Car madman Li Shufu is going to be a "mobile phone madman" this time?


Author pan Tao, editor Luo Lijuan


Obviously, "Li Shufu makes mobile phones" has caused quite a shock both inside and outside the industry.


On September 28, according to the announcement of Hubei release and the official microblog of Geely Holding Group, the following key information: Li Shufu officially entered the mobile phone field, and the project headquarters is located in Wuhan, Hubei; Positioning high-end smart phones to serve the global market; At the same time, it can empower each other in the aspects of automobile intelligence and realize cooperation.


After the news of Li Shufu's mobile phone was made public, it triggered a lot of discussion on social media, and most netizens were not optimistic. "It's tantamount to death" and "suicide project", similar comments are filled in the Geely official micro comment area.


The announcement has determined the project headquarters and positioning direction. Obviously, Li Shufu made a "premeditation" for making mobile phones, at least more preparations than Lei Jun announced when he made the car.


Nowadays, there are not a few car building players from mobile phones, such as Xiaomi and apple, who have started car building projects. Li Shufu chose to "go against the trend" from cars to mobile phones, which once again plunged him into controversy.


At the signing site, Li Shufu talked about the reasons for making mobile phones:


"In the future, it has become a general trend to build a cross-border user ecological chain and build an enterprise moat according to law. Mobile phones can link the Internet of vehicles and satellite Internet, create rich consumption scenes, strengthen the ecosystem, and provide users with a more convenient, intelligent and interconnected multi screen interactive life experience."


Today's smart phones are no longer limited, so as a communication tool for making phone calls and sending text messages, as a portable mobile terminal, a large amount of personal data is precipitated on the mobile phone. If you want to make use of these data, cooperate with more and more intelligent automobile products and realize vehicle machine interaction, mobile phone is the core. If you don't want to get stuck, making your own mobile phone is indeed a possible choice.


But from the perspective of the mobile phone industry, Li Shufu's chances of winning the game are not high at this time.


According to the third-party research organization counterpoint, in July this year, the market share of vivo (including iqoo) in the domestic smartphone market was 24%, ranking first; Oppo ranks second with a market share of 20%; Millet, glory and apple ranked third, fourth and fifth, with market shares of 15%, 13% and 12% respectively.


The top five occupy a total market share of 84%, and the mobile phone industry has already become the game of several giants. Moreover, before Li Shufu, there were many leaders who made cross-border mobile phones, but the results were not satisfactory.


Zhou Hongli, the leader of the red clothes sect, began to explore the mobile phone business in 2012. In order to speed up the progress and attract resources, 360 cooperated with Huawei and Haier and invested in Coolpad. However, almost all the mobile phones launched since then have fallen into the sea without much voice.


Dong Mingzhu once dreamed of a mobile phone. "I want to make a mobile phone every minute. It's too easy." Gree started the mobile phone project in 2015. Over the past few years, Gree has launched six mobile phones, but the sales are terrible. Dong Mingzhu once said more than Xiaomi's mobile phone, which became a joke.


And on the definition of high-end smart phones, high prices are not high-end phones. Some senior people in the mobile phone field believe that the core of the high-end machine is the group behind the product and market cognition. Even if domestic manufacturers Xiaomi, glory, oppo and vivo all intend to compete for the high-end market, it seems that only Huawei can be called a high-end machine in China and compete with apple.


With Zhuyu in front, Li Shufu will inevitably be questioned.


In fact, Li Shufu's ambition to build mobile phones may be more similar to another madman musk. Recently, it is reported that Tesla will build this mobile phone called model π. In addition to adopting Tesla's unique technology in design, including photochromic technology in the back cover, this mobile phone also has some black technologies, such as interconnection with space X's satellite chain high-speed satellite, and the uplink and downlink rate can reach 210mpbs; Brain computer connection function is used to replace some functions lost by human brain injury.


Tesla has worked in the field of new energy vehicles for many years. Last year, the global sales volume was nearly 500000, and Li Shufu just suffered the failure of the blue Geely action plan in 2020.


Compared with musk, Li Shufu can not bring much accumulation to his mobile phone business in terms of technical reserves in smart cars.


