Eternal regret: these five Chinese scientists have missed the Nobel prize!


(Nobel Prize in physics awarded to Sir Edward Victor Appleton in 1947. Source: Wikipedia)


The time for the publication of the Nobel Prize is approaching. Speaking of the Chinese scientists who won the Nobel Prize, I have to mention Tu youyou.


In October 2015, Tu Youyou, a Chinese female scientist, won the 2015 Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine for the discovery of artemisinin and a new treatment for malaria, filling the gap of China's Nobel Science Prize.


In fact, in Chinese history, many scientific studies are very close to the Nobel Prize, but they finally missed the Nobel Prize for various reasons.


Author | spruce


Editor | poplar / Arbor


Zhao Zhongyao: losing the Nobel Prize because of others' mistakes


(physicist, one of the pioneers of China's nuclear physics research and accelerator Construction -- Zhao Zhongyao. Figure source | Baidu Encyclopedia)


In 1930, physicist Zhao Zhongyao first discovered the existence of positrons, which attracted the attention of the physics community. His classmate Anderson was also very interested in this. In 1932, inspired by Zhao Zhongyao, Anderson observed the trajectory of positrons.


The significance of Zhao Zhongyao's discovery is great and the research results are correct, but some people did not get the same experimental results as Zhao Zhongyao when repeating Zhao Zhongyao's experiment. This makes some scientists doubt Zhao Zhongyao's research results.


In 1936, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences decided to award the Nobel Prize in physics to the world-renowned research achievement of the discovery of positrons. However, when the award was announced, the name of Zhao Zhongyao, who first discovered the existence of positrons in 1930, was not included in the list of awards, except Anderson, who observed the trajectory of positrons in 1932.


Half a century later, after careful investigation and research by many scientists, Zhao Zhongyao's original and original contribution to this research has finally been confirmed.


Wang Ganchang: missed the Nobel Prize three times


(Wang Ganchang, Chinese nuclear physicist, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and founder of two bombs and one star. Figure source: Baidu Encyclopedia)


In 1930, while studying at Berlin University, Wang Ganchang put forward the idea of detecting particles, but his teacher thought that the current research was perfect and did not want to discuss it further.


A year later, British physicist James Chadwick discovered neutrons according to Wang Ganchang's idea and won the Nobel Prize for it. Wang Ganchang's teacher apologized to him after learning the news.


In 1933, Wang Ganchang graduated from Berlin and returned to China. In 1941, Wang Ganchang put forward the idea of detecting neutrinos, but due to the limited scientific research conditions in China at that time, he had to publish a paper on the idea in an authoritative magazine.


In 1956, American scientists Keynes and Cowan used his method to determine the existence of neutrinos, and won the Nobel Prize in 1995. Wang Ganchang passed the Nobel Prize for the second time.


In 1956, Wang Ganchang went to the Soviet Union to study elementary particles, during which he discovered the antiparticle of hyperon. This discovery shocked the whole world. I thought I could finally win the Nobel Prize. However, due to the special background at that time, the Soviet Union destroyed the technical agreement, resulting in Wang Ganchang missing the Nobel Prize for the third time.


Synthetic insulin team: lack of innovation in methods


(the animal experiment of synthetic bovine insulin was successful. Figure source | network)


In 1958, under the leadership of scientists such as Wang Yingli, Cao tianqin, Zou Chenglu, Niu Jingyi and Shen Zhaowen, the Chinese Academy of Sciences put forward the grand goal of "synthesizing protein by artificial method".


After six years and nine months of hard work, in 1965, Chinese scientists finally completed the synthesis of crystalline bovine insulin. This achievement is of great significance, breaking through the boundary between the field of general organic compounds and the field of biological macromolecules with concentrated information, and taking an important step in the long process of human understanding of life phenomena. It is even regarded as another major scientific research achievement after the "two bombs and one satellite".


Unfortunately, this achievement did not win the Nobel Prize in the end. According to Professor Zhang Pang, head of the research group of the Department of chemistry of Peking University, China's synthetic insulin uses known and non innovative methods, and the Nobel Prize needs completely innovative achievements, so it is impossible to win the Nobel Prize.


Wu Youxun: missed the opportunity to win the award due to returning home

(1988年发行的中国现代科学家纪念邮票,包括以吴有训散乱地图为背景的纪念邮票。图源| scienceet)

(commemorative stamps of modern Chinese scientists issued in 1988, including commemorative stamps of Wu Youxun against the background of his scattering map. Figure source | scienceet)


In the early 1920s, Wu Youxun entered the Physics Department of the University of Chicago. Later, he worked with Professor Compton, a famous American physicist, to systematically study the Compton effect.


Compton effect was not widely recognized in the field of physics at the beginning of its proposal. According to Feng Duan, a Chinese physicist, the reason why it is not recognized is that this effect is in great conflict with classical theory, and the experimental evidence obtained by Compton is not sufficient.


At that time, Wu Youxun happened to follow Compton in his research work, personally participated in a large number of experimental work to discover and establish Compton effect, and completed his doctoral thesis on the topic of "Compton effect". After that, he resolutely returned home. Two years later, due to the achievement of "Compton effect", Compton won the 1927 Nobel Prize in physics. The graphite scattering spectrum obtained by Wu Youxun's experiment was included in Compton's works as an important evidence of the experiment.


Some Soviet scholars proposed that this effect should be called "Compton Wu effect". Some domestic scholars agree with this naming, but Wu Youxun himself is very modest and does not agree with the use of this name. Because he thought he was just Professor Compton's student.


Cheng Kaijia: a neglected major discovery


(Cheng Kaijia writes a paper on a typewriter. Photo source: Xinhua News Agency)


Cheng Kaijia is a famous theoretical physicist in China and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is also the winner of the Merit Medal of "two bombs and one satellite" and the national highest science and technology award. He is one of the pioneers of China's nuclear weapons cause and one of the founders of China's nuclear test science and technology system. But few people know that Cheng Kaijia was very close to the Nobel Prize in his youth.


In 1944, Cheng Kaijia, only 26, completed the paper "weak interaction requires 205 proton mass mesons". This paper proposed the existence of a new meson, and calculated that the mass of the new meson is 205 proton mass.


Tutor Wang Ganchang very much supported Cheng Kaijia's point of view and recommended the paper to Dr. Needham who was visiting Meitan at that time. After Needham revised and polished the manuscript, he handed it over to Dirac, a British physicist.


However, Dirac later wrote back that "there are too many elementary particles at present, and there is no need for more new particles, let alone heavy mesons." therefore, this article has not been published. Later, a foreign scientist conducted similar experiments and won the Nobel Prize in 1979. The mass of new particles measured by him was basically consistent with the calculated value of Cheng Kaijia in that year. In this way, Cheng Kaijia regretfully missed the Nobel Prize.

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update time:2021-10-01 10:21:10


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