Crazy price rise of auto chips: the dealer's quotation is directly multiplied by 10 times, and the dollar transaction is difficult to trace


The year-long shortage of auto chips still shows no signs of easing. Automobile demand recovers, but the insufficient supply of automobile chips makes more and more automobile enterprises passively reduce production and stop production, which has affected the normal operation of the automobile industry.


Recently, with the rise of COVID-19 in Malaysia, the closure of the chip sealing plant has intensified the supply of automobile chips, resulting in the closure of many auto factories due to the lack of spare parts supply. Chip foundries TSMC, liandian and Samsung have opened a new round of price increases, which will put pressure on automotive chips that are already at a high price.


Since the end of last year, the price of automobile chips has risen dozens of times or even hundreds of times. On August 3, in view of the prominent problems such as the hype and high prices in the auto chip market, the State Administration of market supervision said that it would file a case for investigation of auto chip distribution enterprises suspected of driving up prices according to price monitoring and reporting clues.


According to surging news reporters, since June this year, the price of automobile chips has remained high and will not rise. Although the prices of some models have fallen, the overall demand is still tight, and it is difficult to say that the inflection point is coming.


For many chip dealers, this year is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It seems that the rising chip price has made them make huge profits, even realized financial freedom, and completed the highlight of life that they had never expected.


Price increase: AKM's "flame"


On October 20, 2020, the chip factory of Asahi Kasei Microelectronics Co., Ltd. (AKM) in Japan caught fire, which seems to many people that it is just an ordinary factory fire, but for dealers, it is an important signal that the price of automobile chips may rise.


Chip Superman is a new chip distribution platform. On the one hand, it provides a marketing platform for upstream chip design enterprises, and on the other hand, it provides intelligent application technology for downstream long tail terminal scenarios" Sister Hua, founder and CEO of "chip Superman", is also very concerned about the impact of this fire on the price of automobile chips. In fact, this fire ignited the hype of "automobile chip" for a year.


"AKM didn't have many goods on the market. After the fire, the price of his goods began to rise. The bolder (dealers) quoted several times the price to their customers and found that the customers could accept it. Then we will continue to report the price and find that it is acceptable. This report is crazy. " Sister Hua talked about the dealer's mentality at that time.


For chip dealers, price speculation with the help of emergencies is a conventional routine, which is not unfamiliar to everyone. After the global financial crisis came out in 2009, the demand of the chip market increased greatly in a short time, the chips of Texas Instruments were fried, and many dealers made a fortune.


When AKM chips are out of stock in the Chinese market, the next decision of these Chinese dealers is to "shop in overseas markets".


"Although speculation has begun at home, there is little news abroad, so sweep in all foreign goods with relatively low prices and make a time difference. When selling, add a '0' (i.e. 10 times) to sell, and then you find that you can sell it. Originally, it was 2-3 times the price, but now it is 20-30 times the price, which immediately hyped AKM products. " Sister Hua believes that dealers' exploration of AKM chips successfully ignited the fire of auto chip speculation, and then more auto chips began to be hyped.


STMicroelectronics is another heavyweight automotive chip supplier. With AKM's experience, the price of Italian French chips quickly rose from three or four to more than a dozen.


"Doing this kind of work is like a gambler. The more you fry, the more fierce you are, and constantly try to test the bottom line of customers. It can't be pulled up in one breath. At first, it is three or four times, and then it rises a little. It is found that the demand is still there, and the price is acceptable. Especially when there are not many goods from the original factory, it is more and more courageous. After a spring festival, it was sideways for a while. Everyone was watching the Spring Festival, but after the Spring Festival, they found that they were more crazy and pulled up a wave. " Sister Hua said that after the Spring Festival, a chip with tens of yuan rose to one or two hundred, then to three or four hundred, and now it has risen to 8100 yuan.

该流行病影响了供应链的整合,芯片生产能力不足,短期内无法改变。另一方面,汽车需求方的复苏超出预期,来自汽车制造业新力量的芯片需求增加导致越来越多的汽车芯片短缺。芯片销售范围从AKM和意大利到大多数汽车芯片,德州仪器、NXP Broadcom和其他产品都以高价受欢迎。

The epidemic affected the integration of the supply chain, and the chip production capacity was insufficient and could not be changed in the short term. On the other hand, the recovery of the automobile demand side exceeded expectations and the increased chip demand from the new forces of automobile manufacturing led to the shortage of more and more automobile chips. The chips sold ranged from AKM and Italy to most automobile chips, Texas Instruments, NXP Broadcom and other products have become popular at high prices.


Looking for goods: fake goods mixed


In the case of insufficient chip production capacity, where do these speculation dealers get so many chips?


Sister Hua said that there are three main ways to supply goods: the first is the sluggish inventory of others. The goods prepared by the manufacturer can't be used now. If you want to clear the inventory, the price of this product will not be particularly high. Second, it belongs to the gray area. The agent was originally prepared to deliver the goods to customer a, but if he honestly delivered the goods to customer a, there would be no excess profit, so he poured out these goods and sold them to the market, and the price could be several times higher. Third, there are refurbished products, and even some fakes are used to make up the number.


