If lidar deceives you


One day in the future, autopilot has been popularized, and all kinds of autopilot cars are running on the streets, and people are sleeping in cars.


Suddenly, the lidar on a car mistakenly received the "signal" that did not belong to it, resulting in a series of misjudgments. For a moment, the fast-moving machines on the road fell into chaos


This somewhat cyberpunk scene seems difficult to empathize with today, but in fact, this situation has appeared in some test areas where autonomous vehicles are concentrated.


According to a senior executive who studies automatic driving, they arranged a lot of automatic driving test teams in Yizhuang. These tests were loaded with lidar and millimeter wave radar, which achieved enough equipment and safety redundancy in the single car intelligence we imagined. However, in one actual test process, a lidar failed that we had never encountered before. Later, it was found that the reason was that there were too many devices in the test environment, resulting in interference, resulting in some sensors lying down directly.


The scene of hidden dangers caused by the interaction of such machines seems very sci-fi, but the problem behind it is very realistic: if autonomous vehicles equipped with lidar go on the road on a large scale, will they interfere with each other? Will this interference become a hidden danger affecting the safety of automatic driving?


This year is the first year of lidar boarding. Mass production vehicles, including Weilai, Xiaopeng and great wall, have announced that mass production vehicles equipped with lidar will be listed.


Weilai et7 will be equipped with innovusion ultra long-range high-precision lidar, Xiaopeng automobile will be equipped with livox lidar, and the Great Wall will be equipped with ibeonext lidar.

威莱et7 nad硬件配置表来源:威莱官网

Hardware configuration table of Weilai et7 nad source: Weilai official website


Everyone is scrambling for who will take the lead in landing mass-produced lidar models, which seems to make us feel closer and closer to the era of L3 and L4 assisted driving.


At the same time, we have to admit that the era of automobile driving is no longer the traditional era of holding the steering wheel and stepping on the brake, and the driver mastering safety. Man-machine driving, or in other words, human driving, in addition to the car itself, is also driven by lines of code, carrying a central processor, carrying a large number of sensors and chips, and carrying out a large number of complex calculations, Machines are quietly controlling the new driving era of man-machine driving.


If technology is creating a new driving experience, will technology also create new problems?


When pinplay / pindrive inquired about the main engine manufacturers, OEMs and Tier1 suppliers preparing to carry lidar, almost without exception, they answered that interference would exist.


We try to answer from several angles:


First, from a technical point of view, how is the interference between lidar generated?


Secondly, under what kind of environment will the problem of lidar jamming be formed and how to solve it at present?


Finally, in the era of automatic driving, how should safety be defined?


With regard to the interference of lidar, Pei Jun, founder of cepton lidar, gave an example for PinWan / Pinjia: millimeter wave radar transmits electromagnetic waves and then receives electromagnetic waves to detect the distance and speed of objects in front. There will be interference in this process.


"If a car in front also emits millimeter wave radar, and the wave band is the same as yours, it will cause crosstalk." Pei Jun said. The working principle of lidar and millimeter wave radar is similar.


First, we need to popularize the working principle of lidar.


At present, there are two main technical routes for vehicle lidar: FMCW (frequency modulated continuous wave) lidar and TOF (time of flight) lidar. TOF lidar is currently the mainstream. For example, innoviz, which provides BMW with L3 automatic driving and mass production lidar, adopts the MEMS scheme based on TOF.


It is also TOF lidar that can generate interference. It may generate interference when receiving pulses from other lidars. Although the probability of occurrence is small, it is still possible: the laser of a shines on the object and then radiates to the receiver of B. the reflection of the laser on the object is diffuse reflection. This diffuse reflection may cause B to be unable to identify whether it is the laser beam emitted by its own lidar.


The current solution is to introduce coding technology to divide the transmission signal into multiple pulses, or identify according to the time series number, which is similar to the principle of our mobile phone receiving verification code, which is a common practice.


Pei Jun said that the FMCW lidar method uses the modulation wave method to modulate respectively, and finally can resist interference. However, although the FMCW lidar technology has advantages in eliminating interference and improving long-range performance, it has high cost, so it has not been widely used.


Although the solutions are consistent, the situation and probability of interference when vehicles equipped with lidar are not on the road on a large scale are still in prediction, and engineers can't foresee it. What will happen when hundreds of vehicles equipped with lidar are on the road and there are dense lidars on the road?


The development of technology is gradually developed with the complexity of the scene.


There are several situations about how mutual interference between lidar occurs.


Zhu Dawei, chief designer of Wilson intelligent network application center, analyzed that there are two situations: interference with lidar installed by the same brand and interference between models of different brands.


The interference of different brand models can also be divided into two types: intentional interference and unintentional interference.


Zhu Dawei said that the above problems exist in theory, but they have not become a problem in reality, because there are no mass-produced vehicles equipped with lidar on the road on a large scale.


This is why when talking about interference, many car companies admit that it is widespread and think it can be easily solved.


However, autopilot will gradually land in different scenarios.


At present, many car companies start with the independent parking function, because the scene is single and the driving speed is low, which is relatively better to achieve.


Under the autonomous parking function, the vehicle can find its own parking position in the closed parking lot environment without the driver's control in the vehicle. Then the closed parking lot may be one of the earliest interference environments. Because it has the conditions for gathering a large number of autonomous vehicles equipped with lidar, when automatic parking is widely used, the laser beam between vehicles forms interference.


It must be unimaginable.


Although hackers attack cars, the scene of large-scale paralysis of car building traffic has only been seen in movies. Because of the huge potential safety hazards it brings, the personnel in charge of automatic driving test of Zero run said that solving the problem of sensor interference will be a very complex problem. There are many unpredictable scenarios. In addition to the "functional security" problem at the technical level, it also faces many unpredictable risks.


No matter how perfect the solution is, the prediction of unexpected situations that have not yet happened is limited.


In recent years, the increase of fatal accidents caused by assisted driving also reminds us that technology has not been 100% safe.


As Zhu Dawei said, how to make car owners feel they are in a safe environment is a very important topic in the era of automatic driving.


"People still understand that the vehicle is out of control, but in the future, the vehicle out of control may be incomprehensible and cause panic." Zhu Dawei said.


According to the statistics of the automatic driving vehicle road test report of Beijing, 71% of the brands of lidar adopted by China's autopilot cars are made in China, and the number of lines is below 40 lines.


At present, the test subjects tested in Beijing adopt the sensing scheme of lidar + millimeter wave radar + ultrasonic radar + camera, which can sense various environmental and lighting conditions and complement each other.


In order to achieve the best balance between cost and safety, different brands are carefully choosing their own perception schemes.


However, in the actual application scenario, for drivers and passengers, in addition to the subversive driving experience, how to get the sense of security hidden behind hardware, perception and algorithm?


When various perception schemes appear, how do drivers and passengers know which scheme they are using and its security?


Lidar is considered to be the most accurate sensor scheme and the most accurate hardware. Can it bring absolute safety in the end?


Or, if an accident really comes, will the drivers and passengers in the car know what happened?


The problem of lidar jamming is only a microcosm. It is not only an early warning for us when the era of automatic driving really comes in the future, but also a reminder for technology companies, main engine manufacturers and the whole legal and regulatory environment: how to define safety when scientific and technological progress promotes cars to enter a new era?


update time:2021-08-31 13:35:17


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