SpaceX has successfully launched its second Mini satellite carpooling, and has put nearly 900 satellites into orbit this year


Tencent technology news on July 1, local time on Tuesday, the U.S. space exploration technology company SpaceX successfully completed the second microsatellite "carpool launch" mission in Cape Canaveral, Florida, and realized the first land recovery of Falcon 9 rocket booster this year.

这项任务被称为transporter-2。SpaceX利用八只手的Falcon 9火箭助推器将88颗微型卫星送入轨道,其中包括美国国防部的5颗卫星、其他9家公司或实体的80颗卫星以及SpaceX自己的3颗卫星链互联卫星。完成这项任务后,SpaceX今年迄今已将近900颗微型卫星送入轨道。

The mission is called transporter-2. SpaceX uses the eight handed Falcon 9 rocket booster to put 88 microsatellites into orbit, including five satellites from the US Department of defense, 80 satellites from nine other companies or entities, and three SpaceX's own satellite chain interconnection satellites. After the completion of this mission, SpaceX has put nearly 900 microsatellites into orbit so far this year.

SpaceX原计划于6月25日发射transporter-2,但后来由于需要更多时间进行发射前检查而推迟。周二,该公司在发射前11秒停止了倒计时,并将发射推迟到周三,一架私人直升机闯入发射场。SpaceX首席执行官埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)在推特上对联邦航空管理局(FAA)表示不满,称其试点禁飞区的范围"太大",其规定"过时"且"效率低下"。

SpaceX was originally scheduled to launch transporter-2 on June 25, but was later delayed due to the need for more time to provide pre launch inspections. On Tuesday, the company stopped the countdown 11 seconds before the launch and delayed the launch until Wednesday, when a private helicopter broke into the launch site. Elon Musk, SpaceX's chief executive, tweeted against the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), saying that the scope of its pilot no fly zone was "too large" and that its regulations were "outdated" and "inefficient".


SpaceX had previously carried out a mini satellite carpool launch mission, and successfully put 143 satellites into orbit in January 2021, breaking the record for the number of satellites carried by a single rocket. However, although transporter-2 has fewer satellites than transporter-1, its total weight is higher.


Transporter-2 is SpaceX's 20th orbital launch in 2021, a pace that could push the company up to 40 launches this year. It also means that SpaceX could break its annual launch record (26) in the first eight months of 2021, unless something unexpected happens. As of June 30, SpaceX has completed 36 orbital launches and 35 landing of Falcon 9 rocket booster in the past 12 months, with only one booster lost in the process.


However, it is not easy to launch so many satellites at the same time. Each satellite must be deployed in a regular order to avoid potential collision risk. To meet this challenge, SpaceX uses a dedicated launch splitter and a free flying transfer stage. When the payload enters a particular orbit, these transfer stages help to deploy the satellite. The deployment sequence needs to be carefully arranged, and each satellite needs to be released at the right time, which can minimize any potential flight anomalies( Tencent technology reviser / Jinlu)


update time:2021-07-01 10:50:23


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