Zhao CHANGPENG: in the middle of cryptocurrency

赵昌鹏创立了coin an,在加密货币领域有着巨大的能量,但他并不是这一领域的典型企业家。他不是一个坚定的信徒或狂热的传教士。

Zhao CHANGPENG, who founded coin an and has great energy in the cryptocurrency world, is not a typical entrepreneur in this field. He is not a firm believer or a fanatical preacher.


His characteristic is "lack of characteristic". Zhao CHANGPENG is not tall, not short, not fat, not thin. His ideas and ways of doing things are the same. In the blockchain industry, he is the one in the middle.


He was initially attracted by the freedom of cryptocurrency. Since he sold his house in Shanghai and bought bitcoin in 2014, he has gradually transferred most of his personal assets to cryptocurrency. According to him, cryptocurrency assets now account for 99% of his personal wealth. He never bought a house or other fixed assets because of "poor liquidity".


On the other hand, Zhao CHANGPENG, who values freedom and liquidity, also takes a positive view of the government's supervision of cryptocurrency. He said he was by no means an extreme anarchist. He could not imagine how society would work and how people would protect themselves without the government and the police.


The coin security founded by Zhao CHANGPENG is also an intermediate product.


Coin an is not a typical company. It has no headquarters, no offices. Nearly 3000 members around the world work from home. A coin'an employee said that his entry procedures were all done by flying to the city where HR is located and at HR's home.


But coin an is not a typical decentralized community organization. It still has CEO Zhao CHANGPENG, senior management position and reporting relationship. It uses two sets of task assessment systems, OKR and KPI. When determining OKR, Zhao CHANGPENG will first determine his own OKR, and others will dismantle Zhao CHANGPENG's OKR -- just like most Internet companies that use OKR.


Behind the middle line and the compatibility of contradictory things, there is Zhao CHANGPENG's pragmatism. Centralization or decentralization, firmness or swing -- he doesn't pay much attention to these evaluation dimensions with blockchain characteristics. His criteria for many things are: whether it is reasonable, beneficial and necessary.


For example, on social media, although contrary to his nature of "not showing up", Zhao CHANGPENG is very active because it helps him communicate with users. He has 2.6 million followers on twitter, 700000 more than Ethereum founder vitalik buterin.

为了在分散化金融(以下简称defi)中推广BSc(binance smart chain)的关键布局,赵长鹏有时甚至有意与以太坊进行对接,外界将以太坊视为以太坊的标杆,"BSc比以太坊小,对BSc有利"

In order to promote the key layout of BSc (binance smart chain) in decentralized Finance (hereinafter referred to as defi), Zhao CHANGPENG sometimes even deliberately connects with Ethereum, which is regarded as the benchmark of Ethereum by the outside world" BSC is smaller than Ethereum, which is good for BSC. "


Acting according to reasonable, pragmatic and useful standards, Zhao CHANGPENG is not so persistent in blockchain and cryptocurrency itself. In 2014, he entered the industry by selling real estate and buying money, and seemed determined. However, during the market downturn from 2015 to 2017, he once left the field of cryptocurrency and entered the popular cultural goods trading industry at that time. He became a company providing trading system for postal and currency cards (stamps, coins, telephone cards and other collections).


From the results, the incomplete firmness of cryptocurrency does not affect the success of Zhao CHANGPENG and Qian an in this field. Zhao CHANGPENG believes that the core competitiveness of the cryptocurrency exchange is no different from similar products in the past, and it is better to serve users. Pragmatic, compatible and diversified style can help them serve as many global users as possible.


In the background of a new round of bull market and shock of cryptocurrency, we talked with Zhao CHANGPENG about the market and value of bitcoin, the business transformation and organization management of coin an, his observation of industry supervision and his own state in the complex environment.


In 1989, 12-year-old Zhao CHANGPENG left his birthplace in Jiangsu, China and immigrated to Vancouver, Canada with his family. Many things foreshadowed at that time. In middle school, Zhao CHANGPENG was the captain of the volleyball team for four years. He said that he was more like a glue on the court - he was not the tallest, he was not the strongest in attack, he was "not the one who killed the ball", he was responsible for coordinating the whole court.



"Bitcoin is a new technology platform, not an asset"


Late: since mid April, bitcoin has fallen from a high close to $65000 to as low as $30000. What do you think of this huge Volatility?


