The halo of famous schools in northern Qing Dynasty disappeared on the Internet


Training institutions pay a high cost for these halos. The starting salary of a Qingbei graduate in the head organization is mostly 30-40 years - an annual salary that many people can't achieve in their whole life.


The results are also obvious. Among the graduates of Peking University in 2020, the three typical educational employment units of the Department of Chinese language and literature are all training institutions. From 2019 to 2020, the number of Tsinghua university graduates entering the education industry, including training institutions, rose from 316 to 436.


Qingbei halo has also become a pass for many people to walk in the world of short video traffic.


"Hello, Wu Yifan. I'm Li Xueqin. Today I came to Tsinghua University. Look, this is the gate of Tsinghua University. How white!" About Li Xueqin's popularity, 100 people can give 100 kinds of analysis, but one element that no one can avoid is her identity as a graduate of Peking University. This is the background color of most of her contradictory tension.


Get an offer from an Internet company, which is Xu Yihang's plan for graduation next year.


In the first half of this year, the second graduate student of Peking University became an intern of product manager of an Internet company. What really made him decide to embrace the Internet was an email he received on a weekday afternoon. It was a resignation letter sent by a senior colleague, "I'm 35 years old. I'm not leaving passively, not for job hopping, but I'm retiring!"


Xu Yihang soon heard the story of the elder: he joined this leading Internet enterprise after graduating from university and worked for more than ten years. He has owned two suites in Shenzhen and holds stocks worth millions of yuan.


Others are anxious at the age of 35, and he retires luxuriantly at the age of 35 - no doubt, this is a bonus given to him by the Internet industry.


Xu Yihang's goal is instantly clear: practice well, strive to enter the job with the best results when graduating, become a big factory man, and retire at the age of 35.


The footprints of predecessors can always inspire the latecomers more clearly. The story of Zhang Chaoyang and Wang Xing inspires young Dai Wei to rush to the tide of entrepreneurship, and the excellent treatment of big factories really attracts graduates from famous schools.


"My seniors are great. I graduated last year and got an offer!" When it comes to bytes, Tsinghua student Zhang Xiaoxi's tone rises and the light in his eyes shines more and more.


Several office buildings scattered in Haidian are not far away from Tsinghua and Peking University. Of course, the more attractive thing is the prospect. In the eyes of these young people, they have been exploring new businesses and have more opportunities for newcomers. In addition, they have high salaries, good rental subsidies and other benefits, equal and simple internal relations, and there are no titles such as "general manager", "brother", "sister", "boss" and "director".


In Qingbei campus, opportunities are like leaves floating on the branches. They may fall on your head at any time. Ofo was noticed by Zhu Xiaohu. It was only because an investment manager in Jinshajiang was dating his girlfriend in Peking University and found a small yellow car. He thought it was very good, so he took the initiative to find it. Soon, the young Dai Wei received the call to change his fate. Before long, he stood on the overpass of the international trade and remembered the scene of meeting Zhu Xiaohu in the luxury office on the 56th floor of phase III of the international trade. 10 million, which is the amount Zhu Xiaohu wants to invest in these young people of Peking University.


The success of entrepreneurs brings the myth of making wealth. They are like coordinates, representing a leap track that can be imitated.


During his study at Tsinghua University, Xiaobei witnessed many students drop out of school and start a business in their senior year, and others retain their student status and start a business in the graduate stage. Of course, for more Qingbei students, this leaf brings better job opportunities. For example, enter a favorite big factory.




It has become a consensus that the academic qualifications of large factories are included in the volume.


When Internet companies become the golden rice bowl of contemporary young people, when sun factory offer has become one of the mainstream contents of little red books, the halo of famous schools has also been swallowed up by the Internet to some extent.


Even Harvard was not spared.


Allen graduate student first studied landscape design at Harvard University, but he is very interested in Internet technology - big data, visualization, immersive technology and machine learning. It has replaced experience and become an important basic ability in landscape design and urban planning. Machine learning, visualization, VR, AR and other technologies are all the contents he needs to deal with.


Determined to go further on this road, Allen applied for a course in the direction of design science and technology. He also took a year off from school and returned to Alibaba for internship.


He caught up with Alibaba's 20th anniversary annual meeting. It was called the annual conference with the most sense of science and technology by the industry: face recognition technology allowed 100000 spectators to enter the site in the shortest time; Everyone wears a luminous Bracelet composed of 102 full-color LED lights and shakes on site, which can help complete the challenge of Ali public welfare forest. After the challenge is successful, Ali will plant 102000 Seabuckthorn trees.


The subsequent interview will be conducted offline. Allen needs to travel from Boston in the east to Silicon Valley in the northwest. It is not easy to find the office building. There are no signs outside the building. He crossed the parks of many companies in Silicon Valley and finally found a small building -- much smaller than the domestic office building, which can only accommodate 400 or 500 people, but its neighbors are star companies in the bay area such as apple, Amazon, Intel and IBM.


That afternoon, Allen interviewed for nearly five hours. Finally, the notice of "not employed" was received.


