How does a company with an annual revenue of less than 2 billion US dollars get stuck with apple, Samsung, Huawei and Qualcomm


Yang Xiao


Editor Lina


Chip, the lifeblood of our country.


This small square has become the Achilles heel of the technology giants.


In 2021, 36 krypton launched the "core journey" series of industry observation. This series will conduct a comprehensive and in-depth research on the upstream and downstream of the semiconductor industry, including manufacturing giants, equipment suppliers, material suppliers, and chip design enterprises that constantly break through the limits of Moore's law. I hope our content can provide some reference for China's industry, which has been plagued by "lack of core".


This is the seventh in the 36 krypton "journey to the core" series, enjoy.


From 2020 to now, arm has been on the cusp of the storm, first came the wave of changing the commander of arm and arm China; Later, yingweida announced the acquisition of arm, which caused resistance and dissatisfaction in the whole industry.


In 2021, arm, which disturbs the whole it world, is still making a series of official publicity products with great pace. Just a few days ago, on May 25, arm also released three CPU and three GPU core designs, providing new solutions for arm notebook, high-end mobile phone processor, smart watch and other products.


Arm is a "small company" with revenue of no more than $2 billion this year. But arm is also a "big company". From apple to Samsung, from Huawei to Qualcomm, more than 90% of mobile phone chips in the world have its technology, which is almost stuck in the "neck" of the world.


With the expansion of the company's business, today, the influence of arm has successively entered different fields such as mobile phone, computer, data center, Internet of things, automatic driving and so on. The total number of chips containing ARM technology has shipped more than 190 billion, and they can circle the earth 25 times.


This article will look back on the development of arm and see how this company, which started with gambling machine computer system, has developed into an invisible King hiding in the bottom of its products, and why it has been forced to sell itself again and again and has fallen into a long-term turmoil.


Hello World,I am Arm


In 1979, Herman Hauser and Chris Kerry, who just graduated from Cambridge University, established acorn computer company in Britain, which is the predecessor of arm.


Acorn was founded three years ago when Bill Gates founded Microsoft and Steve Jobs founded apple. These companies, which will dominate the consumer market of IT industry in the future, begin to appear on the stage of history.


In 1982, the BBC broadcast the documentary "powerful micro processing", which produced a huge sensation. This documentary introduces the coming of the computer age to the British audience. In order to encourage people to learn about computers, the BBC wants to launch a British made device with moderate price for computer lovers.

剑桥的橡子接受了订单。橡子把微型计算机命名为BBC micro。令人惊讶的是,BBC micro卖得很好,成为当时最受欢迎的电脑设备之一,销量从预期的1.2万台飙升至150万台。1984年,BBC micro还获得了英国科技桂冠——女王科技奖。

Acorn of Cambridge took the order. Acorn named the microcomputer BBC micro. Surprisingly, the BBC micro sold well and became one of the most popular computer devices at that time, with the sales volume soaring from the expected 12000 to 1.5 million. In 1984, the BBC micro also won the Queen's technology award, the laurel of science and technology in the UK.


The world wide web has not yet appeared. It can neither communicate with people in real time nor retrieve information. However, it is a great leap of human productivity. At that time, it could carry out simple word processing, table calculation, as well as the early music arrangement software and image processing software.

acorn创建的BBC micro主要面向国内学校客户和电脑爱好者,市场空间不大。

The BBC micro created by acorn is mainly for domestic school customers and computer enthusiasts, with little market space.


In contrast, the commercial market has a larger market volume and imagination. At that time, IBM's second-generation microcomputer was just like a duck to water in the commercial market. Acorn was ready to move and came up with the idea of this big cake.

Acorn的商用计算机设计需要第二个处理器来与BBC微平台协同工作。不过,acorn认为BBC micro上使用的MOSTEC 6502处理器无法承担这项繁重的任务,但他们还没有找到替代芯片。Acorn对英特尔的286芯片情有独钟,但英特尔拒绝合作。

Acorn's commercial computer design requires a second processor to work with the BBC micro platform. However, acorn believes that the MOSTEC 6502 processor used on BBC micro can not undertake this heavy task, but they have not found a replacement chip. Acorn has a crush on Intel's 286 chip, but Intel refuses to cooperate.