Zhao CHANGPENG: if there is a big increase in the market, there will be a big decrease. It's very normal. I and the people around me didn't care.


Late: after bitcoin broke through $50000 in February this year, you said on twitter, "bitcoin's $50000 is a new $10000. If you don't buy it now, you'll be sorry." Why does it look like a special coin?


Zhao CHANGPENG: I have never predicted the price of bitcoin on twitter. But now the industry is still in its infancy. Only 1% to 2% of the people in the world have digital currency. From this perspective, there should be 50 to 100 times more room for development.


Late: a common view is that the over issuance of the US dollar is an important thrust of the bull market launched in the second half of last year. The rise of bitcoin is not because of how good it is, but because the outside world is too bad. What do you think of the reasons for this bull market?


Zhao CHANGPENG: US banknote printing really contributes a lot to cryptocurrency. 42% of the U.S. dollars were printed last year. Holding the U.S. dollar is greatly devalued, so many institutions in the United States have begun to buy bitcoin.


There are also some factors within the industry. Last year's defi (decentralized Finance) and this year's NFT (heterogeneous token) [3] are quite popular, and there are a lot of innovations. In addition, last year, bitcoin mining was halved [4], and the new bitcoin came out much slower. No one can make it clear which one has a greater impact.


Late: before the bull market in 2017, bitcoin accounted for more than 80% of the total market value of cryptocurrency. After 2018, this value began to fluctuate between 30% and 70%, and now it is slightly more than 40%. How do you think the proportion of bitcoin will change next?


Zhao CHANGPENG: in the long run, the proportion of bitcoin will decrease. Bitcoin is the first digital currency. It has network effect, just like the global reserve currency in digital currency. But the innovation speed of bitcoin is not as fast as that of new projects. Sooner or later, something else will encroach on bitcoin's share, but we haven't seen anything yet.


Late: including Ethereum and coin an's own BNB?


Zhao CHANGPENG: including them. Ethereum used to have opportunities, because bitcoin can do everything it can, and it has a lot of innovation, and the community is very active. But Ethereum soon encountered a performance bottleneck. It's hard for cryptocurrency to surpass bitcoin in market value. Bitcoin is the most decentralized because its founder is not here.


Later: the value of bitcoin largely depends on how people define it. What do you think is the essence of bitcoin? A currency, an asset, or something else?


Zhao CHANGPENG: I think bitcoin is a new technology rather than something. When the Internet first came out, people would think that the Internet is another channel of communication. We have telephone, radio, TV, and now there is the Internet. But the Internet is actually a new technology platform. There will be Internet radio, video and social media on the Internet. Social media is not traditional. TV and radio are traditional. So the Internet is not in parallel with them at the specific application level, the Internet is the underlying architecture.


Blockchain and bitcoin are also the underlying architecture. There will be currencies, assets, securities, bonds and all kinds of other things in digital currency. This is a new platform rather than an asset. Many people don't understand how big this is. When a new platform appears, there will be a new version of everything traditional, plus more things that traditional doesn't have.


Late: but "all kinds of" things don't seem to appear yet. There are no killer applications in the field of blockchain. Why?


Zhao CHANGPENG: first, the whole digital currency industry is still very small, so there is no popular killer application.


Second, there are applications that are well done in the cryptocurrency market, such as the "initial coin offering" in 2017, which I call "blockchain global financing", a killer application. Before, entrepreneurs had no tools to finance globally. If you are a small retail investor in China, you can't invest in early American projects, such as Uber and Tesla. But "IPO" can, it is still in use, of course, there are a lot of swindlers. The recent NFT is a new model, which allows artists or content creators to better realize their works. These applications are not supported by traditional finance.



"Just do something and do it well."


Later: How did you cross from traditional financial industry to cryptocurrency?


Zhao CHANGPENG: I probably read the white paper of bitcoin in the middle of 2013. After understanding this technology, I think it may work, but decentralization needs community. I need to see if this community exists and what kind of people it is. So at the end of 2013, I went to Las Vegas to attend a summit. Now the industry leaders, including vitalik, were at the summit.


After I went there, I found that these children were very sincere and hardworking. At that time, in order to teach me how to use my wallet, a man transferred some coins to me. After learning, I said I would transfer the coins back to you. He said no, you can keep it. You can use this coin to teach the next person. I have a look. It's about three hundred dollars and several thousand yuan, not a lot, but also a lot. They are really not out to cheat money. They are not the drug trafficking boss mentioned in the newspaper. They are a group of technical children.


