2021 quantum technology panorama report: China's investment exceeds 100 billion, and millions of quantum bits are put on the agenda


Quantum technology is the future opportunity of a series of related technologies. It not only involves the field of quantum computing, but also has broad application prospects in the fields of sensing and measurement, communication, simulation, high-performance computing and so on. Moreover, there are links between these quantum ecosystems and their entire supply chain. In recent years, countries around the world have attached great importance to the development of quantum technology, increased investment in quantum R & D by issuing policy documents, establishing research institutions and supporting quantum science and technology research, promoted quantum science and technology R & D and industrial development, and tried to establish a quantum ecosystem in the future.


For the intelligent internal reference in this issue, we recommend the report "2021 panoramic prospect of quantum technology" of photon box to restore the latest progress of quantum technology from the aspects of national policies, the latest hardware, software and algorithms.


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Source photon box


Panoramic prospect of quantum technology in 2021


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1、 最新的国家政策和投入

1、 Latest national policies and inputs


1. European Union


Europe has long recognized the potential of quantum information processing and communication technology. In addition to the "quantum technology flagship program" launched in 2016, it also increases its available funds by adjusting the expenditure of other programs (such as its digital and space programs), so as to lay the foundation for the realization of the future vision of "quantum Internet". In May 2020, the official website of EU's "European quantum technology flagship program" released the report of strategic research agenda (SRA).


Within 10 years, it is estimated that the relevant quantum expenditure of the EU in the whole quantum technology flagship program is 3-4 billion euros.


"Flagship program" - in the expansion stage, 19 projects in this program cover quantum computing, communication, simulation, sensing and measurement and basic science. In 2020, these projects passed the mid-term review and launched two new projects - qlsi to add silicon spin qubits to the ranks of superconducting and ion trap qubits that have become targets; Neasqc is designed specifically for nisq applications to address the balance of programs that many people believe lack software focus.


2. North America

加拿大对现代量子科学做出了杰出的贡献。特别是在1984年,Gilles brassard(蒙特利尔大学)提出了著名的BB84量子密码协议。2002,量子计算研究所(IQC)在加拿大成立。2008-2018年,量子科技投资超过10亿美元。

Canada has made outstanding contributions to modern quantum science. Especially in 1984, Gilles brassard (University of Montreal) proposed the famous BB84 quantum cryptography protocol. In 2002, the Institute of quantum computing (IQC), the first in Canada, was established at the University of Waterloo. In 2008-2018, quantum science and technology investment exceeded $1 billion.

2017年,加拿大国家研究委员会(NRC)启动了一个名为quantum Canada的项目。就加拿大而言,有大量总部设在加拿大或与加拿大关系密切的知名量子公司。例如,d-wave、Xanadu、1qbit、quantum benchmark、evolutionq、Zapata和Isara。其中,创造性破坏实验室(CDL)一直是量子产业初创企业的基准。

In 2017, the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) launched a program called quantum Canada. For Canada, there are a large number of well-known quantum companies headquartered in Canada or closely related to Canada. For example, d-wave, Xanadu, 1qbit, quantum benchmark, evolutionq, Zapata and Isara. Among them, the creative destruction Laboratory (CDL) has always been the benchmark for start-ups in the quantum industry.


By 2020, the Canadian quantum industry will consolidate this position by establishing a new industrial alliance. In 2020, Vancouver's digital technology super cluster also announced a co investment of $153 million.


The United States has a long history of investment in quantum science. 2020 is the second year of the national quantum Initiative (nqi) program of the United States, and with the real formation of the program, people also see the bright spots of the development of quantum technology. Nqi will spend US $1.3 billion in 2019-2023, and a large amount of private funds have been invested in it.


Three new quantum leap institutes have been established at the National Science Foundation of the United States. These academically led institutes will support research in different fields:


1. Q-sense - quantum system of entanglement science and Engineering (led by the University of Colorado at Boulder). Quantum sensing technology is widely used in precision measurement;

2、Hqan -混合量子体系和网络(由香槟伊利诺伊大学领导)将开发一个用于离子阱、中性原子和超导量子比特系统的多节点测试平台,以及分布式量子计算软件栈。它还致力于下一代容错量子比特,并与芝加哥量子交易所密切合作;

2. Hqan - hybrid quantum architecture and network (led by the University of Illinois at champagne) will develop a multi node test-bed for ion traps, neutral atoms and superconducting qubit systems, as well as a distributed quantum computing software stack. It is also committed to the next generation of fault-tolerant qubits and works closely with the Chicago quantum exchange;

3、Pfqc -当前和未来量子计算(由加利福尼亚大学,伯克利领导)。设计大规模量子计算机,为当前和未来的量子计算平台开发有效的算法,并验证量子计算机能够超越经典计算机。

3. Pfqc - current and future quantum computing (led by the University of California, Berkeley). Design large-scale quantum computers, develop effective algorithms for current and future quantum computing platforms, and verify that quantum computers can surpass classical computers.


The U.S. Department of energy has a unique network of 17 national laboratories with unique capabilities in the field of U.S. research. The U.S. Department of energy has established five national Quantum Information Science (QIS) research centers:


1. Q-next - next generation quantum science and Engineering (Argonne National Laboratory). It will focus on long-distance quantum networks, quantum enabled sensing, processing and testing. It will establish two national quantum foundries for material and device manufacturing. Famous partners include Intel, IBM, Microsoft and coldquanta.