It is well understood that manufacturers' excess inventory will be removed and cleared when encountering a good market. However, if there is a supply chain "internal cooperation and external cooperation" to speculate on chips, it will do great harm to the industry and disrupt the normal market order.


"There are still a lot of fake goods or old chips used for renovation. Of course, if you identify them as fake, the seller will return the money to you immediately. If you can't identify them, you'll be fooled." Sister Hua said that because her company is a chip trading platform, one service is to help customers test the authenticity of chips, because many counterfeit products really appear in the market.


Shenzhen is the main place for open market chip trading. Many chip dealers gathered here. In order to store goods, some dealers even mortgaged their real estate.


"Many dealers in Shenzhen have made a lot of money, and many people are worth more than 100 million, realizing financial freedom." Sister Hua said.


There are many stories about someone's financial freedom in this wave of speculation on chips, but these stories will not prove themselves.


Wang Zi (a pseudonym) is responsible for marketing in an international chip distributor. He has also heard many stories about making a fortune by speculating on chips" I heard a lot, but who will personally prove it to you?! But there must be a lot of people getting rich in this wave. "


Disadvantages: too many chip distribution links


Over the years, the chip industry has adopted multi-layer distribution network channels. The original chip factory provides goods to the primary agents, and the primary agents also have their own distribution channels. There are five or six links for the products to reach the end users.


In terms of automotive chips, tier 1 agents play a very key role. They are responsible for collecting the needs of the car factory, communicating and ordering with the original chip factory, and finally providing products to the car factory through the distribution network of tier 1 agents. The primary agents are mainly famous auto parts suppliers such as Bosch and Mainland China.


Sister Hua believes that this complex and multi link distribution channel provides space for dealers to operate chips" Your original factory can track the arrival and hand it over to the primary agent. Even the primary agent manages itself. The secondary agent also knows where the goods flow is, but you can't track it further. "


"Chip transactions are all dollar transactions. They make payments through overseas accounts, and it is difficult to track what needs to be investigated in China." Sister Hua said.


In an interview with surging news reporters, Wang Zi said that the practice of the chip factory is not to directly hand over the products to the end customers, but to transfer them to Hong Kong and ship them from Hong Kong to domestic customers" There are companies and logistics in Hong Kong. The orders placed by the original factory are in US dollars, so the transactions are also in US dollars. "


Wang Zi believes that if there is a unified trading platform in the chip field and everyone purchases on it, many gray operations can be avoided.


However, in order to manage the channels well and prevent collusion and speculation, the original factory is also constantly reforming its own channels. Sister Hua revealed that the business of iResearch Electronics (a first-class agent of Texas Instruments) in China later changed to only accept RMB transactions and not US dollar transactions to crack down on dealers' fleeing" RMB transactions are easy to track. In addition, tax bills can also track the real flow of goods. In this way, everyone will be cautious and be punished if they are found out. "


The auto chips hyped in this round are mainly foreign brands, while local auto chips are relatively stable. Sister Hua said that the local auto chip enterprises know almost the end customers. Their original distribution channels are relatively short and the dealer operation space is very small" The price of local auto chips is also rising, but the rising prices are taken away by the original factory, and the profits of dealers are still about the same as before. "


Sister Hua believes that there are great supply chain security problems in the current zero inventory model of the automotive industry. The whole vehicle factory does not even have a special person to manage the chip and relies heavily on tier 1.


"The zero inventory of the automotive industry is actually learned from Toyota, but Toyota's lack of core caused attention when the Japanese earthquake. They found that zero inventory would die miserably. Later, Toyota managed its own chips and even invested in chip enterprises such as Renesas to provide security. Therefore, the image of Toyota was relatively small this time, and they made a lot of layout." Sister Hua believes that after this incident, the car factory will certainly pay attention to chip inventory management in the future.


The factors of the whole vehicle factory and the primary agent also exacerbated the lack of core in this round.


A car chip supplier told surging journalists that after the outbreak of the new crown, the global economy was rushing to the impact. The vehicle manufacturers and first tier agents were not confident of market demand, and even there was a cancellation of orders. They had misjudged the market demand. Chip orders should be placed at least a few months in advance, but they were not willing to place orders at that time. Later, additional orders will be added, and a lot of production capacity will be reserved for chips such as consumer electronics. "

目前,根据芯片行业反馈,OEM工厂产能充足,密封测试工厂产能充足,价格持续上涨。研究和咨询公司IHS Markit预计,汽车芯材短缺将持续到2022年年中。预计芯材短缺将继续阻碍该行业未来的正常运营。

At present, according to the feedback of the chip industry, the capacity of the OEM factory is full, the capacity of the sealing and testing factory is full, and the price continues to rise. IHS Markit, a research and consulting firm, expects that the car core shortage will continue until the middle of 2022. It is expected that the core shortage will continue to hinder the normal operation of the industry in the future.