After the meeting, when I was ready to leave at the airport, I said that I would sell my house and buy bitcoin, and I would resign and join the industry 100%. No matter what, I could write code.


Late: interested in a new opportunity, do you need to sell?


Zhao CHANGPENG: I just had a little money at that time, so I don't want to be scattered any more. I'm young and put it all in one place. I never tell people you're all in, but I can take the risk myself. The worst case is two years, bitcoin zero, I go back to work in the bank.


Late: did you hold the bitcoin you bought in 2014? Cryptocurrency entered a bear market shortly after that.


Zhao CHANGPENG: Fortunately, I have been holding it. I remember that less than a year after I sold my house, the house price in Shanghai doubled, and bitcoin dropped to one third of its original value, which was six times the difference. At that time, there was pressure in my heart. Was everyone wrong, or was I alone wrong? I'm probably the one who's wrong. But I can't understand why it's wrong, because I think it's the future. Looking back, when the Internet bubble burst in 2001, Amazon and eBay, including Google, also fell by 98%. Everybody went through that stage.


"Later": did you have the idea of analogizing blockchain to Internet at that time or sum it up afterwards?


Zhao CHANGPENG: to tell you the truth, I came up with it later. People can't see clearly in the authorities. I just thought at that time, how long will it last, five or ten years? But fortunately, it lasted more than two years.


Later: how do you allocate your personal assets now? Do you have fixed assets such as buying a house again?


Zhao CHANGPENG: basically 99% of my money is cryptocurrency. It should be all on BNB, and only a small part is bitcoin. I haven't bought a house now. The liquidity of the house is too poor.

迟到:2014年你加入这个行业的时候,你的态度非常坚定。然而,从2015年到2017年,在coin an成立之前,您离开了加密货币行业,并担任bject technology,该公司为邮政货币卡(邮票、硬币、电话卡和其他收藏品)提供交易系统。你为什么半途而废?

Late: when you joined the industry in 2014, your attitude was very firm. However, from 2015 to 2017, before the founding of coin an, you left the cryptocurrency industry and worked as bject technology, which provided a trading system for postal currency cards (stamps, coins, telephone cards and other collections). Why did you do this halfway?


Zhao CHANGPENG: Bijie originally wanted to do a digital currency exchange in Japan, but found it difficult to do it only by understanding technology but not Japanese. In the back, the Chinese postcard was very popular, so someone came to the door and asked if they could provide it. We said we would sell it if you were willing to pay. Until May 2017, we didn't want to be an exchange.


Late: what happened in May 2017 and why did it come back?


Zhao CHANGPENG: the most direct thing is that I think a wave of market is coming, which is needed in the industry, and the trading platform is what I am good at.


From a long-term perspective, I think that in the history of mankind, whenever we can improve the freedom of a thing without reducing its security and ease of use, civilization has made great progress. I think in the next few decades, the degree of freedom of money will become higher. At the same time, the security and ease of use can be maintained, or even higher. This is what coin an wants to do. We want to provide some infrastructure services for this industry.

晚报:区块链技术之所以能让资金流动更自由、更安全,一个重要原因就是它的去中心化。自2014年开始创业并创建coin an以来,您一直是钱包和交易所等行业的集中公司。为什么不直接做基于区块链网络的去中心化项目呢?

Late: one of the important reasons why blockchain technology can make money flow more freely and safely is its decentralization. Since you started your business in 2014 and founded coin an, you have been a centralized company in industries such as wallets and exchanges. Why don't you directly do the decentralization project based on the blockchain network?


Zhao CHANGPENG: I think people need to find a combination of three things. One is what they know, the other is what they like, and the third is whether this thing is valuable to others. Not everyone knows chips, knows how to mine, and is familiar with mathematical algorithm blockchain. My experience has always been in the trading system. The most reasonable thing for me is to continue to be a trading platform.


Late: trading platforms can also be decentralized. Recently, you said that in the next five to ten years, decentralized exchanges will prevail over centralized exchanges. Looks like you've changed your mind again?


Zhao CHANGPENG: decentralized exchanges do develop very fast, but up to now, their trading volume and safety factor are still different from those of centralized exchanges, and they have a threshold for most novice users.


