The deputy director earns 41 yuan from delivering delivery, and punishes the riders one by one. Can they earn more than 10000 yuan a month?


Wen AI Financial Society


Editor: Yang Jie


Recently, a documentary broadcast by Beijing Satellite TV tells the story of Wang Lin, deputy director of Beijing human resources and Social Security Bureau, turning into a "takeaway brother" and giving away the takeaway for a day. The topic is too hot, and he was once searched on microblog.


In this day, Wang Lin, deputy director of the Department, experienced the experience of receiving orders, picking up meals, and riding an electric car on the road... Within 12 hours, he completed five orders of delivering meals, earning 41 yuan, less than three yuan an hour on average. One of them, he ran for nearly an hour and earned only 6 yuan and 60 cents. Wang deputy director said: "send late to deduct 60%."


One day later, deputy director Wang sat on the roadside in frustration and said, "don't shoot. It's really not easy. I feel aggrieved. I've been running for such a long time today, earning so little money, so far away from my goal of 100 yuan. "


For a long time, there is a legend in the river and the lake that "the delivery boy has earned more than ten thousand yuan a month". Such takeaway workers do exist, but compared with Wang, deputy director, who completed five orders in 12 hours, what they paid behind their income was extraordinary physical expenditure and highly nervous working state. This group runs around every corner of the city day and night, being fined for being late, and the more extreme the weather is, the more they want to take more orders.


It is also them, together with countless takeout orders, that have supported the profits of meituan, hungry Mody and other takeout platforms.


On April 29, meituan and hungry made a formal response one after another, making it clear that they have gradually abolished the single penalty for knights, and will continue to work hard to improve the Knights' experience. The latest Knights app has also been upgraded.


Grabbing orders, punishing, running 12 hours a day


For Wang's experience of delivering takeout, master Gao thinks that his speed is "too slow, but new people often do it.". In order to earn money in the takeout industry, we need experience. For example, receive multiple orders at the same time and send them together in similar areas; When waiting for a meal in a store, you find that the meal is slow. You need to react quickly and get other orders first. In addition, the familiarity with roads and residential areas, knowing which office buildings can't go upstairs, needing to contact customers by telephone in advance, and knowing which businesses are slow to serve, all these experiences determine how much a take away rider can earn.


"When new people come to run, they can first do special delivery (Full-time), run for a month to learn, and then turn to crowdsourcing. The income will be higher." Master Gao said.


AI financial news agency learned that at present, there are two types of takeaway riders: "special delivery" and "crowdsourcing". The former is full-time and the latter is part-time. The difference is reflected in the income calculation and management system. In terms of daily income, take Beijing as an example. For full-time riders, if they deliver meals within 800 orders per month, they will be paid 8 yuan per order. For those more than 800 orders, they will be paid 8.5 yuan per order; The price of each order of crowdsourcing riders is not fixed, and it is more difficult to deliver the optional orders. The advantage is that the income is high. A single order can often earn more than 13 yuan, and the salary is paid daily.


"Beijing's single income is higher." Master Gao once delivered takeout in Zhengzhou, and only got 4 yuan for one order. He said that the time freedom of crowdsourcing riders "can start to receive orders by clicking on the mobile phone". However, compared with full-time riders, the amount of orders is not necessarily so large, and they often receive "orders that are not easy to run".


However, what master Gao called "freedom" is actually an illusion for people who take delivery as a profession.


"It's said that it's part-time work, but in fact, we all have to work on our own." Li Ming, a 27 year old meituan rider (not his real name), told AI financial news agency, "it's a simple truth. You can not run today if you don't want to, but if you don't run, you will have no income."


If you only take delivery as the main source of income, whether it's crowdsourcing or special delivery, you need to invest a lot of energy. In addition, you have to face the punishment of the platform" When a customer complains, the platform will still impose a fine. Sometimes, it will restrict you to receive orders during peak hours. " Li Ming told AI financial news agency that not long ago, because he didn't send an order to the office building, he was complained by a customer, "he deducted 14 yuan from me, and I couldn't get the order in the rush hour the next day." In this way, Li Ming thinks that he has earned hundreds of yuan less because of this complaint.


What makes Li Ming more dissatisfied than the punishment is that he thinks the platform does not pay attention to the rider's voice" The office building was not delivered to the customers because the epidemic control did not allow us to enter. After the customer complains, the punishment comes down. Can the platform ask us what happened? "


Li Ming said that now meituan has launched "happy run" in crowdsourcing. If you become a happy running rider, you will have a certain amount of deduction voucher every month, which can offset the punishment of the platform.


The above delivery boy is only a miniature. According to some media statistics, nearly 70% of takeaway riders are younger than 35 years old, and more than 90% of them are male; The average rider has to work 8 hours a day, be on standby for 12 hours, and deliver 48 orders.


Take away riders run more than vice director Wang, but it's also a stressful job.


The delivery fee has gone up, but the money doesn't belong to takeaway


The rise of delivery fees is also a major reason for the high cost of takeout. And this involves the problem that the takeaway platform is "familiar" with users' big data. In December last year, "father drift" revealed in the article "I was cut leeks by meituan members", that the donkey barbecue shop that he often visited, at the same time, had opened meituan takeout member's account and no takeout member's account, and the distribution fee was different, which was 6 yuan and 2 yuan respectively, and the distribution fee of member's account was 4 yuan more expensive.