Madman Li Shufu


In fact, this is not the first time that Li Shufu has crossed the border and is not favored. The title of "madman" is derived from his cross-border car making.


In 2001, Li Shufu, Liu Chuanzhi, Wang Shi and others appeared in the dialogue program of CCTV. At that time, Li Shufu's dream of building a car was also not understood, and even considered "ridiculous".


"The world is changing, society is changing, mankind is changing, and everything is changing. If you look at the new world with the old ideas and traditional ideas, the world is originally a big maze. How can you get out of your own way in this big maze?"


In the face of doubt, Li Shufu responded so on the spot.


This certainty has something to do with his past entrepreneurial experience. Li Shufu, born in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, took 120 yuan from his father and started his entrepreneurial career after he missed the University by three points.


In his early years, he had a photography business. At first, he could only take pictures in parks or streets with his camera on his back. After saving half a year's money, he rented a store and opened a photo studio.


During this period, Li Shufu also moved his mind because he accidentally found that refrigerator parts sold well. In 1984, he partnered with several brothers to set up Huangyan Shiqu refrigerator parts factory. That year, Li Shufu, 21, became the factory director.


In the past year alone, Li Shufu went from producing refrigerator accessories to directly producing refrigerators. In 1989, the annual output value of his Arctic flower refrigerator factory had exceeded 10 million yuan. However, since then, due to the state's fixed-point production system for refrigerators, Li Shufu's refrigerator factory was closed.


Subsequently, Li Shufu went south to Shenzhen University to "recharge" and went to Hainan to invest in real estate, almost losing everything. This experience made Li Shufu return to the manufacturing industry. After returning to Zhejiang, he had the idea of building a car.


But this dream of building a car is not easy to realize. In the 1990s, automobile manufacturing was not open to private enterprises. Li Shufu could only "surround Wei and save Zhao" and build motorcycles first. It was not until 1999 that Zeng Peiyan, then director of the State Planning Commission, came to Geely Group for inspection that he saw the opportunity.


"Please allow private entrepreneurs to dream of cars. If they fail, please give me a chance to fail." Li Shufu's impassioned confession has been mentioned countless times since then.


On the eve of China's accession to the World Trade Organization in 2001, Geely finally obtained the car production qualification.


In addition to losing his investment in real estate in Hainan, Li Shufu seems to get some good results every time he crosses the border. In 2010, Geely even performed a miracle of snake swallowing elephant and successfully acquired Volvo.


17 years after leaving CCTV's dialogue program, after Li Shufu successfully won 9.69% of Daimler's shares, Liu Chuanzhi, who was not optimistic about his car making, admitted at a forum that he had read it wrong. "Today, the 'madman' bought Volvo and became a major shareholder of Mercedes Benz. Isn't that a face for Chinese enterprise parents?"


Past successful experiences will undoubtedly bring more certainty to people's character.


Li Shufu also showed his radicalism in the transformation of fuel vehicles to new energy.


In 2015, with the release of the "blue Geely action" new energy strategy, Geely launched its first pure electric vehicle - Dihao ev.


At that time, new energy vehicles were in the ascendant. Weilai automobile had just been established, Tesla was still a "new face" in the Chinese market, and Li Shufu, the head of Geely Automobile, had wanted all in new energy. Cooperating with Baidu, Foxconn and Tencent, investing in FF, Li Shufu's actions one after another.


However, even a continuously successful madman may not be able to make the right judgment every time.


Li Shufu once set the core goal of blue Geely action in 2018: "by 2020, more than 90% of Geely's vehicles will be new energy vehicles." but the ideal is fuller than reality. Over the past few years, Geely's goal has not been achieved. The data show that Geely's sales of new energy in 2020 will be 72900, accounting for only 5.5% of Geely's total annual sales.


From the perspective of the market, Geely's brands were not listed in the top 10 sales of domestic new energy vehicle brands in 2020.


What is the odds?


Today, Geely is in a critical period of transformation into new energy.