However, acorn embarked on the road of self-developed processor. But it is this seemingly insignificant decision that marks the beginning of acorn's future global dominance.


Due to the lack of resources, in order to avoid competition with Intel, IBM and other giants, acorn chose RISC technology route (reduced instruction set). Compared with Intel led x86 architecture, acorn not only has low development difficulty, but also has low cost, low performance and low power consumption.

1983年10月,arm正式启动芯片开发。经过18个月的研发和测试,acorn在VLSI公司生产了第一款采用RISC指令集的arm芯片。这个"arm"不是arm公司,而是acorn RISC机器的缩写。

In October 1983, arm officially launched chip development. After 18 months of R & D and testing, acorn produced the first arm chip using RISC instruction set in VLSI company. This "arm" is not arm company, but the acronym of acorn RISC Machine.


At 3:00 p.m. on April 26, 1985, the first batch of arm chips were put into the development system, and the words "Hello world, I am arm" appeared on the screen. The world's first commercial RISC processor arm1 ran successfully.

首先,该arm1芯片主要作为BBC micro协处理器的仿真软件来运行芯片开发。它还用于支持芯片(VIDc、IOC、MEMC)的开发,并加速arm2 CAD软件的开发。

At first, this arm1 chip was mainly used as the simulation software for BBC micro's coprocessor to run the chip development. It was also used to support the development of chips (VIDc, IOC, MEMC) and to accelerate the development of CAD software for arm2.


The success of the chip has encouraged the R & D team of acron to work hard towards commercialization.


However, no one expected that a year before the success of processor chip research and development, the home computer market suddenly collapsed, home video game machine and home computer company Atari (Atari) were sold, apple computer was on the verge of bankruptcy, and acorn's life was very difficult.


Before that, acorn had been plagued by capacity problems due to the lack of production capacity and technology of suppliers. For example, in 1983, acorn won 300000 orders, but the suppliers only supplied 30000 machines. Finally, in 1994, the supplier's production capacity came up, the home computer market collapsed, and the sales volume plummeted. Acorn suddenly accumulated 250000 machines.


During the same period, acorn also invested a lot of money in processor research and development, and acorn had serious cash flow problems.


In 1985, acorn had to transfer half of its equity to olivetti computer company in Italy for 12 million pounds to repay its debt.


After it was owned by olivetti, acorn announced that it would stop sales in the U.S. market and sell the remaining BBC microcomputers in the U.S. to a Mexican company.


By 1990, Apple was looking for low-power processors for a project code named Newton. This product is the first tablet computer in the world. It has high performance requirements for power consumption, cost and full static operation. Acorn's arm processor is the only chip on the market that can meet Apple's requirements.


In the first stage, from 1993 to 2006, under the business model of IP licensing, arm's RISC processor was gradually adopted by a large number of chip manufacturers and mobile phone companies.


In 1993, arm launched a new ARM7 processor core. The bad luck of arm's past products seems to be accumulating strength for this product. Arm7-tdmi based on ARM7 has become a star work. This product is based on 32-bit microprocessor and equipped with thumb instruction set, which increases the code density by 35%, and the memory consumption is only equivalent to that of 16 bit processor.


In the same year, after realizing that we can't only rely on the development of individual products, arm proposed the business model of IP authorization: arm only provides processor authorization to customers, not directly provides chip products; The chip manufacturer can obtain the license of ARM processor by paying the license fee in the early stage and the patent fee in the later stage.


The business provided by arm is simply to sell chip design drawings to the outside world. Apple, Samsung, Qualcomm, Huawei and MediaTek bought the drawings of arm and added their own modified designs to create their own chips.

IP授权有三种:体系结构授权、pop(processor Optimization Pack)和处理器使用授权。

There are three kinds of IP authorization: Architecture authorization, pop (processor Optimization Pack) and processor usage authorization.


Architecture authorization means that the partner can design the processor according to the arm architecture;


Pop means that arm will provide optimized processors for partners to facilitate customers to design and produce processors with guaranteed performance under specific processes;


Processor licensing means that the manufacturer can not change the original design, but can only adjust the product frequency, power consumption, etc., with low degree of freedom.


