Fresh e-commerce escape: an attempt destined to lose money?


But standing last doesn't mean laughing last. It is far less than expected that the daily excellent fresh listing will break, and the Ding Dong vegetable purchase financing will be reduced by 70%. Under the general trend of "burning money" to survive, it seems that they have been at the forefront of the industry. It is unknown whether they can save the crisis of head departure, user loss and internal and external difficulties.


There was no winner in this campaign over catalyzed by "burning money".


The air outlet has passed, and leaders and consumers have fled


Zhang Changming, who is the head of group buying in many communities such as meituan optimization, orange heart optimization, Xingsheng optimization and Shihui group, no longer mentioned asking neighbors to come and pick up vegetables in his circle of friends in the past two months. "Things are cumbersome and don't earn much, so he just doesn't do it."


It sounds a little surprising that he has taken the post of head of many families, but resolutely cut off the way to make money that has not been easy to develop" At least now I don't have to send a circle of friends every day to ask everyone to pick up vegetables, and inform those who don't see the circle of friends one by one that they must take them away in time. " Speaking of this, Zhang Changming shared his "blood and tears lessons" with zinc scale.


Because Zhang Changming owns a community grocery store, with its advantages and good neighborhood relations, he often found a job of "group shopping and buying vegetables" for himself during the period when the fresh e-commerce was just popular. However, it is precisely because the community grocery store only sells the basic function of small daily necessities that the grocery store can make room for a temporary warehouse, Fail to meet the standard storage conditions required for fresh commodities.


"Some people can't come down and take them away at the first time after buying vegetables. Meat, eggs and milk are not easy to put. It's good to store them for a while in winter. It's hot in summer. It may not be fresh after waiting for an hour or two." Zhang Changming suffered this loss, "isn't it these fresh meat and vegetables that every family buys, but I can't take out these bad ones one by one and put them back in the refrigerator when they come to get them." He explained the reasons. First, his refrigerator didn't have so much inventory space. Second, he took it out and put it in. He was afraid he couldn't tell which goods were from which one. Third, this increased his workload and cost.


Therefore, when fresh goods are delivered to the store, he can only notify his neighbors to pick them up as soon as possible. After the neighbors asked Zhang Changming for an explanation because the goods were not fresh, he learned, "after a long time, we can also know which old customers can pick up the first time and which came late. In the latter category, I shouted one by one and urged them to pick up as early as possible."


But Zhang Changming also knows that this kind of behavior is actually very annoying. It means more to rush customers, and the symptoms are not the root cause. "Some customers are called too much to be troublesome, so they don't place orders later. But the same situation may still happen to those customers who are still buying. This is not a problem that I can solve by changing. "


Zhang Changming and his leaders, deeply troubled by quality control problems, have gradually dissipated their enthusiasm for "online fresh food" without exception. Compared with the neighbors who do not buy online and have a variety of options such as small supermarkets and vegetable markets, what makes Zhang Changming less interested in community group buying business is the head Commission lowered by the fresh platform. "Now there are fewer customers who place orders, and the Commission for each order on the platform is not much, so there is no need to spend time here."


The zinc scale was seen in Zhang Changming's grocery store. The area near the door, which was originally designated by him as the pick-up point for fresh commodities, has been re placed with a large number of grain and oil commodities that can be put. Zhang Changming told him that he was considering becoming an express receiving site. At the moment when online shopping has invaded daily life, maybe this is the business that can be done all the time.


After going through the pick-up point of fresh goods in the community after work every day, Chen Yu also obviously felt that "this business is going to be impossible" when he looked at the full storage desk turning into few shopping bags on the stage.


Once a member of the fresh group buying army, Chen Yu has followed the trend and experienced "online shopping" several times, but she has a great chance of getting a bad shopping experience. "They are all stacked on such a simple shopping platform. When they get their hands, let's not say whether they are fresh or not, because the packaging is not very tight. When someone looks for their own things, they will make a mess of other people's goods, There is a lot of lack of East and West. "


What I bought make complaints about "group purchase on the day of buying vegetables at the same time, but on the same day," but became "fresh and complete or not." Even if you can settle claims with the head and platform due to the quality and quantity of goods, as Chen Yu said, it is cumbersome and has to wait a long time, "you can buy back the missing things in the small supermarket in this time."


