Ding Dong buys vegetables. Where are you going?


On August 30, dingdong shopping released its first financial report after listing. According to the financial report data, as of June 30, 2021, dingdong achieved a revenue of 4.65 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 77.9%, but it has not yet achieved positive profit. In terms of operating profit, compared with the loss of 795 million yuan in the same period in 2020, the money burning trend in Q2 in 2021 is more prominent, with a year-on-year increase of 143.9% to 1.938 billion yuan.


Similar to Ding Dong's buying vegetables, daily Youxian, also in the front warehouse track, further expanded its losses with the growth of Q2 revenue and fell into a strange circle of increasing revenue without increasing profit. From this point of view, the front position mode is still far from self financing, and the road of self certification ability is far from the end. It is reasonable not to be optimistic. Where should we go next? Can Ding Dong give the answer when buying vegetables?


Revenue and loss go hand in hand


If you only focus on revenue indicators, Ding Dong's performance in buying vegetables is not bad. An increase of 77.9% year-on-year and 22.2% month on month. It is not easy to keep the home economic base rising under the influence of the epidemic last year. Therefore, many investors are optimistic. More people publicly stated: "from the perspective of growth alone, dingdong's performance in buying vegetables is impeccable."


Is the fact really so optimistic? It's not.


Capital is neither stupid nor willing to take money for charity. The ultimate goal of all businesses is to make profits. In terms of profitability, gross profit and net profit are more important than revenue.


As far as the net profit attributable to the parent company is concerned, dingdong has been operating vegetables for many years and has not been able to achieve the goal of being responsible for its own profits and losses. Sorting out the financial report data, we can see that although dingdong's operating income from buying vegetables continues to grow, its net profit not only does not turn losses into profits, but continues to expand. Ding Dong's net losses from buying vegetables in 2019 and 2020 were RMB 1.873 billion and RMB 3.177 billion respectively. The total loss of RMB 3.322 billion in the first half of this year has exceeded that in 2020.


Compare with analysts' opinions and then observe dingdong's shopping. Its business is still in the first stage. According to financial reports, Ding Dong's gross profit margin in Q2 was 14.6% in 2021, down 4.3 percentage points from 18.9% in the first quarter. In 2019 and 2020, dingdong's gross profit margin of buying vegetables was 17.1% and 19.7% respectively, which was also higher than the data in the second quarter of 2021.


Whether gross profit or net profit, Ding Dong's performance in buying vegetables is not satisfactory. Although the company estimates that the gross profit margin and non GAAP net loss ratio will improve in the third quarter, and the slogan of "achieving positive operating profit in unit economic benefits in the fourth quarter of 2021" has been shouted, the number of distrusters is still large.


Lin Shuai, an investor who pays attention to the fresh e-commerce track, said: "Ding Dong buying vegetables is not a good business model at present, and it is difficult to make a good business model in the future." in addition to the obstacles of gross profit and distribution cost, he believes that vertical e-commerce has no chance of winning for comprehensive e-commerce, "When Ding Dong buys vegetables, every day's excellent and fresh food can't dry meituan, because they are also draining, but the utilization effect of flow is very different."


Although the market is large, the competition is not small


Since last year, the competition pattern of fresh e-commerce has become obvious and fierce. The withdrawal of start-ups, the end of Internet giants, the acceleration of the competition schedule and the acceleration of elimination progress.


It seems strange that fresh food has become a tuyere. In fact, it is not difficult to understand. Food is undoubtedly the most frequent and common of the four major consumption of clothing, food, housing and transportation. The old tradition of eating three meals a day and the new urban demand for eating less and more meals are all pointing to "eating". The data show that since 2011, the number of newly registered fresh e-commerce enterprises has increased at a compound annual growth rate of 20%, reaching 4103 in 2020, the penetration rate of fresh e-commerce has increased from 2.8% in 2016 to 8.1% in 2020, and CIC expects to reach 17.8% in 2025.


But corresponding to the broad market, almost all players can't play well.


Wu Jincao and Yang Jing, analysts of Soochow securities, both believe that online fresh food retail is a protracted war. The front warehouse model is heavier and the scale of community group purchase is larger. In contrast, the control of performance cost of community group purchase is better and closer to profit, and the loss of front warehouse may still last for a long time.


