Google quantum computer creates a time crystal: the emergence of a "perpetual motion machine" that jumps out of the second law of thermodynamics?


From quantamagazine

作者:Natalie wolchover

Author: Natalie wolchover


Machine heart compilation


Machine heart editorial department


It has always been thought that there can be no such strange phase as "time crystal" in physics, but now the fact has been put in front of us.


Like the perpetual motion machine in people's imagination, the time crystal circulates permanently between states without consuming energy. Physicists claim to have constructed this new phase in quantum computers. This may be the most significant physical discovery in recent decades.


As a new material stage that physicists have been trying to achieve for many years, time crystal is a phase, some parts of which move back and forth regularly and repeatedly, and maintain this change without consuming any energy.

"这是一个惊人的结果:它打破了热力学第二定律(孤立系统的自发熵增加),"德国德累斯顿马克斯·普朗克复杂系统物理研究所所长、谷歌论文合著者罗德里克·默斯纳(Roderich Moessner)说。

"This is an amazing result: it breaks out of the second law of thermodynamics (spontaneous entropy increase of isolated systems)," said Roderich Moessner, director of Max Planck Institute for complex system physics in Dresden, Germany and co-author of Google paper.


The time crystal is also the first object to break the "time translation symmetry" by itself. This rule refers to the traditional rule that a stable object remains unchanged for a very long time. The time crystal is stable and constantly changing, showing periodicity at special times.


Time crystal is a new category of phase, which expands the definition of phase. All other known phases, such as water or ice, are in thermal equilibrium: the atoms of these substances are in the lowest energy state allowed by the ambient temperature, and their properties do not change with time. The time crystal is the first "unbalanced" phase: even in the excited and evolved States, it still has order and perfect stability.


"What we are studying is a new and exciting field," said vedika khemani, a condensed matter physicist at Stanford University. She discovered this new phase in collaboration with others during her graduate study, and recently co authored a new paper with Google.

普林斯顿的Khemani、Moessner、Shivaji Sondhi和英国拉夫堡大学的Achilleas lazarides发现了新阶段的可能性,并在2015描述了他们的主要特征。不久之后,微软站Q的Chetan Nayak和加利福尼亚大学领导的一组物理学家,圣巴巴拉把它定义为时间水晶。

Khemani, Moessner, Shivaji Sondhi of Princeton and Achilleas lazarides of Loughborough University in the UK discovered the possibility of new phases and described their key characteristics in 2015. Soon after, Chetan Nayak of Microsoft station Q and a group of physicists led by the University of California, Santa Barbara defined it as a time crystal.

在过去的五年里,科学家们争相寻找时间晶体,但尽管根据研究人员设定的条件,以前的一些研究已经取得了成功,但它们未能满足确定时间晶体存在的所有标准。"我们完全有理由相信,这些实验并没有完全成功。谷歌等量子计算系统具备完成更令人信服的实验的条件。"牛津大学的凝聚物质物理学家John Chalker说。

In the past five years, scientists have scrambled to find time crystals, but although some previous studies have been successful according to the conditions set by researchers, they have failed to meet all the criteria required to determine the existence of time crystals. " We have every reason to believe that these experiments have not been completely successful. Quantum computing systems such as Google have the conditions to complete more convincing experiments. " Said John Chalker, a condensed matter physicist at Oxford University.


Google's quantum computing team realized quantum superiority for the first time in 2019 and appeared on the cover of nature because of its ability to surpass conventional computers. However, the algorithm displayed at that time was designed for the speed goal and did not have the significance of basic scientific exploration. The new study of time crystals marks the first time that quantum computers have stood at a height unmatched by predecessors.


"That's the beauty of Google's quantum processor," Nayak said.


The original concept of time crystal has a fatal defect.

这一概念是由诺贝尔物理学奖获得者弗兰克·威尔切克(Frank Wilczek)于2012年在一个普通(空间)晶体班上提出的。弗兰克·威尔切克(Frank Wilczek)告诉《量子杂志》(quantum magazine),他说:"如果你想到空间中的晶体,你自然会想到时间中晶体行为的分类。"。

This concept was proposed by Frank Wilczek, a Nobel Laureate in physics, in an ordinary (space) crystal class in 2012. " If you think about crystals in space, you naturally think about the classification of crystal behavior in time, "Frank Wilczek told quantum magazine.