Compared with Intel's all inclusive and closed product logic, arm only designs the underlying ISA, giving mobile phone manufacturers and chip manufacturers enough freedom to design their own products according to their needs. For apple, Samsung and other first-line brands, optimizing the chip design and highlighting the characteristics of mobile phones is an inevitable pursuit of optimizing the performance of mobile phones, and arm's move can be described as a positive one.


This mode makes arm's instruction set quickly spread in the mobile phone market.

德州仪器率先用该处理器构建芯片,验证了arm IP授权商业模式的可行性,并认可arm产品。

Texas Instruments took the lead in building a chip with this processor, which verified the feasibility of arm IP licensing business model and endorsed arm products.


By 1994, Ti had convinced its downstream customer Nokia to go on board. Through cooperation with Nokia, arm has also invented a 16 bit thumb instruction set. Nokia used 6110 mobile phone with arm architecture in that year, becoming the first GSM mobile phone with ARM processor.

这款手机也是arm IP授权在消费电子领域推广的开始。

This mobile phone is also the beginning of the promotion of arm IP authorization in the field of consumer electronics.


Since then, Qualcomm, Freescale, Dec and other companies have successively joined the arm-7 licensing camp, with more than 170 authorized companies and more than 10 billion chips using arm-7. Arm-7 has become arm's flagship series in mobile processors.

1995年,ARM7也引起了服务器领域处理器巨头Dec的注意。在arm授权的基础上,Dec设计了一种新的处理器架构strong arm,并于次年2月发布了sa110处理器。

In 1995, ARM7 also attracted the attention of Dec, a processor giant in the server field. On the basis of arm authorization, Dec designed a new processor architecture, strong arm, and released sa110 processor in February of the next year.


With the help of Dec, ARM processor gets unprecedented attention. The 160MHz processor with 185 DMIPS consumes less than 500MW, which has attracted the attention of industry and academia.

1997年,Dec被英特尔收购。英特尔获得了strong arm的使用权和相应的arm许可证,并将其开发成为黑莓、palm Treo和摩托罗拉q系列手机的RISC处理器产品线;英特尔还将strong arm升级到Xscale,并为其生产配套芯片,为arm处理器的发展做出了贡献。

In 1997, Dec was acquired by Intel. Intel obtained the right to use strong arm and the corresponding license from arm, and developed it into its RISC processor product line for BlackBerry, palm Treo and Motorola q series mobile phones; Intel also upgraded strong arm to Xscale, and produced supporting chips for it, contributing to the development of ARM processor.

值得一提的是,arm8赶上了strong arm的发布,而arm10赶上了Xscale的发布。两个芯片的效果不好。然而,1997年ARM9的发布标志着ARM处理器正式进入微处理器领域,成为ARM的里程碑式产品。

It is worth mentioning that arm8 has caught up with the release of strong arm, while arm10 has caught up with the release of Xscale. The effect of the two chips is not good. However, the release of ARM9 in 1997 marks that ARM processor has officially entered the field of microprocessor and become a milestone product of arm.


In a short time, arm did not get any benefits, but after Intel gave up its arm architecture products, the land laid by Dec and Intel finally fell to arm.


On April 17, 1998, arm was listed on the London Stock Exchange and Nasdaq in the United States, with a price of 5.75 pounds per share (NASDAQ issue price of 29.17 dollars), and a market value of 264 million pounds. Just a year and a half later, arm was listed on the FTSE 100 index of the London Stock Exchange.


The second stage is after 2006. With the development of smart phones and Google Android system, arm becomes more and more powerful, and finally monopolizes the whole mobile phone market.


Since 2005, arm has further refined its products.


Arm realizes that in addition to the high-end processor market of ARM9, there is a low-cost and low-power microcontroller market. It proposes a cortex product line, and divides the processor architecture into cortex-a for high performance, cortex-r for real-time control scenarios, and Cortex-M for microcontroller market. The products are further refined.


In 2006, Intel gave up the mobile chip business, and has never been in the battle of processor architecture in the mobile phone field since then.


At that time, Intel suffered a crisis, its performance fell into a low ebb, and its PC business was fiercely attacked by its old rival AMD. In order to maintain the PC market, the then CEO of Intel, Mr. Barrett, decided to abandon the mobile chip market. Intel made the largest layoff in history, cut off the mobile communication business that didn't seem to make money at that time, and sold Xscale's communication and application processor business to Marvell in June.


