Weilai and Tesla are 24 rocs away


In terms of market value, according to the closing price on April 29, Tesla's market value is $649.821 billion, while Weilai's is $63.886 billion. Between Weilai and Tesla, there is a difference of 24 Xiaopeng (Xiaopeng's market value is $24.491 billion).


The most important thing is that more and more forces are trying to carve up this market, and the traditional auto companies have come back to their senses. With their capital, technology, and experience accumulated over the past century, they are preparing for a big counterattack one after another.


The Chinese market in 2021 is more dangerous. Are you ready for Weilai?


If you want to lose less, you have to sell more


In the past, Weilai was working hard to reduce costs and increase efficiency.


In the first quarter of 2021, Weilai's revenue was 7.982 billion yuan, up 481.8% year on year and 20.2% month on month. At present, most of Weilai's revenue still depends on car sales. In the first quarter, Weilai's car sales reached 7.406 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 489.8% and a month on month increase of 20.0%. Everything is developing in an orderly way.


It's not hard to understand that revenue has risen sharply. If you want to earn more, you have to sell more cars. The cars sold by Weilai are expensive, and the average price of vehicles has reached 400000 yuan. What's more, Weilai's logic has always been not to cut prices, but to move consumers by service.


In the face of Tesla's impulse price impact, Weilai is still relatively stable. In the first quarter of 2021, Weilai delivered a total of 20060 es8, ES6 and ec6, with a year-on-year growth of 422.7% and a month on month growth of 15.6%. The first quarter itself is off-season, and now it seems that Weilai has not only survived, but even been able to play. This sales volume, in the same level of new car building forces, still has a considerable advantage. In the first quarter, Xiaopeng delivered 13300 vehicles in total, while ideal delivered 12600 vehicles in total.


Even in the low period of February, Weilai still sold more than 5000 cars. In particular, in March, Weilai sold 7257 cars, setting a new record. On April 7, Weilai's 100000 mass production vehicles went off the production line. The first 50000 units were used by Weilai for 26 months; The second 50000 units only took nine months.


Source / company financial report


Weilai's current strategy is to follow Tesla's example and take user service as its moat. The money spent in the early stage and the energy invested are now converted into actual word-of-mouth and sales. Moreover, Weilai's new car is developing very fast. It already has three models, occupying a certain market share in the high-end segment market between 350000 yuan and 550000 yuan.


Let's look at the more critical gross profit rate. Weilai's gross profit rate in the first quarter was 19.5%, compared with - 12.2% in the same period last year and 17.2% in the last quarter.


Source / company financial report


On the one hand, the more cars are sold, the less the cost will be shared.

此外,毛利率提升还有一个关键点,就是baas模式,即车电分离。伟来在财报中指出,本季度毛利率上升的主要原因是NiO pilot和100kWh电池组采用率较高。

In addition, there is another key point in the improvement of gross profit rate, which is the baas mode, that is, the separation of vehicle and electricity. Weilai pointed out in the financial report that the increase of gross profit rate in this quarter was mainly due to the high adoption rate of NiO pilot and 100 kwh battery pack.


As we all know, the power battery is the "heart" of new energy electric vehicles, accounting for 30% - 40% of the vehicle cost, which is a must for military experts. If the cost of battery can be solved, the profit margin can be improved. At present, the abacus of many auto companies is to replace the battery with a lower cost lithium iron phosphate battery. Weilai's approach is to separate the car from the electricity.


The so-called separation of vehicle and electricity means that car owners can choose not to buy batteries when they buy a car. Weilai sells the car to consumers, sells the batteries to asset management companies, and then rents the batteries to consumers by asset management companies. As battery assets are operated by battery asset management company, the performance of battery will not be included in Weilai's financial report. Moreover, the separation of vehicle and electricity means that the battery turnover rate is also high. More and more people choose the separation of vehicle and electricity, and the greater the income of Weilai will be. In February, the conversion rate of baas reached 55%.


Another noteworthy thing is that in this quarter, Weilai's losses narrowed significantly. The net loss was 451 million yuan, down 73.3% compared with the first quarter of 2020 and 67.5% compared with the fourth quarter of 2020.


Nevertheless, it is still difficult for Weilai to make a profit. Tesla, whose family next door is in the quagmire of rights protection, recently released its financial data. Although it has achieved seven consecutive quarters of profits, there is also a lot of profit in it. For example, in the latest quarter's net profit of $438 million, a large part of it is obtained by speculation in bitcoin and selling carbon points.


