I work as a supervisor on Weibo: 4 iPhones and 2 iPads a year


Source: times finance Author: Xu Dan

网民@tomo sauce微博的关闭使微博监督员这一职业进入了公众视野。

The closure of netizen @ tomo sauce microblog brought the profession of microblog supervisor to public view.

8月27日前后,官方认证的微博主管纪浩阳散布谣言,报道网友@tomo sauce。后来,@tomo saint微博被关闭,纪浩阳因谣言被微博永久解雇。

Before and after August 27, Ji Haoyang, an officially certified microblog supervisor, spread rumors to report the netizen @ tomo sauce. Later, the @ tomo sauce microblog was closed, and Ji Haoyang was permanently dismissed by the microblog because of rumors.

在这件事上,舆论的焦点是微博监管者是否权力过大,是否有权随意获取用户信息和盖章。8月27日,微博监管机构的官方账户回应称,关闭@tomo sauce账户的问题被发现是由该电台依法处理的,因为该账户此前发布了与时政相关的有害信息,而这不是监管机构的投诉。

On this matter, the focus of public opinion is whether the microblog supervisor has too much power and whether he has the right to obtain user information and seal at will. The official account of the microblog supervisor responded on August 27 that the issue of the closure of the account @ tomo sauce was found to be handled by the station in accordance with the law because the account had previously released harmful information related to current politics, which was not the complaint of the supervisor.


With regard to the supervisor's complaint authority and obtaining other people's mobile phone numbers, the microblog responded that the supervisor has no authority to dispose of any account and has no authority to obtain other people's mobile phone numbers on the microblog.

目前,@tomo sauce账号仍然被禁止,shine Ji Haoyang的微博仍然被禁止。

At present, @ tomo sauce account is still banned, and shine Ji Haoyang's microblog is still banned.


The microblog supervisor was officially launched in September 2017. Its purpose is to establish a supervision system through netizens' reporting, strengthen netizens' supervision and purify the community environment. Microblog supervisors can get a monthly network fee subsidy of 200 yuan and member privileges. For the top ten supervisors with the largest number of effective reports per month, they can also get mobile phones and laptops. However, different from the reporting mechanism of most Internet platforms, this work has a minimum requirement for the number of reports per month, that is, KPI requirements.


On August 30, when trying to apply to become a supervisor, times finance found that there was a certain threshold for becoming a microblog supervisor.


First, to fill in the application materials, you need to meet certain application conditions: over 18 years old, registered for more than one year, credit history score of 120 points, binding mobile phone number, microblog supervisor test (ability test for identifying illegal information) of more than 80 points. After passing, the supervisor applying for microblog needs to upload information such as occupation, address, photos with ID card, etc. Wait for review after uploading, but only a few people can pass the review. If they fail, they can only take the exam again in a week.


According to the information released by the official account of the microblog supervisor, in July, the microblog supervisor effectively complained and handled 3.74 million pornographic, vulgar, illegal and harmful information, with 4472 complaints per capita. Accordingly, times finance estimates that there are about 836 microblog supervisors in the whole network.


In order to further understand the group of supervisors, times finance contacted several microblog supervisors, who described their daily work.


Fans are keen to use supervisors to complain about "black powder"


Lin Yang (pseudonym) began to work as a microblog supervisor at the end of 2017. At that time, he was responsible for online public opinion monitoring in his unit and accidentally found that microblog was recruiting supervisors. He thought that this might bring some convenience to the work, so he filled in the recruitment application. In the early stage, the microblog was not strict in the qualification review of supervisors, and soon passed.


There is a large group of microblog supervisors. When you see the illegal information, you will send links and pictures to the group. In the group, managers will deliver the information. Finally, someone will go to the reported microblog and consider whether to seal the number.


"From this perspective, our right to complain is not much different from that of ordinary netizens, but after we complain, there will be special people to review, and the official will give priority to it. If you complain about the unsuccessful content, we will not succeed. " Another supervisor said to times finance.


