The transmission efficiency is up to 90%, a new breakthrough in wireless charging technology, and the charging direction can be adjusted automatically


According to US media tech Xplore, recently, researchers at Aalto University in Finland designed a new wireless charging system that can charge multiple devices at the same time.


By designing the antenna coil, the core part of the transmitter in the wireless charging system, the researchers realize that the wireless charging system can charge directly without locating the charging equipment first, and can also automatically adjust the charging direction when the equipment moves.


Researchers around the world are working on free position wireless charging, which can make smart devices get rid of the restrictions of charging lines. At present, the most common wireless charging solutions contain some complex control and detection functions.


For example, the energy transmitter of the charging system usually needs to detect the charging equipment and its location before determining the direction of sending energy to the equipment. This function is generally realized by camera or sensor, which will increase the volume and cost of the transmitter.


Researchers at the University of Alto have newly designed an omni-directional wireless energy transmission system (WPT) based on special double helix coils. By creating power transmission channels in all directions, it is no longer necessary to install cameras or sensors on the transmitter. When the device requiring charging is moving, the wireless charging system automatically adjusts the charging channel.


For example, mobile phones, laptops and other devices newly equipped with wireless charging receivers can receive energy while charging their batteries or directly power applications on the device without contacting the device with the charging system or placing the device in a specific location.



Two kinds of magnetic fields are generated by winding the coil in a special way


Prasad jayathurathnage, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Alto, explained: "the difference of this transmitter is that it is self-tuning, which means you don't need complex electronic devices to connect the receiver embedded in the device. Because it can adjust the charging channel itself, you can also move those devices that need charging freely within the charging range that the wireless charging system can reach. "


The research team achieved this effect by designing the coil antenna used in the transmitter. The coil antenna is wound on the torus, and its structure is a double helix structure. They will produce two electromagnetic fields: one is annular and limited in the torus; One is polar and distributed outside the torus.


The strength of these two electromagnetic fields can be enhanced by adjusting the shape of the coil.


Wireless charging system transmits energy through electromagnetic field. However, the receiver and transmitter need to be coupled.


The electromagnetic field coupling coefficient is determined by researchers. Regardless of the position and direction of the receiver, it can ensure high efficiency and can be tuned automatically.


This depends on the topology of the charging system. The self-regulation implementation needs to minimize the coupling between the transmitter and the receiver, and then use the repeater to adjust the charging direction. At this time, it is necessary to maintain strong coupling between the transmitter and the repeater, and between the receiver and the repeater.


The system consists of three pairs of orthogonal transmitter and repeater combinations to ensure omni-directional charging.


Although the research team has demonstrated this design concept, safety tests are still needed to confirm that the electromagnetic field generated by the transmitter is harmless to the human body. Obviously, because the technology relies on magnetic field, the electric field considered to be the main cause of potential harmful effects is minimized.


Once the design is considered safe and then applied to the product, it will be convenient for many people.


"Real wireless charging means more personal freedom, so people don't have to worry about where to charge their mobile phones or whether they forget to plug in the power supply," jayathurathnage said


The research team has applied for a patent for the transmitter and developed a wireless charging device that may be used in the industrial field through the parkzia project in Finland.



Conclusion: wireless charging is convenient for people's life


The purpose of wireless charging is to make smart devices get rid of the limitation of charging lines and reduce the impact of power shortage on people's use of smart devices.


At present, in addition to researchers studying wireless charging, many mobile phone manufacturers have also begun to develop their own wireless charging schemes, such as Xiaomi, oppo, etc. With the implementation of various new wireless charging schemes, people's life will be more convenient.


Source: Wisdom


update time:2021-08-01 10:37:05


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