After the disaster, Ding Dong's fundraising for vegetables has shrunk, and the scene of a fresh e-commerce accident?


Dingdong's performance after the opening was fair, at $28, up 19.1% from the issue price. By the end of the day, dingdong's share price was at $23.51, flat with the issue price, up 0.04%, with a market value of $5.541 billion.


In any case, this amount of fund-raising is far less than the amount of nearly $300 million raised by the daily Youxian IPO, and certainly far less than the expected amount before dingdong's IPO. Of course, in the aspect of dingdong's vegetable shopping, the current fund-raising is less, and there is also the possibility of controlling the stock price, releasing the good news later, and raising the stock price to facilitate the refinancing of additional issuance.


However, it is generally believed in the market that investors have doubts about the performance of fresh e-commerce's stock price, even cancel orders, and Ding Dong's buying vegetables is dragged down after the daily excellent fresh e-commerce broke. At first, Youxian was worried that it would be its own business to be dragged down. Then, we must take the lead in IPO to drag down others. The two companies have a clear idea of what capital thinks about fresh e-commerce.


Youxian daily and dingdong buy vegetables are both fresh e-commerce businesses with the former warehouse as the core. They have similar business models and similar valuation models. It is a lesson from the past. In the long run, dolphin think tank is not optimistic about Ding Dong's capital market performance.


The business model of front position is "not good", or "out of favor" due to community group buying


Capital does not like the business of fresh e-commerce.


From the perspective of business model, fresh e-commerce used to take warehouse as the core, which is a coolie with low gross margin and low profit margin. Although burning money can exchange for the growth of users, order volume and other data, it ultimately depends on whether the growth is sustainable without subsidies.


According to the earlier data of China e-commerce research center, there are about 4000 entrants in the field of fresh food e-commerce in China, of which only 4% have flat revenue, 88% are in loss, and only 1% are profitable. As of October 2020, the number of fresh e-commerce entities in China has reached 16800. Under the increasingly fierce competition, it is more difficult for enterprises to make profits.


As far as dingdong is concerned, in addition to the fierce competition in the industry, with the instant fresh retail becoming a consensus and the rapid rise of community group buying, the former model of rapid expansion of warehouse buying can not achieve self-development in the short term, and its profitability has not been confirmed, so it always has a strong dependence on financing.


Once we leave the capital support, dingdong can only reduce the subsidy, and there will be great uncertainty in business growth.


In terms of financing, if we put aside the $330 million D + round of insider financing in 2021 brought about by this year's listing, the last round of financing of dingdong's vegetable purchase is already in 2019, and the 4 billion cash on the account is only enough to burn for half a year. IPO is the best solution.


Business uncertainty, forced IPO for the purpose of saving the capital chain, investors and the market can not be optimistic, which is also expected.


At the same time, we should enlarge the perspective to the whole community and fresh food business. The light of fresh food e-commerce unicorn is really dimmed by the new rising community group buying business. It can even be said that it may be "out of favor" with capital.


Whether it's the daily excellent fresh food that aspires to become "the largest digital platform of community retail in China", or the Ding Dong shopping that focuses on "fast", they are all instant retail companies of fresh products, which used to focus on warehouse. They are on the same track as the hottest community retail business. It's just that when the user's consumption behavior is different, the platform's solution to meet the user's consumption behavior is different.


Compared with the model of community group buying & fresh pre warehouse, more fast, better economy is the core, but different models have different emphases

1) 前位模式值为"快+好";目前,高速线城市更适合前仓模式;

1) The value of forward position mode is "fast + good"; At present, the high-speed line city is more suitable for the front warehouse mode;

2) 社区团购的核心价值是"省";而且,在下沉市场中,有稳定的社区邻里关系和稳定的小店业态,这些都是社区团购发展的土壤。现在,社区团购第二天就要来了。可见,"快"并不是其核心价值取向。

2) The core value of community group buying is "province"; Moreover, in the sinking market, there are stable community neighborhood relations and stable small shop formats, which are the soil for the development of community group buying. Now, community group buying is coming up the next day. It can be seen that "fast" is not its core value orientation.