2. C2qa - quantum advantage Collaborative Design Center (Brookhaven National Laboratory). It aims to overcome the limitations of early nisq equipment to realize quantum advantages in high-energy, nuclear, chemical and condensed matter physical science applications. The five-year goal is to improve 10 times in software optimization, basic material and equipment characteristics and quantum error correction. Famous partners include IBM.


3. SQMS - superconducting quantum materials and Systems Center (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory). By understanding the physical process causing decoherence, we focus on creating better superconducting qubits. The purpose is to build a quantum computer using the next generation superconducting qubit technology.


4. QSA - quantum system accelerator (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory). It aims to jointly design the algorithms, equipment and engineering solutions required to provide the quantum advantage of authentication in scientific applications. Key technologies include neutral atoms, ion traps and superconducting qubits. Sandia National Laboratory is the main partner.


5. QSC - Quantum Science Center (Oak Ridge National Laboratory). Discovery, design and demonstration of topological quantum materials, using the algorithm of topological system and a new quantum system for measuring abnormally weak signals. Microsoft is one of the five core members. Other partners include IBM and coldquanta.


After the U.S. Department of energy launched the quantum strategy, the U.S. Department of defense put forward the strategic blueprint of quantum Internet according to the initial backbone network of 17 national laboratories of the U.S. Department of energy.


3. China


China's "Five-Year Plan" (especially since 2006, including quantum science) has been promoting the development of science and technology. China has invested US $1.5 billion in central and provincial quantum science and technology research centers in the world. So far, China has the world's largest deployed QKD network and continues to maintain a world leading position in advanced space quantum communication technology" Mozi satellite and Jiuzhang quantum processor are the symbols of the success of the program.


From 2006 to 2020, China plans to spend $1 billion from the central government and $500 million from local governments. According to state media reports, the investment will reach nearly 15 billion US dollars (100 billion yuan) by 2022. At present, the network of the National Laboratory for Quantum Information Science (nlqis) is being established.


1. Nlqis Hefei: it will become the world's largest quantum research institution and the headquarters of the program. We will focus on photon, diamond NV color center and silicon spin quantum bit technology, as well as quantum communication and quantum sensing.


2. Nlqis Beijing: this branch will focus on theory, ion traps and topological qubits.


3. Nlqis Shanghai: this branch will focus on superconducting qubits and ultracold atoms and free space quantum communication.


Alibaba, Baidu, Tencent and Huawei have all made quantum investments in quantum technology. GuoDun quantum and Benyuan quantum are famous start-ups" The 14th five year plan details the plan, which will be officially adopted in 2021. A key concept is the "double cycle", which includes reducing dependence on foreign high technology and increasing openness to foreign investment. At the same time, innovation is also a key theme.

2、 2021量子硬件展望

2、 2021 quantum hardware outlook


1. Superconducting qubit


Google: the first major news in the hardware industry this year is that John martinis left Google because of tensions with his leadership, Hartmut neven. At Google's quantum Summer Seminar, neven once again emphasized the continuity of Google's plan and outlined the milestone of their plan to build a "small" ftqc with 1 million physical superconducting qubits by 2029.


Even when he left office, Martinis has been emphasizing Google's leading edge in program and hardware. However, there will be challenges. Google's preferred tunable qubit and fast logic gate provide great flexibility and performance, but the calibration of sycamore53q device is obviously a challenge.


With additional control, additional control lines need to be routed on and off the chip. Scaling automatically increases the routing challenge and the relationship between the number of components and the overall failure rate. It is worth noting that most of the work reported by Google in 2020 used sycamore's 23q configuration, because automatic calibration initially failed to provide acceptable 2q gate performance in large settings. Google takes material research as a way to improve the coherence time of qubits. Although the prospect is good, it requires scientific progress, not just engineering progress.


Google roadmap - from now to 2029: 102q (logic qubit prototype), 103q (one logic qubit), 104q (tilable logic module), 105q (Engineering expansion), 106q (error correction quantum computer). Error correction through surface code protocol.


IBM is clearly focused on large-scale ftqc. Condor's original design used the same hexagonal layout as other recent chips. This low connectivity design is to make the chip with fixed frequency qubit design easier to manufacture, and aims to use low connectivity color code instead of surface code for error correction. To ensure that their roadmap is clearer than other companies in 2023. In addition, IBM's super refrigerator can eventually stack multiple chips, providing "millions" of internally connected qubits.


When assessing whether IBM can achieve its goals, it is difficult not to be impressed by its past record. IBM will also significantly reduce 2q gate errors. Although their recent generations of processors have shown stable improvements in this key parameter, their plans now seem to recognize the need for more significant changes to their 2q gate design.


IBM has been trying to use additional tunable oscillator couplers and bypass capacitor couplers in each gate while retaining fixed frequency qubits to take advantage of their allowed long phase interference time. This ensures that the 2q gate is faster (with lower error), but due to significant changes compared with its previous technical design, it can only be realized in a simple 2q experimental equipment so far.


In order to meet the growing cabling challenges, IBM has developed a next-generation chip layout based on three-layer superconducting cabling. Seeing how these technologies fit together smoothly will be a key test of IBM's roadmap.

在IqT欧洲峰会上,Lieven vandersypen(qutech的科学总监)指出,尽管许多人希望更快的发展,但将量子量逐年翻倍仍然是一个挑战。我们需要记住,我们不能仅仅通过添加量子位来实现这一点。同步操作中2q门的保真度是电流限制因素。Jay Gambetta(IBM)表示:"我看到了未来的挑战,但没有障碍。"

At the IqT European summit, Lieven vandersypen (scientific director of qutech) pointed out that although many people want faster development, doubling the quantum volume year by year is still a challenge. We need to recall that we can't do this just by adding qubits. The fidelity of 2q gate in synchronous operation is the current limiting factor. Jay Gambetta (IBM) said, "I see the challenges ahead, but there are no obstacles."