In 2007, Apple launched the cross era product iPhone, which opened the era of smart phones. The first generation of iPhone adopted chips designed by arm and manufactured by Samsung. The next year, Google launched the Android system, which is also based on the arm instruction set.


Both IOS and Android are designed based on ARM instruction set, which binds global software application manufacturers with arm instruction set. Arm has absolute ecological advantages in the field of mobile phone. Apple, Qualcomm, NVIDIA, Microsoft, Amazon, ampere computing, Huawei and other customers are all members of the arm camp.


When Intel stabilized the PC market in 2008 and wanted to develop atom with Intel Bonnell microprocessor architecture to restart the mobile chip market, it had already missed the time window.


By 2011, arm's share in the mobile phone market had exceeded 90%, subverting Intel's dominant processor market.


In 2016, Intel completely closed its atom production line; In 2019, with the settlement between Qualcomm and apple, Intel will sell 5g business to apple and completely withdraw from the mobile baseband market.


Looking for the second growth curve


Arm earns a living by charging licensing fees. Although it accounts for a relatively high proportion in the mobile phone market, the global mobile phone market is almost stagnant. Arm must find a new growth point.


Arm first focused on the PC market.


In 2010, when Intel invaded the mobile phone field, arm, who thought it could live in peace, felt offended and began to enter the PC market in the reverse direction.


Tudor brown, former president of arm, said: "Intel wants to eat the computer and mobile market. We want to say no! Why can't I go directly to the PC market when it enters my territory? "

英特尔在芯片研发、设计和制造领域的强势地位给公司各部门带来了压力。当arm首席执行官Warren East表示"我们希望在未来12个月的服务器市场上看到一些东西"时,传统的、封闭的PC生态系统被打开,arm吸引了IBM、戴尔和其他计算机制造商的注意。

Intel's strong position in chip R & D, design and manufacturing has put pressure on all sectors of the company. When Warren East, CEO of arm, said that "we hope to see something in the server market in the next 12 months", the traditional and closed PC ecosystem was opened up, and arm attracted the attention of IBM, Dell and other computer manufacturers.


The first step in the cooperation with arm is Microsoft.


After the fire of Apple iPad with arm architecture, Microsoft coveted tablet computer.


In 2011, Microsoft launched windows RT, a PC operating system based on 32-bit arm architecture, at CES; In June of the next year, Microsoft launched the windows RT operating system surface RT in Los Angeles, a product that combines laptop and tablet forms.


Obviously, the "brick" computer won't attract customers' attention. The surface RT product was only released for two generations and then stopped production.


Microsoft lost $900 million. But that didn't stop Microsoft from trying.

2016年,微软开始了第二次转向arm的尝试,宣布windows 10将全面支持arm生态系统。

In 2016, Microsoft started its second attempt to turn to arm, announcing that windows 10 will fully support the arm ecosystem.

与上一次相比,微软此时并没有那么极端。windows10可以通过模拟器运行Win32程序,这样电脑购买者就可以拥有可用的软件产品。但是,Windows10不支持运行64位程序的软件。2017年推出的华硕novago和惠普envy x2是基于高通snapdragon 835平台的windows 10产品。这两种产品的电池寿命可以超过一天。

Compared with the last time, Microsoft was not so extreme at this time. Windows 10 can run the Win32 program through the simulator, so that computer buyers can have software products available. However, windows 10 does not support software running 64 bit programs. ASUS novago and HP envy x2 launched in 2017 are windows 10 products based on Qualcomm snapdragon 835 platform. The battery life of these two products can exceed one day.


Windows 10 is successfully combined with arm, and arm has won a phased victory in entering the PC market.

在这里,手臂不是空闲的。2018年,arm推出cortex-a76核心,被称为"可与低压核心i5媲美"。高通公司还推出了基于该芯片的snapdragon 8cx处理器,并与联想、惠普等计算机行业巨头联手打造了一个新的电脑品类"always connect PC",但不会赢得太多。

Here, arm is not idle. In 2018, arm launched the cortex-a76 core, which is known as "comparable to the low-voltage core i5". Qualcomm also launched snapdragon 8cx processor based on this chip, and combined with Lenovo, HP and other computer industry giants to create a new computer category "always connect PC", but it won't win a lot.