Diamond, for example, is a crystalline phase formed by carbon atoms. In space, this atomic cluster is governed by the same equation everywhere, but its form has periodic spatial changes, and the atoms are located at the lattice points. Physicists say it "spontaneously breaks the translational symmetry of space". Only the equilibrium state with the smallest energy can spontaneously break the spatial symmetry in this way.


Wilczek envisioned a multipart object in equilibrium, much like diamond. But this object breaks the symmetry of time translation: it experiences periodic motion and returns to its original shape at regular intervals.


Wilczek's time crystal is quite different from a wall clock. The wall clock also experiences periodic movement, but its pointer consumes energy and stops walking when the energy is exhausted. In contrast, wilczekian time crystal does not need input, but can always maintain periodic motion, because the system is in a super stable equilibrium state.


This sounds incredible and has caused great controversy in the field of physics. In 2014, researchers from the University of California, Berkeley and other institutions published a paper indicating that Wilczek's idea is unworkable, just like all previous ideas about perpetual motion machines.


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然而,在预印本的出版和上述论文的官方版本之间有一段插曲:由Wilczek带来的研究生Nayak,他的合著者多米尼克·埃尔斯(Dominic else)和贝拉·鲍尔(Bela Bauer)于2016年3月发表了一篇预印本论文。他们以khemani等人提出的PI自旋玻璃相为例,证明了弗洛凯时间晶体物体的存在。

However, there was an episode between the publication of the preprint and the official version of the above paper: Nayak, a graduate student brought by Wilczek, and his co authors Dominic else and Bela Bauer published a preprint paper in March 2016. They took the PI spin glass phase proposed by khemani et al. As an example to show the existence of Floquet time crystal objects.


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The Floquet time crystal exhibits the behavior envisaged by Wilczek, but this can only occur when it is periodically driven by an external energy source. This time crystal bypasses the defects of Wilczek's original idea because it never claims to be in thermal equilibrium. Because it is a multi-body localized system, its spin or other parts cannot reach equilibrium; They're stuck where they are. But despite the laser or other drive, the system will not heat up. Instead, it loops back and forth infinitely between localized states.


The laser has broken the symmetry between a row of spins at all times and replaced it with "discrete-time translational symmetry". That is, the same conditions exist only after each cycle of the laser. But then, by flipping back and forth, this row of spins further breaks the discrete-time translational symmetry imposed by the laser, because its own periodic cycle is a multiple of the laser.


Khemani and her co-authors described this phase in detail, but Nayak's team described it in terms of time, symmetry and spontaneous symmetry breaking, which are the basic concepts of physics. In addition to these more attractive terms, they also provide a new understanding angle and extend the concept of Floquet time crystal beyond PI spin glass phase (pointing out that some symmetry it has is unnecessary). Nayak et al's research was published in Physical Review Letters in August 2016, two months later than khemani et al's paper on the first example of the new phase.


Both research teams claim to be the original proponents of the idea. Since then, they and other researchers began to compete to create time crystals in the real world.


Perfect platform

Nayak的团队与马里兰大学的Chris Monroe合作,他们利用电磁场来捕捉和控制离子。上个月,研究小组在《科学》杂志上发表了一篇文章,声称他们已经将捕获的离子转化为近似或"预热"的时间晶体。它的周期性变化(在本文中,离子在两种状态之间跳跃)实际上与实时晶体无法区分。但与钻石不同的是,这种预热时间的水晶不是永恒的。如果实验运行足够长的时间,系统将逐渐平衡,周期性行为将崩溃。

Nayak's team works with Chris Monroe of the University of Maryland, who uses electromagnetic fields to capture and control ions. Last month, the research team published an article in science, claiming that they have transformed the captured ions into approximate or "prehrmal" time crystals. Its periodic changes (in this paper, ions jump between two states) are actually indistinguishable from real time crystals. But unlike diamond, this preheating time crystal is not eternal. If the experiment runs long enough, the system will gradually balance and the periodic behavior will collapse.

