Shenwang | US Amazon closes 50000 Chinese sellers truth: a planned post liquidation


"The company did violate the platform rules, but Amazon's punishment this time is too severe to understand. There have been store closures before, and you can basically come back after a period of time after the appeal. This appeal did not respond at all, and the brand was directly sealed. " The source disclosed to Shenwang.


Patoson is the epitome of current domestic cross-border e-commerce sellers. Over the past decade, many Chinese sellers have chosen Amazon as their main cross-border e-commerce channel. Amazon, with higher traffic and profits, has grown into a lot of big sales. The annual sales of "Bantian five tigers" (Lansi network, Zehui, baoshijia, Gonglang and egg picking network) and "four shaos in South China city" (Aoji, Youshu, tongtuo and Saiwei) in Shenzhen have reached billions, Amazon has also obtained far more product ecology than its competitors because of these Chinese sellers.


The platform and sellers originally achieved mutual success, but with the enhancement of Amazon's strength, the sellers who rely more and more on Amazon have less and less voice. When the violation problems existing in the seller are centralized by the platform, it will face the problem of life and death for a time.


Many sellers live in the shadow of Amazon's store closure, and this unusual storm makes the industry rethink its relationship with Amazon" Huawei is stuck in the neck by chips, and cross-border e-commerce can no longer be held by Amazon. " A senior industry person said to Shenwang.


The seller is in danger


"All Amazon sellers are more or less worried". Although the store has not been affected yet, Kevin, an Amazon seller with annual sales of hundreds of millions of yuan, is still worried in the face of the non-stop Title event.


Kevin didn't expect that the industry would change so fast. Just in March and April, the cross-border e-commerce industry was still a hot scene. The cross-border e-commerce summit in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center was full, the venue was crowded with people, and there were many people queuing outside the venue. At one time, the police were dispatched to maintain order, and everyone was enthusiastic.


Last year, as China was the first to control the epidemic, cross-border e-commerce broke out against the market, and it was reported that sellers with hot business had organized a group to buy luxury house No. 1 in Shenzhen Bay. In addition, the success of Anke innovation and other head brands in the capital market has further accelerated the entry of capital.


However, the good time of the industry ended with Amazon's store closure in April.


"It's normal to earn tens of millions last year. It's good to break even this year." Kevin said.


This is not the first time Amazon has punished Chinese sellers, but unlike previous problems such as quality and patents for a specific category, Amazon has launched a large-scale review from the "bill swiping" behavior of large brand sellers, and gradually expanded to small and medium-sized sellers.


Amazon's reasons for closing the store include "improper use of the comment function", "asking for false comments from consumers", "manipulating comments through gift cards", etc. Insiders predict that more accounts will be blocked by Amazon in the future. There are problems with at least 20w-30w seller accounts, which have been included in the scope of review.


Amazon's punishment is much stronger than before. First, the brand was completely banned. According to, patoson tried to add prefix and suffix to the mpow brand to go online again, but it was closed again soon after going online; Second, it is extremely difficult to appeal. At present, there are almost no successful sellers; Third, the account funds and inventory commodities shall be seized and shall not be returned or directly confiscated.


Kevin is very surprised. In his opinion, it is an open secret for Chinese sellers to "brush the bill", and Amazon and the seller's home also seem to have formed a "tacit understanding" for a long time.


"Bill swiping is definitely not allowed, but you can appeal before. Amazon will let you admit the bill swiping and provide specific information including the third-party single agency. You can't admit it immediately. You must first verify internally and calm down for five to seven days. You can basically recover after the appeal." Kevin said.


Kevin experienced a store closure in 2019. At that time, he found a professional writer and sincerely wrote a complaint letter from the perspective of Amazon, providing one by one the buyers and comments previously swiped on Facebook and other platforms. After about a month, the store returned to normal.


According to Kevin's analysis, the seller's complaint is not effective this year, which may have risen to the height of the policy.


For sellers, the consequences of freezing account funds are as serious as the closure of stores. Large sellers may have room to move around, and many small sellers may directly face the possibility of capital chain rupture.