2. Ion trap

离子阱的开发在2020年非常顺利。霍尼韦尔已经成为第一家通过其6q H0和10q H1处理器实现QV 64和QV 128的制造商。有些人可能会想,10q处理器怎么能声称自己的功能和IBM的27q处理器一样强大?然而,这仅仅突出了离子阱研究人员长期以来描述的两个优点:与超导量子比特方法相比,它具有更高的连接性和更高的门保真度。这两个优点可以确保更高的QV。霍尼韦尔处理器也是第一个实现中间电路测量的处理器,进一步提高了灵活性。

The development of ion trap is very smooth in 2020. Honeywell has become the first manufacturer to achieve QV 64 and QV 128 with its 6q H0 and 10q H1 processors. Some people may wonder, how can the 10q processor claim to be as powerful as IBM's 27q Processor? However, this just highlights two advantages that ion trap researchers have described for a long time: compared with superconducting qubit method, it has superior connectivity and higher gate fidelity. These two advantages can ensure higher QV. Honeywell processor is also the first processor to realize intermediate circuit measurement, which further improves the flexibility.


Honeywell roadmap (different qubit layouts) - 2020-2030, H1 (linear ion trap), H2 (runway layout), H3 (grid layout), H4 (integrated optical elements), H5 (large-scale tiling).


Ion trap architectures are usually extended using photonic interconnects between modules. Faster interconnection has been demonstrated recently, but it still seems to be a performance bottleneck. On the other hand, universal quantum has proved that their ion shuttle method can provide QV similar to full connection in principle.


3. Neutral atom


Neutral atom qubits will continue to develop by leaps and bounds in 2020. They have many of the same characteristics as ion traps. Their advantage is that neutral atoms can be wrapped more closely. This means that it can be extended to 1000q module faster. This technology is also called cold atom because it uses laser cooling and high vacuum to reach the temperature of millikelvin (MK), which is far lower than the range of low-temperature cooling.

Coldquanta是一家采用这种方法的知名公司,它已将quantum core作为一个基本单元推出,以瞄准许多量子领域的机遇。它也是阿尔伯特的基础,阿尔伯特是云上的量子物质系统。冷量子已经被发现

Coldquanta, a well-known company adopting this approach, has launched quantum core as a basic unit to target opportunities in many quantum fields. It is also the basis of Albert, the quantum matter system on the cloud. Coldquanta has been


DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) was selected to participate in the development of 1000q processor as part of onisq program. The value of this award is as high as US $7.4 million.

Coldquanta路线图——2021年达到100个,2022年达到300个,2024年达到1000个。其他选择中性原子的公司包括quera、paswal和atom computing。

Coldquanta roadmap - 100Q by 2021, 300q by 2022 and 1000q by 2024. Other companies that choose neutral atoms include quera, paswal and atom computing.


4. Silicon quantum dots


In 2020, quantum dot based silicon qubits have made significant progress in realizing one of the advantages of their long-term commitments. Qutech and the University of New South Wales (UNSW) demonstrated qubit operation with metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) quantum dots at a temperature of 1K. This is expected to be a significantly easier mechanism to operate and expand the scale of the equipment, although it remains to be seen whether the coherence time and fidelity are competitive at these higher temperatures.


Silicon quantum computing, an Australian start-up, has always been an early promoter of silicon qubits. In 2020, it announced the focus of its roadmap, abandoned MOS quantum dots and added phosphorus atom qubits. These devices use ultra cutting-edge manufacturing technology to provide atomic precision methods that go beyond traditional CMOS technology.

在描述SQC的制造技术时,Michelle Simmons(SQC的创始人)指出,不仅可以以原子精度设计量子比特,而且同样的技术可以在相同的设备基板上创建稳定、简单和原始的控制电路。今年,他们报告说硅量子比特达到了迄今为止最低的噪声。离开谷歌后,约翰·马丁尼(John martinis)现在加入了SQC,并将开发具有超快门和可扩展布线选项的设备。

When describing the manufacturing technology of SQC, Michelle Simmons (founder of SQC) pointed out that not only can qubits be designed with atomic precision, but also the same technology can create stable, simple and original control circuits in the same device substrate. This year, they reported that silicon qubits achieve the lowest noise to date. After leaving Google, John martinis has now joined SQC and will develop devices with ultra fast doors and scalable cabling options.

2020年,加拿大初创公司光子公司(photon Inc.)发表了早期研究报告,承诺为硅量子比特"军火库"添加一个重要的新工具。这有望改善基于硅中t中心缺陷的光子界面。

In 2020, Canadian start-up photon Inc published early research, promising to add an important new tool to the silicon qubit "arsenal". This is expected to improve the interface of photons based on t-centre defects in silicon.


5. Light quantum bit


The nine chapter experiment in China can prove that this calculation is more complex than that implemented on any other platform so far. In Chapter 9, an algorithm called Gaussian Bose sampling is implemented to achieve this. A Gaussian Bose sampling quantum computing prototype with 76 photons and 100 modes is successfully constructed. The output samples generated in 200 seconds claim that fugaku, the world's most powerful supercomputer, will take 600 million years to realize. It is much more complex than Google's initial demonstration of the quantum advantage of sycamore.


