Prism Huang Guangyu's return for a hundred days: the "price war" with high hopes has few repercussions, and will it compete with ALI Rigang?


Home appliances are the basic products of Gome. Just a few days before Huang Guangyu made close contact with suppliers and consolidated the alliance, he just released a plan to enter the trillion yuan home decoration market at the "Gome and dresser app Strategy Conference". This is his first public appearance at a major event since his official release.


Compared with ten years ago, Huang Guangyu is a little fatter, but his hair, which was once stripped off due to anxiety and even shaved, has all grown out. He and azalea sat in the middle of the first row, and his mother Zeng Chanzhen sat behind him.


The host introduced Huang Guangyu as the "founder of Gome holding group" -- according to the company law, the economic crimes he committed in 2010, such as illegal business operation, can only be taken up as senior management after "five years after the expiration of the execution period". That is to say, at present, Huang Guangyu has no management position in Gome, but the employees still call him "boss Huang". Enterprise inspection shows that there are still 286 "Gome" enterprises controlled by Huang Guangyu.


As the "finale" speech, Huang Guangyu spoke for nearly 20 minutes, with internet terms such as sharing and co construction, information island and B2B2C emerging from time to time. He said that as early as December 2020, home decoration BIM platform "dressing home" was officially controlled by Gome, with a shareholding ratio of 80%. Huang Guangyu expected that "dresser" would realize the vision of 500 billion Gmv within three years, and disclosed that Gome would start a "price war" during May Day.


Such Huang Guangyu is familiar. More than ten years ago, he was famous for his fierce marketing means and "price butcher". At the investors' conference call on April 7, Huang Guangyu said that Gome, Jingdong and pinduoduo could not destroy anyone, and predicted that the profit of Gome's supply chain platform this year was expected to exceed 800 million.


Since February 17, Huang Guangyu has been free for a hundred days. He is eager to restructure. However, Gome's road to "rejuvenation" is very difficult. In recent years, Gome's store revenue has declined and its popularity is low; In January, the user cognition of "true happiness" app, which was revised and launched, needs to be improved; Huang Guangyu's expectation of Gome's "May 1 price war" was limited, and his e-commerce rivals did not respond positively.


How does Gome recover the "lost decade"?


How to define "original market position"?


"After Huang Guangyu's return to Gome, the biggest change brought to the company is that Gome may have been a conservative and passive company in the past, but today it is more of an aggressive company." After the Strategy Conference of Gome and dresser app, he Yangqing, CEO of Gome investment company, told the media who came to the conference.


The author learned from the internal staff of Gome that after Huang Guangyu launched the "Gome revival plan" in February, the morale of the company was high and "all departments worked overtime day and night". At the end of February, Huang Guangyu convened another meeting attended by all members of Beijing headquarters. According to the participants, he was excited and "talked for nearly three hours" at the meeting, announcing that Gome would lay out retail, investment, home decoration, real estate and other sectors in the future, and open up online and offline strategies; It also introduces a large-scale talent recruitment plan called "talent gathering plan".


In the past ten years, Huang Guangyu's wife cuckoo has been in charge of Gome. Under the "conservative treatment" advocated by Huang Guangyu in prison, Gome maintained 15 quarters of continuous profits from 2013 to 2016, but also saw Jingdong, Ali and Suning step by step expand their territory in huge investment, loss and price war.


When Huang Guangyu was jailed in 2008, Gome had a total revenue of 45.889 billion yuan and a net profit of 1.048 billion yuan. In 2020, Gome's revenue was 44.119 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 25.83%, and its net profit loss was 6.994 billion yuan.


According to the data of China Institute of electronic information industry development, among the retailers of Chinese household appliances in the first three quarters of 2020, Jingdong, Suning, and tmall accounted for 26.67%, 20.98% and 15.40% respectively; Gome only got 5.18% of the market share, and was far from the first echelon.


In 2020, with parole approaching, Gome's commercial pace began to accelerate significantly and gradually turned to "attack".


In April and may 2020, pinduoduo and Jingdong respectively subscribed for $200 million and $100 million convertible bonds of Gome retail. Wang Junzhou, President of Gome retail, told the media that the time for the two deals to be concluded is very short, especially the negotiation with pinduoduo took only three days.