Although arm has made sufficient preparations in operating system, chip and computer manufacturers, there will not be a powerful product. The whole industry is still hesitant to launch high-performance chips based on ARM architecture.


In 2020, Apple's M1 chip and M1 based MacBook will show the whole industry the potential of arm architecture as a high-performance chip.

同年12月,微软再次踏上了推广arm的道路,推出了基于arm架构的Windows10操作系统,兼容64位x86应用。Surface Pro X和其他使用ARM架构处理器的设备将正式支持完整的代码系统,包括arm32、arm64、x86和x64。

In December of the same year, Microsoft ran on the road of promoting arm again, and launched a Windows 10 operating system based on ARM architecture, which is compatible with 64 bit x86 applications. Surface Pro X and other devices using ARM architecture processor will officially support the complete code system including arm32, arm64, x86 and x64.


The cortex-x1 core of arm and the action of Microsoft on the operating system mean that the deficiencies in software compatibility and practicability of windows devices based on ARM architecture since 2012 can be made up.


The PC market, which arm has been working for many years, can finally see the dawn.


In addition to PC market, data center is also an area that arm has been coveting for a long time.


Since 2011, arm company has tried to enter the server market. Cavium, Qualcomm, AMD, huaxintong semiconductor and other domestic and foreign companies have cooperated with arm to enter the server market, and all failed.

Cavium的armv8服务器芯片thunderx(2014年推出)存在低负载、高功耗的问题;在推出centriq 2400服务器(2017年推出)仅半年后,高通公司就退出了服务器市场;AMD的Opteron A1100服务器(2014年推出)反应平淡;华鑫通半导体推出"龙4800"(2018年推出),但在高通退出服务器市场后,高通投资的公司倒闭。

The armv8 server chip thunderx (launched in 2014) of Cavium has the problem of low load but high power consumption; Only half a year after the delivery of the centriq 2400 server (launched in 2017), Qualcomm withdrew from the server market; AMD's Opteron A1100 server (launched in 2014) had a flat response; Huaxintong semiconductor launched the "dragon 4800" (which was launched in 2018), but after Qualcomm withdrew from the server market, the company invested by Qualcomm closed down.


In 2018, arm launched its first dedicated IP for these data centers - neoverse, a cloud to edge infrastructure product, and started its second march in the data center processor market.


Since then, many chip design enterprises for the infrastructure market have launched chip products based on neoverse, and cloud computing manufacturers have begun to launch self-developed chips based on ARM architecture. Amazon cloud AWS launched graviton processor (launched in 2018), Huawei cloud launched "hi1620" arm server computing chip (launched in 2018), which is Kunpeng 920's arm server chip. At the end of 2020, Microsoft is also preparing arm chips for azure cloud servers, according to insiders quoted by Bloomberg


However, for more than 10 years, Intel is almost the only CPU supplier in the global server market, and its market share has exceeded 90% for a long time. AMD's epyc (Xiaolong) server chip makes Intel's market decline, but amd also adopts x86 architecture.


If AMR wants to develop in the server market, it still needs to make up for the ecological vacancy.


In addition to mobile devices and servers, arm also regards the Internet of things as a promising development space in the future.


The application of Internet of things needs low-cost and low-power chips. The low-power characteristics of arm architecture are very suitable for the market demand of Internet of things. Softbank's acquisition of sun Zhengyi and its acquisition of arm with us $32 billion are exactly the development space in the field of Internet of things.


Arm had the Internet of things business unit in 2013. In August of that year, arm acquired sensinode, a Finnish Internet of things software start-up company, which led 6LoWPAN to develop the standard of low-cost and low-power equipment, and made its layout in the Internet of things market.