According to the latest statistics of AFS, an automobile third-party data organization, up to now, the global automobile market has reduced the production of 6.442 million vehicles due to the shortage of chips, and the annual production reduction is expected to rise to more than 7.65 million.

"现在情况是一级摊开双手说我真的找不到货物,迫使整车厂出来找货物,但整车厂找到的货物仍然需要一级下单购买,但如果有些货物不是很漂亮,tier 1自然不愿意下订单。"质量问题谁负责?"华姐说,汽车厂和一级工厂吵架了,汽车厂只能减产停产。

"Now the situation is that tier 1 spread out his hands and said that I really can't find the goods, forcing the whole vehicle factory to come out and find the goods, but the goods found by the whole vehicle factory still need tier 1 to place an order to buy, but if some goods are not very beautiful, tier 1 is naturally unwilling to place an order. Who is responsible in case of quality problems?" Sister Hua said that the car factory and tier 1 quarreled with each other, and the car factory could only reduce production and stop production.


Inflection point: the price hovers at a high level, and the inflection point is not reached


Although the State Administration of market supervision and Administration said that it would file an investigation into the automobile chip distribution enterprises suspected of driving up prices, the price of automobile chips remains high.


On the one hand, the factors driving up the price of auto chips are speculation by dealers, on the other hand, auto manufacturers are worried about stopping production, increasing stock, and even buying at high prices.


"Shortage is the big background, and the supply is already insufficient. For example, he has 100000 goods, but now he won't take them all at once. The first batch will be 20000. Do you want to? No, you'll have nothing to do with the next shipment. " Sister Hua said that for many automobile enterprises, they can only "get on the licensing table". They need to prepare goods and produce. "From another point of view, their products are not short of cores, and they can make money after selling cars. Especially for new energy automobile enterprises, they need to rush sales and financing. What's more than 100-200 yuan on chips?"


"From June, it was obvious that we couldn't buy it. For example, Texas Instruments had stock, and the price came down; In addition, there are not so many people on the "card table", and there are too few people who can afford to play. On the whole, the prices of Italian, French and NXP goods are still very high and haven't come down yet. " Sister Hua said that the customers who still take the goods are those who don't need money, and some customers turn to domestic chips.


For chip dealers, they see that the demand for auto chips is still, the production capacity is still in short supply, and there is no reason for the price to fall sharply. At present, it is impossible to say that the inflection point is coming, but it is obvious that they have become cautious now.


But chip dealers can not dominate the price trend. There are also different opinions on when the "lack of core" can be solved. One view is that the lack of "core" in cars will be alleviated in the second half of this year; Another voice believes that the lack of "core" in cars will end next year or the year after next, which is full of great uncertainty.


In August, the covid-19 closure of the Malaysia closure of the new plant caused further deterioration of the vehicle's "shortage of core".


Recently, a number of car manufacturers have made a new round of statements on the supply of auto chips.


On August 27, General Motors said that due to the global chip shortage, it planned to close the factories responsible for the production of Chevrolet bolt EV and bolt EUV this week. This is also the first time GM has suspended the production of electric vehicles since the outbreak of the chip crisis.


On August 20, Toyota said that due to the shortage of auto chips, it planned to reduce its global production by 40% in September, with a global production reduction of about 360000 vehicles.


On August 12, Tesla CEO Elon Musk publicly named Renesas electronics and Bosch as the biggest problem in Tesla's supply chain. Musk said Tesla is operating under extreme supply chain constraints of some "standard" Automotive chips.

大众汽车集团的三大品牌在7月30日指出,未来几个月,汽车芯片的持续短缺可能加剧,突显出汽车行业在解决这一问题方面面临的困难。根据大众品牌财务主管亚历山大·塞茨(Alexander Seitz)的分析,从供应方面的现实来看,该品牌的车型在今年第三季度将面临巨大挑战。

The three brands of Volkswagen group pointed out on July 30 that the continuous shortage of automotive chips may intensify in the coming months, highlighting the difficulties faced by the industry in solving this problem. According to the analysis of Alexander Seitz, the financial executive of Volkswagen brand, from the reality of the supply side, the models of the brand will face great challenges in the third quarter of this year.


On July 5 this year, BMW warned that the global shortage of auto chips has not been alleviated, and the supply will continue to be tight in the second half of this year, which will also affect the output of auto manufacturers.


Geely Automobile said it had taken multiple measures to deal with the shortage of chips. However, when the chip shortage can be alleviated, the company said there are still huge variables.

8月25日,博世董事会成员哈拉尔德·克罗格(Harald Kroeger)在接受采访时表示,全球对汽车和消费电子等领域芯片的需求激增,但去年由于流行病和自然灾害,供应链已经崩溃。他预计芯片短缺将持续到2022年,并希望需求将保持稳定。

On August 25, Harald Kroeger, a member of Bosch's board of directors, said in an interview that the global demand for chips in fields such as automobiles and consumer electronics has surged, but the supply chain has collapsed in the past year due to epidemic and natural disasters. He expects the chip shortage to continue until 2022 and hopes that demand will remain stable.


update time:2021-08-31 13:35:17


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