In September of the same year, Xiang Hailong, former senior vice president of Baidu, joined Gome as executive vice president of Gome retail and CEO of Gome online.


Behind these changes, Huang Guangyu's return is obviously the most important weight. Retail expert Zhuang Shuai told the author: Huang Guangyu is of great significance to Gome, which is reflected in many aspects, such as capital operation, introduction of senior talents, stock price expectation, etc" If Huang Guangyu doesn't get out of prison, how can Xiang Hailong go to Gome? Pinduoduo and Jingdong will naturally get some key information in advance. "


With Huang Guangyu's parole and formal release as the two targets, Gome's stock price, which has been declining in the past decade, began to rise. From April to June 2020, Gome retail (0493. HK) rose from HK $0.66/share to HK $1.66/share, returning to the "1 era" for the first time in four years. On June 24, 2020, when Huang Guangyu was released on parole, Gome's share price rose by 17.39%. After its official release in February 2021, Gome's share price rose to the highest of HK $2.55 per share, once surpassing Suning's.


In January 2021, as a prelude to Huang Guangyu's formal release from prison, Gome announced that it would update "Gome online" to "really happy" app. According to the enterprise survey, from the end of 2020 to the beginning of this year, centering on "true happiness", Gome has successively registered a number of companies with similar styles, including brands such as oueyao, Lehe box and aiyugou.


Two days after his release from prison, Huang Guangyu put forward the plan of "restoring Gome's original market position within 18 months" at the executive meeting, which caused heated discussion in the market.


How to define "original market position"? Huang Guangyu and the executives did not make it clear. Zhuang Shuai believes that the "original market position" can be understood as the volume of home appliance shipment and the stock price of Gome. Especially when Suning is in debt crisis, Huang Guangyu's return has a different meaning -- on February 28, Shenzhen International Holdings (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Kunpeng Equity Investment Management Co., Ltd., owned by Shenzhen state owned assets, acquired 23% of Suning e-buy's shares with a total price of 14.817 billion yuan.


"After Huang Guangyu's return, Gome is bound to move towards the path of full channel, full format and continuous increment. Suning should get rid of heavy assets by selling stocks, joining logistics and stores. This process will affect their market value change and market cognition. Huang Guangyu's judgment on this change process may be 18 months. " Zhuang Shuai said.


New story: it's hard to gather the popularity of "really happy"


After Huang Guangyu's return, Gome certainly needs an exciting new story, but what's the effect of making such a subversive change as updating Gome online to "really happy" app after 100 days?


At the investors' conference in April, Fang Wei, CFO of Gome retail, disclosed that since the first quarter of this year, the monthly live users of the app have been about 40 million, the daily live users have exceeded 10 million, and the Gmv has increased by more than 400% year on year. In the next 18 months, the company hopes to achieve more than 100 million monthly live users. Huang Guangyu then added: the rapid growth rate of monthly living is mainly due to "the small base of products".


According to the internal staff, Huang Guangyu has high hopes for "true happiness" and hopes to refresh Gome's brand. However, the current passenger flow is expensive, and the source of new customers needs to rely on Gome's "self hemopoiesis". It is reported that Huang Guangyu said at the staff meeting that the Gome system has accumulated more than 200 million users, but many of them are offline "sleeping users". If they can be activated and transferred online, "true happiness" will explode with great energy.


It is not easy for this idea to form a practical transformation. In the past decade, Gome online, which has experienced many changes and CEO changes, has a low popularity. Previously, the design of "Gome online" was not even like an e-commerce app, but placed "Gome housekeeper" with installation and after-sales functions in an obvious position.


Has the "true happiness" app solved the historical problem of "Gome online"? The author started to download "true happiness" in February. After a period of observation, it was found that the product types and SKUs in the app increased significantly. At present, the home page focuses on the display of promotional products. On the left side of the page, there are several labels, such as xiaohuji, Zhenxuan, 999, live broadcast, etc. the video connection function of "real person shopping guide" is designed in the upper right corner.