到2018年,arm布局物联网的步伐将开始加快,收购和产品发布同步推进:6月,购物互联网连接管理技术公司stream technologies将关闭;8月份,我们通过收购数据分析公司宝数据,获得了连接管理能力和对大量第三方分散孤立数据的汇总分析能力。当年,arm还先后发布了Pelion物联网平台和物联网操作系统mbed Linux操作系统,形成了芯片IP、操作系统和云平台服务的完整产品体系。

By 2018, the pace of arm's layout of the Internet of things will start to accelerate, and the acquisition and product release will be promoted simultaneously: in June, stream technologies, a shopping Internet connection management technology company, will be closed; In August, we acquired the ability of connection management and the ability to aggregate and analyze a large number of third-party scattered and isolated data through the acquisition of data analysis company treasure data. In that year, arm also successively released Pelion Internet of things platform and Internet of things operating system mbed Linux OS, forming a complete product system of chip IP, operating system and cloud platform services.


According to a PPT of arm company in 2017, 90% of IOT device controllers designed based on ARM architecture have a high share.


However, the development of arm in the field of Internet of things is not smooth. The development speed of the Internet of things market is not as fast as expected, so it is difficult for the market to become bigger all at once. Sun Zhengyi once predicted that the scale of the Internet of things market will reach 11 trillion US dollars by 2025, but IDC data shows that the scale of the global Internet of things market will only reach 1.36 trillion US dollars by 2020.


In addition, risc-v, the same as the instruction set architecture, is covetous. With its open source features and architecture advantages, many people in the industry feel that it can make great achievements in the aiot era. Sifive, a leading manufacturer of risc-v, cooperates with CEVA, an IP manufacturer, to develop a series of edge intelligent SOC for smart home, automobile, robot, security, augmented reality, industry and Internet of things. This is exactly the field focused by arm Internet of things.


The field of automatic driving is the latest field of arm. In December 2018, arm officially announced its entry into the field of automatic driving.


Up to now, many kinds of chips based on arm, such as Qualcomm, Texas Instruments, NXP and Renesas, have also been launched in a large number of car machine chips.


Arm predicts that by 2029, the market space it can participate in will reach US $232 billion, while arm, which currently earns less than US $2 billion, still has endless space from the ceiling.


Arm in turmoil


No one is satisfied with the performance of arm.


From 2017 to 2019, arm's revenue was US $1.831 billion, US $1.836 billion and US $1.898 billion respectively, with little growth.


As arm has been delisted, it is difficult to see its revenue in 2020, while the revenue of AMD, NVIDIA and Intel in 2020 are respectively US $9.76 billion, US $16.675 billion and US $77.9 billion, which is far behind.


In order to acquire arm, sun Zhengyi successively sold off the holdings of Alibaba, gungho and supercell, so that arm delisted from the London Stock Exchange on September 6, 2016 and completed the privatization.


However, only four years later, in September 2020, Softbank once again announced that it was about to sell arm, and NVIDIA announced that it would take over. At this time, sun Zhengyi's attitude towards arm has changed from thinking about "the most important transaction in his life" for 10 years to eager to get rid of it. It is worth mentioning that the transaction does not include arm's IOT service business group.


From the point of view of NVIDIA and arm alone, this deal is really a good one.


Arm adopts the IP authorization mode, which means that if it can not expand to other markets, only in the mobile phone and personal computer market, where the market space has stagnated for many years, arm's revenue will always present this small and beautiful situation with almost zero growth.

NVIDIA比GPU更好。目前,数据中心普遍采用Intel CPU+NVIDIA GPU。Arm比CPU架构更好。一旦NVIDIA收购arm,它就可以同时拥有CPU和GPU的能力。两者结合后,arm可以更好地进入数据中心市场。

NVIDIA is better than GPU. At present, Intel CPU plus NVIDIA GPU is commonly used in data center. Arm is better than CPU architecture. Once NVIDIA acquires arm, it can have the capabilities of CPU and GPU at the same time. After the combination of the two, arm can better enter the data center market.


However, there are many obstacles to this cooperation, and arm's achievements today have something to do with its neutral status. Arm's global business involves more than 500 large enterprises. Once it is acquired, there is a risk that NVIDIA will suppress its competitors in order to win the chip market share; Even if there is no such action, NVIDIA's acquisition of arm's latest architecture products ahead of time is enough to let competitors lose the opportunity.


U.S. companies such as apple and Qualcomm have united to put pressure on U.S. regulators, while Chinese companies such as Huawei have also put forward news to domestic regulators to veto the acquisition of NVIDIA. The British government also said it would review the acquisition.