Meituan's takeout response was that the distribution fee difference had nothing to do with membership, because of inaccurate estimation caused by location cache" I don't agree with meituan's explanation. " Father drift told AI financial society at that time that the first time it could be said that there was a problem with the address, but the second time the address of his order was obviously the same, so he did not agree with meituan's response.


In fact, many analyses have pointed to the logic behind the scenes: it is because the takeout platforms are eager to make profits when the growth of the total takeout volume slows down.


A take away rider should prove this saying: "the delivery fee of take away is collected by the platform, and the extra fee can't go into the rider's pocket."


According to AI financial news agency, not long ago meituan launched a new distribution fee calculation scheme, and began to implement "3 km starting, every increase in a certain distribution distance, you need to pay more corresponding fees". Take Shanghai as an example, in meituan's plan, the distribution fee for 0-3km is 3.15 yuan, 0.3 yuan for every 0.1km increase in 3-4km, and 0.25 yuan for every 0.1km increase above 4km. The highest delivery fee can account for 50% of the actual amount of the order.


"Meituan's distribution fee to us is calculated according to the straight-line distance, but the distribution fee charged by meituan and merchants is calculated according to the navigation distance." A rider told AI finance that under the new rules, businesses may have to pay more for distribution, but the money will not go into the rider's pocket.


The income of riders has not increased, but the rise of distribution fees has also aroused the query of many users, venting their dissatisfaction to the trivial complaints, which makes many takeaway boys headache.


Takeaway riders need welfare


Take away riders are divided into full-time and crowdsourcing. What is the difference between the two? A person in charge of a delivery site in Chaoyang District of meituan introduced to AI financial agency that even full-time riders can only sign electronic contracts with labor service companies, and neither full-time nor crowdsourcing can pay five insurances and one fund.


"Three yuan is deducted from the salary every day as the insurance premium. There is no other protection." A crowdsourcing rider said. However, he did not know what the insurance "covered". As for the psychological counseling hotline provided by the platform to riders, he said he "did not understand" and "would not fight".


In fact, whether it's full-time or crowdsourcing, the audit and supervision of riders on the takeaway platform are very simple" If you have an ID card, a health card and a bank card, you can start work tomorrow. " The person in charge of the above-mentioned site told AI financial society that full-time riders need on-site interview, but the content is "tell you about the nature of the job and salary", "you agree to work, I will give you a simple training, you can work."


In September last year, an article entitled "takeaway rider, trapped in the system" attracted public attention, pushing the safety problem caused by the algorithm of takeaway brother to the peak of public opinion. It is mentioned in the article that in the first half of 2017, there was an average of one takeaway rider injured every 2.5 days in Shanghai. In the same year, there were 12 casualties among cyclists in Shenzhen within three months. In 2018, Chengdu traffic police investigated and dealt with nearly 10000 illegal riders in seven months, 196 accidents and 155 casualties, with an average of one rider injured or injured every day. In September 2018, Guangzhou traffic police investigated and dealt with nearly 2000 cases of takeaway riders' traffic violations, half of which were meituan, and the second was hungry.


There are different reasons for takeaway riders' safety accidents, but for takeaway platforms, how to take the responsibility of ensuring their safety and welfare becomes particularly important when recruiting riders.


Meituan specially emphasized the protection of riders in the following quarter's financial report. "We will continue to have a better understanding of riders' needs as our business grows," meituan said Specific measures include: upgrading the intelligent dispatching and distribution system, providing more flexibility for riders in terms of delivery time and task allocation, and developing algorithms and technologies to protect riders' safety.


However, it is difficult for most riders to know exactly what protection the platform provides for them. Li Ming told AI financial news agency that in order to get higher income, he often delivers goods late at night. "There are no street lights on many roads, sometimes we fall off the car. As long as the wound is not big, we just wait for it to grow well."


Catering takeaway platforms are constantly making profits by relying on takeaway business.


According to the financial report of meituan in 2020, the company's annual revenue reached 114.8 billion yuan, a record high; The net profit reached 4.707 billion yuan, doubling by 110.5%. One of the biggest highlights is the improvement of the profitability of the catering takeout business. As of December 31, 2020, meituan's annual food and beverage take out revenue reached 66.3 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 20%, and its net profit reached 2.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year double. Takeout contributed nearly 58% of meituan's total revenue. According to the statistics of AI financial society, in 2017-2019, the contribution of takeout to meituan is also as high as 62%, 58% and 56%.


Takeout platforms are also considering how to make better profits and improve the technology content of takeout.


According to tianyancha, meituan has applied for a number of trademarks such as "meituan UAV" and plans to raise about US $10 billion (about RMB 64.8 billion), mainly for technological innovation in unmanned distribution.


In the next three years, the scope of meituan's unmanned distribution will also be expanded to Shanghai, Shenzhen and other cities to play a role in meituan's take out, vegetable shopping, flash shopping and other business scenarios. In addition to UAVs, it is expected to land tens of thousands of unmanned distribution vehicles in three years to realize a multi scene, all-weather, multi city regional large-scale distribution system.


According to the financial report of meituan in 2020, the total number of riders who get income from meituan platform is 4.7 million, and the distribution fee paid by meituan to riders is as high as 48.69 billion, accounting for 83% of the take out commission income. When the unmanned distribution technology is mature, for meituan, it also saves a lot of cost.


But how long can takeout boys keep their jobs in the wave of "no one"?


This article is originally produced by AI financial society, an account of financial world weekly. Please do not reprint it through any channel or platform without permission. Violators will be prosecuted.


update time:2021-05-01 10:46:34


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