与此同时,sycamore开发人员也在寻找与他们的机器相关的东西,这台机器太容易出错,无法运行专门为成熟量子计算机设计的加密和搜索算法。当khemani和他的同事联系谷歌的理论研究员Kostya kechedzhi时,他和他的团队很快同意在时间晶体项目上进行合作。Kechedzhi说:"我们的工作不仅是离散时间晶体,还包括一些其他项目,包括使用我们的量子计算机研究新的物理或一些化学问题。"

At the same time, sycamore developers are also looking for something related to their machine, which is too error prone to run cryptography and search algorithms specially designed for mature quantum computers. When khemani and his colleagues contacted Kostya kechedzhi, a theoretical researcher at Google, he and his team quickly agreed to cooperate on the time crystal project. Kechedzhi said, "our work is not only discrete-time crystals, but also some other projects, including using our quantum computer to study new physics or some chemical problems."


Quantum computers are not the next generation of supercomputers -- they are completely different things. Before we begin to talk about their potential applications, we need to understand the basic physics that drives quantum computing theory.


Quantum computer consists of "qubits". Qubits are essentially controllable quantum particles. Each particle can maintain two possible states at the same time, marked as 0 and 1. When qubits interact, they can deal with exponential possibilities at the same time, so as to realize the computational advantage.


Google's qubits consist of superconducting aluminum bars. Each has two possible energy states that can be programmed to represent up or down spin. Kechedzhi and other researchers used a chip with 20 qubits as a time crystal in the demo.


Perhaps the main advantage of the machine over its competitors is that it can adjust the interaction strength between its qubits. This tunability is the key to the system becoming a time crystal: programmers can randomize the interaction intensity of qubits. This randomness produces destructive interference between them, which makes the rows of spins realize multi-body localization. Qubits can lock a set of directional patterns instead of alignment.


The researchers set any initial configuration for the spin, such as up, down, down, up, etc. The spin pointing up can be turned down by microwave, and vice versa. By running tens of thousands of demonstrations for each initial configuration and measuring the state of qubits at different times during each run, researchers can observe that the spin system flips back and forth between two multi-body localized states.


This new phase is marked by extreme stability. Even if the temperature fluctuates, ice is still ice. In fact, the researchers found that the microwave pulse only needs to flip the spin about 180 degrees, which is not necessarily so accurate, because the spin will return to their exact initial direction after two pulses, just like the boat straightening itself. In addition, the spin never absorbs or dissipates the net energy from the microwave laser, and the disorder of the system remains unchanged.

7月5日,荷兰代尔夫特理工大学的一个研究小组报告说,他们利用金刚石中碳原子的核自旋而不是量子处理器来构造Floquet时间晶体。该系统比Google quantum处理器中实现的时间晶体更小、更有限。

On July 5, a research team from Delft University of technology in the Netherlands reported that they constructed Floquet time crystal by using the nuclear spin of carbon atoms in diamond instead of quantum processor. This system is smaller and more limited than the time crystal implemented in Google quantum processor.


It is unclear whether the Floquet time crystal has practical use. But its stability seems promising for Moessner. " Stable things like this are unusual, and special things can often become very useful, "Moessner said.


Perhaps this state is only conceptually useful. This is the first and simplest example of a nonequilibrium phase, but the researchers suspect that more such phases are physically possible.


Nayak believes that the time crystal reveals the profound significance of the essence of time. "Usually in physics, no matter how hard you try to think of time as another dimension, it is always an outlier," he said


In terms of unification, Einstein made the best attempt. He woven 3D space and time into a four-dimensional structure: space-time. But even in his theory, one-way time is unique. After discovering the time crystal, "time suddenly became an ordinary dimension," Nayak said.


However, Chalker believes that time is still an outlier. He said that Wilczek's time crystal would have been the real unity of time and space. Space crystals are in equilibrium. Accordingly, they break the continuous spatial translational symmetry. In the case of time, only the discrete time translation symmetry may be broken by the time crystal, which provides a new angle for the difference between time and space.


These scientific discussions will continue with the exploration of the infinite possibilities of quantum computers. Condensed matter physicists used to pay attention to various phases of nature. Now Chalker said, "it's time to shift the research focus from what nature gives us to imagining strange forms of matter allowed by quantum mechanics."




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update time:2021-07-31 17:18:08


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