Apple has made a sure business


Combined, Apple seems to be a big boost behind Google's good cloud performance. In addition, byte beat and spotify are also big customers of Google.


So, what are the reasons behind Apple's choice to tilt the balance of cloud services to Google? What impact will this have on the cloud market? And how do users view this cooperation? All of the above have become the focus of the outside world.


Why not


In related reports, a point of concern seems to be deliberately hidden, which is why Apple will suddenly increase the storage space on Google cloud.


And this huge amount of data is amazing.


It is reported that Apple will manage more than 8eb of total data through Google cloud. How huge is the data? For example, one EB is enough to record over 237000 years of video calls, and 5eb is equivalent to what human beings have said all over the world.

从商业层面来看,苹果是谷歌最大的客户,其次是byte beat、spotify、twitter和snapchat,数据量分别为500PB、460PB、315PB和275PB。

From the commercial level, apple is Google's largest customer, followed by byte beat, spotify, twitter and snapchat, with data volumes of 500 Pb, 460 Pb, 315 Pb and 275 Pb respectively.


According to 1 EB = 1024pb conversion, the data of Google's other four major customers is less than a fifth of Apple's.


As a result, people familiar with the matter said that within Google's cloud department, staff even gave apple a code name indicating its scale: "Bigfoot".


The obvious reason is that as apple moves more services to the cloud, more and more Apple users use icloud for photo library and file storage, which also makes Apple's requirements for infrastructure higher. Although Apple also has its own data centers around the world, it inevitably needs to rely on third-party cloud companies.


There is another speculation: Google pays Apple $1 billion a year to become the default search engine. In return, apple asked Google cloud services to offer a better price.


This is not difficult to understand, because this cooperation is a loss making business for Google. According to the cost calculation method provided by relevant websites, it costs about 218 million US dollars per month to store 8eb data, which is about 2.616 billion US dollars per year. However, apple only needs to pay about 300 million US dollars per year to store the same data on Google cloud service.


It should be pointed out that the cost calculation method mentioned above has not been found on Google's official website, which can not guarantee its accuracy and scientificity. But to be sure, this cooperation is profitable for apple.


Finally, from the current choice of mainstream cloud computing and their respective industry patterns, Apple's choice of Google cloud is reasonable. On the one hand, part of Apple's current data is also stored in AWS, and Apple needs to find leverage in its business suppliers. On the other hand, Microsoft tried to destroy the ecosystem of Appstore, and once failed to build enough storage space for apple.


Users are worried


Although it's cost-effective for apple to store more data on Google cloud, users don't pay for Apple's behavior.


The first problem is the data security of users.


As we all know, Apple has repeatedly stressed that all personal user data stored on Google's servers are encrypted with Apple's exclusive key, so the security of user data is no different from that stored on Apple's wholly-owned servers. More vividly, unless Apple gives Google an encryption key, it will take Google thousands of years to crack the encryption technology.


However, there are still a lot of skeptical user comments like the following:


"When it comes to Google, I worry about privacy."


"Somehow, although you say your data is safe, you let Google store it, which will greatly reduce my confidence."


"Apple will eventually find out that Google uses your data and then sell it"


On the one hand, this is due to the stereotype of Google and the fear that their data will be stored on the Google cloud for a long time. On the other hand, it also reflects the idea that users want to store data in Apple's own data center. After all, apple is not short of money.


In fact, Apple has never stopped on the construction of data center.


As early as 2019, Apple announced in a high profile that it would continue to invest heavily in its cloud infrastructure. In an announcement, it revealed that it plans to invest $10 billion in U.S. data centers in the next five years, including $4.5 billion by the end of 2019. Some people familiar with the matter also revealed that Apple has dug many excellent IT talents from major enterprises to take charge of the data center business, and has also hired a number of industry consultants, which is very impressive.


Although there are funds and talents, the growth rate of Apple's cloud storage demand is faster than that of Apple's deployment of its own infrastructure. At the same time, due to antitrust issues and regulatory pressure, Apple has not been able to create or use its own cloud environment, so it will rely more on AWS and Google cloud.


There is no denying that the cloud services of Google and AWS are very mature. If Apple focuses on the customer experience, it only needs to use Google and other companies' products until Apple completes the scale deployment of its internal infrastructure.


And $300 million is like a drop in revenue for apple.


Among Apple's hundreds of millions of users, only 25 million users need to pay at least one dollar a month to avoid the nagging "your icloud is full" notice, which is enough to cover the cost of Apple's storage.


It is worth mentioning that the annual cost of $300 million means that Apple pays Google $1 a month for 320GB of storage space. But for consumers, apple charges $1.50gb per month. As a middleman, Apple makes a profit margin of more than 80%.


Admittedly, in the long run, apple still needs to continue to improve its infrastructure construction. After all, it is not the best choice to store its own data in a third party. At the same time, its huge data may serve as a wedding dress for other people's business, thus reducing its moat and relying on a third party.


But no one can tell how long it will take for Apple's cloud computing business to adjust and catch up.


update time:2021-07-01 10:50:23


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