Sun Zhengyi quietly turned over and made a small profit of $2.4 billion


As everyone knows, Sun Zhengyi has blown the bubble of shared economy. Later, he tasted Wework's failure and missed the bitter taste of Airbnb.


However, surprisingly, in the medical industry with high R & D investment and long return cycle, he has gained considerable gains. As time goes on, the value of his layout on this track is emerging.


A total of 86 projects were invested in the first phase of the vision fund, 10 of which were related to medical health. From its establishment in 2016 to the end of December last year, five medical projects were listed in the first phase of vision fund, earning a total return of $4.422 billion.


This is equivalent to nearly a fifth of the revenue for the first phase of the vision fund. By the end of last year, the total return of vision fund phase I was $20.4 billion.


More than that, the return of sun Zhengyi investment is greater than Uber's contribution to the first phase of the vision fund. By the end of last year, Uber had the second highest return in the first phase of the vision fund, with a harvest of $3.7 billion, while the combined return of medical projects was more than $700 million.


And compared with the head companies of popular industries such as Uber, the capital efficiency of medical investment is much higher, and the income of his medical investment is to earn higher returns with lower investment costs. He invested $1.238 billion in the above five medical companies, while Uber spent a total of $7.666 billion.


Therefore, sun Zhengyi's medical achievements can not be ignored. He seized the opportunity ahead of time and got a high return. The most convincing case is that guardian health's return to the vision fund is $2.4 billion.


After tasting the sweet, sun Zhengyi increased the layout in the medical field. At present, more than ten medical projects have been invested in the second phase of vision fund.

在guardian health投资3亿美元,两年赚了24亿美元

Invested $300 million in guardian health and earned $2.4 billion in two years

癌症早期筛查公司卫士健康(guardian health)为愿景基金的第一阶段提供服务,这一点尤其值得关注。24亿美元,约149亿元人民币,高于其他四个医疗项目的收入总和。这样的投资回报率在医疗行业也很少见。

The return of guardian health, a cancer early screening company, for the first phase of the vision fund is particularly noteworthy. 2.4 billion US dollars, about 14.9 billion yuan, which is higher than the income of the other four medical projects combined. This level of return on investment is also rare in the medical industry.


"This is probably the top 1 in China," a medical investor commented. "Most of the listed companies in China have a market value of 3-30 billion yuan, and a few have a market value of more than 100 billion yuan. Assuming that the largest investor holds 15% of the shares, most of the returns are between $500 million and $5 billion. Globally, there may be other medical projects with higher returns, but they will certainly rank in the top


The superstar case of domestic medical investment last year was Qiming's investment in Ganli pharmaceutical, while the return of sun Zhengyi's investment in guardant health was similar to the former. Ganli pharmaceutical was listed last year with a market value of over 100 billion yuan. Qiming venture capital is the largest shareholder behind it, holding about 20% of the shares. According to the latest market value of 73.5 billion yuan, the return is about 14.7 billion yuan.


But in this case written into the history of domestic venture capital, Qiming has been waiting for 10 years, and people will naturally pursue the example of seeing big money more quickly and in a shorter time. For example, Lin Xinhe of DCM once mentioned that Saifu, DCM and Warburg Pincus all got a return of US $1 billion by investing 58, but he said that it taught him a lesson. He thought that the smartest one was the PE organization Warburg Pincus, which had the shortest waiting time for the harvest.


With the same return of nearly 15 billion yuan, sun Zhengyi only waited for two years on the project of guardant health.


From the perspective of investment process, this is another example in sharp contrast to the classic early investment.


Qiming invested in Ganli pharmaceutical early, starting from round a of Ganli pharmaceutical in 2009. It's undeniable that this is extremely effective. The investment threshold of the medical industry is high, and it is difficult to make decisions if it is not professional enough.

软银对卫士健康的投资甚至更晚。Guardant health成立于2011年。2018年,它启动了3.6亿美元的e轮融资。此时,孙正义率先投资3.08亿元。同年,卫士健康完成IPO,IPO前软银持股33.4%。

Softbank's investment in guardian health is even later. Guardant health was established in 2011. In 2018, it started a $360 million e-round financing. At this time, sun Zhengyi took the lead in investing $308 million. In the same year, guardian health completed its IPO, with Softbank holding 33.4% before the IPO.