According to the official disclosure of the microblog supervisor, the illegal information includes pornographic content, illegal content (gambling, fake certificates and tickets, selling test answers, selling personal information and other contraband), and harmful information (insulting heroes and cults). Each supervisor is only responsible for one of them. There is no difference between other types of complaint rights and ordinary netizens.


Lin Yang is responsible for complaining about the Yellow account. He said that there are a lot of microblog information, many of which are robot numbers. "Just search with keywords and find one." For example, the microblog search keyword "private house" points to real-time dynamics. The first two are yellow related accounts.


Because this kind of information is easy to distinguish, Lin Yang's complaints rarely fail, and he will not take care of the personal speeches of netizens.


Lin Yang said that many enthusiastic netizens will sort out some information about suspected violations and send it to him. Generally, fans of a star complain about black powder" We usually don't deal with these because they won't pass. As long as it is not anti political speech, it belongs to free speech. "


Microblog supervisors are generally considered to have a greater right to complain, so many fan groups will want to use this right to complain about black powder. Times financial search found that there will be big fans in many star super words, calling on everyone to apply for microblog supervisors" The success rate of reporting by microblog supervisors will be greatly improved, which is of great help to the anti triad work. The steps are relatively simple. I hope everyone will participate. " Click into the home page of some supervisors and you will also find that they are fans of a star.


However, some fans and microblog supervisors told times finance that there were almost no cases where the application was successful and the supervisor's right was used to report "black powder". The supervisor had KPI requirements, the fans were not so free, and "black powder" could not be reported. The success rate of reporting depends on the impact of the speech itself, and has nothing to do with whether it is a supervisor or not. "


It is not difficult to complete KPI: supervisors complain about 200000 violation information every month


A supervisor told times finance that the threshold for supervisors is not low, but he doesn't know what the specific application assessment criteria are.


The KPI of microblog supervisor is to complain about 500 illegal microblogs every month, the accuracy of complaint is more than 98%, and there is a cash reward of 200 yuan per month for completing KPI. However, if the KPI is not completed for one month, the supervisor qualification will be revoked. However, some supervisors said that even if the performance is not up to standard, they will not be dismissed as long as they do something.


Ji Haoyang's rumor report was once considered to be a "accidental injury" under the pressure of the supervisor's KPI, but the Times financial interview found that it was not difficult to complete the KPI.


If you don't have much experience, the work will take more time.


A netizen who became a microblog supervisor in 2019 told times finance that he initially spent more than two hours a day brushing microblogs to deal with pornographic information, but the results were also obvious, with a maximum reward of 1200 yuan. Another person who has been engaged in microblog supervisor for more than three years said that he only needs to brush microblog for more than ten minutes every day to complete KPI through keyword search.


When Lin Yang was not busy in his early work, he even made a plug-in to automatically search pornographic information through keywords, and reported 200000 microblogs per month.


In the early days, the reward given by Weibo to supervisors was prizes, not cash. Lin Yang got four iphone8 and two iPads in 2018. Later, due to busy work, I didn't have time to manipulate the plug-in, so I only completed the basic KPI. However, because of his rich experience, Lin Yang said that he could complete 500 complaints in only half an hour a month.

Tiktok Kwai说:"我认为微博监管者可能会随着互联网舆论的发展而继续前进。事实上,jitter和fast hand等短视频平台都有专职人员负责内容审核。新浪只是走错了路。相对而言,投资不多,但效果会比全职好。"林洋说。

Tiktok Kwai said, "I think micro-blog supervisors may keep on going with the development of Internet public opinion. In fact, short video platforms like jitter and fast hand have full-time staff responsible for content auditing. Sina just takes the wrong side of the sword. Relatively speaking, it doesn't invest much, but the effect will be better than full-time. " Lin Yang said.


update time:2021-08-31 14:24:45


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