How many tens of billions does Zhang Yiming's yuan universe tuition still need?


Source: Network

对于byte beating来说,元宇宙概念公司之前在代码领域的1亿元投资似乎更像是对牛刀的一次小测试。现在,以近100亿元收购一家虚拟现实硬件公司显然是其迈向Facebook编织的元宇宙梦想的关键。

For byte beating, the previous 100 million yuan investment in the code universe of the meta universe concept company seems to be more like a small test of the ox's knife. Now, the acquisition of a VR hardware company with nearly 10 billion yuan is obviously the key to its progress towards the meta universe dream woven by Facebook.


It's just that Facebook has worked hard to raise oculus for six years before it finally came up with a box office Quest 2. Zhang Yiming, who has always been pursuing immediate results, is willing to invest how much tuition fees for this temporarily endless track?


The VR craze has gone and come again. Pico finally waited


As a VR software and hardware R & D manufacturer, Pico not only devotes itself to the R & D of virtual reality software and hardware, but also involves the creation of virtual reality content and applications. Almost like oculus, Pico is providing VR end users with a complete product and service experience.

目前开发的产品包括goblin VR一体机、Pico u VR眼镜、追踪套件等。

At present, the products developed include goblin VR all-in-one machine, Pico u VR glasses, tracking kit and so on.


After 15 or 16 years of domestic capital's indifference to the VR industry, Pico is one of the few VR manufacturers in the domestic VR industry that can produce independently, except for hardware companies relying on iqiyi platform such as iqiyi VR.


According to the financial report of Facebook in the second quarter, the revenue of other businesses other than advertising business mainly comes from VR / AR hardware such as oculus and portal. The revenue in the second quarter increased by 36% to $500 million year-on-year, accounting for only 1.7% of the total revenue.


However, although the revenue scale is negligible for a trillion company, Facebook's attention to this business may shock everyone.


update time:2021-09-01 10:29:48


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