Of course, you can feel the direction of the waves in the water. Defi does put pressure on the main station. I'm more optimistic about the direction of decentralization than I was earlier, and I think it's the future.


Late: many people in the blockchain industry have consistent values and direction choices. For example, some people are committed to decentralization, some people are committed to using bitcoin in payment, and some people value improving efficiency; You seem to be more pragmatic and choose to change with the situation. This will be regarded as not firm enough by some people. What do you think of your own characteristics?


Zhao CHANGPENG: an industry should allow people with different ideas and characteristics to coexist. I think no matter what the choice is, just do something for the industry and do it well.



"If it continues to rise in 2018, there will not be today's currency security"


Late: six months after its establishment, coin an has been the largest cryptocurrency transaction in the world. What do you think is the core competitiveness of coin an?


Zhao CHANGPENG: it's still because we always insist on taking users as the core. This is reflected in some long-term and short-term interest games, such as the choice of currency and product function design.


We also put 10% of all transaction fee income into Safu (secure asset fund for users) to protect the interests of users and cope with extreme situations.


"Late": now when the market fluctuates violently, currency security, coinbase, fire currency and other exchanges will still be stuck, down, "due to the surge in traffic to suspend the withdrawal of currency" and so on. Some people think that behind the apparent failure is the manipulation of the exchange.


Zhao CHANGPENG: judging from the current transaction volume of coin an, there is a lot of commission income, and there is no need to manipulate anything to earn short-term money. Smart people protect long-term trust.


Late: you are not short of people and money. Why haven't you solved the problems of downtime and stuck?


Zhao CHANGPENG: it's not that simple. Ordinary retail investors who don't know much about the system often say that if you buy more servers, won't that solve the problem? We've already spent money on the problems that money can solve.


In traditional exchanges, such as the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Exchange, retail investors give orders to securities companies, and then securities companies combine orders to exchange. The exchange only serves hundreds of securities companies. We are millions of users all over the world who go directly to the exchange. I think we are the largest financial matchmaking market in the history of mankind. The structural pressure is totally different. This can't be solved by adding servers in parallel. What we need to do is to make the Boeing 838 ten times bigger, but it is still a single plane, and it can fly, which is more difficult.


The growth at this stage is completely beyond our expectation in 2018. We are still doing a variety of optimizations, but if we continue to rise, we may encounter some bumps.


Late: what is more than expected?


Zhao CHANGPENG: it's mainly the number of users, which is far more than expected. In 2017, the peak value of bitcoin was US $20000, up 2.5 times from US $50000 some time ago, but the number of active users increased 20 times. At that time, it had expanded by five or ten times, but still could not carry it.


Late: you mentioned that institutional admission is the feature of this bull market. How about the growth of your institutional users? Can we observe the entrance of Chinese institutional power?


Zhao CHANGPENG: the overall institutional data is growing exponentially, especially in the past six months. In the whole market, Chinese institutions account for a small proportion. American institutions account for about 80% or 90% of the market. In China, on the other hand, retail investors account for 80% or 90%. In China, hundreds of millions of people have their own accounts.


Late: how do you attract institutional users?


Zhao CHANGPENG: the requirements for API and transaction speed of institutional trading are completely different from those of retail investors. For example, organizations are all operated by teams, with boss, team leader and small team. Everyone has different permissions. We call it sub account function. There were few transactions in 2017, and we didn't have them. Now we have them all.


Later: when did you start making these preparations?


Zhao CHANGPENG: the sub account number was around the end of 2018, when it was a bear market. In fact, at that time, we were mainly practicing internal skills. At that time, our core matchmaking was relatively fast, but the peripheral system was not enough. In 2017, our growth was too fast to keep up. It is too laggy at that time that if a bull market in 2018 were to be very secure, we might lose our lead.


So in 2018, my internal communication is all about improving performance and expanding the system. The bull market will come, so don't worry. I personally experienced bear market before, and my psychological quality was very good at that time.


Late: so the bear market that started in early 2018 is actually a favorable external environment for currency security?


Zhao CHANGPENG: Yes, if we continue to rise at that time, we will not be able to carry it. We may not have today's currency.


Late: what's your forecast for future growth? What preparations will be made in advance?


