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After a period of silence, lucky coffee once again became the focus of the market because of a new round of financing.


BT finance and Economics


In mid April, pink (lkncy) announced that it would reach a new round of financing with Dazheng capital and pleasure capital, the company's shareholders, totaling 250 million US dollars.


According to the investment agreement, Dazheng capital invested about 240 million US dollars in private placement to purchase senior convertible preferred shares of lucky coffee; Pleasure capital also agreed to invest about $10 million in the senior convertible preferred shares of lucky coffee through private placement. In some cases, Dazheng capital and pleasure capital can increase their capital by US $150 million in proportion.


It is reported that the financing is mainly used for lucky coffee's overseas debt restructuring plan and to fulfill the settlement agreement with the US Securities Regulatory Commission.


After combing, it is found that in addition to the stain of financial fraud, there is no problem with lucky's own business model. Therefore, even under such a scandal, lucky coffee has achieved double growth in revenue and users, as well as capital financing again.


Lucky to be able to get out of the shadow, but the fire at the gate will bring disaster to the fish. The fraud incident has brought a serious crisis of trust to China concept shares listed in the United States. As a result, the SEC passed an amendment to the foreign company accountability act on March 24 this year to strengthen the requirements for information disclosure of listed companies.


This is not the only trouble. Shorting institutions have successively found companies in China capital stock market. Tal education, iqiyi, and who to learn from have been shorted by institutions one after another. China capital stock companies are in the most difficult time.


It is worth noting that the lucky incident would not have been so serious. The information imbalance between China and the United States, especially the failure of the Chinese companies to actively disclose information in the face of the U.S. media and the failure of the U.S. investors to better understand the Chinese companies, exacerbated the disaster of the incident.


Is lucky that bad?


In April last year, after Ruixing disclosed financial fraud, it soon received the delisting notice from Nasdaq and delisted from the US stock market. It is generally predicted that Ruixing will end up in this sad way.


One year has passed quickly. Lucky business has not only withstood the test of the market, but also recovered at an amazing speed. It can be seen from many signs that lucky is rejuvenated.


In fact, lucky's recovery is faster than expected. Last year, Ruixing disclosed its financial data once: in August 2020, Ruixing announced for the first time that it had realized the cash flow of a single store to be positive. According to the report released in December 2020, more than 60% of Ruixing's 3898 Direct stores have realized store profit in November 2020.


In particular, after Ruixing agreed to pay the US Securities Regulatory Commission a $180 million fine, the situation was even better.


According to the report submitted by lucky joint liquidators, as of the end of 2020, lucky registered users have reached nearly 100 million. During the Spring Festival holiday in 2021, more than 1900 stores of lucky coffee opened nationwide. The number of beverage cups made now is nearly five times that of the same period last year, and the income is nearly seven times that of the same period last year.


Traditional chain coffee brands, such as Starbucks, can't continue to establish closer contact with customers after customers consume in stores, so as to promote new consumption. The information system built by lucky can generate more interaction and connection between app sales and users. Since the first consumption of users in app, lucky information system starts to obtain data of users' consumption behavior and other data, and calculates users' consumption habits according to the times, so that users can provide better services and more accurate goods in the next consumption.


Not only that, this sales model also greatly reduces the cost of lucky coffee. For example, the traditional coffee shop needs offline drainage, which requires a particularly high store location. Lucky coffee is online drainage, so the store location does not need to be selected in the most prosperous area, and the rent will be reduced. In addition, lucky coffee takes up the vast majority of users, So we don't need to ask too much for the staff in the store, which is also very helpful for cost control.


In 2021, lucky also found a new bright spot in its operation, that is, the way to play community and private domain traffic. According to the latest data released by lucky, as of July 2020, lucky's private domain users have exceeded 1.8 million, the number of wechat communities has reached 9000, of which more than 60% are active users, and the daily consumption of private domain users has reached more than 35000 cups.


In the face of adversity, Ruixing's business model has no problem. Apart from the fundamental problem of financial fraud, the event is so serious that what is Ruixing's problem?


Blind area of information disclosure of Chinese Enterprises


Since the 1990s, the number of Chinese capital stock companies going to the sea for listing has gradually grown, and they are faced with the risk of acclimatization while gaining new opportunities. The biggest risk is the trust crisis.


In the unfamiliar US stock market, Chinese concept stock companies need to understand the legal risks of US securities, and also need to actively and reasonably disclose information, especially to maintain positive communication with the US media, so that American investors can better understand Chinese concept stock companies. In this regard, some Chinese concept stock companies do well in China, but they are not acclimatized to the situation when they arrive in the US, When confronted with the sniping of American short agencies and the strict supervision of the SEC, they were defeated, resulting in a lot of "secondary injuries" that should not have happened.


Industry analysts pointed out that, in fact, there is no necessary connection between short selling and fraud. After lucky financial fraud, if the board of directors finds out and intervenes at the first time and quickly fulfills the obligation of public disclosure to investors, the market will spontaneously respond to it. After self-discipline or administrative supervision intervenes and punishes, a complete event will be formed. Because all investors get information at the same time, shorting institutions have no information advantage and can't profit from it; Moreover, because the enterprise has faithfully fulfilled the obligation of information disclosure, the law firm can not bring a class action on the ground of untrue or induced statement.


