No parking space, unsafe, difficult to increase capacity, trapped in the charging pile outside the community


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What is the difficulty of charging pile into the community? Recently, the national development and Reform Commission issued a document to improve the service guarantee ability of charging and swapping infrastructure, and the community construction of charging piles has once again aroused concern. Beijing Business Daily reporter interviewed the owners of new energy vehicles, residential property, charging pile operators and other relevant parties, and found that in the community construction of charging pile, parking space supply, safety guarantee, power expansion, approval process and other issues greatly increased the pile construction cost of owners and enterprises. It's easy to buy a car, but hard to charge. The market of new energy vehicles is expanding. The owners and operators trapped outside the community, the neighborhood committee and the property, which play a key role, are going through a last mile game.


It's very convenient for many new energy car owners to build charging piles downstairs. But the reporter found that in the actual process, to build a charging pile is not easy.


"If you want to build a charging pile, you must first have a parking space.". This is the biggest distress of Mr. Guo, who lives in Xicheng Jiayuan community. "Our community rents fixed parking spaces for a long time, and has the right to use them, but no ownership. Parking spaces have always been very tight. They used to wait in line before, but now the demand is growing. They can only be coordinated by the property management in the way of wagging numbers. "


Property, which plays a key role, is also at the center of the game. According to the clues provided by Mr. Guo, the reporter of Beijing business daily contacted the property of Xicheng home Beijing Xiangtai Anfu Property Management Co., Ltd. The person in charge of the property said: "if you want to go through the charging pile installation procedures, it must be the owner himself, and the parking space is also his own, before you can apply. Now the community has no parking space to provide, can only wait, run into other owners back out, have spare parking space, can go through the process


The shortage of parking spaces in Beijing is not new, and all big cities are also facing this problem. In the era of oil vehicles, the shortage of parking spaces directly brings about the problem of "parking difficulty". However, for new energy vehicles, the basic premise of building charging piles in the community is to have parking spaces. Naturally, new energy vehicle owners add "charging difficulty" to the "parking difficulty".


The supply of public charging points is not optimistic. In China, there are 807000 public charging piles, but in 2019, the data released by China Automobile Association shows that 35.94% of the parking spaces of public charging piles are occupied by fuel vehicles. In addition, 20.65% of the public charging piles in the top ten popular cities, such as beishangshen, have failed.


This has also been confirmed by Wang Liang, deputy general manager of operation center of new energy Co., Ltd. He told Beijing Business Daily: "Beijing's parking resources are very tight, and some special parking spaces for charging will be occupied by fuel vehicles. In addition, on the public charging pile, if the charging time is long, the parking fee is also high. "




Who is in charge of safety


Fortunately for Mr. Guo, the installation process of the charging pile in Xicheng home is not troublesome. The person in charge of the property told Beijing Business Daily that after the car owners have prepared the charging pile, they just need to find the property and seal it, and the remaining owners can operate it by themselves, without additional documents and approval process.


Not all built-up communities have complete conditions to support the construction of charging piles. In the old residential areas in the main urban area of Beijing, due to the early construction, there is not enough space and power resources, so fire safety has become one of the core issues.


Although the fire situation is not as serious as that of electric bicycle, the fire problems of new energy vehicles occur from time to time. Just on May 28, a new energy electric vehicle in Heyuan City of Guangdong Province suddenly fumed after charging for an hour. The owner immediately pulled off the power supply to stop charging and called the police. This fire safety hazard has also become one of the reasons why many properties and residents vote against charging piles entering the community.


Yao Yao, a new energy owner who lives in an old residential area in Chaoyang District, told Beijing Business Daily: "if you want to install charging piles in an old residential area, it involves the problems of" wiring "and" installing piles ", which all involve power on. There are bound to be some security risks in the process." In Yaoyao's community, if you want to install charging piles, you need to communicate with nearby residents to sign a letter of responsibility related to fire hazards" Most of the residents are unwilling. After all, it is dangerous. " Helpless Yao Yao finally can only choose to go to the public charging pile charging.


In order to ensure the safety of charging pile into the community, the national development and Reform Commission also indicated in the draft that the charging safety supervision and management system should be covered to the charging facilities in the residential community. Speed up the establishment of fire safety accident treatment and traceability mechanism, and strengthen the safety responsibility of vehicle enterprises and battery enterprises.


Ouyang Minggao, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and executive vice chairman of the 100 people association of China's electric vehicles, had previously publicly explained the cause of the new energy vehicle charging fire. Generally speaking, thermal runaway usually occurs at full power. So when overcharging, thermal runaway is easy to be triggered. At the same time, in the state of charge, the battery is connected with the charging system, which further increases the possibility of thermal runaway.


In response to safety issues, on May 20, Ju Qiang, chief scientist of telecall, said at the first China electric vehicle charging facility technology innovation conference that since July 1, cars that have been charging under the platform of telecall charging network for a long time will "burn down, I will pay for the car" during the charging process.


This measure is also known as "car burning insurance". On the same day, the special call also released the "charging safety protection plan", electric vehicle users can enjoy vehicle charging safety protection and early warning services. In addition, Ju Qiang also said that next, in principle, the new piles only do DC, not AC, to protect the charging safety of vehicles to the greatest extent.