There was some frustration, but he was soon relieved. Most of the fresh graduates competing with him for the same position are computer majors from Carnegie Mellon University, which ranks first in the world.


An internship offer became his comfort and a crack in the door leading to the big factory. "Maybe I'm from Harvard University and want to continue to investigate my professional learning ability.". He firmly grasped the opportunity and studied crazily during his internship. Three months later, he was finally recognized by all members of the Department in his report and became a regular smoothly.


The halo of Harvard is not dazzling in the team. Allen's team, all of whom have a graduate degree or above. Most of the undergraduate students of Chinese colleagues are from Peking University and Tsinghua University. Most of the graduate students are the counterpart majors of Carnegie Mellon University and New York University. Foreign colleagues also come from the counterpart majors of famous universities.


The pressure of academic examination once fell on Xu Yihang, who sought internship opportunities. When he applied for an intern position in a large factory, he found that the competitors with the lowest educational background were master's students majoring in computer science of Wuhan University, and the rest were students studying for masters in Hong Kong, the United States and the United Kingdom" Compared with my classmates from Ivy League university, I am nothing at all in Peking University. "


Young people who have removed the aura of Qingbei can only be more modest and hardworking.


The pressure of competition also falls on these young people. Tiktok and Xu Yihang's voice accounts are about 200000 of fans. They are obtained by a dry cargo learning video.


They want to compete with such competitors for the flow pool: the 1-year-old cute baby of the milk and milk route, the funny blogger in Northeast China who is 1.9 meters tall, the food blogger who cooks for his boyfriend every day, and the tourism blogger who travels all over the country - if you don't discuss the value, the entertainment provided by these contents is obviously more suitable for the era of fragmentation and easier to obtain traffic.


A coarser competitor is often more lethal. In the competition, Qingbei players need to be more careful to cherish their feathers.


Sun Dan, who works in a school education institution, rejected the company's exaggerated packaging of his identity as a Xueba, although this has become a common hidden rule in the industry. In addition to being unable to convince myself, another important reason is, "if one day, my classmates brush me from the advertisement in the circle of friends, how can I face them?"


The flow business that is too profit driven has fallen to the bottom of the employment contempt chain in the north of the Qing Dynasty. Sun Dan said that even when online education was the most popular, it was still an industry that couldn't be on the table to be a keynote speaker for training institutions in Tsinghua. State organs, financial institutions, central enterprises and Internet giants are the more promising mainstream choices.




The cruelty and charm hidden in change has always been the classic theme of literature and film and television works. But it is one thing for it to appear in the fictional world, and another thing for it to fall on a specific individual.


The drastic changes in the online education track have plunged the students of Qingbei famous schools into great uncertainty. Institutions can no longer advertise with great fanfare, and the aura of famous teachers in the north of the Qing Dynasty has darkened with it.


In the last two months, sun Dan was a little flustered by the flying news. She prepared for the worst early: losing her job.


MCN institutions of Xiaobei and Xu Yihang are also seeking transformation. Last year, the agency undertook a large number of advertising lists of online education institutions, but now the inflection point has come. How to establish a new health model and find a balance between social value and commercial profit has become a new proposition explored by Liu Qiang.


A deeper and more powerful undercurrent is surging in the Internet industry.


Changes at the regulatory and capital levels have started to shake the industry - although shocks can break the solidification of the existing pattern and then derive a healthier ecology, for many people, this means the end of the golden age of the Internet and a turning signal.


The upsurge of Internet entrepreneurship has also changed from technological innovation and model innovation to the so-called innovation of capital manufacturing. When bakeries, noodle shops and barbecue shops become stars chased by capital, how high will young people's enthusiasm be? Dai Wei and Hu Weiwei stood in the era of entrepreneurial position C. they can also argue about the necessity of smart lock. Now, I'm afraid they can only discuss which animal cream is better.


The interview basically turned into nagging. The topic mainly focused on the curriculum system and teaching arrangement of Tsinghua University. Afterwards, she chatted with her colleagues and learned that she was exempted from the post that originally required a written examination.


The subsequent entry process was also quite pleasant: the signing of the agreement was in March this year. At that time, there were more than three months before she graduated. In order to retain her, the employer directly made a condition - to pay an additional three months of housing provident fund and social security to reserve her position.


These successes make Zhang Xiaoxi feel his past efforts and the cultivation of Tsinghua University. He is more determined to continue his efforts in the future, because no matter when and where, "enough fight will win".


With the gradual stabilization of the Internet industry, more exciting legends are seen in history. More and more young people holding Qingbei VIP cards begin to hesitate and even stop before the halo of the Internet.


According to the employment data of undergraduate graduates of Tsinghua University in 2020, among the top 10 key units that signed the tripartite employment agreement, only Tencent and Alibaba are pure Internet companies, and most of the others are "iron rice bowl" units such as state grid, CITIC Group and China Construction Group. I'm afraid this proportion will not change significantly in 2021.


Will young people flock to leave the industry as they did when they poured into the Internet? The answer may take years to emerge. But the more sensitive group, obviously, had found the wind vane.


update time:2021-08-01 10:37:05


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