Chapter nine does not come out of thin air. China has been increasing its investment in quantum technology since at least 2006. The expertise of Pan Jianwei's team is well known. In 2019, they realized the Bose sampling quantum calculation of 20 photons and 60 mode interference lines for the first time. The latest experiment is a remarkable scientific achievement and a masterpiece that once again proves the team's science and engineering technology.


The meaning of chapter nine does not need to be broken down. The current form of the device is not programmable. It implements a static algorithm rather than a general quantum computing method. Perhaps more importantly, it is achieved through "traditional" optical platform installation. All active components are still discrete. In order to achieve a stable configuration, many manual adjustments are required. This method is exciting in science, but it poses a severe challenge to expand the scale.


6. Future outlook


Quantum hegemony - regardless of the final outcome of the debate on the difficulty of calculation, Chapter 9 will cause an uproar. Pay attention to whether this technology can be programmable and scalable. Only in this way can it be truly subversive.


QV - ionq has high expectations for its new 32q quantum computer. Will the measured performance really reach 4 million QV( (22aq in the new term of ionq)?


QV / S - quantum volume can be used to measure many performance indicators, but it can not measure the difference of original gate speed between different quantum bit platforms. It is expected that the superconducting qubit community will take appropriate measures to fight back so that they can show their fast gate.


Number of qubits - will IBM be the first to put 100Q + processors and 127q eagle in the cloud? Or will rigetti use 4x32q multichip Aspen modules to seize and take the lead? What will we see from Google's "100Q" device? Note the trend of synchronous 2q gate fidelity.


Logical qubits - focus on the error correction demonstration of major players, which shows that they are moving towards a new important milestone - operating logical qubits.


China - can Benyuan quantum add 60 qubits of Wuyuan 2.0 devices to cloud products?


Europe - QT flagship project opensuperq is expected to deliver its first equipment. How far is it from 100Q and what is the corresponding QV? Aqion will deliver 50Q + equipment; Note its rack based flexible configuration.


UK - rigetti is building a superconducting qubit based machine in the UK, which is housed in the latest proteox series dilution refrigerator of Oxford Instruments. Pay attention to the details that may be released by this quantum computer.


Superconducting technology - observe the development of start-ups and the new features of this technology, such as seeqc and OQC. Pay special attention to the details of QCI plan. This is a strong team, but it is still operating in the dark. What they choose to support will be a guide to how they see the challenges of future expansion.


Quantum annealing -- pay attention to the details of the future d-wave hardware plan. What are the details of the "coherent" quantum annealer proposed by qilimanjaro.

离子阱技术——霍尼韦尔和ionq等现有领先企业将由AQT推动。关注牛津ionics、universal quantum和nextgenq等微波门技术初创公司的新闻。

Ion trap technology - existing leaders such as Honeywell and ionq will be driven by AQT. Follow news from microwave gate technology startups such as Oxford ionics, universal quantum and nextgenq.

中性原子——2021年我们会看到coldquanta的100Q装置成为头条新闻吗?要特别注意忠实。关注更多来自创业公司quera、Pascal和atom computing的项目。

Neutral atom - will we see coldquanta's 100Q device make the headlines in 2021? Pay particular attention to fidelity. Follow more programs from startups quera, Pascal and atom computing.


Quantum dots - spin qubit prototypes are usually based on metal oxide semiconductors or SiGe quantum dots on silicon substrates. In the past two years, germanium qubits on silicon substrates have made amazing progress, including the 4Q processor demonstrated by qutech. Observe which variant will become the leading quantum dot quantum bit platform.


Photon platform - many variants of this technology have been developed, each with different advantages and disadvantages. Silicon on insulator (SOI) is the most mature technology and is supported by psiq. Silicon nitride (Si3N4) provides a powerful existing component ecosystem and is favored by Xanadu and quix. Other changes in this technology are emerging. Note which of these technologies will stand out in quantum applications. Which one will duality choose as its starting point?

拓扑量子位——在2020年经历了一次重大挫折,质疑了TU Delft之前关于mayorana准粒子的结果。继续关注相关争议。

Topological qubits - experienced a major setback in 2020, questioning the previous results of TU Delft on mayorana quasiparticles. Continue to pay attention to relevant disputes.


The national Quantum Computing Center (nqcc) of the UK focuses on funding programs in many technical fields in early 2021.

3、 量子软件展望

3、 Prospect of quantum software


IBM continues to lead the research and development of quantum cloud platform. This will be the key to the development of quantum computing in the future. It can handle more complex operations, and if quantum computing services are launched in the increasingly competitive cloud computing service market, it will occupy an absolute advantage. In the long run, supporting developers is the task of the traditional software industry, but we need to keep in mind that the underlying technology of quantum computing is different from the essence of the software industry. We should have a thorough revolutionary spirit towards R & D.


In the digital revolution, many people believe that it is also crucial in the new field of software. Various participants are studying different strategies. Today, early quantum communities and ecosystems have taken shape.


