Uncover the secrets of Weilai high-end EP Club: some people mix in the circle and others improve it. The entry threshold is equivalent to selling 50 cars


The joint statement of 500 Weilai car owners not only pushed Weilai's "community tear" to the forefront, but also put the most high-end owner community "epclub" in Weilai under the spotlight.


There are many rumors about Weilai epclub, such as the threshold of membership is as high as 10 million yuan, helping Weilai sell 25 cars per capita, "high-quality human social circle", etc. On social media, some people said that most of the members of Weilai epclub were "social experts" with financial freedom, and "never be cold" with them. It is also said that some members of EP club are for the purpose of "mixing circles". In order to enter this club, there are a large number of points grey transactions among Weilai car owners.

真正的威莱俱乐部是什么样子的?最近,第一财经记者采访了几位威莱易趣俱乐部的早期员工、易趣俱乐部业主成员以及威莱es8 genesis的业主。在他们的描述中,威莱俱乐部被外界"妖魔化"了"社交圈是存在的,但不能完全定义为被外界理解为经济自由的人组成的高质量社交圈。"威莱俱乐部的一名成员告诉记者。

What does the real Weilai epclub look like? Recently, the first financial reporter interviewed several early staff of Weilai epclub, members of epclub owners and owners of Weilai es8 genesis. In their description, Weilai epclub was "demonized" by the outside world" The social circle exists, but it can not be completely defined as the high-quality social circle of financially free people understood by the outside world. " A member of Weilai epclub told reporters.


According to the information released by Weilai app, epclub, founded in 2018, is the most high-end official User Club of Weilai community, "serving users who have made outstanding contributions to the development of Weilai community".


There are two main ways to become an epclub member: one is to buy an ep9 with a price of US $1.48 million (equivalent to about 9.56 million yuan), which will automatically become an epclub member; Second, become the owner of Weilai and accumulate Weilai value (commonly known as "cow value" by users) based on Weilai's rules. Epclub grants annual membership according to the ranking and growth of community Weilai value every year.


The screening method of members in 2021 is to intercept the Weilai value of users at zero point on December 10, 2020, take the top 120 Weilai value, the top 30 Weilai value with the fastest annual growth and the top 2 Weilai value of regional companies to form the annual members of epclub in 2021. The top ten users with the fastest growth of Weilai value every quarter can become experience members and participate in a single epclub activity.

"epclub最初的定位是成为一家类似于梅赛德斯-奔驰AMG的汽车赛事体育俱乐部。从早期es8车主中挑选一批人开展围绕EP life的活动,但经营它已成为一家高端俱乐部,epclub的早期参与者告诉记者。

"The initial positioning of epclub is to become an automobile Event Sports Club similar to Mercedes Benz AMG. A group of people are selected from early es8 owners to carry out activities around EP life, but running it has become a high-end club, weakening the sports attribute and strengthening the social attribute." Early participants in epclub told reporters.

有人把威来俱乐部的成员称为"社会专家"和"财富自由",说他们永远不会对他们冷淡。epclub会员、2021年ES6所有者水水(Weilai APP的昵称)不同意这一观点。他认为有一个社交圈,但不能完全定义为被外界理解为"金融自由"的高质量社交圈。

Some people refer to the members of Weilai epclub as "social experts" and "wealth freedom", saying that they will never be cold with them. Shuishui (the nickname of Weilai APP), a member of epclub and owner of ES6 in 2021, does not agree with this view. He believes that there is a social circle, But it can not be completely defined as the high-quality social circle of "financial freedom" understood by the outside world.


"Weilai EP club has a large number of members who drive Weilai ordinary ES6, that is, the cheapest car in Weilai. If a club is measured by money, those high-end car clubs of foreign luxury brands don't bring entry-level riders at all." Shui Shui said.


However, an epclub member told reporters that many people in epclub "have money, power and leisure", and some people enter epclub for the purpose of "mixing circles". In this regard, Shuishui said: "I think epclub can't rule out that some people have such an idea. There will be circles and dignitaries everywhere. Epclub is basically based on the recognition of brand values."