Nowadays, the giants have increased their weight in community retail, obviously more optimistic about the business model of "province" plus sinking market, while the front warehouse fresh e-commerce business based on high-speed city is unavoidably considered to be lack of growth.


At the same time, there is a view in the capital circle that in the future, only meituan and pinduoduo will be left in the fresh e-commerce circuit, and other companies will be eliminated from the market - the capital has gone to pursue community group buying, and the popularity of front position fresh e-commerce has declined, which affects the valuation of fresh unicorn.


Therefore, when you buy fresh and dingdong vegetables every day, you will seize the time to IPO and replenish ammunition in case of more brutal hand-to-hand competition.


In this track, one of the biggest barriers is financing ability. Capital is the deepest moat. At present, compared with the indicators of the two companies, the daily excellent fresh with stable revenue and narrowed loss is more favored by capital; The radical growth of revenue, continuous loss of Ding Dong to buy vegetables, is not optimistic.


According to the poll of dolphin society, most investors are willing to buy daily premium fresh food.


Comparison of daily fresh & Ding Dong shopping: radical and steady


From the perspective of the prospectus, dingdong's buying vegetables and daily excellent fresh show high growth in revenue and Gmv. Daily excellent fresh, highlighting the gross profit margin, although still in the loss, but the loss range gradually narrowed. Ding Dong emphasizes that in 2020, the revenue will grow by 192% year on year, and the revenue will be twice as high as the daily fresh food. Of course, the loss will be even greater than the latter.


Let's first look at dingdong's vegetable shopping. Its revenue has achieved a high growth, but its losses have continued to enlarge. Whether the capital market can be optimistic about such a company is a matter of question.


According to the prospectus, dingdong's sales revenue in 2019 and 2020 were 3.88 billion yuan and 11.336 billion yuan (about 1.73 billion US dollars) respectively; In the first quarter of 2021, dingdong's revenue was 3.8 billion yuan (about 580 million US dollars), compared with 2.6 billion yuan in the same period last year.


Losses continue to enlarge: 1.87 billion in 2019, 2.44 billion in 2020 and 1.38 billion in the first quarter of 2021.


On the other hand, the daily excellent fresh, revenue growth is slower, but the loss narrowed year by year, from 2018 to 2020, the total revenue reached 3.547 billion yuan, 6.001 billion yuan and 6.1304 billion yuan, the annual growth rate was 70% and 2% respectively.


In 2018, 2019 and 2020, the adjusted net loss was 2.216 billion, 2.777 billion and 1.590 billion respectively, and the adjusted net loss rates were 62.48%, 46.27% and 25.93% respectively.


From the perspective of profitability, the forward position model is recognized as a low gross profit business. I'm afraid these two companies need to seek other models besides the forward position to make large-scale profits.


From the perspective of the two strategies, since 2020, dingdong is still sticking to the front position mode and taking a radical step, so it has a 192% year-on-year revenue growth.


The sudden epidemic in 2020 will not only quickly cultivate users to get used to buying vegetables online, but also make fresh e-commerce companies enjoy the bonus of the epidemic. Ding Dong's shopping is the beneficiary.


Liang Changlin, founder of dingdong, once told the media that during the Spring Festival in 2020, the number of users of dingdong increased by about 40000 every day, and the number of orders on New Year's Eve increased by more than 300% on a month on month basis, which also became the driving force for the subsequent radical expansion of dingdong.


According to the data, the total Gmv of dingdong vegetables increased from 742 million yuan in 2018 to 13.032 billion yuan in 2020, the market share increased to 10.1%, the compound annual growth rate reached 319%, and the overall growth rate of the market in the same period was 114.6%. Since the outbreak in 2020, dingdong has expanded vigorously through the strategy of "going north to Beijing". Under the market background of short supply, it has reduced the marketing expenses and led to a substantial increase in sales revenue.


And the daily excellent fresh has been in the former warehouse mode turn, began to pursue profit, ashore, style is more stable.


Gmv of daily excellent fresh food increased from 4.726 billion yuan in 2018 to 7.615 billion yuan in 2020, with a compound annual growth rate of 26.9%. However, the revenue of Youxian daily in 2020 has maintained the level of 6 billion yuan last year, with a growth rate of only 2%. Why?