1. Quantum computing cloud service

IBM问:IBM宣布了其量子计算研发领域的一个新里程碑。在过去的四年中,IBM云上部署了28个量子计算系统,其中8个系统的量子容量为32个。IBM Q网络有115个客户、政府、初创企业、合作伙伴和大学成员。IBM quantum experience拥有超过250000名注册用户,超过10亿用户通过IBM云定期运行IBM quantum系统中的电路。研究人员使用IBM quantum systems发表了250多篇学术论文。IBM的量子计算机服务IBM Q for business已取得阶段性成功。

IBM Q: IBM announced a new milestone in its quantum computing R & D territory. In the past four years, 28 quantum computing systems have been deployed on IBM cloud, of which 8 systems have a quantum volume of 32. IBM Q network has 115 customers, governments, start-ups, partners and university members. IBM quantum experience has more than 250000 registered users, and more than 1 billion users regularly run circuits in IBM quantum systems through IBM cloud. Researchers have published more than 250 academic papers using IBM quantum systems. IBM's quantum computer service IBM Q for business has achieved phased success.


When other competitors began to build their own quantum community, IBM published books based on its experience in building quantum community at an early stage. They point out that in the evolving vendor ecosystem, libraries and tools compatible with qiskit can be provided, not just IBM hardware.


D-wave launched leap cloud platform in October 2018 to provide quantum computing cloud services based on d-wave quantum annealing processor.

量子计算的先驱Rigetti computing推出了Rigetti量子云服务(QCS)——一个使用Rigetti的混合量子/经典方法开发和运行量子算法的完整平台。量子优势是利用量子计算技术解决重要或有价值的商业问题。最近,越来越多实力强大的量子公司开始投资量子云服务平台的研发。亚马逊AWS发布了量子计算服务braket。此外,AWS将推出"AWS量子计算中心"和"亚马逊量子解决方案实验室",以促进量子计算领域的更多合作。

Rigetti computing, a pioneer in quantum computing, launched rigetti quantum cloud service (QCS) - a complete platform for developing and running quantum algorithms using rigetti's hybrid quantum / classical methods. Quantum advantage is to use quantum computing technology to solve important or valuable business problems. Recently, more and more powerful quantum companies have begun to invest in the research and development of quantum cloud service platform. Amazon AWS releases braket, a quantum computing service. In addition, AWS will launch "AWS quantum computing center" and "Amazon quantum solutions laboratory" to promote more cooperation in quantum computing.


2. High performance simulator

对于量子发展来说,高性能仿真是一个关键环节。随着被模拟量子比特数的增加,量子模拟器的发展迫在眉睫。IBM quantum支持一系列离线和在线模拟器。谷歌的高性能开源量子电路模拟器QSIM已经证明,它可以在111秒内在谷歌云节点上模拟14门深度的32量子位量子电路。Amazon braket和azure quantum等参与者非常重视他们灵活配置传统云硬件以满足用户需求的能力。Amazon braket提供了一个完全托管的高性能张量网络模拟器(TN1),它可以支持多达50个量子位的量子计算模拟。

For quantum development, high-performance simulation is a key link. With the increase of the number of qubits to be simulated, the development of quantum simulator is imminent. IBM quantum supports a range of offline and online simulators. Google's high-performance open source quantum circuit simulator QSIM has proved that it can simulate a 32 qubit quantum circuit with 14 gate depth in a Google cloud node in 111 seconds. Participants like Amazon braket and azure quantum attach great importance to their ability to flexibly configure traditional cloud hardware to meet user needs. Amazon braket provides a fully hosted high-performance tensor network simulator (TN1), which can support quantum computing simulation of up to 50 qubits.

Atos是数字转换领域的全球领导者,也是第一家成功模拟量子噪声的公司。其量子模拟器ATOS量子机器学习机(ATOS QLM)被称为世界上最好的商用量子模拟器

Atos is a global leader in digital transformation and the first company to successfully simulate quantum noise. Its quantum simulator ATOS quantum machine learning machine (ATOS QLM) is known as the best commercial quantum simulator in the world


The simulator combines high-power and ultra compact machines with general programming language, enabling researchers and engineers to develop and test quantum software. Atos has installed quantum learning machines in many countries, including Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the United States. The quantum simulator can simulate up to 40 qubits.

中国云产品目前强调量子计算模拟器的开发。华为的HiQ 2.0(仅因监管原因在亚洲使用)最多可以模拟42个量子位。阿里巴巴的ac qdp声称,它可以在某些应用程序中使用,即使是50量子位。Source quantum最近通过访问其一个6位量子处理器(计划扩展到24位,正在进行)推出了一个基于真实量子计算机的云。

Chinese cloud products currently emphasize the development of quantum computing simulators. Huawei's HiQ 2.0 (used only in Asia for regulatory reasons) can simulate up to 42 qubits. Alibaba's ac-qdp claims that it can be used in some applications even at 50 qubits. Source quantum recently launched a cloud based on real quantum computers by accessing one of its 6-bit quantum processors (planned to expand to 24 bits, ongoing).


3. Quantum compiler


Compared with traditional compilers, optimizing quantum compilers is a major challenge in the quantum R & D stage. Quantum computing devices have limited connections between physical qubits, so that double gates can only be applied to a limited number of qubit pairs. There is noise in quantum devices in the real world, but an algorithm for characterizing the noise of large quantum computers can be developed to solve this problem. Technically, we're actually talking about transcoding, so interoperability is a useful feature.


There are several promising directions in the compiler market, which are based on deep professional knowledge, which is complementary rather than competitive in many cases. With the increasingly fierce competition in the early implementation of error correction code on quantum hardware, compiler innovation will usher in a new wave.


4. Quantum operating system


The prospect of quantum software industry is impressive, but today, with the rapid growth of quantum computer hardware, the practicability of quantum computer will be greatly reduced without operating system.