Shuishui once participated in the event held by epclub in Lijiang last year. According to his description, the whole itinerary of the event is three days. On the first day, he arrived in Lijiang to attend a dinner and watch the programs directed and performed by the riders. Li Bin communicated face-to-face with the riders. Climb the Yulong Snow Mountain the next morning, do task activities similar to Orienteering in the ancient city of Lijiang in the afternoon, and have a team competition. In the evening, a role-playing activity with the theme of martial arts was held. All members, including Li Bin, played the heroes in Cheng's martial arts novels. Return on the third day.


"Wei Lai just covers our local accommodation, and we still need to pay for the round-trip air tickets at our own expense. Moreover, the local trip is not like the sightseeing tour group said on the Internet. The activity content is a bit like a variety show. We need to complete certain tasks in a certain time. After climbing Yulong Snow Mountain, we have to punch in to complete the tasks. In fact, it's very tired. " In Shuishui's opinion, Weilai's travel is far less leisurely than free travel, and more like the Group Construction organized by the company.


In addition to the offline activities officially organized by Weilai, epclub members will also organize and carry out offline activities through their own social resources. Zhang Chen, the owner of Weilai, told reporters that among the owners of Weilai, there is also an unofficial organization called BN club. There are many epclub members in the group. The group leader previously served as an executive in the activity company. Almost every year, the group leader will organize several offline activities for the club.


"The quality of the activity is not even worse than that of the official organization." Zhang Chen said.


In Maslow's five-level theory of human needs, social needs are listed in the third layer in the center of the pyramid. Shen Jun, the owner of the genesis version of Weilai es8, believes that Weilai epclub has created an accurate social platform for some car owners and brought these people from online to offline through official activities to meet the social needs of these car owners.


"I personally prefer to play basketball. In the early years, I often went out to play with my friends, but year by year, fewer and fewer people played sports, and I didn't necessarily play once in the last few months. On the one hand, it's because of life and work. On the other hand, people often focus on mobile phones. The old social relations gradually fade, and the new social relations can't be expanded. " Shen Jun said that epclub has gathered a group of like-minded people. They communicate more smoothly and have more common topics. Everyone's relationship can easily become close. Meeting many enthusiastic, energetic and excellent people in this community is also an improvement for themselves.


The entry threshold is equivalent to selling 50 cars


"In the past two years, it took about 4000 to 5000 cattle to enter the epclub. Now it should take 7000 or more cattle." Zhang Chen told the first financial reporter.

对于目前只值1700头牛的张晨来说,epclub更像镜中花,水中月,"很难想象如何实现7000头牛的价值。首次购买威莱将直接产生1000 n的价值。重新购买一辆威莱汽车可以获得500 N的价值。建议每辆新车能获得100 N值。具有10 N值和20 N值的其他活动可以忽略。为了达到7000头牛的价值,至少应该引进50辆新车并进行交易。"张晨说。

For Zhang Chen, who is currently only worth 1700 cattle, epclub is more like a flower in the mirror and a moon in the water" It's hard to imagine how to achieve 7000 n value. The first purchase of Weilai will directly give 1000 n value. Re purchase of a Weilai car can get 500 N value. It is recommended that each new car can get 100 N value. Other activities with 10 N value and 20 n value can be ignored. To reach 7000 cattle value, at least 50 new cars should be introduced and traded. " Zhang Chen said.


According to the information officially disclosed by Weilai, there were 177 Weilai epclub members in 2021. They owned 397 Weilai cars, with an average of 25 cars recommended and a maximum of 95 cars recommended.


Shuishui told reporters that he became the owner of Weilai at the end of 2019. In the next year and a half, he successfully recommended more than 200 owners to choose Weilai. Based on the 100 cattle value of each new user, the Weilai value of Shuishui exceeded 20000.


Generally speaking, the sales performance of full-time salespeople of first-line luxury brands is about 6 ~ 10 units in a single month, and about 100 ~ 180 vehicles can be sold in August. The recommended trading volume of more than 200 units in a year and a half is not inferior to the full-time sales of first-line luxury brands.