It can be said that both the amount of a single investment and the shareholding ratio are very high. According to the statistics of arterial network, in the global health investment and financing events in 2018, the average round e financing amount of medical enterprises was about US $100 million. This also means that most of the single investment in the e round of medical projects at that time was less than $100 million.


It can only be said that sun Zhengyi's crazy playing style is quite different from that of most investors.


Judging from the investors of guard health round e, the competition for investment share is also fierce. There are Silicon Valley Sequoia Capital and Singapore consortium Temasek. Even Sequoia, an old shareholder, participated in the round B financing in 2014, but Sun Zhengyi gained enough voice with the "weapon of capital" in the eyes of his peers.


On the track of medical treatment, which has a higher "lower limit" than TMT, large-scale play can make sun Zhengyi feel at ease.


This company has also been supported by many Chinese venture capital companies, such as speed of light venture capital, Aobo capital, China science investment, etc.


Guardian health was favored because it was expected to change the way of cancer screening. It was able to conduct biopsy through blood test, which was much more convenient than surgery in cancer screening.


More importantly, there is a huge market scale for support. Yahoo Finance has reported that guardant360, one of the company's biopsy products, has a potential market size of US $6 billion. The annual potential market value of other biopsy products, lunar-1, will reach US $15 billion. The annual market opportunities of lunar-2 may exceed US $30 billion.


After its listing in 2018, guaranthealth has a market value of about $8 billion, and now it is about $12.7 billion.


After tasting the sweetness, "conservatively" is vigorously layout


The achievements of the first phase of the vision fund are also closely related to the overall environment.


Affected by the epidemic, the S & P 500 healthcare sector index rose nearly 23 percent in the past year. According to the report of CICC, last year's stock ETF received the largest net inflow, among which the pharmaceutical and biological industry was in the forefront.


The stock prices of the five medical companies mentioned above have almost doubled last year.


Under the influence of secondary market sentiment, the upsurge of medical investment is also in the ascendant.

例如,去年在液体活检领域出现了并购趋势。市值近600亿美元的生物科技公司Illumina去年以80亿美元收购了专注于癌症早期筛查的grail。肿瘤早期筛查公司Exact sciences以21.5亿美元收购了成立一年的液体活检初创公司thrive。

Last year, for example, there was a trend of M & A in the field of fluid biopsy. Illumina, a biotech company with a market value of nearly $60 billion, bought grail, which focuses on early screening for cancer, for $8 billion last year. Exact sciences, a tumor early screening company, acquired thrive, a one-year-old liquid biopsy startup, for $2.15 billion.

但孙正义提前抓住了机会,获得了高收入。不久,生物制药和医疗技术公司roivant Sciences也将通过spac上市。

But Sun Zhengyi seized the opportunity ahead of time and gained high income. Soon, the biopharmaceutical and medical technology company, roivant Sciences, will also be listed through spac.


After the investment in medical treatment tasted the sweetness, sun Zhengyi also increased the layout in this field. At present, more than ten medical projects have been invested in the second phase of vision fund.

例如,去年2月,一家血液检测公司karius B筹集了1.65亿美元,而vision基金的第二阶段则是这项投资的领头羊。去年12月,数字医疗科技公司pearl therapeutics在D轮融资8000万美元,领跑了远景基金二期的投资。今年4月,智能医疗影像诊断公司Edda募集资金1.5亿美元,由视觉基金二期牵头投资。

For example, in February last year, karius B, a blood testing company, raised US $165 million, and the second phase of vision Fund led the investment. In December last year, pearl therapeutics, a digital medical technology company, raised $80 million in round D, leading the investment of vision fund phase II. In April this year, Edda, an intelligent medical imaging and diagnosis company, raised US $150 million, and the second phase of vision Fund led the investment.


But it is also obvious that sun Zhengyi's approach to medical treatment has become more conservative. Although it's still the key investment in a good project, the amount of a single investment is on the decline. At present, we still don't see a single investment of 300 million US dollars - following the trend, rather than running ahead of the trend - Mr. Sun is still strong, but he is not ready to exercise "pricing power" with scale on this track.


update time:2021-05-31 18:56:41


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