The EU wants to turn the iPhone into an Android phone


These three words can well describe Apple's recent situation.


On the other side of the Atlantic, the European Commission launched an antitrust investigation into Apple's App Store under the digital market act (DMA) enacted last year.


If established, Apple could be fined 10% of its global revenue. According to Apple's revenue in fiscal year 2020, the 10% fine is about 177.7 billion yuan, which is a sky high price.

无独有偶,今年4月,苹果与Epic Games热战之际,不少《堡垒之夜》玩家向苹果提出要求,希望苹果打开侧装许可安装《堡垒之夜》,遭到库克拒绝。

Similarly, in April this year, when apple and Epic Games were in a hot fight, many players of "Fortress night" put forward a demand to apple, hoping that Apple would open the side loading permission to install "Fortress night", which was rejected by cook.


Whether it's the European Union, the United States or the epic war with Epic Games, they all aim at IOS, which does not support "sideloading" applications.


What is side loading application?


Sideloading application refers to the unrestricted installation and testing of third-party applications without going through the official app store.

对于苹果IOS来说,也就是说,应用程序不是通过app store安装的。

For Apple IOS, that is to say, the app is not installed through the app store.


It is this feature that makes Android open and closed to IOS, and makes the app store at the center of the storm.


Will Apple compromise?


In the past, in the face of investigations and accusations, apple mostly "did not comment" and let the results speak. Now, contrary to the normal, executives are active.

此外,苹果公司用户隐私总监埃里克·纽恩施瓦德(Erik neuenschwander)在与fast公司沟通时表示,"苹果可以随时打开在app store周围安装应用程序的功能",但这样做会导致用户上当受骗或上当受骗。

In addition, when communicating with fast company, Erik neuenschwander, Apple's user privacy director, said that "apple can open the function of installing apps around the app store at any time", but doing so will lead to users being cheated or fooled.

也就是说,面对全球范围内针对app store的"反垄断"调查,苹果不会在开放侧加载权限上妥协。

In other words, in the face of "anti-monopoly" investigations against the app store around the world, Apple will not compromise on opening the side loading authority.


In fact, both the comments of Apple executives and this 16 page document undoubtedly tell the legislators of the European Union or the United States that if they continue to promote the anti-monopoly investigation and reform, the huge IOS user base in Europe and the United States will be at great risk.


"Consumers or small businesses in Europe" and "which side do you choose This is Apple's response to the EU antitrust investigation.


Is there a safety risk in supporting "sideloading"?


As ordinary consumers, we should not pay attention to the deep meaning behind the EU antitrust investigation, but should pay attention to whether the "closed" IOS and Android supporting side mounted applications are really "safe".


update time:2021-06-30 18:57:19


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