Riverlane's deltaflow. OS is a new full stack quantum operating system. The consortium led by riverlane, a Cambridge based quantum computing software developer, received a grant of £ 7.6 million (about 69 million RMB) from the British government to deploy the highly innovative quantum operating system deltaflow.os.


In sharp contrast to other software platforms designed to attract early users, deltaflow. OS solves a very important problem - realizing the interaction between hardware and software and making full use of quantum computing performance. To this end, it offers the potential for accelerated development, low latency, and flexible interaction between the application and control layers.


Deltaflow. OS: quantum processors are usually driven by conventional host processors. In between, imagine a network of global and local control nodes. Deltaflow.os simplifies the task of acquiring custom code to the control node implemented by FPGA, and emphasizes the simplified instruction set implementation, which is easier to debug. This method is expected to shorten the R & D cycle. It also uses the concept of distributed rather than hierarchical network nodes, and exposes different elements of the entire quantum computing stack. These functions are expected to minimize runtime latency.


Deltaflow.os has now released its first version, which is integrated with artiq (a popular ion trap control system) as "deltaflow on artiq". This is the latest milestone in the company's development of technologies supporting quantum computing, marking an important step towards riverlane's goal of building a high-performance quantum operating system that can be transplanted to all quantum bit technologies and can be extended to millions of quantum bits.


5. Future applications


Real quantum applications are still too early, but startups are already positioning for this future market. The key point is to balance the expertise of quantum algorithms with in-depth industry insight. Compared with the traditional application software field, the latter may be even more important. It is a challenge to establish a business model that can interact with the industry and flourish.

算法专家正在围绕客户开展试点合作,为特定行业建立工具和库。例如,量子化学中的1qbit qemist、CQC中的eumen和HQs中的QAD云。

Algorithm experts are conducting pilot cooperation around customers to establish tools and libraries for specific industries. For example, 1qbit qemist in quantum chemistry, eumen in CQC and QAD cloud in HQs.

其他公司强调与传统人工智能和数据科学技术的协同作用。例如,多元宇宙中的QDL和FS;药物设计中的蛋白质质量。类似地,Qu&Co强调了其与薛定谔(Schr dinger)的战略合作伙伴关系,薛定谔是当今使用的传统量子化学软件的领导者。

Other companies emphasize synergies with traditional AI and data science and technology. For example, QDL and FS in multiverse; Proteinqure in drug design. Similarly, Qu & Co emphasized its strategic partnership with Schr dinger, a leader in conventional quantum chemistry software used today.


Others use quantum annealing and quantum heuristic algorithms to gain benefits. For example, polarisqb and 1qbit in 1qcloud.


The rest emphasize their academic strength in algorithm research and development. This helps ensure that government funds are used for cutting-edge innovation. For example, phasecraft and Beit.

4、 量子算法展望

4、 Prospect of quantum algorithms


Although progress has been made, it is still too early to prove the advantages of quantum algorithms on current quantum devices. The future of large-scale quantum computers is promising, but the expenditure is large. Even with one million quantum devices, if the current quantum error correction scheme is used, it will only get half the result with twice the effort for the efficiency of quantum computers.

量子计算机可以很容易地解决世界上最强大的经典计算机需要很长时间才能解决的复杂计算问题。早期的理论工作主要集中在容错量子计算机项目的研究上。在某些情况下,例如使用shor量子算法(密码分析)、harrow Hasidim&Lloyd(线性代数)和相位估计(量子化学),运行速度可以成倍提高。

Quantum computers can easily solve the complex computing problems that the world's most powerful classical computers need a long time to solve. The early theoretical work usually focused on the research of fault-tolerant quantum computer project. In some cases, such as using shor quantum algorithm (cryptanalysis), harrow Hasidim & Lloyd (linear algebra) and phase estimation (quantum chemistry), the running speed can be increased exponentially.


However, this idealized acceleration is only an assumption. In recent years, people's research has focused on how quantum heuristic algorithms are used in nisq devices (such as vqe, qaoa, QNN and quantum annealing), but the theoretical basis of how to achieve acceleration has not been officially established.


Google's sycamore quantum chip was a great success at the end of 2019, greatly improving the performance of quantum computing. Google takes the "spring quantum seminar" as the highlight of its quantum computing service, and the quantum research results are impressive. Google's research on sycamore focuses on how to shorten the time of quantum computing and make it have higher computing performance.


Vqe (variational quantum eigenvalue solving algorithm) is used to simulate the chemical reaction process - Hartree Fock calculation of molecular electron energy. Although the calculations performed can also run on classical computers, the experiment has built many key building blocks for quantum chemical simulation, paving the way for the realization of quantum computing for chemical problems.


Trotterisation is used to simulate 8-bit 1D Fermi Hubbard model, which is very popular in material science. Surprisingly, the depth of quantum circuits required for Google to successfully implement quantum algorithms is close to 500, much deeper than expected by current devices.


In the case of multiple chemical quantum simulations, Google demonstrated the error mitigation decision based on N representation, which greatly improved the effective fidelity of the experiment.


From financial services to logistics to manufacturing, optimization algorithm is an important premise for application in practical cases. Early optimization algorithms include Qubo, qaoa and quantum heuristic algorithm running on traditional hardware. BBVA has completed a series of preliminary projects for applications in the financial field, including startups multiverse computing and Zapata. The cooperation between BBVA and multiverse is a classic case of dynamic portfolio optimization. The portfolio has now been used in the evaluation of various early quantum hardware, including the testing of nisq, quantum annealing solution and quantum heuristic algorithm. The results of BBVA show that quantum annealing solution and quantum heuristic algorithm can solve the portfolio problem well.


