Zhou is also the CEO of tiktok; Ali's salary increase for ordinary employees


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CFO Zhou is also CEO of tiktok

4月30日,byte beat宣布,byte beat现任首席财务官周寿子(Shouzi chew)也将担任tiktok的首席执行官。与此同时,蒂克托克前临时主管瓦妮莎·帕帕斯(vanesa Pappas)将担任蒂克托克的首席运营官。

On April 30, byte beat announced that Shouzi chew, the current CFO of byte beat, will also be the CEO of tiktok. Meanwhile, Vanessa Pappas, the former interim head of tiktok, will be the COO of tiktok.

Kevin Mayer于2020年8月离职后,tiktok正式迎来了新的CEO和coo。

After Kevin Mayer left in August 2020, tiktok officially ushered in the new CEO and coo.


According to the news, Ali will freeze the salary increase of senior executives in 2021 and give more salary increase to ordinary employees


These pay changes mark Alibaba's fight for a different approach from the past. According to people familiar with the matter, for many years, the company's top management has been given an average annual pay rise of 5% to 10% and stock incentives.


EU accuses Apple App store of monopoly: or suffer huge fine


Yu Chengdong: Huawei's high-end mobile phone is given over to apple, and its medium and low-end mobile phone is given over to ov Xiaomi


Weilai's sales exceeded 20000 vehicles in a single quarter. Li Bin said that the production capacity in the second quarter was still affected by the shortage of chips


On April 30, Weilai released its unaudited financial report for the first quarter of the fiscal year 2021 up to March 31, 2021. The number of vehicles delivered in the first quarter of 2021 is 20060, including 4516 es8, 8088 ES6 and 7456 ec6. The year-on-year growth rate was 422.7%, and the month on month growth rate was 15.6%.


According to the financial report, automobile sales in the first quarter of 2021 were 7.405.8 billion yuan (US $1.303 billion), up 489.8% year on year and 20.0% month on month. The gross profit margin of automobile sales was 21.2%, negative 7.4% in the first quarter of 2020 and 17.2% in the last quarter.


Restricted by the shortage of chips, Weilai takes a conservative attitude towards the next vehicle delivery and revenue. It is estimated that the vehicle delivery volume in the second quarter will be between 21000 and 22000, with a month on month growth of 5% to 10%, and the total revenue will be between 8.146 billion yuan and 8.504 billion yuan, with a month on month growth of 2.1% to 6.5%.


Intel plans to build semiconductor manufacturing plants in Europe and is seeking 8 billion euro subsidy

英特尔首席执行官辛格(Gail Singh)对politico表示,英特尔正在寻求80亿欧元的公共补贴,以便在欧洲建立尖端芯片工厂。截至记者发稿前,英特尔股价下跌0.98%。

Intel CEO Gail Singh told politico that Intel is seeking 8 billion euros of public subsidies to build cutting-edge chip factories in Europe. As of press release, Intel fell 0.98% before trading.


Pinduoduo's latest equity exposure: Huang Zheng holds 28% of shares, Tencent Gaorong Sequoia is an important shareholder


Huang Zheng's equity changed greatly in 2020. Pinduoduo's share price rose rapidly in 2020, and its market value once exceeded 200 billion US dollars. However, Huang Zheng did not want to be the richest man in China, so he took the initiative to dilute his shares.


The top four express companies accounted for 60% of the total volume of goods, the revenue of Zhongtong was lower than that of the second and third, and the profit of Shentong declined by 97%


Before the May Day holiday, express TOP4 has finally completed the 2020 performance announcement.


Zhongtong is still worthy of being the number one, and has been the number one for five consecutive years, with a market share of 20.4%. Yunda and Yuantong ranked second and third with 16.97% and 15.17% respectively. Shentong is the only one of the four with a year-on-year decline in market share, only 10.58%, widening the gap with the top three.


The head effect is also emerging. In 2020, the total business volume of national express service enterprises will reach 83.36 billion pieces, with a year-on-year growth of 31.2%. The top four enterprises will contribute more than 60% of the total business volume. At the same time, the growth rate of business volume of the top three exceeded the industry level. Zhongtong and Yunda grew by more than 40%, Yuantong also grew by 38%, but Shentong lagged behind by 19%.


The fourth test flight of the US Mars helicopter failed to take off as planned


Japanese media: Panasonic will outsource small and medium TV production to TCL


Panasonic is making final arrangements to establish a business alliance with TCL and outsource small and medium-sized TV production to the latter, hoping to reach an agreement in May. According to reports, Panasonic expects its internal TV production to drop by as much as 40% from the current level to about 3.5 million units per year. The report also said the company would stop producing TV sets in India and Vietnam as early as this fiscal year.


Li Jianxi's equity division details of Samsung products are released, and Li zairi f is still the largest shareholder


According to the legal succession order and property distribution ratio, Li zairi F, Li Fuzhen and Li Xuxian, the children of Li Jianxi, the late chairman of Samsung Electronics, will each inherit 1.20572 million shares, while Hong Luoxi, the widow of Samsung Electronics, will inherit 1.88577 million shares.


As a result, the largest shareholder of Samsung products and vice president of Samsung Electronics Li's shareholding ratio in F (based on common shares) increased from 17.48% to 18.13%, the shareholding ratio of Li Fuzhen, President of Xinluo Hotel, and Li Xuxian, chairman of Samsung welfare consortium increased from 5.6% to 6.24%, respectively, and Hong Luoxi's new shares increased by 0.97%.


Shell Research Institute: half of the new youth do not want to rent a house for a long time, and tend to buy a two bedroom house


update time:2021-05-01 10:46:34


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