Q: games are just the rudiments of the meta universe. All walks of life will enter the meta universe in the future


This article is excerpted from the lecture on the future world in the era of meta universe by Zhao Guodong, one of the authors of meta universe and meta universe pass and Secretary General of Zhongguancun big data industry alliance.

1、 什么是元宇宙?

1、 What is the meta universe?


First of all, in view of the question of what the meta universe is, Mr. Zhao Guodong pointed out that 2021 is the first year of the meta universe, which is comparable to the great migration in the era of great navigation, which marks the beginning of mankind's comprehensive entry into the digital world, opening up Hongmeng and creating the world. The term metaverse comes from the science fiction avalanche, which describes the understanding of two parallel worlds by a generation of Internet people born out of the real world. He pointed out that the meta universe is the end of the development of the Internet. It is a virtual world parallel to the real world and always online. The concept of meta universe appears in many film works. The "oasis" in the film "number one player" is a complete meta universe. Not only that, he also pointed out that children like to play games with low pixel resolution, such as my world and mini world. In addition, during the epidemic, some collective activities were carried out in the "digital world". Such as graduation ceremony, concert, top academic conference. These have the characteristics of "meta universe", which is the digital space-time for people's entertainment, life and work.

2、 为什么宇宙这么热?

2、 Why is the universe so hot?


For the hot issue of the meta universe, Mr. Zhao Guodong also put forward his own views. He believes that the meta universe integrates many elements of technology, industry, economy, culture and social networking. It is the next stop of the Internet, and even the "meta universe" is the ultimate form of the Internet. First of all, the "meta universe" has the effect of making money and capital blessing. After the listing of roblox, the first stock of yuanuniverse in the capital market, the market value increased 10 times. Secondly, the five-year small cycle of communication network upgrading and the 15 year long cycle of Internet development are superimposed to promote change. The meta universe happens to appear at this node and is expected to become the next explosion point. Third, the maturity of related technologies. For example, the maturity and popularization of 5g technology, the breakthrough of VR / AR technology, the blessing of blockchain on digital assets and the launch of digital currency are all promoting the development of "meta universe". Fourth, the development of smart phones has reached a bottleneck period, and consumers yearn for more cool devices.

3、 为什么Facebook都在元宇宙中?

3、 Why Facebook all in metauniverse?


As for the entry of Western technology giant Facebook into the meta universe, Mr. Zhao Guodong also put forward his own opinions. He pointed out that Facebook is the first Internet giant to announce all in metauniverse. Zuckerberg called metaverse "the successor of the mobile Internet" and promised to transform Facebook from a social media company to a metaverse company. Zuckerberg once said that "the company's current business focuses on community products, content creators, business and VR, and these departments will jointly realize a vision. I think the most interesting place is to integrate these businesses into a broader idea - to bring the meta universe to real life."

2014年,Facebook斥资20亿美元收购了虚拟现实技术公司oculus,这被认为是Facebook进入虚拟世界的关键。Oculus去年推出了最新的Quest 2集成VR耳机,并为metauniverse的构建提供了越来越完善的硬件支持。在2019年的开发者大会"oculus connect 6"上,Facebook发布了虚拟现实社交和游戏平台"Facebook地平线"。在oculus的硬件支持下,玩家可以通过自己的虚拟形象与朋友进行社交和互动,创建游戏并一起玩。科技巨头Facebook的趋势在很大程度上也代表了该行业的趋势。各大公司纷纷成立了元宇宙。元宇宙也变得更受欢迎。

In 2014, Facebook spent $2 billion to acquire oculus, a VR technology company, which is regarded as the key for Facebook to enter the virtual world. Oculus launched the latest Quest 2 integrated VR headset last year, and is also providing more and more perfect hardware support for the construction of metauniverse. At the developer conference "oculus connect 6" in 2019, Facebook released the VR social and game platform "Facebook horizon". With the hardware support of oculus, players can socialize and interact with friends with their own virtual image, and create games and play together. The trend of technology giant Facebook also represents the trend of the industry to a considerable extent. Major companies have set up yuanuniverse one after another. The yuan universe has also become more popular.

9、 用户在元宇宙中能做什么?

9、 What can users do in the meta universe?


In view of what ordinary users can do in the meta universe, Mr. Zhao Guodong pointed out that Confucius once described his life after the age of 70: "do whatever you want and don't exceed the moment". In the metauniverse, "moment" is defined by the user. Consumers have promoted the development of the Internet, and users are promoting the construction of the meta universe. Users can create, make friends and stay in a daze in the meta universe. The future of the meta universe is the whole of human spiritual life.

10、 旅游业是否有未来?

10、 Is there a future for tourism meta universe?