Among them, "Zhenxuan" is similar to pinduoduo's low price goods" "99" simulated the "plus members" of Jingdong; Open the "live" page and scroll the live broadcast of GOME stores across the country. To a certain extent, the "really happy" app is like a "platter", integrating the popular functions of multiple head e-commerce.


But from the user's perception level, the current "true happiness" app does not have more sense of existence than the previous "Gome online".


In tiktok, search for "real happiness", the key word in the relevant words is "grab Moutai". There are many users who focus on "wool" and share them on tiktok and know: Moutai is really good at APP, and Moutai is better than Jingdong, Tmall and Suning.


Besides, the official users of the "tiktok" on the shaking voice have only 100 thousand fans, and most fans inherited from the Gome before rename. Recently, the number of likes for each video released by "really happy" is only a few to dozens, and the interaction is also very cold. Before the change of name, the number of likes in a single video of "Gome" could reach about 10000.


Comparison of "tiktok" and "Beijing Gome"


It can be seen that the "Gome" online platform has been upgraded to "true happiness" and has not been implanted into the minds of users. Comparatively speaking, "Beijing Gome", as the institutional account of offline stores, is more like Gome's home, with 58000 fans and thousands to tens of thousands of likes per promotion video.


However, this figure is still far from competitive. For example, tiktok has about 3000000 fans in's super voice buying account.


So, where are the new users of the "really happy" app mentioned by Fang Wei at the investors' conference?


Recently, the author visited many GOME stores in Beijing" The advertisement of "really happy" app can be seen everywhere in the store. The author found several SKUs with refrigerators, washing machines and TVs in the store, and the prices of the two were roughly the same. Although the store has certain advantages in commodity price and experience, the popularity in the store is still very cold, with only a few middle-aged and elderly customers.


Few customers in Beijing Xibahe Gome store


In the store, some employees selling electrical appliances are doing online live broadcasting through app, which is a new requirement put forward by Gome to employees.


Wang Lihang, head of Kwai Hing capital investment bank, said in an interview that the rapid operation of the direct broadcast has profoundly changed the underlying logic of the electricity supplier industry since the second half of 2019. One of Gome's important assets is that it has 100000 level offline employees, and it is likely to become a live shopping guide in the future. It's going to make a lot of difference, though there are still many hurdles to cross. "


It seems that what Huang Guangyu is doing is seeking to turn 100000 store employees into online shopping guides. The author learned from the internal staff that Gome headquarters assigned live broadcast tasks to the store staff.


Tiktok, jitter, and Kwai Tai, however, are the premise of their own goods, but they are not rich in flow. According to the author's observation, most of the stores on the live broadcast page sell electrical appliances with low repurchase rate and high decision-making difficulty, and the number of viewers is generally only dozens. On the "boss live" page led by the regional leaders of Gome, the number of viewers is often only more than 1000.


"Really happy" stores live page, the general number of viewers less than 50 people


Since the beginning of the year, Gome has asked its employees to guide customers to place orders through the "really happy" app, time finance reported. The target of placing an order is 10% - 20%, which has risen to 90% at present; And the live broadcast assessment target requires that the number of viewers of each scene should not be less than 30. Some employees suggested that management emulate and broadcast live in the voice. But Gome wants to keep the traffic as far as possible in the "real happiness" APP unless other platforms allow tiktok to link the "real happy" product.


Reappearance of Finance and technology: the capital problem of "comprehensive rejuvenation"


Before his imprisonment, Huang Guangyu was good at selling goods through channels, dumping at low prices and expanding rapidly. Dong Mingzhu also avoided his fierce spirit. In the interview, the latter once shook his head and said: "Huang Guangyu used the low price to attack the shopping malls and wanted to eliminate all the small dealers in our way. At that time, our people couldn't offend him. Dalian lock is so powerful! "


At present, retail has entered the era of user and scene differentiation, multiple channel fragmentation and high coupling of supply chain. Tiktok Kwai is not only fighting with Jingdong, Ali, Suning and other old rivals, but also competing with many new competitors such as a lot of players, jigsaw and fast hands. In addition to the right strategy, it also needs abundant cash flow support. But now, Gome's hematopoietic capacity is stretched year by year.