Industry insiders also pointed out that lucky's problem is precisely here. Investors require that the information disclosure of enterprises should meet the four requirements of accuracy, authenticity, timeliness and completeness. Because of the unequal information between China and the United States, it is very difficult to meet the four requirements at the same time. If any condition is not met, it will leave loopholes for short agencies.


For example, after the Ruixing fraud incident, Ruixing should immediately explain the incident in the media, and take corrective measures to transform its image. In addition, it should strengthen public relations in the American media, stabilize the mood of American investors, and minimize the impact of the incident. However, in fact, Ruixing did not do so, but fell into a long period of silence.


This consequence is disastrous, which directly leads to the class action of investors who buy lucky securities. In the United States, there are professional law firms that represent shareholders to sue enterprises. Generally, there are only a few people in such law firms. When they smell that there are financial fraud cases like Ruixing in the market, they will rush to find investors to file shareholder lawsuits through various relationships.


However, the real demands of investors are relatively simple. For example, the majority of litigation claims of lucky's American investors are that "the company makes false statements or fails to disclose important facts, resulting in misleading important facts, and should fully disclose the truth to investors."


The untimely and incomplete information disclosure of lucky's financial fraud will also affect the original healthy business model, and the unequal information will make American investors doubt the high sales but unprofitable business model.


Ruixing creates such a situation because it spends money like crazy opening stores, subsidies and marketing in the expansion stage, which is good for long-term development. Moreover, there are many such enterprises in China. According to media reports, Didi travel burns US $30 million a day in the expansion stage.


Therefore, the expansion and operation of lucky coffee need to burn money, which is very normal in the eyes of some domestic investors, but it becomes incomprehensible in the eyes of American investors.


In fact, after the financial fraud incident, lucky didn't cheat, didn't bear the debt, and didn't abandon the determination of customer service.

幸运事件发生后,爱奇艺也遭到美国空头机构的狙击。2020年4月7日,做空机构Wolfpack research发布报告称,爱奇艺存在虚增收入和用户的问题。后来浑水也发表报告对此表示认同。爱奇艺早盘美股下跌11%。

After the lucky incident, iqiyi was also sniped by American short agencies. On April 7, 2020, Wolfpack research, a shorting agency, issued a report saying that iqiyi had problems of falsely increasing revenue and users. Later, Hunshui also issued a report to agree with this. Iqiyi fell 11% in the early trading of US stocks.


However, iqiyi did not make a reassuring response in the US media. Iqiyi CEO Gong Yu only denied fraud in the circle of friends, while US investors could not see what happened in the circle of friends on wechat. This kind of counterattack is extremely weak.


There are also some successful cases of counter attack by China capital stock companies. In 2011, the US shorting agency citron said that Qihu 360 was seriously overvalued. It released a report saying that Qihu 360 was "the most misunderstood and overvalued Internet stock in the capital market", and gave it a target price of US $5. Qihu 360 closed down 10.34% on the same day.


However, Qihoo 360's counterattack method is accurate and powerful. The next day, it issued a statement in several foreign media, saying that there were many key errors in the citron report, such as using the data of Alexa, a website traffic statistics company, and it was ridiculous to calculate the number of users on the client.


"Citron lacks a basic understanding of China's Internet industry in general, especially Qihoo 360. And the author of the report did not have direct contact and communication with the company's executives. " Qihoo 360 wrote in the response statement that this is the true portrayal of China capital stock companies in the eyes of American institutions.


In just over a month of that year, Qihoo 360 and citron had four rounds of confrontation. In the end, Qihoo 360 was not defeated, but its stock price rose against the trend.


It is not only that there is a big weakness in the disclosure of information in the U.S. market, but also a potential risk that Chinese enterprises do not understand the U.S. securities market standards.


For example, one of the problems criticized for a long time by Chinese concept stock companies listed in the US stock market is that the financial statements are inconsistent with the US standards, which makes us investors often question the existence of false accounts and corporate governance problems in Chinese enterprises.


Investors and regulators in the United States often question the complicated shareholder structure and lack of financial transparency of Chinese companies. They also complain that China classifies some audit reports on company finance as state secrets and prohibits the cross-border transfer of audit documents. As a result, accounting irregularities have caused dozens of Chinese companies to be delisted, which has a huge negative impact on China capital stock.


In addition, the dispute between China and the United States over the examination of audit manuscripts has lasted for a long time. In fact, this dispute originated from the Sarbanes Oxley Act issued by the United States in 2002, which clearly stipulates that audit institutions of Listed Companies in the United States must cooperate with PCAOB in the examination of audit manuscripts, otherwise they will face penalties such as suspension of license and huge fines.


In fact, this is also caused by the information gap between the Chinese and American markets. According to Wall Street analysts, in practice, the US Securities Regulatory Commission (SEC) has not strictly implemented the requirement that auditors must provide manuscripts according to the immunity related program.


According to the analysis, in view of this situation, China capital stock companies only need to replace their audit institutions with American accounting firms that are not subject to Chinese laws, but the accounting cost will be higher than that of domestic accounting firms. However, in reality, many Chinese companies have been delayed in landing in the US stock market due to the review of audit drafts.


At present, in order to build confidence in the eyes of American investors, China capital stock companies need more stringent accounting policies and information disclosure standards. Among them, enterprises should not only learn how to "tell a good story" in China, but also learn how to "tell a good story" in the United States, and further learn how to deal with American media and institutions, Only in this way can we go further.


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update time:2021-04-30 18:32:09


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