Zhao CHANGPENG: we can't predict the future at all. However, we judge that the number of users is likely to rise, so we should at least be ready for capacity expansion. If it doesn't happen, we'll waste some money. It's not a big problem; But when it happens, we can't waste the opportunity.


Late: now many new users are flocking to the cryptocurrency market. Their risk awareness and trading technology may not be good, but the exchanges such as coin security and fire coin can easily add leverage, and leverage is easy to lose money. How do you deal with this problem?


Zhao CHANGPENG: coin an should be the only one with "responsible trading program" in all digital currency exchanges. We call it responsible trading program. First, if a retail investor comes to play with our futures or options, we will ask him two questions: first, how likely do you think he will lose money? If he writes less than 50%, we don't let him play, your mentality will be wrong; Second, if he loses money, whose responsibility does he feel? If he thinks it's someone else's responsibility, it's coin an's responsibility, then you don't play, you play spot.


Second, if a new retail investor loses money to a certain extent, our system will tell him not to trade again and stop him from trading for 48 hours. I believe that we are the only trading platform to prevent users from trading.


Late: how many people have you stopped? What is the cost of stopping?


Zhao CHANGPENG: I don't have the data. There should be a lot of people, but it won't cause much loss to our income. Because of this kind of user, he will only hurt himself and will not help us. After the injury, he still stops, just early and late. We asked him to stop one day earlier, he lost less money, we earned dozens of yuan less handling charges, it doesn't matter, we keep long-term users. He learned how to make money, and we'll get more.


Late: exchange users are particularly concerned about the safety of the assets held in trust with you. Xu Mingxing, who is in charge of the secret key of okex exchange's wallet, was investigated, which led to a large-scale panic escape of users. How do you keep the secret key of your wallet?


Zhao CHANGPENG: coin an now completely uses the multi signature mechanism, and has not relied on a single person for a long time. Our biggest wallet needs to be signed by seven out of 15 people. They don't know each other who these people are. Besides, only a few people know who all of them are. And I and all the people who are open to the public are not on the signature list. Coins and Antilles have nothing to do with me at all. I can't steal them if I want to.


Later: but this mechanism still needs to be coordinated in the middle, right? Is there any risk?

赵长鹏:所有的工具。需要处理的任务将在wallet manager的软件中弹出。做运营管理的人不知道谁是钱包的负责人。

Zhao CHANGPENG: all tools. Tasks that need to be processed will pop up in the wallet manager's software. People who do operation management don't know who is in charge of the wallet.


Later: how to ensure that the people in the multi signature list are not connected with each other?


Zhao CHANGPENG: they get relatively high treatment from coin an. Let's get rid of his intention to steal. Besides, it's not enough for one person to steal. He has to collude with about eight or nine people. When he goes to find out who the others are, it's very easy to let out. It doesn't matter if someone has an accident. Software can move people out and add new people in.


We will choose people who are familiar, stable and reliable, have families and children, and feel less stable when they are single. The location is distributed all over the world, as long as there is Internet, but not all in one country or region, to prevent earthquake, flood and network disconnection. Now there is probably only one country in the world without Internet.



"You said I copied the Benz, but I drove 10 times faster than him"


Later: besides the current centralized exchange, your new direction is decentralized finance. What's the overall progress?


Zhao CHANGPENG: the daily trading volume of BSC is about four or five times more than that of Ethereum. There are hundreds of ecological projects, but BSC has only been launched for more than nine months, and it is faster than we thought. In addition to BSC, we are also doing DEX (decentralized exchange). We have also invested in many projects of Ethereum and Boca ecology.


Later: in fact, Ethereum can also do decentralized finance. For example, uniswap, the largest decentralized exchange with the largest trading volume, is Ethereum ecological project. Why didn't you use ready-made things, but launched BSC in September last year?


Zhao CHANGPENG: let me explain. BSC is not made by us. We had a lot of cooperation with the community when we did BNB ourselves. So when we went to BSC, a group of people from the community came to say that they wanted to build a smart contract chain to get close to Ethereum, hoping that we would give a sum of money. They are willing to use BNB as the main currency of the chain, and then any transaction on the chain will use BNB, which is good for coin an, because we are the largest holders of BNB.


So I'm not involved in BSC. It's a community project, but the developers are not willing to show up. In fact, I didn't do anything, and I didn't have that ability.


Late: is there any conflict between Qian An's centralized holding of BNB and BSC's declared direction of decentralized community?


