Meituan is making "hard investment": robots, intelligent hardware, and ideal cars


Is meituan a technology company?


If you only see yellow riders all over the streets - not really.


In a 1967 film "graduate", the protagonist is very confused after graduating from university and does not know what to do. An elder tells him, "just one word, plastics". At that time, plastic was a very new technology. People called it a material that could subvert human life. In fact, it was.


Before the popularity of smart phones, people's perception of technology was very narrow. At that time, technology was synonymous with numerical control equipment in factories, or rockets and space stations in the sky. When the mobile Internet or artificial intelligence is considered a fantasy, takeout is not even within the scope of the fantasy of the future life scene.


But at the same time with the progress of science and technology, the interaction between science and technology and human life is also deepening.


When plastics are fully integrated into human life, its sense of science and technology disappears, and even fewer and fewer people associate plastics with the cutting-edge name of "polymer materials".


Rocket to the sky or plastic synthesis are technologies. It's also technology to deliver food to customers on time. It's just that such technology, because of its tool properties hidden behind services, seems invisible, but it is actually closer to our lives.


"No matter how exciting a technology is, it's just a means to an end, not the end itself. Our goal is to realize our mission. Our mission is to "help people eat better and live better.". So how to look at and use technology is the key. " Wang Xingru said.


To achieve this mission, we need to rely on science and technology. In this way, meituan is undoubtedly a technology company, because its mission contains technology.


Science and technology investment comes to the surface


In fact, it is not difficult to answer where the scientific and technological content of meituan lies.


Last August, the number of meituan daily delivery orders exceeded 40 million. As of last year, the number of riders on meituan platform has reached 9.5 million.


Behind this is the largest order distribution and scheduling system in the world. Among them, the algorithm difficulty of huge data processing and order allocation is self-evident. Correspondingly, meituan currently has one of the largest software engineer teams in China, with more than 10000 engineers.


This is the foundation of meituan's growth, and also the most obvious technological attribute of this company.

Smalltalk的原设计师Alan Kay曾经说过:"如果你关心你的软件能力,你就需要制造硬件,否则这个硬件(能力)就是你软件能力的边界",这就可以解释美团5年前开始投资研发无人飞行器的原因。另一方面,如果说"软件"和"硬件"的定义受制于"技术"的定义,那么对于一个技术公司来说,行走的两腿往往变成了"自主研究"和"合作",但除此之外,还有一只无形的"投资"之手,它就隐藏在背后。

Alan Kay, the original designer of Smalltalk, once said, "if you care about your software capabilities, you need to make hardware, otherwise this hardware (capability) is the boundary of your software capabilities." This can explain why meituan started to invest in the research and development of unmanned vehicles five years ago. On the other hand, if the definition of "software" and "hardware" is constrained by the definition of "technology", then for a technology company, the two legs of walking often become "self research" and "cooperation", but in addition, there is the invisible hand of "investment", which is hidden behind.


Photo source: meituan


At present, meituan has established the ecological layout of unmanned distribution by means of self research, cooperation and investment, mainly involving three important scenes: indoor, semi closed Park and open road. Meituan focuses on its own research and Exploration on L4 level automatic driving technology in outdoor scenes, and covers indoor and semi closed parks through investment and cooperation.


If the platform computing power or the unmanned vehicle is the product of putting the meituan technology label on the bright place, the investment actions of meituan in recent years are rarely known.


Robots, intelligent hardware, plus an ideal car (of course, the core technology used by new energy vehicles is actually the same as that of intelligent robots) - compared with other Internet companies of the same size, the investment strategy of meituan war investment looks much clearer, which is largely due to its relatively focused investment strategy.


There are two types of investment in the business world: one is financial investment, that is, purely optimistic about the growth of a company and the financial returns it brings. From this point of view, the scope of such investment can be varied; The other is strategic investment. In addition to considering the growth of the investee itself, it also means that investors expect the company to achieve synergy from the business or product level in the future.


From the investment behavior, meituan is more inclined to the latter.


Investment to the future


Among meituan's investments in technology, the most famous one is the ideal car.


In July 2020, ideal automobile obtained a round D financing of US $550 million from meituan, which is meituan's second investment in ideal automobile. Meituan is the leading investor in the $530 million C round financing of ideal Auto in 2019.


After the completion of these two investments, meituan became the actual second largest shareholder of ideal automobile, with 5.8% of the voting rights.


The outside world often interprets meituan's interest in the ideal car as an imaginary space in the distribution technology. But Wang Xing's expectation is obviously more than that.


"In the future, the lifestyle that can be realized in a car will be no less convenient than that brought by a smart phone."


The implication is that Wang Xingshi regards the ideal car as a carrier of lifestyle, and the two have the first overlap in terms of driverless technology. In addition, the ideal car is making the implementation of interactive technology such as in car speech recognition, which will create a wider offline life scene.


Imagine that the ideal car owner in the future can order a meal with meituan takeout in the car through the car voice assistant, which looks more futuristic than McDonald's drive thru. But the imagination of the scene goes beyond that. For example, after placing an order for takeout through voice recognition technology in the car, an unmanned delivery vehicle or robot will deliver the food to the owner.


The new car scene created by ideal car not only represents the improvement of China's manufacturing strength in the past few years, but also improves the completeness of domestic industrial chain as a good industry participant. It can provide industry support in automatic driving, especially in unmanned distribution for companies with such business form as meituan, so the strategic investment value is highlighted.


Robotics - this is the core of meituan's strategic investment map.


Image source: unsplash


Wang Xing once said in the financial report telephone conference that robots are one of the key vertical fields of meituan investment. As an intelligent hardware, robot is very important. Driven by various advanced technologies including robot, there is still great potential in the field of life services to improve efficiency and reduce costs.


