Meituan fast donkey contraction: difficult to transform the catering supply chain


Wen Wanli makhin


Editor Huang Junjie


Less than a year after the great expansion, meituan's B2B business supplying takeout businesses quickly turned to contraction《 Later, latepost exclusively learned that fast donkey provides services in nearly 100 cities. At present, it is expected to suspend some cities and retain only the first and second tier cities.


In the first quarter of 2021, Kuailu put forward the expansion plan of "100 cities tackling tough problems", which plans to expand in a lighter platform mode than self-operation. Since then, about 70 cities have been developed, mainly third tier cities.


A fast donkey said that in the second half of the year, fast donkey will focus more on existing cooperative sellers to enhance the basic capacity-building of the platform, such as supply, storage and performance.


Meituan is the largest catering platform in China. 6.8 million businesses provide takeout through meituan and attract customers to the store. It sounds natural for meituan to supply them. Wang Xing, founder and CEO of meituan, said in an interview with Caijing that in the long run, if meituan only makes very shallow connections, it is worthless. Meituan should make deeper connections in various vertical industries.


Over the past six years, meituan's progress in fast donkey business is still limited, and its business is still being explored in a few leading cities.


The contraction is not only fast donkey, but also Meicai, a B2B catering supply chain startup, has stopped serving in many places across the country.


This round of city closures shows that fast donkey's exploration of the sinking market has failed temporarily, which also means that meituan's B2B fresh e-commerce business is still in an early stage.


In this regard, meituan said that the purchase of fast donkey will focus more on the first and second tier cities after adjustment. Meituan is determined to invest in the catering supply chain for a long time and continue to create value for the industry and customers.


A slow business from expansion to contraction


Like new businesses such as community group buying, sharing charging treasure and taking a taxi, meituan adopted the strategy of imitating its competitors in the early stage of the industry, trial and error and iteration in small steps, waiting for the arrival of the industry window period.


Some people in the industry compare fast donkeys to "followers".


Meituan's exploration of the catering supply chain market began in the autumn of 2015, two years later than Meicai. Initially, meituan launched the merchant background system "fast donkey" to provide food materials, disposable products, drinks and other purchase services for meituan takeout platform merchants through the supply chain section "fast donkey purchase". These businesses are mainly husband and wife stores and small and medium-sized catering enterprises.


Food ingredients have to go through layers of dealers all the way from farmers to catering stores. Under the B2B mode in which Internet companies are involved, the platform may match wholesalers and stores like tmall; Or like JD's self-management, it purchases directly from manufacturers or dealers and then sells them to catering merchants, eliminating the intermediate link.


The platform provides services such as warehousing, logistics and online management of merchants' food material procurement, so as to improve transaction efficiency and earn income.


Fast donkey first adopted self-supporting mode. At that time, the competition between meituan and hungry was white hot, and the competition for merchants was a key step. The food supply service provided by the platform could make merchants experience better and enhance their stickiness to the platform.


In October 2018, meituan established its own fast donkey business department. Meituan has always been the old with new business and the new with old business. Fast donkey has experienced two principals. The first is Chen Xudong, senior vice president of meituan. After Chen resigned in April 2019, Guo wanhuai took over.


After two years of independent operation, fast donkey has served about one million businesses across the country, and there are 50000 SKUs (commodity categories) across the country, mainly providing commodities such as rice flour, grain and oil, vegetables and eggs, seasonal fruits, meat, poultry and aquatic products, drinks and beverages, convenient fast food, etc.


The quick donkey kept walking very slowly. In 2020, after meituan focused on community group buying business, it once closed the fresh front - Kuaiyu transferred 10% of its production and research personnel to support meituan optimization. Fast donkey will not open new towns in 2020, and the overall goal is to shrink losses. As of December 2020, there are only 38 cities covered by fast donkey.


Until the Spring Festival in 2021, Kuaiyu decided to increase the platform mode and required the 21 day line. This mode is internally known as the "21 day project".


After the launch, Kuaiyu immediately formulated a "battle of 100 cities" plan, covering more third and fourth tier cities. The typical platform model is taodaji, a start-up company, which was established in 2016 and is a local company located in Hubei. Unlike the direct marketing mode, taodaji adopts a lighter platform mode. The platform no longer purchases goods directly from suppliers of origin, but directly pushes orders from catering merchants to suppliers for processing, packaging and delivery to warehouses.