In Europe, the automotive industry is particularly active. Companies such as Volkswagen, BMW and parts supplier Bosch discussed their experiences last year. Optimization algorithms are again seen as key opportunities in logistics and manufacturing operations.

5、 量子互联网展望

5、 Prospect of quantum Internet


Quantum computer will have many positive effects on business and society, but it is not known to the world now. When the quantum computer is upgraded to a certain extent, it will be able to break the public key encryption system that the current network security depends on. Worse, quantum technology can decrypt all kinds of data currently intercepted and stored.


At present, academic research is rapidly following up to fill the new loopholes brought by technological development. It includes post quantum cryptography (PQC) based on mathematical principles and quantum cryptography methods based on physical principles, especially quantum random number generator (QRNG) and quantum key distribution (QKD).


However, to understand this rapidly developing industry, we must also study a more important future technology form - Quantum Internet.


Today, many well-known quantum hardware companies have formulated a roadmap for the future of producing a million qubit processor within ten years. Strictly speaking, such devices may still not be enough to break our current Internet standards (an estimate of 20 million qubits in 8 hours). Moreover, these plans cannot be plain sailing.


In 2035 and beyond, we are still very likely to be threatened by the security of quantum Internet. However, the constantly updated quantum error correction technology still has the potential to solve this threat. Quantum technology may change the world as Manhattan plans to build an atomic bomb.


Since 2006, scientists have been developing a new generation of cryptographic algorithms that can resist the attack of quantum computers on existing cryptographic algorithms. Since 2016, this method has been evaluated by NIST. The new cryptographic algorithm is based on Quantum Digital Signature (QDs) and key encapsulation mechanism (KEM).

通常,我们需要通过链路控制协议执行初始身份验证,交换加密密钥,然后对消息进行加密。今天,我们可以使用RSA 2048+ecdh 256+AES 128来构建公钥加密。在量子互联网时代,我们需要升级到PQC DS+PQC KEM+AES 256加密算法。

Usually, we need to perform initial authentication through the link control protocol, exchange encryption keys, and then encrypt the message. Today, we may use RSA 2048 + ecdh 256 + AES 128 to build public key cryptography. In the era of quantum Internet, we need to upgrade to PQC DS + PQC KEM + AES 256 ENCRYPTION algorithm.

NIST PQC评估——在第一轮中,69个候选算法同时满足最低验收标准和提交要求,其中21个受到损坏或严重攻击。NIST选择26种算法进入第二轮进行更多分析,其中8种算法受到攻击。到2021年,第三轮将完成对七名入围者的评估。该标准草案预计将于2022年发布供公众评论,最终草案将于2024年发布。

NIST PQC evaluation - in the first round, 69 candidate algorithms met both minimum acceptance criteria and submission requirements, of which 21 were damaged or seriously attacked. NIST selected 26 algorithms to enter the second round for more analysis, of which 8 were attacked. By 2021, the evaluation of seven finalists will be completed in the third round. The draft standard is expected to be released in 2022 for public comment, and the final draft will be released in 2024.


Now that NIST finalists have emerged, we can have a clearer understanding of the tools available in the field of medium-term PQC. The NIST assessment process is progressing well and is being planned. It is gratifying that, despite our early worries, we believe that PQC can resist attacks from quantum computers.

随机数是几乎所有密码系统的基本组成部分。QRNG是一种微型量子随机数发生器芯片的原型。Orng已用于一些新兴技术行业商品。IDq及其战略合作伙伴SK Telecom在2020年通过在三星手机上搭载小型QRNG芯片吸引了人们的注意。IDq还与越南智能手机制造商vinsmart签约,并暗示其他手机制造商将很快效仿。国家计划大力支持这些技术的研究和开发。IDq和quside受益于量子技术的旗舰项目,并致力于研究如何使芯片更便携。与此同时,kets还受益于英国的nqtp项目。

Random number is the basic component of almost all cryptosystems. QRNG is a prototype of a subminiature quantum random number generator chip. Orng has been used in some emerging technology industry commodities. IDq and its strategic partner SK Telecom attracted attention by carrying small QRNG chips on Samsung mobile phones in 2020. IDq also signed the Vietnamese smartphone manufacturer vinsmart and hinted that other handset manufacturers would follow suit soon. The state plans to vigorously support the research and development of these technologies. IDq and quside benefited from the flagship project of quantum technology and are committed to studying how to make the chip more portable. At the same time, kets also benefited from the nqtp project in the UK.


Quantum technology can also be used to securely share encryption keys between two parties. QKD is applied to the basic characteristics of quantum mechanics (such as quantum non cloning, quantum uncertainty, etc.) to ensure that any attempt to steal the key in transmission will be found by legitimate users, which is the unique advantage of QKD over traditional key distribution.


The advantages and disadvantages of QKD - the security of quantum key distribution is based on the basic principles of quantum mechanics, while traditional cryptography is based on the computational complexity of some mathematical algorithms. Traditional cryptography can't detect eavesdropping, so it can't guarantee the security of key. QKD can only be attacked during transmission, so it can be used to provide unique persistent security. Its main disadvantages are the need for additional hardware and cost. In the early immature quantum devices, the key rate is not high, and the range must be limited to 70-90km, so that the trusted node can be used for relay protocol.


