How far is Huawei from IOT's big ecological dream?


Recently, Huawei announced that it plans to officially hold the Hongmeng product launch on June 2. It is expected that the Hongmeng operating system previously used only for smart screens, wearable devices and other products will be used in more product categories. Although Huawei has not made it clear that it will use Hongmeng system in mobile phones (although Huawei has previously pushed Hongmeng 2.0 beta version to some models), the official video released by Huawei and the measures such as renaming emui's official microblog to harmonyos still make the industry think that it will officially land on Huawei's mobile phones, which has aroused extensive reports and attention from all kinds of media.


In fact, since Hongmeng officially released version 1.0 in 2019 and carried it on the glory (before Huawei's sale) smart screen for the first time, it has not attracted the industry's attention as recently as it wants to log on to the mobile phone. It can be seen that both the industry and the market regard whether the mobile phone can carry Hongmeng as one of the important criteria to judge whether it is going to succeed.


So the question is, why did Huawei choose to officially launch the Hongmeng system at this time? What is the future of Hongmeng?


A single tree cannot make a forest


With 200 million mobile phones, it is difficult to have a partner in the short term


Seeing mobile phones, many people, even Huawei itself, will argue that Hongmeng is the operating system of Internet of things, and mobile phones are only a small part of it. Moreover, Hongmeng is not a replacement of Google Android and apple IOS, but a brand-new operating system. That sounds good, but judging from Huawei's announcement that 300 million devices will be equipped with Hongmeng this year, of which 200 million (accounting for 2 / 3 of Hongmeng's total pre installed capacity) are Huawei mobile phones, who can deny that mobile phone ecology is not important to Hongmeng?


In addition, since it is equipped with mobile phones, it is natural to mention the mobile phone ecology. Not only can we not avoid the competition with Google Android and apple IOS, we even have to face the hard and hard, and win in quality and quantity. So what's the reality?


According to Google's 2021 I / O Developers Conference, as of 2021, more than 83% of the world's smart phones are equipped with Android system. Google also announced in this conference that the number of active Android devices in the world has exceeded 3 billion. Specifically, there are about 20 million developers and 3 million applications in Google.


By contrast, Hongmeng is only 9% of Android and 7.5% of IOS in terms of the number of developers at the development end, which is crucial to the ecology; In terms of the number of user applications, Hongmeng is only 3.3% of Android and 2.2% of IOS.


Nevertheless, Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei's consumer business, told the media last year that Hongmeng's application experience has reached 70% - 80% of Android's. We really don't know how Yu Chengdong quantifies this experience, or what is the quantitative standard?


But in our view, quantitative change is the basis and result of qualitative change. When it comes to applications, only when there is a large number of applications (submitted applications) can the reviewers have more choices for excellent applications and the users have more choices. If there are very few choices, what is the quality?


Here we might as well take apple and Google for example. It is said that last year alone, apple rejected 1 million applications (it is said that the pass rate of Apple's applications is about 60%), and the number of rejections by Google ranged from 700000 to 800000. I don't know what the industry saw from it?


What we see is that behind these figures, the attraction of Apple IOS and Google Android ecology for developers is highlighted again, that is, the number of rejections is so high. I can imagine the number of applications submitted by developers for the above two ecology every year. We don't know how many applications Hongmeng ecology has approved for nearly 100000 applications. If we really pay attention to experience, we feel that Huawei's announcement of application passing rate seems more convincing.


Here, the industry will say that as a new operating system and ecology, development takes time, and this comparison is not fair. This kind of argument seems reasonable, but it can't stand scrutiny. The reason is very simple. When the mobile phone market has entered the competition of stock users, Huawei Hongmeng ecology wants to develop, doesn't it mean that Huawei Hongmeng ecology wants to take advantage of Apple IOS and Google Android ecology?


The industry will say that Hongmeng ecology can develop new users. OK, another aspect of Hongmeng ecological development is how Hongmeng ecological uses new users to expand itself. There are only two ways to do this: one is to carry their own mobile terminals, and the other is to let more OEM manufacturers carry them. The specific manufacturers are only OV and Xiaomi, the mainstream mobile phone manufacturers in China, and the glory of "flying alone" from Huawei last year.


At present, Huawei's own mobile phones are equipped with Hongmeng and Ecotech without any problems, such as its announced target of 200 million this year. However, one of the most unfavorable factors for its ecological future development is that Huawei's own mobile terminals are shrinking dramatically, and it is uncertain when they will be able to recover. Don't think that this has no impact on Huawei's Hongmeng ecology. Just imagine, even if the ecology is as strong as apple, if one day iPhone sales, the main carrier of IOS ecology, suddenly begin to decline as Huawei's, and when to stop the decline is unknown, what will Apple's ecology be like?


The so-called is in line with the skin does not exist, how hair will be attached. This is the logic of using our own terminals to promote ecology.