Most Amazon sellers in China adopt the FBA (Amazon logistics) mode. Under this mode, the seller needs to send the goods to the Amazon warehouse first, and the sales funds are also deposited in the Amazon account for a period of time, resulting in high cash flow pressure. If the account funds of logistics and suppliers are difficult to recover before the accounting period expires, it will be difficult for the seller to support, which will lead to the above scene on August 12.


From the seller's point of view, Amazon is in a sense like God, who has the right to formulate and interpret rules.


An ex post liquidation


Since the "bill swiping" behavior has always existed and the rules have long been formulated, why did Amazon choose to fight at this time point?


Li Wen, a senior person in the cross-border e-commerce industry, told Shenwang about a detail.


When Amazon started closing its stores at the end of April, she found the relevant personnel of Amazon China. The other party told her that "it is possible to appeal back after being closed in the past, but it will not come back this time. This is the iron law within the company." When Li Wen further asked about the policy reasons, the other party replied, "there are some passivity and helplessness."


Li Wen believes that the large-scale closure of stores may not be Amazon's original intention" Originally, Amazon's China merchants business was very popular this year, and the performance of the domestic team was also very good. The sudden large-scale closure of stores will certainly affect the development of business. In addition, Amazon loses so many big sellers that its revenue will also be affected in the short term. "


Amazon's "passivity and helplessness" is related to a data leak. In April this year, a billing company leaked 13 million pieces of information from 200000-300000 Chinese sellers to the Internet. The incident immediately attracted the attention of the mainstream media in the United States. Amazon is in a rather embarrassing position at this time.


Amazon has made a public response because of public opinion pressure. After the data leak in April, Amazon released a letter to all Amazon sellers on May 20, emphasizing that its policy clearly requires sellers not to abuse comments.


Last year, the app downloads of sheen, a domestic fast fashion brand, exceeded that of Amazon, making the cross-border e-commerce industry realize that independent stations may be a feasible model. The advantage of independent station is that it is not limited by rules and the brand can master autonomy. But the disadvantage is that there is no flow. Promotion and drainage require a lot of capital investment, and small and medium-sized sellers are obviously unable to support.


For sellers, the most important thing is compliance. Any large trading platform will conduct compliance governance.


Many industry insiders interviewed by Shenwang believe that this title issue will be a turning point in the development of domestic cross-border e-commerce industry.


Before that, domestic cross-border e-commerce experienced an extensive period. Many big sellers basically started from platforms such as express and eBay around 2010 and moved to the rapidly rising Amazon platform around 2014 and 15. With the advantages of supply chain and refined operation, many sellers have successfully expanded and capitalized.


In this process, the whole industry is basically in a state of savage growth: violations of intellectual property rights, poor product quality, price wars between sellers, and "bill brushing" and other acts of ignoring rules often occur.


Li Wen, a senior industry insider, told Shenwang that many cross-border e-commerce enterprises in China are required to hand in information such as ID card and Hukou book for each employee, and sign a commitment. The online stores opened with their ID card belong to the company. It is easy for sellers to open many stores, and it is also very common to ask for praise, because according to the Amazon platform algorithm, once the praise goes up, it is easy to get high returns. Even if they are sealed, they can continue to operate in other stores.


Sellers are in a prisoner's dilemma" Everyone knows that it is beneficial for everyone to obey the rules, but there are always people who don't do it. When someone doesn't obey the rules and gets good development, everyone tends not to obey the rules. Who can find a way to develop faster will certainly do it. " Li Wen said.


In this title event, Anke innovation, a cross-border e-commerce with annual sales of more than 10 billion, was not affected and became the focus of public opinion.


A big seller interviewed by said, "Anke actually has some illegal operations, but its volume is too large. Its relationship with Amazon is similar to the anchor and short video platform. At the same time, Anke's independent station and brand influence also give it the right to speak in front of the platform."


However, an insider of Anke denied the above statement to Shenwang" Anke has only one store on the Amazon platform, which can't be closed even if it's one in ten thousand. Therefore, we are unwilling to use "black technology" in terms of mechanism and values. In fact, everyone knows the platform rules, but some people can't resist the short-term temptation. " The person said.


update time:2021-08-31 18:10:10


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