A large number of Western Digital hard disks are formatted, or hackers attack each other: there are new vulnerabilities


Heart of the machine Report


Editor: Zenan, Chen Ping


Your hard disk may have been cracked by hackers and used for mining. Recently, the sudden automatic formatting is because another wave of hackers want to "grab territory" with them.


Last Thursday, a large number of Western data my book mobile hard disk user data was remotely cleared event caused public concern. As Western Digital officials asked users to unplug the cable, things began to get a bit chaotic.


This week, another security official revealed that there are still new loopholes in these hard disks.

在将这些发现提交给Western data后,安全人员收到了以下回复:"我们可以确认,至少在某些情况下,攻击者利用了一个命令注入漏洞(cve-2018-18472),然后是一个工厂重置漏洞。目前尚不清楚攻击者为何会利用这两个漏洞。我们将请求CVE恢复工厂设置漏洞,并将更新我们的公告以包含此信息。"

After submitting these findings to Western data, the security personnel received the following reply: "we can confirm that, at least in some cases, the attacker exploited a command injection vulnerability (cve-2018-18472), followed by a factory reset vulnerability. It is not clear why attackers exploit these two vulnerabilities. We will request CVE for factory setup recovery vulnerability and will update our bulletin to include this information. "


The vulnerability is protected by a password


This discovery raises a thorny question: if hackers have obtained full root access by using cve-2018-18472, what do they need for the second security vulnerability? At present, there is no clear answer, but based on the existing evidence, abdine put forward a plausible theory, that is, a hacker first used cve-2018-18472 to attack, while another competitor then used another loophole to try to seize control of those devices that have been attacked.

攻击者利用cve-2018-18472提供的代码执行功能修改了我的书live stack\ Configuration.php文件中名为language的代码,这是漏洞所在的位置。根据恢复文件,修改代码并添加以下行:

The attacker used the code execution ability provided by cve-2018-18472 to modify the code named language in my book live stack_ Configuration.php file, which is the location of the vulnerability. According to the recovery file, modify the code and add the following lines:


This change prevents anyone from exploiting the vulnerability without a password corresponding to the encrypted SHA1 hash 56f650e16801d38f47bb0eeac39e21a8142d7da1. It turns out that the hash password is p $efx3tqwoubfc% B% R $k @.


Another modified language recovered from the hacked device_ The configuration.php file uses different passwords, corresponding to the hash value 05951edd7f05318019c4cfafab8e567afe7936d4. Hackers use the third hash value b18c379fd377b51b7925b2b68ff818cc9115a47 to password protect a separate file called accessdenied.php. This is probably to prevent the western data from affecting the language_ Configuration.


So far, attempts to crack these two hashes have not been successful.

据《西方数据报》报道,我的一些书中的直播硬盘被黑客通过cve-2021-18472破解,感染了名为"黑客"的恶意软件。Nttpd,1-ppc-be-t1-z。恶意软件运行在使用PowerPC的硬件上,而我的book live就是这样一个设备。

According to the western data bulletin, some of my book live hard disks were broken by hackers through cve-2021-18472, infected with malicious software named. Nttpd, 1-ppc-be-t1-z. The malware runs on hardware that uses PowerPC, and my book live is such a device.

在Western Digital的一个论坛上,一位用户报告说,我的书live受到黑客攻击,收到了恶意软件,使该设备成为名为Linux的僵尸网络的一部分。网络。

In a forum in Western Digital, a user reported that my book live, which had been hacked, had received the malware, which made the device part of a botnet called Linux. Ngioweb.


A possibility

那么,为什么那些在僵尸网络中成功使用了这么多mybook live设备的黑客会突然删除所有内容呢?当他们已经拥有根权限时,为什么要使用未记录的身份验证?

So why do hackers who have successfully involved so many my book live devices in botnets suddenly delete everything? Why do they use undocumented authentication when they already have root privileges?


It seems that the most likely answer is that massive erasures and resets are caused by another wave of attackers, most likely a competitor trying to control a competitor's Botnet, or just to destroy it.


"As for large-scale posting to [sysem]_ factory_ We don't know the motivation of the endpoint. It may be that the botnet operators of competitors try to take over these devices or make them useless, or someone wants to destroy them in other ways. These devices may have been invaded for some time. After all, the vulnerability existed as early as 2015. " Abdine said.

不管怎样,第二个漏洞的发现意味着我的书live比你想象的更不安全。这可能是Western data允许所有用户立即拔掉网线的真正原因——任何拥有这些硬盘的用户都应该立即拔掉网线。

Anyway, the discovery of the second vulnerability means that my book live is more insecure than you think. It may be the real reason why Western data lets all users unplug the network cable immediately - any user with these hard disks should do so immediately.






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update time:2021-06-30 14:46:53


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