The platform model is relatively flexible. Suppliers are responsible for the procurement, processing and other relatively important links, which can not only help the platform share part of the cost, but also better adapt to local conditions. The situation of each city has its own particularity. For example, the types of goods loved by people in Chongqing and Heilongjiang are very different.


In the self operated mode, the platform is responsible for all links. Fast donkey's warehouse does not have processing function. It is processed by the supplier and warehoused according to the number of sales packages. American food is stored in the way of raw materials and according to the kilogram. The former has a shorter chain, which can reduce the processing area and personnel cost of the warehouse, and control the cost and complexity; But the latter can better ensure product quality.


At the beginning of the year, American cuisine began to use the platform model to penetrate the sinking market.


The quick donkey immediately followed. A person with American food said, "the quick donkey will follow the county where the American food sinks."


Fast donkey is not just a simple copy mode. Fast donkey can reuse the data accumulated by meituan takeout. The above American food people believe that "fast donkey is more in place than American food." In the course of field investigation, he found that fast donkey simplified the process, leaned to eliminate waste, and the control means of timeliness and quality were more in place.


At present, both Meicai and Kuaiyu are self operated and parallel platforms. However, this did not bring a significant increase in business volume to fast donkey.


Industry participants are still exploring the model. In the platform mode, it is difficult to deeply control every link. Suppliers do not control the quality and price of goods in place, resulting in poor user experience.


At the same time, suppliers can't make money. According to our media's list of ingredients, American cuisine has a high percentage of suppliers in the platform mode: 5% rice flour, grain and oil, 18% dry goods, 16-17% seasonings, 6% wine, 10% kitchen and 20% detergent. In order to control the cost, Meicai also stopped operating expenses, and the activity expenses were borne by the supplier, which means that the operating cost of a dry goods supplier will reach 25%, even higher than the cost of opening a store and selling goods.


A person familiar with meituan said that before meituan decides to invest heavily in a business, it needs to be able to calculate the accounts clearly or see a definite opportunity. Fast donkey is still in the period of model exploration.


On August 24 alone, Kuaiyu closed its business in three cities in one province. A fast donkey said: "the withdrawal was very sudden. I said it in the morning and began to pull supplies at noon." However, he believes that this step is still too late. According to the sales data of fast donkey in the second quarter, it can be judged that two-thirds of the newly opened urban businesses need to be closed.


Decentralized and non standardized


Difficult to transform China's catering supply chain


Fast donkey's daily order volume and trading volume are second only to American food in the industry, but in terms of the whole market scale, the two companies are still just starting《 Later, latepost learned that the transaction volume of fast donkey in 2020 is close to 10 billion yuan. The head start-up company Meicai is about 40 billion yuan. If calculated by trillion market, the penetration rate of American food seven years after trying is only 4%.


According to the report of the blue book on catering industry: China's catering industry development report (2019), the market scale of China's catering industry in 2018 was 4.27 trillion, of which 30% were food materials. According to this calculation, the market scale of China's catering supply chain may exceed trillion.


In the idea of Liu Chuanjun, the founder of American cuisine, this is a business with broad prospects. The market scale of C2C and B2B modes is different. "If C2C or B2C mode refers to sending 1.6 yuan / kg of cabbage to users at one time, B2B mode means sending a load of cabbage to enough restaurants at one time."


The traditional catering supply chain does have room for optimization and improvement: the price is opaque, and the main procurement way depends on the wholesale market. After a series of logistics links, the wholesale market has high procurement cost and large loss of food materials. Using the Internet to transform traditional industries can improve the efficiency of traditional supply chain, reduce intermediate links and realize scale effect.


Sysco, the world's largest catering food supplier, has a market value of more than $40 billion. In 1969, the American company was initially formed by the merger of a group of small food suppliers, and its sales reached more than 100 million dollars in the first year. Since then, it has gradually grown by M & A integration, serving more than 90 countries around the world, with more than 600000 users, and the gross profit margin has been stable between 18-20%.


It will be more difficult for China's supply chain business to start and form a large-scale platform. Sysco focuses on large customers. Most of China's catering market are small and medium-sized businesses, so the market is difficult to concentrate. According to the 2020 development report of small and medium-sized catering takeout merchants in China released by meituan, small and medium-sized merchants account for 80%.


Sysco also faces fewer suppliers. 85% of the local staple beef comes from four meat processors. The market share of China's top four pig suppliers is just over 30%.


On the other hand, there are more and more cities in the city, and in the case of the Taiwanese Exchange Council. As for the state of China, it is said that it is "China and China".