However, on May 26, according to the register, a foreign media report, arm had implemented a recruitment freeze before the completion of the NVIDIA deal, cancelled the annual welfare allowance paid to employees, and made a full wait for the acquisition gesture.


What arm may have an impact on this acquisition is the dispute between arm and Amway China.


Arm China, founded in 2018, is a joint venture between Chinese investors and Softbank group. The Chinese side holds 51% of the shares, among which Hopu investment owns 35% of the shares of Chinese capital, and Wu xiong'ang holds 16%; The foreign party holds 49%, and arm holds 47.33% of the foreign equity.


After the establishment of arm China, it said that it would "focus on the Chinese market and do the core technology of China", pay attention to the independent research and development of IP and standards based on ARM architecture technology, and provide localized support and services closer to customers through the research and development of IP more in line with the needs of Chinese customers.

三年来,arm中国先后推出了"周易"爱普、"星辰"处理器、"山海"信息安全解决方案、"玲珑"I3/i5 ISP处理器四大IP产品。

Over the past three years, arm China has successively launched four IP products - "Zhouyi" Aipu, "Xingchen" processor, "Shanhai" information security solution and "Linglong" I3 / i5 ISP processor.


However, on June 10, 2020, arm issued a media statement, saying that it would remove Wu xiong'ang'anmou from the post of CEO of China in the name of harming the interests of the company. The next day, arm China issued a statement saying that arm's accusations were groundless and the recall procedure was not legal. Wu xiongang continued to lead the company as CEO. There was a farce about changing the commander.


In July 28th, ARM China also released a joint letter with official signature of the company on official account.


Arm has successively dispatched three senior executives to replace Wu xiongang. In April this year, according to a person familiar with the matter, Mr. Wu will sue the three executives to return the company's property in order to retain control of arm China in the hands of current CEO Mr. Wu. However, so far, we have not seen any news related to the lawsuit.


The Chinese market is very important to arm. In 2018, the Chinese market accounted for one fifth of arm's total sales; In 2019, arm China's annual growth is nearly 50%, accounting for 27% of arm's global IP business. Compared with arm, which has almost zero revenue growth, this growth trend is a rare living water. It is difficult for arm China to develop without arm. After all, the underlying technology gene of arm China is the product of the head office.


At present, the cooperation and exchanges between arm and arm China continue.


36 krypton learned that the work of arm China is still advancing. For this matter, Wu xiongang's reply to the employees is "this is a matter at the level of working shareholders, which will be solved by the shareholders of the company", and the employees of arm and arm China are still conducting normal technical exchanges.


Whether it's a merger or a reshuffle, things need to be solved and the company needs to continue to develop.


After entering 2021, arm can be described as the most regular update of the biggest changes.

首先,在3月份,arm发布了V9指令集,取代了10年前的V8;4月份,arm发布了基于V9的数据中心IP"arm Neover N2";就在几天前的5月25日,arm还发布了三款CPU和三款GPU核心设计,为arm笔记本、高端手机处理器、智能手表等产品提供了新的解决方案。

First, in March, arm released the V9 instruction set, replacing the 10-year-old V8; Then, in April, arm released "arm Neover N2" for data center IP based on V9; Just a few days ago, on May 25, arm also released three CPU and three GPU core designs, providing new solutions for arm notebook, high-end mobile phone processor, smart watch and other products.


Throughout the development of arm, from the gambling machine system to the underlying foundation of many products, after several acquisitions, the core of arm as the underlying architecture has never changed. The opportunity of the times, years of planning, and ecological construction have made arm today.


Today, the future of arm is uncertain, but the trend of arm architecture entering into other fields except mobile phones and competing with x86 architecture will not change.


reference material:


The origin of arm: how a small British company invented arm and changed the world, the heart of machines


The growth history of arm: Tiger sniffing in the 1970s


Arm high performance road: from total annihilation to recovery, electronic engineering album

Arm 10年的PC历程,以及微软的"暧昧"电子工程专辑

Arm's 10-year PC journey, and Microsoft's "ambiguous", electronic engineering album


Arm's vision and crisis of Internet of things


update time:2021-06-01 09:47:36


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