Intelligent vehicle road test specification released: braking performance test shall not be carried out!


According to the website of the Ministry of industry and information technology, the Ministry of industry and information technology, the Ministry of public security and the Ministry of transport recently issued a notice on the management specification for road test and demonstration application of intelligent networked vehicles (Trial) (hereinafter referred to as the management specification).


The management specification shall come into force as of September 1, 2021.


According to the management specification, road test refers to the automatic driving function test of intelligent networked vehicles in the designated sections of various roads used for social motor vehicles, such as highways (including expressways), urban roads and regions.


According to reports, road test, demonstration application subjects and drivers should abide by China's road traffic safety laws and regulations, carry out work in strict accordance with the time, section, area and project specified in the road test or demonstration application safety self declaration, and carry relevant materials with the vehicle for future reference.


Braking performance tests shall not be carried out on the road during road tests or demonstration applications.


At the same time, the management specification specifies that road test vehicles and demonstration application vehicles shall comply with the relevant provisions on the management of temporary driving vehicle number plates, and shall not carry out road test and demonstration application without obtaining temporary driving vehicle number plates.


It is worth mentioning that the body of road test vehicles and demonstration application vehicles shall be marked with words such as "automatic driving road test" or "automatic driving demonstration application" in eye-catching colors to remind the surrounding vehicles and other road users, but shall not interfere with the surrounding normal road traffic activities.


It is reported that the "management standard" has seven chapters and 38 articles. Provisions are made on road test and demonstration application subjects, drivers and vehicles, road test applications, demonstration application applications, road test and demonstration application management, traffic violations and accident handling, etc.


update time:2021-08-01 10:37:05


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