In this regard, Shuishui said that as the owner of Weilai, he would often be asked by his friends about Weilai's use experience. He would take the opportunity to recommend his friends to buy Weilai products, and a lot of transactions had been made. Secondly, Weilai will regularly hold offline activities. Participating as a volunteer of car owners can not only increase cattle value, but also contact potential customers. Potential users trust the real experience of car owners more than the professional words of full-time sales consultants, which is more conducive to their promotion and transformation.

水水告诉记者,易趣俱乐部成员"东迈迈"(Weilai应用程序昵称)本身也是一名视频博主,通过分享汽车体验和货运视频扩大粉丝群的新客户。通过查询视频、B站、微博等社交网站,记者发现董脉粉丝超过28万,主要涉及新能源汽车和消费电子产品的介绍和使用体验。魏来相关视频播放完毕后,董迈迈会留下自己的推荐二维码,推荐用户参与试驾和购车。Weilai app显示,董迈迈已在2019年、2020年和2021年连续三届成为EP成员。

Shuishui told reporters that epclub member "Dong Maimai" (Weilai app nickname) itself is also a video blogger, expanding new customers in the fan group by sharing car experience and cargo videos. By querying videos and social networking sites such as station B and microblog, the reporter found that Dong Maimai has more than 280000 fans, mainly involving the introduction and use experience of new energy vehicles and consumer electronics. After Weilai Related videos, Dong Maimai will leave his own recommendation QR code and recommend users to participate in test drive and car purchase. Weilai app shows that Dong Maimai has become an EP member for three consecutive terms in 2019, 2020 and 2021.


Shen Jun, owner of Weilai genesis es8, told reporters that some owners will quickly accumulate Weilai value through some grey means in order to enter epclub.


"Weilai's' old brings new '(old customers introduce new customers), new and old users can get 12000 points from Weilai. Sales can tell new customers who come to the store naturally. Filling in the recommender can increase 12000 points. At the same time, if filling in a designated recommender, the recommender will give up his 12000 points and give them to new customers. " Shen Jun said that as old car owners, many of the sales and fellow (service partners) who served them at that time had become the director of Weilai city company, and some even became the general manager of the city company. They could help familiar old users quickly increase the recommended trading volume through a certain "black box operation".


In Weilai mall, after-sales or charging services, the use value of 12000 points is equivalent to 1200 yuan. Shen Jun said that some car owners buy points in cash, and the discount ratio is about 20% to 10%, that is, 12000 points can be exchanged for about 1000 yuan in cash. The reporter saw on Weilai app that a large number of certified car owners posted posts to acquire points or introduced their experience of acquiring points.

沈军说,一些老用户甚至直接给用户同等的现金补偿,以增加威莱价值。一位认证信息为"2020 EP会员"的威莱车主在帖子中说,"订购汽车时,威莱将奖励订购者11000分。。。积分也可以卖给我。它以现金购买,永远有效"。

Shen Jun said that some old users even directly give users equal cash compensation in order to increase Weilai value. A Weilai car owner whose certification information is "EP member of 2020" said in a post, "when ordering a car, Weilai rewards 11000 points to the ordering person... The points can also be sold to me. It is purchased in cash and is valid forever".


"People who buy cars can get 1000 yuan more benefits, and the old car owners also get the cow value they want. At the same time, this kind of welfare itself does not need to sell anything extra. It can also promote transformation through welfare. Why not? " In Shen Jun's view, this is a "tripartite win-win".


In response to the question raised by the first financial reporter, the relevant person of Weilai automobile said: "Weilai has been cracking down on the prohibition of point trading." The source also said that epclub members are not special. Weilai car owners will do it if new users scan their recommendation codes. There is no secret operation between car owners and sales consultants in order to enter epclub.


(at the request of the interviewee, Zhang Chen and Shen Jun are pseudonyms)


update time:2021-08-31 13:35:17


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