose the data, but it needed to go to the designated third-party testing center for testing, but the car owner refused the request.


"The reason for rejecting this request is very simple. After investigation, it is found that the third-party organization established by Tesla has only certification qualification but no testing qualification, which is definitely not recognized. If you want to find a third party, you must find both parties to recognize it." Ms. Zhang's younger brother said to her.


In fact, it's not easy to find such an institution.


"At present, there are only a few third-party organizations that can do such detection in China. If they can also detect the traffic accident liability of smart cars, there is basically no such organization." Wang Wei said to the online travel.


In addition, at present, there is no set of current laws and regulations in China that can force vehicle enterprises to store the acquired data that cannot be modified, or store the formed data in at least two or more third-party organizations, so as to ensure the data security and make reasonable and full use of the data.


update time:2021-04-30 18:32:09


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