Tesla seeks 4680 battery cooperation in China, and Ningde times accelerates the research and development of large cylindrical batteries


36 krypton learned that Tesla has begun to look for partners of 4680 large cylindrical batteries in China. In addition to the original battery suppliers Ningde times and LG chemistry, the large cylindrical battery company negotiated by Tesla also includes Yiwei lithium energy.


An industry person who cooperates with Yiwei lithium energy disclosed to 36 krypton that one of the cooperation methods discussed at present is "Tesla designs 4680 batteries, which are manufactured by battery manufacturers."


However, this cooperation is still at an early stage. Another source disclosed that the 4680 large cylindrical battery is a new technology. The general rhythm of the industry is to start mass production in 2023. At present, many companies have not produced samples.


Yiwei lithium energy is a company famous for lithium iron phosphate battery technology in Huizhou. It entered Xiaopeng automobile supply chain this year. At the same time, the company is also laying out cylindrical ternary and square ternary technologies. Ji Yajuan, director of Yiwei lithium energy basic materials and technology research office, once said that the company has laid out two models of 4680 and 4695 in terms of large cylindrical batteries, and will gradually promote the market of large cylindrical batteries after 2023.


A source disclosed to 36 krypton that Ningde times and LG chemistry also negotiated 4680 battery cooperation with Tesla in China. Bick battery, which has always adhered to the cylindrical line, also took the initiative to find Tesla. At present, both Ningde times and LG Chemical are battery suppliers of Tesla China, supplying square lithium iron phosphate batteries and cylindrical 2170 batteries respectively.


"The large cylindrical battery in Ningde era is also speeding up the pace. The project name is' golden cudgel '." Sources told 36 krypton that LG Chemical has also successively developed large cylindrical batteries such as 4680 and 4690, hoping to enter Tesla's supply chain again.


In response to the above information, 36 krypton sought a response from Tesla China. Tesla said it would not comment.


On battery day last September, Tesla released 4680 electrodeless ear large cylindrical battery technology. Compared with the 2170 battery previously used by Tesla, the 4680 battery has a larger volume. According to official data, the energy density of the 4680 battery will be increased by 5 times, the output power will be increased by 6 times, the cost per kWh will be reduced by 14%, and the endurance mileage of the vehicle equipped with the battery can be increased by 16%.


Better performance and lower cost. Tesla is launching 4680 battery replacement. There is no suspense. For battery companies, this is undoubtedly another big opportunity to squeeze into Tesla's supply chain and rewrite the market pattern.


After launching the 4680 large cylindrical battery, Tesla is speeding up the boarding progress. At the second quarter earnings call, Tesla CEO musk said that the performance and life of the company's 4680 battery have been verified, and the manufacturing verification is nearing the end. At present, the focus is to improve the manufacturing process. In the future, semi trucks and model y produced by Tesla's Texas plant and Berlin plant may use 4680 batteries.


The main building of the plant in Berlin, Germany has been completed and is awaiting the approval of the German environmental protection department. It is expected to obtain the final approval in the fourth quarter. The production task is likely to start next year. Therefore, Tesla's 4680 battery technology may be introduced into China at the front and rear feet.


Not only Tesla, BMW and other car companies also have plans to adopt large cylindrical batteries. Some people in the industry disclosed to 36 krypton that BMW is cooperating with domestic battery suppliers to develop large cylindrical batteries such as 4670. In the battery industry, large cylinder is also becoming one of the technical trends. Ningde times, LG chemistry, Samsung, Panasonic, Yiwei lithium energy, bick battery and other companies are deploying large cylinder batteries. Executives of a car company that has long used square batteries also commented to 36 krypton, "large cylindrical batteries have overall efficiency advantages."


Different from just building a factory in China in 2019, Tesla is now a company with annual sales of millions. In 2020, Tesla sold a total of 495000 vehicles worldwide, while in the first half of this year, Tesla has completed 386000 vehicles, of which the Chinese market accounts for nearly half, reaching 160000.


If the supply chain of Tesla China two years ago still has a wait-and-see component, today's answer is very clear, especially for head power battery companies, missing Tesla will directly correspond to the seat change of shipment ranking.


Tesla also began to spread bets in the supply chain because of the high demand for capacity. Previously, Tesla China's lithium iron phosphate battery was mainly supplied by Ningde times, and the cylindrical battery was from LG chemistry. However, since this year, there have been many news. Tesla began to seek more lithium iron phosphate battery suppliers in China, including Yiwei lithium energy and BYD, although the latter two denied market rumors.


Today, the head battery company may also be wary of the shuffle risk in the process of large-scale implementation of new technologies.


update time:2021-09-01 10:29:48


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