Because the daily excellent fresh launched the market business, through the intelligent transformation of the traditional offline vegetable market, with its own channel advantages for its empowerment, to help upgrade the agricultural trade format. On this basis, the Gmv of vegetable market trading is also included in the daily excellent fresh platform, and the platform obtains income through the way of deduction. The result of this part of business reflected in the financial report is: to boost Gmv, the income base is low, but the gross profit rate is higher.


According to the financial report data, the gross profit rate of daiiyouxian from 2018 to 2020 will reach 8.57%, 8.68% and 19.42% respectively; During the same period, gross profit was 304 million yuan, 521 million yuan and 1.19 billion yuan respectively. For the three months ending March 31, 2020, the daily gross profit of Youxian was 511 million yuan, compared with 189 million yuan in the same period of 2021.


On the one hand, the substantial increase of gross profit rate is due to cost optimization, which improves the operation efficiency; On the one hand, it is because of the development of new business.


In general, the daily excellent fresh food entered the adjustment period. While controlling the cost, some resources were tilted to the business such as the vegetable market, resulting in the short-term contraction of the sales business. However, in the long run, the vegetable market business with high gross profit is expected to become the key to the profit of daily excellent fresh food.


Founder's equity diluted: dingdong's buying vegetables is risky


In terms of the number and amount of financing rounds, the two companies are on a par. However, the capital market generally believes that from the perspective of equity protection, the implementation of the same shares with the same rights of Ding Dong to buy vegetables, compared with the implementation of the same shares with different rights of daily excellent fresh, the team is more unstable, the management risk is higher, and the probability of malicious acquisition is greater.


For Internet companies that need to burn a lot of money, capital is one of the core competitiveness of enterprises, and sustainable financing is the premise of development. However, every round of financing will lead to the dilution of the equity of founders and entrepreneurial teams. What's more, some investment institutions hold more equity than the core management. AB shares with different rights fully protect the founder's right to speak.


Dingdong and daiiyouxian have experienced the same history of financing and money burning, but daiiyouxian has different rights in the same stock. Xu Zheng, the founder of daiiyouxian, has absolute control over the enterprise when it goes public, and has greater autonomy in future enterprise management and strategic planning.


According to the prospectus, before the IPO, Xu Zheng, the founder and CEO of daily Youxian, held 15.3% of the shares and 74.1% of the voting rights. The management held 20.2% of the shares and 75.6% of the voting rights; Among the external shareholders, Tiger Fund holds 12.4% of the shares and has 3.8% of the voting rights, while Tencent holds 8.1% and 2.5% of the voting rights.


The system of the same shares and the same rights is implemented in dingdong's vegetable shopping. The voting rights held by the founder Liang Changlin have been diluted to 30%, and the voting rights of the whole management are only 31.6%, which is a very low level.

招股说明书显示,鼎东实行同股同权制度,表决权比例与持股比例相同。IPO前,公司创始人兼CEO梁长林持有公司30.3%的股份,公司管理层共同持有31.6%;在外部股东中,老虎基金通过互联网基金诉私人有限公司持有5.7%的股份;软银通过SVF II cortex subco(DE)LLC持有5.6%的股份。

According to the prospectus, dingdong implements the system of the same shares with the same rights, and the proportion of voting rights is the same as the proportion of shares held. Before the IPO, Liang Changlin, the founder and CEO of the company, held 30.3% of the shares, and the company's management jointly held 31.6%; Among the external shareholders, Tiger Fund holds 5.7% shares through Internet Fund V PTE. Ltd; Softbank holds 5.6% of the shares through SVF II cortex subco (DE) LLC.


The equity of entrepreneurial team is diluted to this point, and the company is easy to face malicious acquisition in the future. Secondly, if the founders lose the right to speak on the business and let a group of investment institutions who do not understand the business decide the direction of the enterprise, it is easy to make short-sighted decisions for the sake of gorgeous data, which will bring endless troubles.


update time:2021-06-30 18:57:19


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