It is not only Zhang Changming and Chen Yu's personal experience of "online fresh". We can see that the "unprofessional" warehousing, sorting and end distribution links connected with the avant-garde "online fresh" concept have aroused the dissatisfaction of a large number of consumers: on the black cat complaint, there are continuous complaints about several online fresh platforms, such as "lack of some commodities", "slow or non delivery" and "deterioration of fresh products".


It seems that during the epidemic, the trend of "online shopping" has gone back from everyone's "sweet pastry" to make the people involved feel tired.


In addition to losses or losses, capital has suffered an unprecedented collapse


Upstream of the "online fresh" business chain, the closest to this storm are small and medium-sized players with insufficient financial strength, such as the community group purchase platform food sharing club and the old fresh e-commerce living in the same city.


According to media reports, on the evening of July 26, the website and wechat applet of the food club could not be opened. In the WeChat official account of the food and entertainment club, the service entrance "I want to join the group" and "the application of the Colonel" option can not be displayed and operated normally. In a comment on a video number sent by the food sharing meeting, there are messages such as "let the boss pay back". The city life, which fell earlier than the food club, issued an announcement in early July this year, indicating that it plans to apply for bankruptcy due to poor management.


"Some community group buying enterprises go bankrupt or go bankrupt, and the community group buying track has become a capital game of 'burning money at sky high prices'." Cao Lei, director of ECOSOC e-commerce research center of, said in an interview with the media, "some platforms have severe money burning subsidies and lack the function of 'blood making'. Due to the fierce competition among peers, the products have been sold at a low price for a long time, resulting in more than 200 million funds owed by some platforms to suppliers, resulting in the rupture of the capital chain."


Fresh e-commerce providers focusing on community group purchase mode have achieved self "hematopoiesis". According to the data of China e-commerce research center, there are about 4000 entrants in the field of domestic fresh e-commerce, of which only 4% have flat revenue, 88% have fallen into loss, and finally only 1% have realized profit.


If you want to win this "money burning subsidy war", live in the increasingly fierce competition, and even become the leader in the market, the key lies in how to win the favor of more investors and get a larger amount of financing.

事实上,活跃在消费者面前的新鲜电商平台基本上都有资金支持或是亲自落幕:阿里巴巴有店仓整合模式的河马鲜生、o2o平台模式的淘盛大、饥肠辘辘的modxin retail和针对下沉市场的社区团购平台石辉集团;京东拥有自己的京东生鲜食品、京东家居o2o平台模式、7fresh店内仓储整合模式,并对head社区团购平台的繁荣和优化进行战略投资;美团拥有o2o模式下的美团闪购、前仓模式下的美团蔬菜采购、社区团购模式下的美团优化;此外,品多多和滴滴也纷纷进入社区团购轨道;每日优鲜、多点、叮咚购物等head fresh电商平台也继续吸引资金关注

In fact, the fresh e-commerce platforms that are active in front of consumers basically have capital support or come to an end in person: Alibaba has HEMA Xiansheng with store warehouse integration mode, Amoy Xianda with o2o platform mode, hungry modxin retail and Shihui group, a community group purchase platform aimed at the sinking market; Jingdong has its own Jingdong fresh food, Jingdong home in o2o platform mode, 7fresh in store warehouse integration mode, and strategic investment in the prosperity and optimization of head community group purchase platform; Meituan has meituan flash purchase in o2o mode, meituan vegetable purchase in front warehouse mode and meituan optimization in community group purchase mode; In addition, pinduoduo and didi also poured into the community group buying track; The head fresh e-commerce platforms such as daily excellent fresh, multi-point and Ding Dong shopping also continue to attract the attention of capital


The daily excellent fresh listing broke, and then Ding Dong, who went on the market, stabilized the situation by reducing financing. The capital market has a low market value, low trading volume and low degree of public opinion... It is clear that the capital market is not optimistic about this kind of fresh e-commerce listed companies that "require a sum of financing even if they are listed bleeding".