"In the second half of 2020, we have invested in some start-up companies. All companies have a common name, which contains" robotics ". Robots are very important to us. Robots mean intelligent hardware. I'm more optimistic about robotics in the service industry. "


Among the companies meituan has invested in, five are related to robots. The most recent move is that meituan's strategic investment department participated in the 500 million yuan round C financing of Purdue technology in May this year, which is also the third capital injection of meituan into Purdue technology.


Purdue technology is a well-known company focusing on the field of indoor distribution robots, focusing on the R & D, design and production of robots. Its low-speed self driving distribution robot products around the core technology have found application scenarios in restaurants and hotels, and are in a leading position in the same type of distribution robot market.


In addition to Purdue technology, meituan has invested intensively in the whole robot field since 2020, successively investing in Gaoxian robot, Feixi robot and Yinghe robot. In January this year, Yinghe technology, which was acquired by meituan's strategic investment department, was valued at more than 3 billion yuan.


It is worth mentioning that the above-mentioned investment in Yinghe technology is also reflected outside meituan. Major Internet companies are making investments that seem to go beyond their own "boundaries", and from the investment layout of meituan in the field of science and technology, the intention of strategic synergy is more obvious. So far, meituan war investment has quietly become the enterprise war investment with the most investment robots.

在一定程度上,COVID-19推进了无人飞行器的发展。在广州疫情重演的过程中,许多互联网公司都派出无人车队前往广州支援(包括美国团)。这些无人驾驶飞行器中的大部分激光雷达硬件由激光雷达制造商husai technology提供。

To a certain extent, COVID-19 promoted the scene of the unmanned vehicle. In the repetition of the epidemic in Guangzhou, many Internet Co have dispatched unmanned convoys to Guangzhou for support (including the US regiment). Most of the lidar hardware in these unmanned vehicles is provided by laser radar manufacturer husai technology.


The company announced the completion of more than 300 million US dollars in round D financing recently, and meituan is also one of the leading investors in this round. Meituan's hard science and technology investment layout adds another sum.


Hard technology is becoming a hot spot


In recent years, more and more high-quality technology companies are emerging in China. While Internet giants are developing themselves, they also need to find these companies earlier to find the best business model and the best team in the track.


There are many reasons for the acceleration of quality and quantity of hard technology in the industry as a whole. In the external environment, due to changes in the international political situation, the demand for domestic substitution in some core areas with national strategy has become particularly urgent. For example, after Huawei was listed in the entity list, it highlights the strategic significance of the entire integrated circuit and semiconductor industry at the national level. In the future, China will have a very strong demand for domestic substitution in various technology segments. Every track is calling for domestic products. Localization and independent research and development have become the theme of science and technology industry. Among all the Internet companies, meituan is the one that really takes root in the domestic market and does not have any international business. The industry service experience of deeply cultivating the local market and penetrating the supply chain of an industry also increases the probability of meituan finding those emerging domestic technology brands.


The financial market also began to provide space for the development of science and technology industry, so with the establishment of the science and technology innovation board, as well as a series of policies and financial support plans conducive to the development of science and technology industry, large investment institutions and state-owned financial institutions began to support more and more early start-ups in the field of science and technology. For investors, the macro level demand often brings about the rapid development of an industry, and the R & D and innovation of hard technology is gradually accelerating under this background. In other words, meituan used to be a fast-growing start-up company in line with the macro environment. It started with the development of mobile Internet, and its rapid development benefited from the Chinese government's encouragement for scientific and technological innovation in the past decade.


In addition to chips, meituan's investment in intelligent hardware represented by lidar, as well as the industry prospects of autonomous driving and robot are not yet mature. In other words, young domestic companies have the opportunity to gain a say in the international market. Looking at the invested companies of meituan, there is a very big characteristic that the technology of these companies has certain cutting-edge and leading edge, and some of them can't even see the possibility of business collaboration in the short term. However, almost all of these enterprises are domestic leaders in their own track and technology fields, and even have the potential to become global high-quality enterprises. For example, Yinghe robot mainly develops robot product clusters for national emergency management and urban governance. Not only is it too early for the business of this kind of platform robot to be commercialized, but Yinghe has only been established for one year and is an absolutely young company. Meituan has always been patient and long-term in its investment strategy. It's very suitable for entrepreneurs to grow up with them.


Photo source: zhanku Hailuo


On the other hand, under the common influence of the international situation and the epidemic situation, a large number of overseas high-end scientific and technological talents decided to return home to start their own businesses in the field of science and technology. Science and technology industry is different from consumption. It needs the completeness of the upstream and downstream industrial chain, and it also requires higher quality of talents.


According to the statistics of investment institutions, China has contributed the largest number of engineers in science and technology related fields to the world, and now the proportion of these talents returning home to start businesses is increasing. In the past two years, the quality of entrepreneurship projects in the whole hard science and technology field has improved significantly, and in recent years, the trend of talents from academic circles of colleges and universities marching into the industry is obvious. At the same time, the technical talents and some core executives of excellent domestic science and technology enterprises, such as Huawei, Baidu, Dajiang, etc., have also formed a wave of independent entrepreneurship in the past two years.


These entrepreneurial teams with high-quality technical ability and industry endorsement are speeding up the development of the whole industry, and gradually turning the hard technology industry related to robots and autonomous driving into a fertile land for investment.


In such an upsurge, all technology companies that want to lead to the future want to stand behind these young teams. As a technology company, meituan naturally can't be absent.


These investment actions focusing on hard technology, as Wang Xing said, will eventually return to the mission of meituan. In a longer-term perspective, these clear-cut investment steps will gradually bear fruit in the life scene, and the quality of meituan as a technology company will eventually show up.


update time:2021-06-30 18:57:19


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