Can mathematicians win the Nobel Prize? Yes, it's not an example


As we all know, apart from the six Nobel prizes of peace, economics, literature, physics, chemistry, physiology and medicine, there is no mathematics prize. When Nobel established the award, he set the award group as "those who made great contributions to mankind in the previous year".


The work and research of mathematicians can clearly "bring the greatest benefits to mankind", which fully meets the evaluation criteria of Nobel Prize, but what is the reason for Nobel to exclude it?


The Nobel Prize was established to reward scientists who bring the greatest benefits to mankind.


Now, there are several rumors in academic circles.


First, where there are people, there will be disputes, and where there is love, there will be love and hatred. Nobel can not avoid vulgarity.


Many people infer that Nobel excluded mathematics when setting up the Nobel Prize in order to vent his emotions of being loved by mathematicians when he was young. But who is this mathematician? There are many different versions. The most popular version is the famous Swedish mathematician Costa Miguel taglefler. Nobel was afraid that he would have to give awards to his rival in love in the future, so he didn't want to set up a mathematics prize.


In fact, Nobel was never married. Nobel had three relationships in his life, and the longest one lasted about 18 years. Apart from these women, Nobel had no obvious relationship with other women.


The first person to reject Nobel appeared when Nobel was young. She was not married or related to any mathematician. Nobel's second girlfriend used to be his secretary, and the last two also maintained a lifelong friendship; The correspondence between the third girlfriend and Nobel did not mention or imply any betrayal. According to this inference, no third party has ever been involved in Nobel's relationship, let alone mathematicians.


Gossip man: mathematician Leffler


Therefore, there is no basis for saying that the Nobel Prize is not set up because of the hatred of being robbed of love. This rumor is more a gossip news.


Second, there were already very famous Mathematics Awards at that time.


King Oskar II of Sweden and Norway was a mathematician himself. He established a famous mathematical Contribution Award - the Scandinavian award. Nobel may not think it necessary to repeat the establishment of Mathematics Awards when he has a well-known award.


Interestingly, this mathematics award was proposed by raffler, a mathematician who lay innocent guns, and persuaded Oscar II to establish it. Famous mathematicians such as hermit, Bertrand, weierstras and Poincare have all received this award from Oscar II, but lefler himself has not won this award.


Third, influenced by the times and personal view of science, Nobel lacks interest in mathematics.


Nobel ended his public secondary education at the age of 16 and did not continue to go to college. After that, he received some private education from an excellent Russian organic chemist. In the 19th century, there were few interdisciplinary studies related to each other, and there were relatively few interdisciplinary studies. At that time, Nobel did not need to apply mathematical knowledge in the process of chemical research. Moreover, Nobel's invention seems to come more from his keen intuition and extraordinary creativity than from any advanced mathematical knowledge.


In addition, these six awards are the concern of Nobel. His own research fields are physics and chemistry. He is also interested in literature, and medicine is maturing. The establishment of the peace prize is to improve his public image as a "death merchant" due to the invention of explosives.




"The Nobel Prize in mathematics" is not absent


Those who can win the Nobel Prize in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine are by no means poor in the application of mathematics. Mathematics as a basic discipline, all scientific research will be applied to mathematics more or less, such as modern physics, chemistry and biology. The requirements for mathematical application ability are no less than professional research fields. Even in some aspects, professional mathematicians are not competent for mathematical analysis.

事实上,除了奥斯卡二世设立的数学奖外,现在还有两个非常著名的数学奖,菲尔兹奖和亚伯奖。菲尔兹奖是应加拿大数学家约翰·查尔斯·菲尔兹的要求设立的国际数学奖。它于1936年首次获奖。阿贝尔奖是挪威于2001年设立的数学奖。该奖项每年颁发一次,以纪念挪威著名数学家尼尔斯·亨里奇·阿贝尔(Nils Henrich Abel)在2002年诞辰200周年。

In fact, in addition to the mathematics Award established by Oscar II, there are now two very famous Mathematics Awards, the fields award and the Abel award. The fields award is an international mathematics Award established at the request of Canadian mathematician John Charles fields. It was first awarded in 1936. Abel award is a mathematical Award established by Norway in 2001. It is awarded once a year to commemorate the bicentennial birthday of Nils Henrich Abel, a famous Norwegian mathematician in 2002.


These two awards have high authority and influence, and gradually develop into the international highest awards in the field of mathematics. The former is even known as the "Nobel Prize in mathematics".


The Nobel Prize for mathematics also angered mathematicians all over the world. Mathematicians felt excluded by the Nobel Prize, so they stood up and fought. In 1924, the International Conference of mathematicians held in Toronto decided tit for tat that each International Conference of mathematicians would award two gold medals to commend scientists who have made outstanding achievements in the field of mathematics.


Nobel medal.


Who says mathematicians won't win the Nobel Prize?


In fact, what Nobel may not expect is that although he did not set up a mathematics prize, many mathematicians have won the Nobel Prize.

例如,1979年,美国数学家艾伦·科马克(Alan Cormac)因创造了计算机X射线断层扫描(CT)的数学理论而获得诺贝尔医学奖。1985年,美国数学家赫伯特·霍普曼(Herbert Hopman)与物理学家卡勒(carler)合作发明了X射线直接测定晶体结构的数学方法,因此获得了诺贝尔物理学奖。1994年,约翰·纳什、泽尔滕和乔肖尼因"对非合作博弈均衡理论的开创性贡献"而共同获得诺贝尔经济学奖。但是纳什并不十分满意,因为他想赢得菲尔兹奖,数学界的最高荣誉。

For example, in 1979, American mathematician Alan Cormac won the Nobel Prize in medicine for creating the mathematical theory of computer X-ray tomography (CT). In 1985, Herbert Hopman, an American mathematician, won the Nobel Prize in physics for inventing the mathematical method of X-ray direct determination of crystal structure in cooperation with physicist carler. In 1994, John Nash, zelten and jorshoni shared the Nobel Prize in economics for their "pioneering contributions to the theory of non cooperative game equilibrium". But Nash is not very satisfied because he wants to win the fields award, the highest honor in mathematics.


Although the real reason why Nobel decided not to reward mathematicians has become a mystery, according to the analysis of the background of the times at that time, he may not be able to foresee or imagine the great role of mathematics in promoting the development of science, so he ignored the establishment of the Nobel Prize in mathematics. Although the Nobel prize does not set up a mathematics prize, the science prize hall will never exclude those who have made real contributions. (Science passers-by)


update time:2021-09-30 17:16:38


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