Small capacity increase and high cost


Tianyan data show that the annual registration growth rate of China's charging pile related enterprises is more than 30% from 2016 to 2020. In 2015, there were only about 5000 charging pile related enterprises in China. In 2020, there will be more than 29000 new charging pile related enterprises, which is nearly six times of 2015. The charging pile, which has been included in the "new infrastructure", will generate a trillion level market after receiving the increasing investment from all kinds of capital.


Such a large scale reflects the great potential of new energy vehicles, and also drives charging pile enterprises to seize the market. But so many enterprises want a share, but they are struggling to promote the construction of private piles.


Liu Yongdong, vice president of electric vehicles and energy storage branch of China Electric Power Union, told Beijing Business Daily: "in 2015, the state issued guidelines, which mainly focus on slow charging, supplemented by fast charging. The main purpose is to hope everyone to charge at home. However, the development in recent years is not satisfactory in terms of seeking truth from facts. Although the number of public piles has been planned, there are no private piles. "


The progress of private piles is hindered, and charging pile enterprises feel deeply. "The cost of investment and construction in Beijing is much higher than that in other cities, and the investment of high-pressure is relatively high," Wang said. If you choose a place to do it, the process and cycle will be relatively long when reporting piles. "


On the other hand, Chen Sheng, the business director of electric vehicle charging facilities of Shenzhen aotexin Power Equipment Co., Ltd., also told Beijing Business Daily: "the surplus capacitance within the Third Ring Road of Beijing is less, and it is more difficult to increase the capacity of the old city. In addition to the Third Ring Road, we have also found some venues that are qualified for capacity expansion. The cost of capacity expansion is high, which leads to too much investment cost. "


Beijing business daily learned that one of the reasons for the high power consumption pressure is that the charging mode adopted by most new energy vehicle users is "disorderly charging", which is a fixed power output. When the parking time is decided by users, the normal load and charging load of residents are superimposed, which aggravates the peak load level of power grid.


For most community car owners, as long as they can plug in the gun at night and leave in the morning, the middle charging process is relatively less important. Therefore, "orderly charging" came into being.


It is reported that taking the smart energy system of State Grid as the main station, an orderly charging plan can be formulated without transforming the power grid and affecting the normal power consumption of residents. Once the power load of the residential area is too large, the charging pile will adjust the charging sequence or automatically reduce the output power according to the master station control strategy, so as to give priority to the residents' normal life power. At the same time, according to the smart charging strategy, it can charge independently during the period of low electricity price, so as to reduce the charging cost and save the waiting time for car owners.


"Operator mode" favored


Although the development of new energy vehicle industry is in full swing, the shortage of charging piles has become a constraint. According to the data released by China electric charging infrastructure promotion alliance, as of the end of December 2020, there are 1.681 million charging piles nationwide, an increase of 37.9% compared with 2019. But in 2020, the ratio of vehicle to pile is about 3:1, which is still in short supply.


"Therefore, the development of residential areas must be intensified." Liu Yongdong said, "from the perspective of the future technology development route, we should encourage people to charge at home, slow charging, and the public's experience."


This has also been recognized by enterprises. In Wang Liang's view, the construction of charging pile mainly focuses on "two points and one line", namely residence and destination. Previously, the construction of public piles has better covered the destination, so the construction of private piles in residential areas has naturally become a new force for enterprises.


However, in view of the problems mentioned before, Liu Yongdong thinks that it should be a three-dimensional and diversified technical solution, which should be dealt with according to the situation: "in view of the insufficient capacity of the community and the different opinions of the site, property, residents and neighborhood committee, we can solve the problems by orderly charging; If the capacity is enough, it can be transformed; Some communities have no space and capacity, so they can only build shared high-power DC chargers around to solve the problem. And the new community should be built according to the ratio of 1:1, improve the residential design specifications, and design the connection mode of each line


It is worth noting that the operation mode of charging point is also changing. Previously, in addition to a very small number of charging piles built in the community, most of them were purchased by car owners through car companies and then installed. The shape, price and performance of each charging pile are uneven, which is not conducive to the product quality control of the whole charging pile in residential areas.


In 2018, the general office of the State Council issued the guiding opinions on accelerating the construction of electric vehicle charging infrastructure, which made it clear that the standards should be unified, universal and open, and the standards related to engineering construction, operation service and maintenance management should be improved. Behind this guidance, the "operator mode" is actually promoted to operate the charging pile market.


This similar broadband operation mode is also the direction of special call. Wang Liang said: "the operator's mode means unified construction and management. We are responsible for all the installation, construction, negotiation and safety issues. If there are problems, you can come to us directly. You don't need to go door to door."


Liu Yongdong also suggested that "the power grid company can undertake more obligations, such as electricity, laying lines, and even the power grid company can unify accessories in the community to break the inherent mode. Now the performance and quality of our charging piles are different, and there will be difficulties in operation and maintenance. In the future, we can unify this standard, hand it over to the charging point operators for management, and use the resources, which needs more detailed documents to be issued. "


Reporter: Tao Fengruan Hangda


Editor Hu Ke


update time:2021-06-01 09:47:36


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