From 2016 to 2020, the number of Gome retail stores has increased from 1628 to 3400. While the number of stores increased, Gome's revenue continued to narrow, from 76.7 billion yuan to 44.1 billion yuan. In terms of single store revenue, Gome dropped from 47.11 million yuan / store to 12.97 million yuan / store, a decline of more than 70%.


In the absence of an effective way to increase the revenue of a single store, Gome announced in the investor conference that it would expand to 6000 stores in the form of "self operated + franchise" in the next 18 months.


Although in the plan disclosed by Gome, the stores to be expanded are mainly county level stores with low investment; In the future, Gome will optimize the structure of large stores and implant comprehensive experience businesses such as home decoration, department stores, supermarkets and cinemas; At the same time, Gome is also using the asset light operation mode, trying to leverage the layout of "Gome excellent food" and other new modes of hot pot food supermarket - but on the whole, the amount of cash needed by Gome is still huge.


According to the annual report of Gome retail in 2020, the company's current assets are about 37 billion yuan. By the end of 2020, Gome retail has about 9.6 billion yuan in cash and cash equivalents. The cash flow of 10 billion orders of magnitude is obviously difficult to cover Huang Guangyu's comprehensive recovery plan.


Under the premise of insufficient investment, Huang Guangyu's most familiar "price war" weapon has become less effective.


"Really happy" app's may day price war, the main product coupons were robbed early


In 2005, Huang Guangyu personally supervised the war and opened GOME stores in the hinterland 200 meters away from Suning's Nanjing headquarters. Attracted by the "low price", 100000 people poured into the stores in the middle of the night. Five minutes later, the glass door was broken, creating a classic battle of business war.


During the May Day of 2021, Huang Guangyu mentioned "price war" again. However, according to the author's observation on the "true happiness" app, although his main selling iPhone 12 and a number of home appliance brands are cheaper than the 10 billion subsidy of Jingdong and pinduoduo in the same period, since the morning of May 1, most of 3C products' shopping coupons have been snapped up. In the next few days, "really happy" did not put more 3C products on the front page of promotion, but adjusted the special products to daily necessities.


Gome needs more ammunition.


In August 2020, two months after he was released from prison on parole, Huang Guangyu quickly sold off the yuexiucheng project in Beijing's south 2nd Ring Road and recovered more than 6 billion yuan of working capital.


On April 7, 2021, Gome retail announced that it plans to rent three properties, Gome Shangdu, Xiangjiang No.9 and Pengrun building, from GOME Management Co., Ltd. controlled by Huang Guangyu, for a maximum period of 19 years, with a total rent of about 17.865 billion yuan. The transaction form of rent is that Gome retail issues 9.924 billion shares to Gome management at HK $2.11 per share (the current share price is about HK $1.20). After the issuance, the equity ratio of Huang Guangyu and his associates in Gome retail will increase from 51.17% to 65.52%.


Through the above operation, Huang Guangyu almost does not need to use cash or transfer the property ownership to complete the multiple purposes of equity increase, debt reduction, equity dilution or mortgage refinancing of Gome retail.


The move once made Gome's share price rise by 10%, but it also aroused criticism from shareholders that the premium issuance diluted the rights and interests of small and medium shareholders.


On April 8, the next day of trading, JPMorgan issued a research report, pointing out that the recent rise of Gome's share price was mainly due to the active communication between senior executives and market investors after Huang Guangyu's release, and the positive impact had been over reflected.


"Gome is ambitious for its future development, but its prospects and plans are not clear," JPMorgan wrote in the report. The company plans to increase investment in community services and fresh food business, which will weaken the balance sheet and push up the financing cost. It is expected that the risk of equity allotment will increase. In view of the fierce competition faced by the business and uncertain development prospects, the company reiterated its "underweight" rating and raised its target price from HK $0.5 to HK $0.55. "


Home decoration market: fight with Ali?


In general, Gome will face the same long-term transformation problem as Suning if it wants to regain its "market position" from the retail battlefield. From the perspective of capital volume and e-commerce status, it is difficult for Gome to fully press on, and Huang Guangyu needs to find a new breakthrough.


