Gree spent 6.2 billion yuan to buy back 2% of its shares


Two months ago, Gree's 15 billion yuan repurchase plan once brushed the screen. Now the company announced the progress of repurchase. Recently, Gree Electric issued an announcement on the progress of share repurchase when the proportion of shares repurchased reached 2%. The announcement shows that as of July 23, the third phase of the company's repurchase plan has repurchased 121 million shares of the company through centralized bidding through the special securities account for repurchase, accounting for 2.0187% of the company's total share capital, and the total amount paid is 6.233 billion yuan.


$6.2 billion repurchase in two months


On May 26 this year, Gree Electric announced that it plans to use its own funds to buy back some public shares in the form of centralized competitive trading for the company's equity incentive or employee stock ownership plan. Gree's total funds to be used for repurchase this time shall not be less than 7.5 billion yuan (inclusive), not more than 15 billion yuan (inclusive), and the repurchase price shall not exceed 70 yuan / share.


It is reported that Gree's 15 billion yuan repurchase scale also refreshed the previous record of Midea Group's largest repurchase in the history of a shares. Midea Group announced on February 24 that it plans to repurchase 50 million to 100 million shares at a price of no more than 140 yuan / share, and the repurchase amount is expected to be no more than 14 billion yuan.


After two months, Gree Electric announced the latest repurchase progress. On the evening of July 26, the company announced that as of July 23, the third phase of the company's repurchase plan had repurchased about 121 million shares of the company through centralized bidding through the special securities account for repurchase, accounting for 2.0187% of the company's total share capital as of July 23, 2021. The highest transaction price was 56.11 yuan / share and the lowest transaction price was 48.82 yuan / share, The total amount paid is about 6.233 billion yuan (excluding transaction costs). This repurchase meets the requirements of relevant laws and regulations and the company's established repurchase plan.


The share price of multiple repurchases is still in the doldrums


Gree Electric has launched two repurchase plans in 2020. According to the announcement, in April 2020, Gree Electric launched a share repurchase scheme with a total repurchase fund of no less than 3 billion yuan and no more than 6 billion yuan, and the repurchase price is no more than 70 yuan / share. In October 2020, Gree Electric announced that under the proposal of the company's major shareholders, it planned to repurchase the company's shares with its own funds of no less than 3 billion yuan and no more than 6 billion yuan, and the repurchase price was no more than 70 yuan / share.


It is understood that the first two buybacks of Gree Electric Appliance have been completed on February 24 and may 17, 2021 respectively. The two rounds of buybacks cost a total of 12 billion yuan and bought 209 million shares of the company, accounting for 3.48% of the total share capital. At present, with the repurchase in the past two months, Gree Electric has spent 18 billion yuan on repurchase.


However, Gree's repeated buybacks did not save its share price decline. According to wind data, Gree's share price showed a downward trend after reaching a stage high in early December 2020. As of yesterday's close, Gree Electric reported 47.56 yuan / share, with a total market value of 286.1 billion yuan. Since this year, the share price has fallen 23.31%.


It is understood that Gree Electric's performance growth is slow. According to the company's annual report, in 2019 and 2020, the net profit of Gree Electric Appliance fell for two consecutive years, realizing a net profit attributable to the parent of 24.697 billion yuan and 22.175 billion yuan respectively, and the growth rate of net profit attributable to the parent was - 5.75% and - 10.21%.




The key to reversing the decline of stock price lies in corporate governance and business


In an interview with the information times, major general Ding, an observer of the home appliance industry, said that the main reason for the downturn in Gree's share price is that the overall air conditioning market has been in a depressed state since last year, and both the industry and Gree are in a growth bottleneck period. In addition, although Gree's diversification strategy has imagination space, the effect is not obvious at present, and it still needs time to cultivate" Stock repurchase is only a technical action of market value management. " Major general Ding believes that the company's improvement of share price basically lies in important breakthroughs in governance and business, such as the success of channel transformation, the success of diversified development of household appliances, the smooth implementation of employee stock ownership plan and so on.


Liang Zhenpeng, an industry and economic observer, believes that Gree's product structure is relatively single. Although it has also strengthened diversified development in recent years and made refrigerators, washing machines, small household appliances and other products, the effect is not very obvious.


Gree's channel model is also controversial. According to the Research Report of Tianfeng securities, under the current business operation mode focusing on consumer demand, the problem of Gree's layer by layer distribution channel mode is prominent. Due to the lack of direct contact with consumers, or the inability to adjust the product structure on demand in time, the price increase rate under the price level distribution is too high, and the price difference between the terminal and competitors is large.


However, Tianfeng Securities believes that Gree's core competitiveness still exists. With the company's channel model more conforming to the trend of the industry in the future, Gree still has enough ability to efficiently enjoy the scale growth dividend of the air conditioning industry. The company's channel reform mainly carries out three changes: simplifying the channel level and reducing the channel price increase rate; The sales model has changed from rebate incentive to terminal price difference incentive, so dealers are more deterministic about their own profits and more sensitive to consumers; Promote the new retail model and make the company more diversified and flexible in channel selection.


update time:2021-08-01 10:37:05


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