Then let's take a look at the road of OEM manufacturers carrying Hongmeng and ecological promotion. We should know that everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Only when the advantages outweigh the disadvantages can we be chosen.


As we all know, OV, Xiaomi and other mainstream mobile phone manufacturers (also the main support of Android and Ecology) rely on volume for their survival and development due to many reasons such as product and brand premium. At present, overseas markets outside China are indispensable for these manufacturers in terms of shipment volume. For example, the shipment volume of Xiaomi mobile phone in overseas markets even exceeds that in China. However, in the short term, Huawei Hongmeng and its ecology can hardly compete with Android and its ecology in overseas markets. Therefore, for the sake of volume, it is very unlikely that Chinese mainstream mobile phone manufacturers will take the initiative to adopt Hongmeng and its ecology.


The second is the angle of profit. Although Chinese mobile phone manufacturers seize the market with cost performance (low gross margin), there is still no lack of profit channels. The most typical example in China is that mobile phone manufacturers distribute their applications and content through their own app stores. It is said that the share with developers is as high as 50% (higher than Google and Apple's sanqikai).


Serious fragmentation


Hongmeng still lacks multiple supporting forces to unify IOT ecology


Referring to Hongmeng's Internet of things, we have to mention Huawei's "1 + 8 + n" strategy in the 5g era announced by He Gang, President of Huawei's mobile phone product line of consumer business, at Huawei's world mobile communication conference in 2019.


In our view, the so-called Hongmeng and its ecology should be an important measure for the implementation of the above strategy. As for the components of the above-mentioned strategy, Huawei has made a vivid analogy, that is, Huawei's intelligent "solar system" in the whole scene. That is, one sun, eight planets and N satellites. People with a little astronomy and common sense of life all know that the sun is the most important existence here. Let alone without the sun, even if it behaves abnormally, it will affect the normal operation of the whole planet and satellite. This sun is Huawei's mobile phone business.


It can be seen that both now and in the future, mobile phones are still the foundation of Huawei Hongmeng's ecological dream. Especially now, maintaining Huawei's mobile phone ownership and users will be the "kindling" of Hongmeng's ecological dream in the future. This can be seen from the 300 million Hongmeng devices announced previously, of which two-thirds are Huawei's own mobile terminals.


Huawei's intention to retain mobile phone users with Hongmeng ecosystem is obvious, which means that Hongmeng will face the biggest test, that is, in addition to bringing the so-called full scene experience to relevant users, the more important thing is its differentiated experience in the mobile phone ecosystem. However, in our view, the challenge Huawei faces is not small.


First of all, from the perspective of the mobile phone market, in addition to IOS, the Android camp's mobile phone experience (including differentiation) is basically driven by hardware innovation (including upgrade and update). Even Huawei has been.


Secondly, in terms of brand, there is no obvious gap between Huawei and domestic mainstream mobile phone brands in terms of some indicators related to mobile phone stock and new users.


For example, in May this year, China mobile terminal laboratory released the second issue of 5g terminal consumption trend report in 2020, which shows that in terms of brand change from the last mobile phone to this one, that is, the so-called "replacement loyalty rate" index, Huawei is only 35.7%, far lower than apple's 76.3%, even lower than OV and Xiaomi.


Finally, under the above adverse conditions, Huawei's mobile phones are out of stock, which means that even the earlier Huawei mobile phone users (such as those two years ago or earlier) have to flow to other brands when they have to change their phones, resulting in the loss of Huawei's mobile phone stock users.


So whether Hongmeng can solve the above challenges with its full scene ecological power, and win more time for its hardware return, until it realizes its big ecological dream, it's up to time!


Conclusion: how to reach a thousand miles without taking a step. Huawei Hongmeng's unified IOT ecology is certainly exciting, but as we have mentioned before, it will naturally face the challenge of fragmentation of the small ecosystems that make up the unified ecology. How to unify these fragmented ecosystems, which belong to different industries and markets, requires not only the free flow of information and the sharing and sharing of devices under the whole scene connection, but also the creation of original application and service experience based on Hongmeng in different ecosystems.


Taking the familiar consumer IOT as an example, in view of the low interconnection rate of household consumer IOT devices at present, it is unrealistic for them to experience the so-called whole scene. Secondly, it may not reflect the advantages of the whole scene.


At this time, it's better to create more original killer applications and services that are different from the existing ecosystem in the mobile phone, large screen (smart TV), tablet, PC and other ecosystems with high frequency of use, which can better reflect the advantages of Hongmeng ecology and give users the desire and confidence of full scene experience in the future, It is not only the seamless connection between devices and the flow of information, after all, no matter how the connection and flow, the user's final experience will be controlled by the devices in an ecosystem.


It's good to be large and comprehensive, but it must be small and refined. Only in this way can the unification of IOT ecology really meet the needs of the market and users for the whole scene.


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update time:2021-06-01 10:16:34


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