At the strategic press conference of Gome and the dresser app, he Yangqing said: if we continue to promote the same e-commerce model as Jingdong tmall, it will be difficult for Gome to form a new pattern and competitiveness. Gome is expanding from the pan family field to the Pan home field, from the network construction of offline community stores to the family businesses of eating, drinking, shopping and housekeeping.


"If the market scale of dresser app reaches 500 billion in 2024, I believe the scale of Gome can also increase more than three times." He Yangqing has optimistic expectations for Gome, which cooperates with the "dresser".


Cui Jian, CEO of "dresser", also predicts that in the next three years, there will be 1 million designers on the app design platform; On the material platform, there will be 100 million digital SKUs; On the construction platform, there will be 10 million workers.


In fact, it is not new for Gome to covet the home decoration market. In 2017, Gome invested 216 million yuan in round C financing of aispace, and jointly built the "aispace" Gome store, trying to start from the new scene and guide the flow to e-commerce and home appliance services.


However, home furnishing Internet plus home decoration industry has begun to turn from vigorous development to bubble breaking. In 2015, it was named "the first year of Internet home decoration" by the industry. Before and after that, according to the statistical data of yiou, there were more than 100 Internet home financing cases, attracting nearly 10 billion yuan of investment. In the same year, Vanke joined hands with chain home to create "Wanlian decoration" in a high profile, and imagined that the sales would rise to 1 billion in two years.


However, just two or three years later, the Internet home decoration industry is gradually silent because it stops trading and is difficult to go deep into heavy investment fields such as design, material selection and construction. A number of Internet home decoration enterprises, such as meizhuang and zhaishifu, closed down, and Wanlian decoration also came to a hasty end.


The cooperation between Gome and "love space" is also in trouble" According to the report released by talking data, the proportion of Internet home decoration users using "love space" is only 1.2% in 2020, far behind tubatu, haohaozhu, kujiale and other brands.

不过,随着行业的逐步洗牌,也有新的力量瞄准这万亿的市场机遇。2019年,阿里先后推出了jiyoujia和"laiping designer",并先后投资曾智佳和红星美凯龙,寻求线上平台和线下流量的耦合。京东家装和苏宁家装继续从不同方向深化布局,如无界零售、流量倾斜、深度培育家居物流等。

However, with the gradual reshuffle of the industry, there are new forces aiming at this trillion market opportunity. In 2019, Ali successively launched jiyoujia and "laiping designer", and successively invested in zengzhijia and red star Macalline to seek the coupling of online platform and offline traffic. Jingdong home decoration and Suning home decoration continue to deepen their layout from different directions, such as unbounded retail, flow tilt, deep cultivation of home logistics, etc.


Just two days before Gome released its cooperation strategy with "dresser", on April 27, at the communication conference of Hangzhou tmall home decoration merchants, en Zhong, general manager of tmall home decoration business department, announced that in the next three years, tmall home decoration will hit the transaction record of 1 trillion yuan.


Standing in front of Gome is still these familiar competitors. In the home decoration market, can Gome establish its own unique advantages? Zhao Xiaomin, CEO of guanshuo enterprise and deputy director of postal express special committee of Shanghai Transportation Commission, told the author that Gome's core opportunities now lie in its own store resources and its Anxin logistics.


"There is a lot of bargaining space between the upstream and downstream of building materials, many stores are deeply rooted, and there is a special alliance relationship with local dealers. The state is promoting the rural revitalization, and the physical stores undertake the employment security, and play the role of de leverage. In the future, as an independent sector, Anxin logistics also has the opportunity of IPO and refinancing Zhao Xiaomin said.


At the strategy meeting, Huang Guangyu's solution for the home decoration industry was "Gome should be a referee, not a player", establishing a platform, setting standards and collaborative optimization for the disordered home decoration industry, and forming a closed industrial chain with the help of Gome's offline stores and "real happiness" platform.


However, before Vanke, chain home and other real estate developers were defeated, and then Ali home decoration was ambitious and paid a lot of money. Whether the home decoration blueprint outlined by Huang Guangyu can help Gome revive its market position remains to be solved.


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update time:2021-06-01 09:47:36


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