Now, more and more companies provide QKD system in a profit-making mode. GuoDun quantum provides hardware services for the world's largest operating network so far. At present, 2000 km of Beijing Shanghai trunk line is being expanded and 5500 km of extension line is being built. The construction of 700 km of horizontal trunk line between Hefei and Wuhan has been completed, in addition to 360 km of projects under construction and 2200 km of proposed projects.


In Europe, the euroqci program includes 25 EU countries, the European Commission and ESA. Its goal is to establish a pan European secure quantum communication infrastructure. Openqkd has established 14 test centers in Europe. These include not only core areas such as telecom backbone network and cloud data center, but also application fields such as smart grid, e-health care and e-government.

在过去两年中,quantum xchange推出了产品PhIO QK(多点QKD)和PhIO TX(提供带外和PQC密钥的嵌入式解决方案),为纽约的金融、电信和政府部门提供服务。

Over the past two years, quantum xchange has launched products PhIO QK (multipoint QKD) and PhIO TX (an embedded solution that provides out of band and PQC keys) to serve the financial, telecommunications and government departments in New York.


There is still a long way to go to realize the real quantum Internet. However, similar to the emergence of the current Internet, the initial standards and architecture will have a long-term impact on the future. Now understanding the possible application fields of quantum Internet may help us make better decisions.


Blind quantum computing - a remote quantum computing mode, which is expected to simplify the transmission of the required quantum states from the client. In the quantum era, "blind" means that quantum service providers cannot obtain all the information of computing tasks, so as to ensure the security of computing.

手持设备-英国的quantum comms hub一直致力于开发便携式QKD设备。其目的是通过创建用于pin保护和身份验证的手持消费设备来增强现有应用程序的安全性,如与ATM的交互。这项技术使量子互联网能够进入未来的智能设备,如非接触式支付、访问控制和数字签名。

Handheld devices - quantum comms hub in the UK has been committed to developing portable QKD devices. The purpose is to enhance the security of existing applications, such as interaction with ATM, by creating handheld consumer devices for pin protection and authentication. This is a technology that enables quantum Internet to enter future intelligent devices, such as contactless payment, access control and digital signature.

6、 量子计时、成像和传感的展望

6、 Prospect of quantum timing, imaging and sensing


General basic technology is developing more and more extensive applications for various fields of quantum technology. New products are on the market one after another, and products will emerge one after another. Innovative leaders are setting an example for researchers in the quantum field to prove that ambition is proportional to harvest. Quantum has great long-term potential.


In view of the wide range of potential quantum applications, quantum technology not only involves computing and networks, but also plays an important role in timing, sensing and imaging. The challenge of R & D is usually to bring technologies out of the laboratory and make them practical in real life.


OPMS (optical pump magnetometer): squid technology has been widely used in MEG scanners for non-invasive study of human brain activities. OPMS based on opmmeg system makes the sensor no longer bulky and can be applied to all groups.

经过四年的发展,新成立的Cerca已经使用opm meg扫描仪进行临床评估,以发现更多的临床诊断标志物和新的治疗机会。

After four years of development, start-up Cerca has used opm-meg scanner for clinical evaluation in order to find more clinical diagnostic markers and new treatment opportunities.


Some early quantum startups have developed OPM technology for many years. The main challenge faced by Cerca is how to ensure the "private customization" of the helmet, so that the subjects can still move their heads freely after wearing the helmet, and ensure the accuracy of the collected data. Solving such problems requires a large number of technical talents and diversified skills. The national quantum technology program will not only provide assistance for R & D funds, but also establish appropriate networks. Quantum technology investors need to select appropriate partners and formulate reasonable R & D plans.


Diamond NV color center can be operated at ambient temperature. Although the sensitivity is not high, it can be miniaturized, and its toxic properties make it especially suitable for field biological measurement. Qnami benefited from the participation of quantum technology flagship project asteriqs. The partners of the project also include Thales group, Bosch, nvision and Belgium Microelectronics Research Center. They each seek different applications in diamond technology. This technology is expected to bring many surprising uses.

Hp mri是一种先进的mri诊断技术,它可以跟踪注入人体的糖并显示糖的变化。例如,这有助于区分报告胸痛患者的活体/无生命心脏组织。然而,由于该方法生产过程中超极化分子的消耗缓慢且昂贵,该技术尚未得到广泛应用。使用diamond NV色心承诺提供更快、更具成本效益和可部署的解决方案。

Hp-mri is an advanced MRI diagnostic technology, which can track the sugar injected into the human body and show what the sugar becomes. For example, this is useful in distinguishing living / inanimate heart tissue in patients reporting chest pain. However, due to the slow and expensive consumption of hyperpolarized molecules in the production of this method, this technology has not been widely used. Using diamond NV color centers promises faster, more cost-effective and deployable solutions.

Metaboliqs是量子技术的旗舰项目,正在寻求开发基于NV diamond的hp mri技术。他们最近从概念验证转向性能提高1000倍的原型。

Metaboliqs, the flagship project of quantum technology, is seeking to develop hp-mri technology based on NV diamond. They recently moved from proof of concept to a prototype with 1000 times better performance.


The government plans to play an important role in accelerating the adaptation of the technology to various applications. In addition, investors should not be surprised by the diamond NV color center in distributed quantum computing and Quantum Internet technology.


Zhidong believes that quantum technology is perhaps one of the most important breakthroughs in human technology in the 21st century, which has developed rapidly in recent years. However, at present, many quantum technologies are still in a very primary stage. We also need to maintain a rational attitude towards new technologies and should not interpret and hype excessively.


update time:2021-08-01 10:37:05


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