Zhao CHANGPENG: there are two parts. Is BNB very concentrated? yes. But it's a service charge we earn from our services. When we first issued BNB, we left 40% for the team, but because coin an soon reached the profit point, we never spent or sold this part of the coin, and promised to destroy it all later. This is different from other currency issuing mechanisms. You can consider whether we are too centralized.


Second, after the complete decentralization of BSC, the value will be greater, the market value of the whole BNB will be higher, and the network effect of attracting users will be greater. So in terms of interest driven, we want to decentralize, and we are doing the same.


In addition, if there is a centralized organization holding a lot of money, it's not a bad thing. We won't hurt the community and smash the market, which requires huge costs and doesn't do us any good.


Later: some people think that Ethereum is a more ideal blockchain project state. It is relatively scattered, and its founder vitalik does not own too much Ethereum. Is this the direction BSC wants to develop?


Zhao CHANGPENG: that's not our understanding. Maybe many people think that in this coin, everyone has a little bit of fairness. However, if only small fish come in and no whales come in, there may be only one reason why big institutions are not optimistic.


About 2017, vitalik sold a part of Ethereum for $30 million, which may mean that he was particularly fair, or that he valued the dollar more at that time.


Why don't we take us dollars, we take BNB? It means we have confidence.


"Later": the outside world thinks that BSC is the benchmark of Ethereum. What do you think of the competition between the two?


Zhao CHANGPENG: I don't think BSC is competitive with Ethereum. Now Ethereum is not the same as BSC.


Some people prefer Ethereum because vitalik takes less money and is more decentralized. But their service charge is quite expensive. To be honest, it is very expensive. It costs 10 dollars to transfer an account, and hundreds of dollars to use a complicated contract. You can't pay the Commission unless you do a million dollar deal at a time.


In Southeast Asia, India and Africa, there are many users at the bottom of the pyramid. They have a large number. We provide them with a cheaper network to enable more people to use and enter the blockchain.


After the rise of BSC, the transaction volume of Ethereum has not decreased, but it is no longer growing. This is because it has encountered a technical bottleneck. The maximum carrying capacity of the network is 15 to 20 transactions per second. We're getting more because we haven't hit the ceiling yet. So there's no competition, it's just that we can serve the users they can't serve now.


Late: can't the Ethereum community allow technology to re evolve?


Zhao CHANGPENG: sure, but it will take time. The positioning of BSC is different from that of BSC. It has to be able to synchronize millions of books and process millions of orders every second. This technical threshold is quite high, and it is quite difficult to solve in a few years.


Recently, I think vitalik tweets less. He should be closed. I very much hope that he can solve this problem, so that the whole industry will become bigger.


Late: BSC is faster and cheaper than Ethereum because there are fewer nodes to synchronize the ledger, right?


Zhao CHANGPENG: on the one hand, we have 21 nodes. In addition, our nodes are relatively large, the machine performance is relatively high, and some changes have been made in the architecture.


Many people say that BSC has no innovation, just copied Ethereum. In fact, the performance improvement of dozens or hundreds of times is an innovation. You said I copied Mercedes Benz, but I drove ten times faster than it. Is that an innovation?



"Decentralization is grayscale, not black and white"


Late: Recently, governments of various countries have made some different statements on cryptocurrency - some governments are very open to cryptocurrency; Some governments are strict; In addition, the government is incorporating cryptocurrency into the existing regulatory system. For example, it has been reported recently that the office of the Comptroller of currency (OCC), the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Company are considering setting up an "inter departmental team" for cryptocurrency regulation. How do you think the attitudes of different countries will affect the global blockchain industry pattern?


Zhao CHANGPENG: sorry, I won't comment on specific regulators and their policies publicly, but coin an must be actively communicating with global regulators. At present, the provisions of each country are different, which is a good thing. We can see which provisions are more conducive to development and can have multiple references.


Late: from your contacts, what are the common concerns of all countries? What are the common ideas and perceptions of the government?


Zhao CHANGPENG: when we went to communicate two or three years ago, we all asked if this thing was used by terrorists. It would be shameful to say that now. It seems that there is no common sense. Now they are more concerned about how to prevent money laundering and crime. In fact, the data on the blockchain is transparent, which makes it easier to analyze and track. Some local regulators are pushing this thing instead. They suddenly understand that blockchain and cryptocurrency do not make you more out of control, but let you control more carefully.