However, too scattered agricultural production in China also means that the production efficiency of agricultural products is low and quality control is difficult. Chinese small and medium-sized businesses are price sensitive, such as braised chicken and rice, Shaxian snacks, etc. they often require quality on the basis of low price, and the space from which the platform can make profits is also low.


Unlike Taobao and, a merchant can correspond to the national market, and catering enterprises need more goods from the local market. This means that the platforms established by e-commerce in the catering supply chain are often independent markets scattered in different cities, and the platforms are difficult to have scale effect.


In addition, B2B catering supply chain industry is a slow business focusing on operation, management and capital. There are many links involved in the catering supply chain. Important nodes include the richness of investment promotion categories, category width, performance ability, accuracy of sales in grasping market demand, timeliness of logistics distribution, commodity quality, etc. The efficiency of each link should be improved, and the transformation is very difficult.


In the short term, market participants have high expenditures on warehousing, logistics costs and business management, which have put pressure on the profitability of Companies in the industry.


A fast donkey said that the current industry gross profit is only enough to support the logistics cost, and some cities can not even cover the logistics cost.


In some third and fourth tier cities, the local market demand is limited. In addition, the commodity categories provided by local suppliers are incomplete, and goods need to be transferred from cities hundreds of kilometers away. The logistics cost is high, which makes the income of enterprises unable to cover the cost.


An industry source pointed out that at present, the efficiency of Internet platforms in third and fourth tier cities and below is not as good as that of local small suppliers.


Among Chinese catering supply chain enterprises, in addition to startups such as Meicai, Yimu field and taodaji, there are Internet giants such as and meituan, as well as traditional catering enterprises such as Haidilao and xinladao.


At present, the largest B2B catering supply chain company in China is Meicai. Due to the poor financing, the latest valuation has fallen to about US $5 billion. The company has not yet made a profit since its establishment. In an interview with the media, Liu Chuanjun said that the biggest challenge facing American food is that agricultural products have not realized large-scale standardized production.


Industry participants have been exploring more business models to support continued investment. Meijia Meicai, a consumer oriented community group purchase project, has launched Meijia Meicai. Alibaba's dishes are cost-effective. It has also launched a front warehouse project similar to dingdong shopping in Hangzhou, Ningbo and Suzhou.


The situation of latecomers is more difficult. A fast donkey said that the order quantity of fast donkey is small, and the order quantity is only a fraction of that of American dishes. It has a weak voice over suppliers, and often needs to collect suppliers' inventory.


New business that cannot be abandoned


Fast donkey is the longest explored new business of meituan. Wang Xing, founder and CEO of meituan, said at the earnings conference call in March 2021 that he would continue to increase investment in fast donkey and explore this important and highly fragmented market.


At present, the fast donkey team has reached the scale of thousands of people. A fast donkey person said, "fast donkey is a business that needs to be done even if it loses money. It needs long-term patience."


China's agriculture and catering industry are in the early stage of standardization. It is a land to be reclaimed and difficult to enter. It also means that the Internet platform has the opportunity to participate and help the supply chain complete the digital transformation.


Fast donkey serves catering businesses in meituan. Wang Xing said at the first quarter financial report that the fast donkey "is part of the all-round service provided by meituan for the hotel". Seizing the opportunity of catering supply chain can not only provide new growth sources for meituan, but also consolidate the original catering business.


Fast donkey also helped meituan accumulate the supply chain management capability it lacked before. A meituan preferred person said that it would be more difficult for meituan to open up community group buying business if it was not for the fast donkey, vegetable shopping and other businesses, which first explored relatively important links such as warehousing and supply chain, and internally trained a group of fresh e-commerce talents.


Hungry Yao also wanted to enter the B2B catering supply chain and launch the "vegetable" business with the same positioning. However, the project stopped operation in 2016 and then restarted in 2018. In May 2021, some vegetables were declared closed.


A takeout person said, "maybe we need to wait for the improvement of overall supply efficiency or the rejuvenation of overall catering practitioners."


A person familiar with meituan once told latepost that, ideally, meituan and pinduoduo companies will be like Wal Mart, not only control the warehousing of goods, but also control how the goods are produced and transported from the origin - only in this way can they achieve more efficient and lower cost.


For Internet companies, to further promote the evolution of the real economy and find growth opportunities, they may have to do more and more, which is heavier than today's meituan takeout.


update time:2021-08-31 13:35:17


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