Musk MWC's speech: Star chain will make 30 billion US dollars in the next year, which is 10 times of its rocket business


Musk also said the company was "losing money" for its satellite antenna service to its customers because the hardware price was close to $1300, but SpaceX charged users only $499" We are developing the next generation of terminals that can provide the same level of capability, roughly the same level of capability, but at a much lower cost, "he said.


As SpaceX management has said before, musk estimates that SpaceX may need $5 billion to $10 billion to fully operate the star chain, and then invest as much as $20 billion to $30 billion in the long term. But SpaceX believes it can expand into a larger market. It is estimated that the star chain can generate as much as $30 billion in revenue a year, about 10 times the annual revenue of its rocket launch business.


"The star chain is currently operating in about 12 countries, and the number is increasing every month," Musk said" We have two very important partnerships with major countries (telecommunications companies), and I hope to announce them now, but obviously we listen to our partners to make any announcement. We are in discussions with some other [telecom companies] to provide star link access, "he said.


Musk also said that SpaceX is getting closer to launching the next generation of satellite chain" We are approaching the launch of satellite 1.5, which has a laser satellite to satellite link and will be used especially for continuous connectivity in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Next year we will launch our satellite 2.0, and its performance will be greatly improved. "


The following is the transcript of Musk's keynote speech:

主持人:女士们先生们,大家好!很荣幸今天下午能和你在一起。大家好,在线观看视频!谢谢你加入我们。我叫贾斯汀·斯普林厄姆,在线门户网站mobile world live的出版商。在这次特别的主题演讲中,我将担任主持人。这是一次非常重要的主题演讲,也是我们一直期待的2021年世界移动通信大会的主题演讲。

Host: Ladies and gentlemen, Hello! It's a great honor to be with you this afternoon. Hello, everyone, watching the video online! Thank you for joining us. My name is Justin springham, the publisher of the online portal mobile world live. In this special keynote speech, I will be the host. This is a very important keynote speech, and also a keynote speech that we have been looking forward to during the 2021 world mobile communication conference.


After challenging the practices of the banking, automotive and aviation industries that many consider impossible to transform, it's time to invite Elon Musk to the world mobile communications conference this year. Musk now plans to do the same in the Internet services industry. SpaceX is launching the world's most advanced broadband Internet system with its own experience in making rockets and spaceships. Now, please welcome Mr. musk.


Host: Elon, I'm glad to see that you are warmly welcomed by the world mobile communication conference. First of all, I'd like to wish you a happy 50th birthday yesterday on behalf of all those who attended the world mobile communication conference.


Musk: Thank you.


Moderator: obviously, we're going to talk about SpaceX, and SpaceX's broader goals. Before that, I would like to focus on the star chain project. At present, this is a plan to provide global broadband coverage by satellite. You actually compare this project to rebuilding the Internet in space. You are essentially an engineer. What drives you to accept this new challenge?


Musk: where there is no Internet connection at present, or where the Internet connection is very limited or very expensive, it needs to be connected. But, as I said, there is no such service in these places. You can think of Starlink as a service to bridge the gap between 5g and optical fiber, which can really reach 3% to 5% of the most difficult places in the world. I do think the star chain is a useful complement to 5g and fiber.


Compere: you mentioned very good complementary technology, we will discuss in depth. First, give us a high-level overview of the actual progress of the star chain. What have you done so far?


Musk: we've had an accident. There are more than 1500 satellites. There are some interesting statistics that the total power of all satellites is more than 5 megawatts. So the total solar energy of all satellites is more than 5 megawatts. It actually starts next month, I should say almost next month, and they can output about 30tb of data per second. Starting in August, we should be able to launch networking services everywhere in the world except at the two poles. As I said, it's actually targeted at sparsely populated areas. Star chains are very suitable for low to medium density regions, but not for high density regions. In high-density areas, we will serve a very limited user base. It's operational. The number of active users of star chain service has reached 6942, and it will soon have hundreds of thousands of users, which may exceed 500000 within 12 months. So, the growth speed of star chain is very fast. We are constantly innovating user terminals, satellites, ground stations, gateways and presence points.