The fresh track with continuous losses is a big mouth for the capital market that does not know how much to invest to fill and when to receive returns.


The Internet platform uses the advantages of capital and flow to launch fresh community group buying activities and compete for the market in the form of low subsidies. Coupled with the participation of many emerging companies, this chaotic market competition and extreme price war make the capital giants who focus on the end have some lack of confidence.


The "online fresh" market, supported by "capital input cash flow subsidy", is becoming shaky with the large losses of fresh e-commerce enterprises, the successive departure of leaders and the continuous loss of consumers.


They made the wrong choice whether to seize the old market or create new demand


"When the total demand of the vegetable market remains unchanged, if there are too many supply channels, there will be a short-term oversupply." Financial commentator Wang Jianhong believes that "now supermarkets, communities and small stores are selling vegetables. Once the services of these group buying platforms can not keep up or are in excess supply, some companies will be abandoned by users and eliminated by the market."


In addition to the internal competition in the fresh e-commerce industry, there are external threats that fresh e-commerce can not ignore. As Wang Jianhong said, in essence, "online fresh" is not creating new consumer demand, and its market comes from the transformation from offline demand to online demand. More popular, fresh e-commerce companies rob supermarkets and small community stores.


This is the main reason for the internal friction of many fresh e-commerce companies. So many entrants scramble for fixed and very limited market demand, but they only want to beat other competitors from the price. However, in terms of cost, fresh e-commerce fight each other's price war, which increases the burden of operating costs. In fact, it has no obvious advantages compared with vendors.


How did the fresh e-commerce become an outcast of the times The article states that the factor directly related to the loss rate is the distance of crop circulation. Even if the fresh e-commerce can directly connect with the wholesaler in the origin, the loss should be calculated according to the original time distance of logistics. After reaching the destination city, there should be at least two layers of sorting (urban storage and pre storage), which will still be accompanied by loss. Therefore, the cost of fresh e-commerce goods is not inherently better than that of small vendors.


From the results, the Internet general business logic of "building a platform, burning money for drainage, cultivating user habits, triggering scale effect, reducing procurement costs, raising sales prices and collecting seigniorage" has become impassable. High cost, low selling price, no profit space, how to recover the input cost? Loss has become a fate that fresh e-commerce is difficult to break.


What's more, once the subsidies disappear, what awaits these fresh e-commerce providers who rely on low price drainage will be the ruthless abandonment of consumers. After all, whether it is poor quality control, crude terminal distribution, or difficult to provide immediate after-sales service, their means of retaining customers are not good.


Can't fresh e-commerce think that in addition to the price, the commodity itself and the supporting and perfect sales service chain are also extremely important drainage key points?


In terms of commodity category selection, it can be seen that fresh e-commerce generally focuses on daily needs such as vegetables, fruits, meat, eggs and milk. If you don't buy more fresh food in the same way as Ding Dong, you can expand the market share again on the basis of the same daily price.


If we focus on products with regional characteristics such as Gannan navel orange, Yantai apple and Xuanwei ham, which are not easy to buy in other places, reduce costs by large-scale mass purchase, and compete with offline vendors who are still the mainstream choice of consumption, it may stimulate users' greater consumption enthusiasm.


Of course, because fresh products vary from place to place and from time to time, there is no systematic key point control, and there is no systematic production standardization, which leads to a very low threshold for the fresh industry, and the lack of after-sales service chain further aggravates the chaos of the fresh industry.


It can be determined that fresh e-commerce must not be an industry that can develop by relying on a single factor. All links are indispensable in the whole fresh sales chain, such as price, quality, type and after-sales.


Walking on one foot will fall sooner or later. The fallen fresh e-commerce brand has explained everything.


update time:2021-07-31 17:18:08


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