For Weilai, although its performance has further improved, it still has a long way to go to make profits.


Next, overseas?


As for the relationship with Tesla, Li Bin, CEO of Weilai, said: "everyone is willing to compare us with Tesla. Our main competitors are fuel vehicles... When the sales volume of new energy vehicles accounts for more than 50% of the sales volume of new vehicles, the competition of electric vehicle enterprises may become the mainstream."


Li Bin saw this very clearly - fuel vehicles are the real competitors.


But it's a bit of a deliberate avoidance of competition. Although Tesla has been negatively affected by the recent rights incident, its strength can not be underestimated.


Tesla's business has spread all over the world. In addition to the U.S. market, Tesla soon found the second largest market overseas, that is, the Chinese market. In the Chinese market, Tesla basically crush the players in China including Weilai. For example, in March, the Federation announced that Tesla China's wholesale sales volume was 35400 vehicles, while Weilai only sold 7257 vehicles in March. Among them, Tesla's new car model y sold 10000 vehicles a month only three months after it was launched in China, which is extremely strong.


Weilai, not to mention selling its vehicles all over the world, has been struggling on the line of life and death in the past few years since its establishment. In the last six months, it has only established itself in China.


More than that, this year, the changes in the auto market are particularly eye-catching. Outside the Shanghai auto show in April, there was a long letter saying "embrace change".


It's all self-evident. The times have really changed. Electrification and intelligence are the end of the car market.

如今,传统车企正逐渐做出回应,燃料车领域的佼佼者BBA也开始进入竞技场,抢占特斯拉的地盘。在2021年上海车展媒体日前夕奔驰EQ品牌发布前夕,奔驰一次性发布了EQs、EQA、EQB等多款车型。在车展上,宝马还推出了一款大杀手,纯电动SUV BMW IX,续航里程600公里。奥迪推出了两款国产电动车,分别是e-tron Sportback(进口)和一汽-大众奥迪e-tron国产纯电动车,售价区间为54.68-71.88万元

Now, traditional car companies are gradually responding, and BBA, the top player of fuel vehicles, is also entering the arena to seize Tesla's territory. On the eve of the 2021 Shanghai auto show media day and the night of Mercedes Benz's EQ brand, Mercedes Benz released several models at one go, including EQs, EQA and EQB. At the auto show, BMW also offered a big killer, the pure electric SUV BMW IX, with a range of 600 km. Audi has launched two domestic electric vehicles, the e-tron Sportback (imported) and the FAW Volkswagen Audi e-tron domestic pure electric vehicle, with a price range of 546800-718800 yuan


More than that, all the big Internet companies are also in the water. Huawei is the most ruthless. On the one hand, it shouts that we don't build cars. On the other hand, it has released a complete set of solutions, such as chips, domain controllers, operating systems, upper software algorithms, and sensors, in an attempt to seize the lifeblood of the automobile industry. Lei Jun chose to enter the market to build a car, and people have fixed the position for it - the first car for young people. Not to mention 360 and oppo.


From the layout of Shanghai auto show, you can see that in hall 7, the most popular products are Huawei, BAIC Jihu and Geely's krypton. Although Xiaopeng Weilai has released new strategies, its voice and attention are relatively weak.


In the face of such a competitive environment, what cards does Wei Lai have? How can Weilai maintain its competitiveness when so many powerful auto companies enter the market?


Source / official website of Weilai


Although Weilai has released the new model et7, it is still unable to deliver it. Weilai needs to survive this year with its three cars. In 2021, the most important thing for Weilai is to sell more and better cars.


Weilai seems to have realized this and accelerated its march into Europe. In November last year, it was reported in the industry that Weilai was preparing to set up an overseas business unit, and the internal code was tentatively designated as "Marco Polo plan". Now it looks like the boots are about to land.


At present, Europe is implementing strict carbon emission policies, and there is a huge demand for new energy vehicles. According to the data, the sales volume of new energy passenger vehicles in Europe will exceed 1.36 million in 2020. This is also full of temptation for new energy manufacturers.


Not only Weilai, but also ideal automobile has expressed its intention to enter overseas. In addition, the 100 Xiaopeng g3s exported by Xiaopeng to the Norwegian market were delivered to users in 28 towns in Norway at the end of last year.


Europe, it seems, has become a new battlefield for new car makers to compete in addition to the Chinese market.


*The picture comes from visual China.


update time:2021-05-01 10:46:34


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