After the failure of "blue Geely action plan", Li Shufu sighed: "although it was not completed as scheduled, it is not surprising that this is not the wrong strategic direction or the failure of strategic implementation, but the historical opportunity is not ripe and the external strategic conditions have not been formed."


In February this year, he put forward the "blue Geely action plan" and divided it into two.


The first plan is to focus on energy-saving and new energy vehicles, of which 90% are new energy hybrid vehicles and about 10% are traditional energy-saving and small displacement vehicles; The second plan is to establish a new pure electric vehicle company, focusing on pure electric intelligent vehicles.


Since 2018, due to the arrival of the cold winter in the auto market, many auto brands, including Chongqing Lifan, FAW Xiali and other auto enterprises, have fallen one after another. Geely's life is not easy. Its revenue began to decline in 2019 and was affected by the epidemic in 2020.


The transformation of new energy will bring pain, but it is the only way. Compared with the previous radical, Li Shufu's new plan seems too conservative,


In order to realize the transformation, Geely had planned several pure electric brands, such as geometry, maple leaf and polar star under Volvo, trying to reduce the risk. And these electric vehicle products choose the idea of "oil to electricity".


Li kaimeng, an auto analyst at CITIC Securities, believes that in order to quickly respond to market demand, it can be understood that the first electric vehicle product of auto enterprises adopts the way of changing oil to electricity. However, the models listed in 2020 still adopt the idea of "changing oil to electricity", so they are "not so sincere". After all, most of the "oil to electricity" products have short endurance, slow charging, unstable chassis, poor handling and other shortcomings.


This also more or less affected the brand image of geometry in the hearts of C-end consumers.

2021年3月,吉利汽车宣布推出新能源品牌krypton。在发布的同时,该品牌推出了其首款车型polar krypton 001,在当时的市场上引起了消费者的强烈反响。在开通预订两个月后,polar krypton于6月15日宣布将停止接受意向付款,并通知消费者2021年的订单已满。这辆车将于今年10月按顺序交付。

In March 2021, Geely Motor announced the launch of a new new energy brand, krypton. At the same time of its release, the brand launched its first model, the polar krypton 001, which aroused strong repercussions from consumers in the market at that time. Two months after opening the reservation, polar krypton announced on June 15 that it would stop accepting the intention payment and informed consumers that the delivery order in 2021 was full. The car will be delivered in order in October this year.


But then the car owner broke the news and raised the price before delivery. The "standard configuration" changed to "paid option", pointing to Geely's ugly appearance, causing large-scale rights protection.


Geely has invested a lot of money and energy in transforming new energy and creating a "future travel" ecology. Now, Li Shufu has a dream of mobile phone.


After the announcement of the news of making mobile phones, the share price of Geely Automobile, a Hong Kong stock, rose by more than 3.5% on the same day. As of the closing, it closed at HK $22.45, up 2.28%. In the previous nearly 14 trading days, Geely's share price fell by about 20%.


Although from a financial point of view, Geely Holding's 2021 semi annual report shows that the balance of cash flow and cash equivalents at the end of the period is as high as 100 billion yuan, compared with 10 billion yuan invested in mobile phones, it is not a big deal to take out this fund.


But the mobile phone industry has long been a stage where money can do things, and the software ecology is very important. Especially in the supply chain, there is a shortage of a large number of electronic devices, especially chips. In this regard, Geely doesn't even have any accumulation and voice. What Geely wants to build is high-end mobile phones.


Wanlian Securities report pointed out that the innovation of smart phones has reached the late stage of midfield. Although the vertical content innovation represented by consumer Internet makes the number of apps on users' mobile phones increase day by day, it puts forward higher requirements for processor, battery life, storage, etc. However, users' enthusiasm for smart phone terminals shows a downward trend, which is closely related to their lack of disruptive innovation. With the gradual development of the Internet of things scenario, the mobile Internet urgently needs to be transferred to the next large flow intelligent terminal, smart car or a good choice.


From this point of view, if the mobile phone is only an accessory of Geely, Li Shufu doesn't have much pressure to make it. However, it seems unrealistic to build a high-end mobile phone that can break the circle and get out of Geely's owner user group.


update time:2021-09-30 17:12:02


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