Jia Yueting has got money again. Is FF, who is already 7 years old, going to "turn over"?


Insolvent, FF ever survived?


FF was established in the United States in 2014.


At that time, LETV, founded by Jia Yueting, was still in the upward stage, the market value had not reached the highest point, and the downward trend had not yet begun.


Then the time came to the end of 2016, LETV's business began to explode frequently. As the founder, Jia Yueting seemed to put all his body and mind on FF. In 2017, he handed over the domestic LETV's mess to sun Hongbin, chairman of rongchuang, and the handling of related debt problems to his wife Gan Wei.


As for Jia Yueting, after resigning all positions on LETV, he went to the United States alone to build cars.


Netizens joked: "building a car is false, running away to avoid debt is true".


In this regard, Jia Yueting, who has arrived in Los Angeles, or LETV, said that this is only a short business trip and will "return home next week".


However, Jia Yueting, who said he would return home next week, has been away for more than four years, and he doesn't know what year or week he calls "next week".


For example, it was exposed that FF headquarters and other assets were sold, all employees' salaries were reduced, business was shut down, employees were forced to enter the state of vacation, the co-founder left and was extremely pessimistic about the future of the company.

联合创始人之一尼克·桑普森(Nick Sampson)表示,该公司的财务和人事资产已资不抵债,充其量只能生存下去。

Nick Sampson, one of the co founders, said that the company's financial and personnel assets were insolvent and could only survive at best.


From its establishment in 2014 to 2019, according to public information, FF has obtained a number of external financing in these five years, one of which is not very pleasant.


After Jia Yueting changed his identity and FF became a partnership, the company also ushered in a number of good news on financing.


This includes $9.16 million in cash assistance through the U.S. compensation security plan in 2020. Although the money can only be used to pay employees' wages, office rent and other expenses, it also alleviates the plight of FF's daily operation to a certain extent.

此外,10月,FF还正式宣布获得了美国两大金融机构birch lake和ATW partner提供的4500万美元债务融资贷款。

In addition, in October, FF also officially announced that it had obtained a debt financing loan of US $45 million provided by birch lake and ATW partner, two major financial institutions in the United States.

其中,birch Lake在2019年向FF提供了高达2.25亿美元的债务和信托融资。

Among them, birch Lake provided FF with a debt and trust financing of up to US $225 million in 2019.


At the current exchange rate, it is about 35.104 billion yuan.


But at this time, the products of the same batch of "Wei Lipeng" have been on the market for several years, and FF has not yet had a car on the market.

目前,虽然FF已开通预订渠道,但计划在2022年上半年推出FF 91车型,但FF 91是一款豪华电动汽车,国内售价超过200万元。对于大多数国内用户来说,这仍然相当"费力",这不利于车型的普遍推广。

At present, although FF has opened the reservation channel, it plans to launch FF 91 model in the first half of 2022. However, FF 91 is a luxury electric vehicle with a domestic price of more than 2 million yuan. It is still quite "laborious" for most domestic users, which is not conducive to the general promotion of models.

当然,FF也考虑到了这一点。除FF 91外,还推出了价格更低的FF 81和FF 71。其中,FF完成了FF 81的设计,并对FF 81的设计和工程进行了第二个虚拟评估周期。

Of course, FF also takes this into account. In addition to FF 91, FF 81 and FF 71 with lower price are also launched. Among them, FF has completed the design of FF 81 and conducted the second virtual evaluation cycle for the design and engineering of FF 81.

然而,FF 81预计将在FF 91发布18个月后开始批量生产。这意味着我们最早只能在2023年底看到该型号的上市。到那时,不仅汽车制造商创造的第一批新车制造力量和新能源车型已经运行数年占领市场,而且中国的第二批新车制造力量已经达到产品出货阶段。

However, FF 81 is expected to start pre batch production 18 months after the launch of FF 91. This means that we can only see the listing of this model by the end of 2023 at the earliest. By that time, not only the first batch of new car making forces and new energy models created by automobile manufacturers have been running for several years to occupy the market, but also the second batch of new car making forces in China have reached the stage of product shipment.


What will FF be like then?


update time:2021-08-31 18:10:10


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