Yu Chengdong: the high-end mobile phone is given over to Apple; Netizen: it's more than apple that Huawei falls down


Yu Chengdong's circle of friends forwarding, it is caused a big sensation.


The domestic market of Huawei's mobile phone tablet is high-end to Apple


Is this part of what Yu Chengdong called "let go"?


Let's look at a dialogue:


Cowen & Company analyst: Q2 China market performs very well. What products or services are the main driving factors?


Cook: China's revenue hit a new high in the second quarter, and all product lines achieved double-digit growth, including the full range of iPhone 12 and the new iPad pro. This quarter's performance growth should consider the factor that China closed its city in the second quarter of last year. In addition, it's important that two-thirds of MAC and iPad buyers are new users.


There are two-thirds of new users. It seems that Yu Chengdong is very close to them.


After the release of Apple's results, management held a conference call, and Luca Maestri, Apple's CFO, was responsible for interpreting the results and answering analysts' questions.


Cross Research:


According to the second quarter report, the gross profit rate of your company is as high as 42%, which is much higher than in the past. What are the driving factors behind it?


Luca Maestri:


In the second quarter, our gross profit rate reached 42.5%, and we also think that the gross profit rate in the third quarter will remain at this level, or slightly lower than that level.


There are three main driving factors behind it, among which cost saving is the main factor, followed by the favorable foreign exchange rate and the optimization of our product portfolio.


Let's say something we can understand. What kind of operation can make the gross profit so high? Why can't domestic brands achieve it?


Take a single smart phone as an example:


Apple's market share is 13% and its profit is 66%; Samsung has 20% market share and 17% profit; The market share of Chinese and other manufacturers is as high as 67%, and the profits are only 17%.


It's true that Apple has design, chip and ecology that other manufacturers can't match, but it is still the brand with the highest premium.


But its early brand value has been recognized by many people. In addition to the brilliant advertising bombing, the product accurately grasps the consumption trend in the selling point, and clearly highlights Apple's aesthetics and imprint. All these make it have extremely devout Apple fans, and can keep the brand premium at a very high position with confidence.




Apple will point out that low-cost assembly and production modules that consume a lot of labor have been put in Southeast Asia and China, while high-cost R & D has been left in the United States.




There are so many meticulous cost control measures. From a small perspective, Apple has cancelled earphones and chargers in the name of environmental protection.


1. Continue to build a perfect image.


Apple is committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions in the entire supply chain and product use by 2030.


With 110 suppliers joining our renewable energy commitment, we will bring nearly 8 billion watts of new clean energy online, equivalent to 3.4 million gasoline powered vehicles per year.


2. Return to shareholders.


In the second quarter, apple brought shareholders nearly $23 billion in return, including $3.4 billion in dividends and equivalents, and $19 billion in repurchase of 147 million Apple shares through the open market.


3. Accelerate investment in the country.


We are innovating and investing at an unprecedented rate, including accelerating investment in the United States, and we are committed to contributing more than 430 billion US dollars and 20000 jobs to the country in the next five years.


Write at the end


To sum up, Huawei's "fall" has indeed given apple an opportunity to expand its territory and set a new performance record in the new quarter. It is not enough to eat, and even their own people also drank a mouthful of soup.


But we can't always be sour. Apple's high gross profit is still worthy of in-depth study and study.


How to break the monopoly of apple and Samsung in the high-end market?


How to get rid of the shackles of overseas upstream enterprises and quickly establish a controllable industrial chain?


How to change the old ideas of enterprises?


All these will take time to improve. It may take three years or ten years. But I always think that as long as the concept has changed, paying a certain price is not necessarily a good thing.


Topic: there is a saying in the market that as long as the Chinese know it, things will be cheap. If domestic enterprises thoroughly open up the industrial chain in the future, will mobile phones or apple phones be greatly reduced in price?




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update time:2021-05-01 10:46:34


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