Mr. Zhao Guodong pointed out that cultural tourism will be one of the pillar industries of the meta universe. After the game, tourism will be the "universe" that is about to break out. It is far from enough to make scenic spots into three dimensions, which must be integrated into the elements of the meta universe. The eight character maxim of developing tourism meta universe: the combination of virtual reality and scene. He said that in the future, where to travel is not important, but who to enter the meta universe with is the only thing to consider.

11、 元宇宙与大消费的结合点是什么?

11、 What are the combination points of yuancosmos and big consumption?


When talking about the combination between the meta universe and big consumption, Mr. Zhao Guodong first mentioned the art field. The digitization of original digital works of art, rather than physical works of art, represents the most typical kind of goods in the meta universe. The second is IP, which spans the physical world and the digital world, that is, IP can also appear in the meta universe. Third, "planting grass", where people are, they will "plant grass"! The meta universe can make it convenient for users to "pull weeds" anytime and anywhere. Where people are, there is retail! He pointed out that the consumption of native digital goods is "new consumption"!

12、 数字孪生世界是一个元宇宙吗?

12、 Is the digital twin world a meta universe?


In view of the relationship between digital twin and meta universe, Mr. Zhao Guodong pointed out that digital twin refers to mapping objects in the physical world to the digital world. The digital twin world is only a part of the mapping physical world of the meta universe. There are a lot of virtual worlds in the meta universe, which are created by AI. These are far from digital twins. He once again stressed that the meta universe is man's meta universe.

13、 为什么要提出"元宇宙经济学"?

13、 Why put forward "meta cosmic economics"?


In view of the emerging economics of "meta cosmic economics", Mr. Zhao Guodong pointed out that physical goods correspond to traditional economics, while meta cosmic economics mainly studies digital goods. The meta cosmic economy is different from the digital economy. The meta cosmic economy is a part of the digital economy and the fastest and most revolutionary part of the digital economy. Traditional western economic theories can no longer explain the development of the real world, let alone the digital world. Advanced practice will produce advanced theory, and advanced theory will also promote advanced practice. The laws and characteristics of meta cosmic economics provide cases and benchmarks for the establishment of digital economy and new economic system.

17、 谁来惩罚元宇宙中邪恶的"人"

17、 Who will punish the evil "people" in the meta universe


Zhao Guodong pointed out that there will be alternative bullying in the meta universe, which will become a hotbed of crime, such as the destruction of digital assets and abetting crime. The criminal acts of the meta universe cannot escape the sanctions of the real world. As for who will be punished, further development and determination are needed.

18、 谁在铺设元宇宙的"超级大陆"?

18、 Who is laying the "supercontinent" of the meta universe?


In response to this problem, Mr. Zhao Guodong pointed out that the boundary and limitation of the digital market lies in how much ability we have to build a unified platform, how much ability we have to build a unified platform, and how large-scale digital market we can create. For innovation, he also pointed out that the edge of chaos is often the place where innovation begins. According to the viewpoint of system theory, innovation is "emerging". The human brain's ideas fluctuate like the tide, without a pause, and so does innovation. Emergence, resonance and mutation are the mechanisms of innovation. Build a unified platform for the meta universe, with three types of platforms: Hongmeng, software and everything; Ethereum, digital everything; EOP, the "supercontinent" of industrial digital transformation.

19、 数字转换和元宇宙之间的关系是什么?

19、 What is the relationship between digital transformation and metauniverse?


As for the relationship between digital transformation and meta universe, Mr. Zhao Guodong pointed out that meta universe is the final form of digital transformation! Not only that, he also pointed out that every industry needs to draw a road map to the meta universe. There is a sequence of time, but there is no difference in concept!


Illustration of Yuan universe Tong Zheng

20、 什么时候进入后人类社会?

20、 When to enter post human society?


Mr. Zhao Guodong also looked forward to the post human society: the ubiquitous brain computer interface will give birth to new forms of entertainment in the future. The technology of exoskeleton will be more mature, and the application scenarios will be richer, from treatment to human enhancement, to assist human action and military action. Not only that, cyborg - cyborg in the film will be more common, and everyone can become iron man. Silicon based life: the "chip" exquisitely carved with silicon material may produce new life with AI as the main form. In the eyes of scientists, silicon-based life presents a new look in the form of "silicon chip + AI + steel bone + rubber skin". Finally, Mr. Zhao Guodong also recommended his new work meta universe published in cooperation with China Translation Publishing House. In the book, there are more detailed answers and explanations for the concept of meta universe and the problems and phenomena around it. It is the so-called "the bloom of heart, the embodiment of dream, the eternal world of post human beings, zero knowledge of the beginning, one achievement, and the birthplace of silicon life".


update time:2021-08-31 18:10:10


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