There is no hope for the front warehouse track to achieve self hematopoiesis. If the successful listing represents the recognition of the capital market, the biggest chip for Ding Dong to buy vegetables is user growth. Internet giants have become popular in the field of fresh e-commerce. They only see a large amount of capital investment and no one's profit output. Under such a premise, the competition for customers is placed at the highest priority, and growth means everything.


Overseas analysts of equalocean believe that dingdong has maintained rapid growth in recent years and achieved the largest Gmv in the industry. Next, high costs, increasingly fierce competition with top enterprises and fragile business models are the main risks.


To tell you the truth, Ding Dong doesn't do very well in the related indicators.


According to the financial report data, in Q2 of 2021, the number of monthly transaction users of dingdong vegetable buying platform increased by 39.1% compared with the same period last year, reaching 8.4 million. Gmv increased by 80.8% year-on-year, from 2.975 billion yuan to 5.378 billion yuan. In the description of dingdong vegetable buying executives, the credit comes from user operation. Liang Changlin, founder and CEO of dingdong, said that "the growth performance of Gmv is exciting". The reasons behind the improvement of Gmv are attributed to the expansion of customer base coverage and the increase of purchase frequency of existing users of the platform.


In the field of fresh e-commerce, the enterprises that can compare with dingdong's shopping are daily excellent fresh. Similarly, the US stocks are listed and adopt the front warehouse mode. They are not only teammates regarded as the "spokesperson" of the front warehouse, but also opponents who need to win when seeking a better future.


In the Q2 quarterly report released on August 27, daily Youxian did not disclose user data. It can be compared that it is mentioned in its prospectus that the number of effective users of daily Youxian has always increased from 2018 to 2020. The number of effective users at the end of 2020 was 8.9 million, and the cumulative Trading users had exceeded 31 million by the first quarter of 2021.


The big factory keeps an eye on fresh food, and the window period left for Ding Dong to buy vegetables is not long. "This is another point of bad business model. There are many competitors, and as long as the latecomers pay their money, they can grab a piece of a regional market," Lin Shuai said.


The road to breaking the game has just begun


Pressure comes from all directions, trying to improve the net profit. Ding Dong can only find another way to buy vegetables.


At the earnings call, Ding Dong's vegetable buying executives proposed that one of the core plans in the second half of the year is to increase the R & D of private brands and invest in upstream agriculture to ensure the cost performance of commodities.


In fact, dingdong's own brand of buying vegetables has begun to work. In May 31st, Ding Dong bought Kwai announced that the high-end private brand "Ding Dong Wang" should be established. Liang Changlin said: "in the second half of last year, the GMV of its own brand accounted for 1.9% of total GMV to 4.9% of Q2. It is estimated that Q4 will reach 8%. In the long run, fresh food is easier to form its own brand than other products, and the proportion of future private brands may reach 30%."


The analysis points out that private brands can not only help the platform to carry out differentiated competition, but also effectively improve the customer unit price and gross profit margin. When the overall pattern of the field is stable, it is a good way to break the situation to find a subdivided blue ocean in the red ocean. If Ding Dong buys vegetables by injecting capital into R & D on the left, daily Youxian chooses to build a community retail digital platform on the right.


The daily Youxian prospectus shows that they are committed to "becoming the largest platform to promote the digitization of China's community retail industry". In the second quarter report, Youxian daily disclosed that they have signed 58 smart fresh market operation contracts with 15 cities in China and launched 34 smart fresh markets in 11 cities in China.


Whether it is to start private brand R & D or layout digital intelligent fresh food, the essence of competition is to maximize efficiency and benefit, and make good use of existing resources to create core competitiveness.


Liu Zhangming, an observer in the field of fresh e-commerce, believes that the development of this market is restricted by limited product types, restricted development of logistics distribution, imperfect supporting infrastructure, complex price mechanism and great fluctuation. From this perspective, the fresh e-commerce market needs to be educated, and efficient operation is still far away.


The problem of Ding Dong buying vegetables can also be said to be the problem of the whole front warehouse track. The market in the web4.0 era looks forward to more innovative and thorough business model reform. Keeping up with the pace of the times is already backward. Players who predict the future and turn in advance can undoubtedly win more opportunities, and dingdong's broken road of buying vegetables has just begun.

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update time:2021-10-01 10:21:10


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