Hongxing Erke system collapsed, and the consumption logic of Internet heavy users changed


Xu Tan


In the early morning of July 29, Hongxing Erke issued an emergency notice. Due to the surge of short-term orders, the company's system crashed and the warehouse was empty. This has reached the ideal state that many enterprises want. How hot should the brand be before it can be bought and collapsed.


If it had not been for the 50 million donation in the flood in Henan Province, Hongxing Erke would actually be a brand that is gradually moving away from consumers. Especially for the "Z generation" (post-95 and Post-00) of heavy Internet users and heavy users of new consumer brands.


Hongxing Erke was founded in Jinjiang, the "shoe capital of China" in 2000. Compared with Anta, Tebu, peak, 361du and noble bird, Hongxing Erke has seriously lagged behind. In 2020, its revenue was 2.843 billion yuan, with a net loss of 220 million yuan, while Anta's revenue was 35.51 billion yuan.


The influential spokesperson invited by Hongxing Erke is Chen Xiaochun, a star familiar to the parents of generation Z. Chen Xiaochun was born in 1967. His representative work is the ancient Confused Series in the 1990s. In recent years, Chen Xiaochun has almost no works except taking his son to Hunan Satellite TV's where Dad is going (Season 5).


Even the sentence that detonated social media, "Mom, I feel you're going to go bankrupt and donate so much!", They all have a deep understanding of Hongxing Erke. Although hongxingerke brand is seriously weakened and has insufficient cognition among young customers, it is still a microblog hot search from the bankruptcy.


But, this does not affect the irrational pursuit of a strange brand by generation Z's customer base - renew hongxingerke's microblog members for 120 years, if the microblog can live to 2140; Burst the live broadcasting room and increased the sales from more than 40000 to 14 million; Buy out the warehouse and help Hongxing Erke digest the inventory for several years


Hongxing Erke seems to be an accidental event, but it is also an inevitable choice for the consumption characteristics of young customers.


The hongxingerke incident caused quite a shock among enterprises. Recently, the brand heads of several enterprises talked to the author, and the hongxingerke incident is also being discussed within the company. Although the taboo to do charity has traces of marketing, otherwise it will be questioned, the motivation will be impure or face moral trial, but the event result has been more like a successful marketing case.


What touches enterprises more is consumer insight. Today's consumers are so divided: the Post-70s are face consumption and pursue cost performance; The post-80s generation is pragmatic consumption, like big brands and research products; The post-90s (especially the post-95s) and post-00s are "wild consumption", and the brand will be highly sought after when it obtains customer value recognition, but this perceptual consumption also means a lack of loyalty to the brand and a bit of consumption nihilism.


Wu Xiaobo channel simply believes that "300 million middle-aged men have disappeared on the Internet shopping platform". Although the middle-aged male group has lost their consumption power and is not convinced, the essence of marketing is to gain insight into the consumption essence of a group and explore different consumption scenarios for subdivided groups. But it also conveys that groups based on different social and educational backgrounds are showing different value orientations and consumption preferences.


In the hongxingerke incident, the most noteworthy thing is that the "Z generation" of heavy users occupying Internet social media can no longer be examined according to the traditional consumption logic.


The traditional consumption logic is to look at the brand, quality and service. It is the choice of brand driven cost performance, and now the consumption logic of young customers is perceptual consumption driven by values.


Professor Chen Chunhua, Dean of BiMBA Business School of National Development Institute of Peking University, said such an example. She once asked a question after 00 in the business school class of Peking University: is money the most effective incentive?


As a result, the students' answers were the first she heard in more than 20 years of practice.


The student said, "it depends on whether I'm happy or not. Give me more. If I'm not happy, it's useless; I didn't give much. I did it very well. Money is also useful to me. "


This means that today's values are becoming more and more diverse, which is reflected in the consumption level and even company management, that is, the self gratification of young people.


Including the recent popularity of honey snow ice city with a unit price of less than 10 yuan, it conveys the consumption psychology of young customers that "you don't think I'm poor, and I don't think you're low", which is an emotional resonance and a recognition of values, thus establishing the emotional consumption of emotional links.


The crazy pursuit of Hongxing Erke is the conscience and domestic goods attached to the brand and the infinite amplification of patriotism in the face of a once-in-a-century flood. This is not only the glory of Hongxing Erke, but also the potential risk in the future. When an enterprise is driven to a moral commanding height, it is like being placed in the yardstick of public focus. Without the support of internal strength such as quality and service, a small defect in the future is easier to be amplified. If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.


update time:2021-07-31 17:18:08


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