Late: how will the government's compliance demands affect cryptocurrency? Freedom is considered to be a major new value of cryptocurrency.


Zhao CHANGPENG: there is a certain relationship between freedom and compliance, but there is no conflict.


I think compliance is still very important. There are a group of people in the blockchain and digital currency industry who are extremely liberal. They want to live on their own without the government or the police. I don't think human civilization can reach that level. In a society without government and police, how can everyone protect themselves and hire private security?


We still need some rules. To put it bluntly, we still need some supervision.


However, it may not be right to wait until all the rules have been worked out before starting this industry, because the rules are worked out after a period of time. Supervision needs cases. In an industry that hasn't yet, it tells you that you can and can't do this. It's impossible for the industry to develop.


Later: which type of government is more active in cryptocurrency, which is related to the size of the country or the type of economy?


Zhao CHANGPENG: I personally feel that a few years ago, it was a small country, because big countries were more complicated. China and the United States are big countries. If the rules are not detailed enough, many people will take advantage of them. But at the beginning of the industry, it's hard for you to make a detailed decision. But Bermuda, for example, has 70000 people in the whole country, which is similar to a community in Shanghai. He doesn't need regulations. He can see one case at a time. And small countries don't need to protect their currencies. They don't care much about shocks. Instead, they think it can help them lead in new fields, such as financial technology.


Now it's a bit of the reverse. Several big countries are competing. If China wants RMB to become the global base currency, you can send a central bank digital currency, which may be very helpful to be accepted.


Late: do you think the digital currency issued by central banks is a real blockchain application?


Zhao CHANGPENG: it's very subtle here. At present, the first version of digital currency issued by most central banks is relatively centralized. It has an issuer, which can issue additional issues, control the whole network, and reject some transactions. It does use blockchain technology, but most of its nodes are not public. You say it's a blockchain, and you say it's not, and it's not. But I don't think it's too much of a definition. Decentralization itself is grayscale, not black and white. For example, you are particularly decentralized, but the handling charge is particularly expensive, which is not so easy to use. There are very detailed trade-offs.


Finally, it depends on whether it is safe, easy to use and free enough. If they are high, they will be used by many people; If it's low, it's hard to use it, but it's too hard to use it.


Late: what impact will the central bank's digital currency have on other digital currencies without government endorsement?


Zhao CHANGPENG: at present, these two systems have little influence on each other. However, if there are opportunities for mutual compatibility in the future, it should lead to magical reactions.



"I'm not the one who killed the ball."


"Late": coin an has no headquarters, and all employees work at home. How do you guarantee its operation?


Zhao CHANGPENG: we now have less than 3000 people, distributed in more than 60 countries and regions around the world. Daily will be a variety of office software remote collaboration, such as Google Docs, Google meet, etc.


Late: will anyone ask for digital currency to pay wages?


Zhao CHANGPENG: more recently. Because BNB has risen a lot this year.


Later: how do you pay your taxes?


Zhao CHANGPENG: everyone should pay their own personal income tax, and then all companies (coin an has different registered entities in many countries) need to pay the tax of the place where the company is registered. If you are a community, you don't have to pay taxes. Ethereum community doesn't have the concept of paying taxes, but the company does.


"Later": when you describe chatting about money, you use the word "company", so you are still a company?


Zhao CHANGPENG: basically, we never use the word "company" internally. I just use this word when I chat with you, because it's easier to understand. We use "organization" internally. We don't usually use the word "employee" as a team member.


Many of the company's traditional coins are not available. We don't need headquarters and offices, we don't need to register somewhere. But we can get a group of people to do things together. There is trust and reward between us.


"Late": as far as we know, coin an is using OKR and KPI at the same time, which is the most commonly used management method in centralized companies.


Zhao CHANGPENG: having goals does not mean centralization.


Late: how has your role changed with the development of coin an?


Zhao CHANGPENG: now I don't do many things by myself, and the efficiency is very low. For example, in the past, I was sometimes asked to approve marketing activities, but now I don't have to intervene in the market spending below $3 million.


Now my biggest value in coin'an is to unite the team, attract the strong people and bring in the external elites. So recently I've been on the phone all day and spending a lot of time chatting.


Late: you also spend a lot of time on social media, and you tweet a lot.


