British scientist: the so-called UFO may be a US Secret aircraft using special technology


In a recent article published on the US Forbes website, British scientist Roger shawyer was quoted as saying that the so-called UFO witnessed by the US military may be a US secret military aircraft.


Pictures of UFOs disclosed by the US side


Shauer believes that the Pentagon has been issuing misleading reports on UFOs for a long time, and the recent new report on the phenomenon of unidentified flight (UAP) may be another example. After reading their narration, shauer gave an explanation for this phenomenon, pointing out that although there were hints in the report, they were also covered up.


"I think these 'unidentified air phenomena' are actually [caused] by the Americans," he said.


The report discusses 144 recent sightings by U.S. government officials, many of them Navy and air force pilots and sensor operators. In most cases, UFOs are found in a variety of ways, such as visual contact and radar or infrared. According to the report, there are many possibilities for these "aerial objects", including balloons, natural atmospheric phenomena, R & D projects of the US government or US industry, systems of foreign competitors and other factors.


The thrust of the existing version of "electromagnetic actuator" is equivalent to that of the ion actuator. The picture shows the ion actuator


According to the article, some details appear repeatedly in the eyewitness events, and many of the "flying objects" seem to have an unusual "advanced propulsion mode", which can move at high speed without moving against the wind at high altitude, and move at high speed when "there is no discernible propulsion mode".


In addition, the report also pointed out that in some cases, "military aircraft systems will receive radio frequency (RF) energy associated with unknown air phenomena."


Suspected "electromagnetic drive" published in foreign media


Shauer said that these features are consistent with the emdrive developed by him. Although there are considerable controversies about the technology and some misleading reports that it has interrupted research, DARPA is still developing it.


According to its theory, emdrive uses obscure physical principles to generate propulsion through a cavity. The research is being carried out in laboratories around the world, from NASA's eagle works to researchers in Xi'an, China, the article said. Although the current version can generate only a small amount of thrust, which is equivalent to the ion actuators used on satellites and space probes, shauer said that according to his calculations, the superconductor based version can drive high-speed model vehicles.


According to the article, some skeptics claim that this is nonsense: emdrive violates the laws of physics and can never generate thrust, and its test results are laboratory errors or fraud. Xiaoye claimed that emdrive technology was provided to Boeing in 2009 (purchase contract No. 9cs114h) and successfully tested, but Boeing declined to comment on this.


Shauer also observed that the wording in the UAP report is quite accurate, saying "advanced promotion".


"Note that it's the word 'advanced', not 'strange' or 'unexplainable'," shauer said"( This shows that the propulsion they show is not unexpected. "


Emdrive can produce the kind of maneuvers described without the heat output or noise of a jet engine, the article said. In addition, the observed radio output is also a significant feature of emdrive.


Shauer does not mean that UAPs in the report must be products of the United States, but that their characteristics are consistent with some types of emdrive. The report even acquiesces in this possibility


"Some of the UAP observations may be attributed to R & D and confidential programs of U.S. entities. However, we cannot confirm whether any UAP reports we collect include these systems. "


"The phrase 'we can't confirm' is the standard way for the U.S. government to talk about confidential topics," shauer said.

负责DARPA项目的普利茅斯大学的研究员Mike McCulloch也注意到了这些报告和他正在学习的驾驶风格之间的相似之处。

Mike McCulloch, a researcher at the University of Plymouth in charge of the DARPA project, also noted the similarities between the reports and the driving style he was studying.


"The movement of these UAPs is exactly what we expect from the quantified inertia horizon drive," McCulloch said. He said that this type of driver can achieve the rapid acceleration that UAP seems to have, which is usually unbearable for pilots and internal electronic equipment.


"Inertia is just driven by the quantum vacuum, and it can be suppressed by using the synthetic horizon," McCulloch said" This means that the spacecraft can accelerate at will, and you don't feel any force inside


However, McCulloch also reiterated that there are many other possible explanations for these sightings, including the psychological manipulation or psychological games of US government personnel.


"I'm not saying that UAP is real, I'm just saying that the observations are consistent with quantitative inertia (QI) technology," McCulloch said.


The article concludes that, as pointed out in the report, there may be multiple interpretations of the UAP report. But the report does seem to open the door to the possibility that they will come from the US and be powered by technologies like emdrive.


(Editor: YZS)


update time:2021-07-01 10:50:23


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