Star chain currently operates in about 12 countries, and the number is increasing every month. Therefore, the star chain is a very good complement to 5g and fiber services. We have two very important partnerships with major countries (telecommunications companies), and I hope to announce them now, but obviously we listen to our partners to make any announcement. We are discussing with some other (telecom companies) to provide star link access, and using star link to transmit data link in their network, which will be a very effective way.


Secondly, it is especially used to solve the problems relative to other satellite communication systems. The satellite chain is about 500 km from the ground, while the synchronous satellite is about 36000 km from the ground. Therefore, the delay of star link system is similar to that of ground optical fiber and 5g, and we expect that the delay will be less than 20 ms. So, you can still feel the speed of star chain service is very fast, almost no delay. For example, users can play competitive games in the star chain system.


Compere: This is a very difficult market. If you look back at the past few decades, this market is full of failures. Back in the 1990s, some well-known companies that tried to make satellite broadband service a success have disappeared. You also have strong competition now, such as Amazon and oneweb. They all plan to launch new satellite Internet projects. What makes star chain project different?


Musk: a few years ago, I gave a talk about the star chain. I was asked what my goal was for the star chain? I said at the time that our goal was not to go bankrupt. Because as you mentioned, all the other companies that provide LEO constellation services have gone bankrupt. Now, some of them have come out of bankruptcy, but let's put it this way, the original owners did not benefit from these constellations. So the vast majority of them went bankrupt even before the constellation was fully deployed. Some companies did come out of bankruptcy. Companies like iridium and OPCOM are doing quite well today, but it has nothing to do with their original owners.


So the first step is not to go bankrupt. If we don't go bankrupt, it will be great and we will move forward. I really think from a technical point of view, the satellite chain is very different from the previous Satellite Internet services. The technology we deploy in the star chain is very advanced. Ironically, what often happens with space-based technology is that it's often old technology that exists on the ground. Companies are usually very conservative, so they say that we want the technology to be validated on the ground, and we have to test it for four years to make sure it can work in space with higher vacuum and radiation loads. Therefore, the technology that is usually launched into orbit is an older technology.


We have been taking a different approach, and we will use more advanced technology than on the ground. We just want to have a try. Therefore, we have the most advanced technology. As far as we know, no one has this technology, not even at the military level. This is very important for the fast-moving rear constellation, because the terminal as the user terminal is also phase array. The terminals on these tools and the antennas on the satellites are phased array. So you can quickly switch from one mobile satellite to another. All of this will be done in milliseconds. So you won't find that service is shifting from one satellite to another. In the conversion of satellite link service between satellites, users will not find the problem of data delay.


A satellite can cover many different mobile phone points on the ground. This is a digital phased array system. Because it is digital, we can continue to import programs and reprogram the system to improve efficiency. We're using the most advanced phase rate system in the world, which is pretty cool.


We also have advanced launch system, which has a high success rate. I believe SpaceX put about two-thirds of its payload into orbit last year; This year we are likely to deliver close to 80% of the payload. Of the remaining 20% payload, China will account for about 12% and other countries for the remaining 8%.


The falcon-9 rocket uses reusable booster, and the fairing is reusable, so the cost of launching satellites into orbit is also unprecedented low. Of course, learning how to build these advanced satellites and how to build so many user terminals for satellites and gateways is a rather risky experience. For example, these satellites use the krypton hole effect thruster developed by SpaceX, or basically emit high-speed krypton ions. It's really cool. Superman, watch out for our satellites. Stay away from them!


Overall, our satellites are very smart. We are approaching the launch of satellite 1.5, which has a laser satellite to satellite link and will be used especially for continuous connectivity in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Next year we will launch our satellite 2.0, and its performance will be greatly improved. In the future, even if a large number of Internet users are paralyzed, star chain users will still be able to use Internet services normally. I'm very excited about its future. We're confident, it looks positive. As I said, star link will be a natural complement to fiber and 5g services of major telecom companies.