Zhao CHANGPENG: Twitter is a tool for me to interact with the community. When I talk on twitter, it will help us to do some promotion. It will also help me understand the complaints or emotions of the community.


In fact, I don't like to appear in public, but in order to promote BNB and BSC, sometimes I will contact Ethereum people and deliberately mix them up. This kind of trick can also be used. It's not necessarily a bad thing for them to scold back. They scold each other around. When BSC was smaller than Ethereum, it was good for us.


Late: your judgment on what to do and how to do it seems to be based on rationality and interests. If you think it is good, you will do it.


Zhao CHANGPENG: I have several responsibilities: I lead a team to do a good job and make the whole thing bigger. It's not necessarily a responsibility. It's my mission. I live to do something.


Although I don't like every job subdivided, I especially like the overall sense of mission. Based on this consideration, I can abstract myself to a certain extent. I can do whatever I should do. I am very calm, and I am not particularly excited or sad.


Late: How did this state of calm come into being?


Zhao CHANGPENG: it's like this since I was a child. My character has been very stable. I don't know how to form it. I've never yelled at anyone, including when a coin was stolen or lost.


Later: before you founded coin an, you changed places. You stayed in Jiangsu until you were 12 years old. Then you went to Vancouver with your family, worked in Tokyo and New York, and started a business in Shanghai. What's the impact of this long-term migration on you?


Zhao CHANGPENG: I like a lot of different cultures mixed together, which is very helpful for coin an to be more global.


I was attracted to bitcoin in the first place, which is also related to this. When I went to New York after working in Tokyo, I found it very troublesome and expensive to transfer money. Bitcoin doesn't have this problem. It's easy for me to understand that the degree of freedom is higher and the cost is lower.


"Late": where have you been, which has a great influence on your character and thoughts?


Zhao CHANGPENG: my most important adolescence was in Canada. Canada is a country of immigrants, with people of various nationalities and nationalities. In fact, the children who went out from the mainland usually played with the children from the mainland. I was an exception. I had been playing volleyball for five years in middle school, and I was the captain of the school team for four years. There are all kinds of people in the school team. I have good white friends, Korean friends, Indian friends and black friends. Some of my Chinese friends complain about racial discrimination, but I never feel it.


Late: what was your style on the court before? Competitive, sharp, or with everyone to play together?


Zhao CHANGPENG: in fact, volleyball captain is a concept of adhesive. He is usually a setter, responsible for the organization and coordination of the whole field, not necessarily the most aggressive person. There are several people in our team who are taller than me, who are stronger than me, who jump higher than me, and who kill the ball fiercely. I'm not the one who killed the ball.


- FIN -

[1] coin an的日现货交易额接近300亿美元,是一个半月前上市的coinbase的5倍多。coinbase目前的市值接近500亿美元。按照这个计算,一枚硬币的估值应该远远超过1000亿美元。

[1] The daily spot trading volume of coin an is close to $30 billion, which is more than five times that of coinbase, which was listed a month and a half ago. The current market value of coinbase is close to US $50 billion. According to this calculation, the valuation of coin an should have far exceeded US $100 billion.

[2] 去中心化金融是一种基于去中心化区块链网络的金融应用,如去中心化交换、去中心化借贷等。分散金融的安全和信用不是由一个机构来保证的,而是由智能合约和社区机制来保证的。

[2] Defi, decentralized finance, decentralized finance is a financial application based on decentralized blockchain network, such as decentralized exchange, decentralized lending and so on. The security and credit of decentralized finance are not guaranteed by one institution, but by smart contract and community mechanism.

[3] NFT是不可替代的代币,是一种不可分割、不可替代的数字货币,可以与绘画、音乐等内容绑定。目前,它主要用于数字资产的交易。

[3] NFT, non fungible token, is an indivisible and irreplaceable digital currency, which can be bound with paintings, music and other content. At present, it is used in the transaction of digital assets.

[4] 根据比特币发明者中本聪(Nakamoto Tsung)的设计,每四年挖掘一个区块的比特币数量就会减半,这意味着相同计算能力的回报率将降低50%。

[4] According to the design of the inventor of bitcoin, Nakamoto Tsung, the number of bitcoins dug up in a single block is halved every four years, which means that the return on the same computing power will be reduced by 50%.


update time:2021-05-31 18:56:41


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