Host: how much money have you invested in the star chain project and how much money are you going to invest?


Musk: I think it depends especially on how you calculate your investment. Should investment include Falcon 9 and everything we do there? For us to achieve positive cash flow, it may take at least $5 billion to $10 billion. That's a bit too much. You might say, after achieving positive cash flow, how much money do we have to invest? Because with the continuous development of technology, we need to continue to invest in low-cost geostationary satellites. Geosynchronous satellites can usually reserve a large area, but the total bandwidth they reserve is not very large, and the delay is also very high, but we still need to be able to provide services at the same or lower price as GTO satellite networking.


Therefore, investment in star chain services may need at least $5 billion to $10 billion. Over time, our investment in the star chain may reach US $20 billion to US $30 billion.


Compere: This is really a large amount of money. To attract investment, you obviously need customers and subscribers. For example, if I want to use the star chain service, I need to invest about $500. How much do other subscribers need to pay?


Musk: Yes, at present, we charge about $500. The standard of charge is basically the same in the world. It will only be slightly adjusted due to the tax rate and exchange rate. What I want to tell you is that we are selling terminals at a loss. We cost more than $1000 per terminal, so we are obviously subsidizing users. We are developing the next generation of terminals, which can provide the same level of capability, roughly the same level of capability, but at a much lower cost. This is an area we are developing, because large scale half price sales terminals are not super attractive. In the long run, we will probably reduce the cost of terminals from $500 to $300 or $250.


We do make installation easy because we know our customers will be all over the world, usually in very remote areas. Therefore, our terminal installation does not need professionals. You can take it out of the box, and it only takes less than five minutes to install and surf the Internet. So these instructions are just two instructions, that is, the terminal points to the sky and inserts it. You can do it in any order. Installation is really very simple, basically everyone can easily complete the installation, without any professional installation personnel.


Compere: the operator is not clear at present star chain is a friend or an enemy after all, they are also looking for countermeasures. How do you plan to work with operators?


Musk: we have two very important partnerships with major countries (telecommunication companies). I hope we can announce them now, but obviously we listen to our partners to make any announcement. We are discussing with some other (telecom companies) to provide star link access.


Host: SpaceX is still a young company relative to the satellite industry, but SpaceX has been doing business in the space field for more than 20 years. You are very open to the plan of human returning to the moon, but you are not satisfied with it. We will know that you want to go further and land human on Mars. I want to know what role the star chain will play in these master plans?


Musk: Rocket Technology in the real sense must be greatly improved, especially the Holy Grail of rocket technology - to make the rocket quickly become a reusable and reliable rocket. With Falcon 9, we have achieved the most efficient reuse of all rockets to date. We now have boosters that have flown 10 times, and some will fly 20 or 50 times. In other words, about 70% of the cost of our rockets can be recycled. If everything goes according to plan, we will develop a rocket with a carrying capacity of 100 tons. The marginal cost of launching it is about $2 million, which is lower than the cost of launching a falcon rocket.


Host: when can we see the Starship?


Musk: you can see its development progress on the Internet. It is closely watched on the Internet. In fact, the Internet can provide you with all the latest information you want to see, because the development site of the starship is just next to the highway in southern Texas, so never forget the public to aim our spaceship with a telephoto lens. We hope to have our first orbital launch test in the coming months. In the next month or so, we are sure to have a booster, and deliver an orbital cable booster and an elliptical cable boat, as well as prepare the launch site.


Host: as a business leader, you seem to be driven by your mission. I want to know what criteria you will look for when you accept new challenges, because you seem to focus more on challenges than opportunities. What makes you really excited?


Musk: what SpaceX is trying to do is expand the scope and scale of consciousness beyond the earth. What Tesla is trying to do is to make life on earth better through sustainable energy. It's based on my basic philosophy, you know, we don't know what the answer is, or even what questions to ask. But if we can expand the scale and scope of consciousness, then we can better know what questions to ask( Tengxu technology finishing / Wuji)


update time:2021-06-30 14:46:53


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