Science and technology Morning Post | Lenovo into the first share of CDR back to a; Xiao Peng confirmed that the flight test of the aircraft was successful


Gao Ziguang, vice president of Xiaomi, resigned. He is the core figure of Xiaomi's offline channel expansion


On September 30, Gao Ziguang, vice president of Xiaomi group and general manager of Sales Department 1 in China, officially resigned. The next step is to be determined. Before leaving, Gao Ziguang managed new retail businesses such as and Xiaomi home, and is the core figure of Xiaomi's current expansion of offline channels.


LETV was enforced for another 1.5 billion yuan, with a total amount of 9 billion yuan due to no property


On September 30, tianyancha app showed that recently, Shenzhen Leying industrial investment fund partnership (limited partnership) and other executive rulings were made public. In this case, nearly 1.5 billion yuan of bank deposits of the person subjected to execution were frozen and transferred. LETV ended this case with 132 cases, with a total amount of 9.01 billion yuan, and the proportion of non performance was 100%.


Front line | Lenovo Group's IPO application was accepted and officially settled back to a


On September 30, the official website of Shanghai Stock Exchange showed that Lenovo Group's application for initial public offering of depositary receipts and listing on the science and innovation board has been accepted. The company plans to issue no more than 1.338 billion CDRs, and plans to raise 10 billion yuan. This is also the first order for red chip listed companies to return to a in the form of CDR after the CSRC issued the announcement on expanding the pilot scope of domestic listing of red chip enterprises on September 17.


Network transmission Xiaopeng aircraft test flight success? Xiao Peng responded: the news is true


On September 30, a photo of Xiaopeng's successful flight test was posted on the Internet. In response, Xiaopeng automobile said that the news was true. This is the flying automobile and Xiaopeng's deployment for future travel.


Uber announced the suspension of its business in Brussels, Belgium, saying it "stood together" with the protest driver


On September 30, Uber joined its driver's protest in Brussels on Thursday, local time, and suspended its business in the Belgian capital for the first time. Uber said in a blog that the rules dating back to 1995 prohibit drivers from using smartphones, which means that drivers using Uber apps may lose their vehicles, "which is unacceptable in 2021".


To speed up the pace of car building, Foxconn will obtain the first automobile manufacturing plant in the United States

据彭博社报道,9月30日,美国电动汽车制造商洛德斯顿汽车公司(Lordstown motors)即将达成协议,将俄亥俄州的汽车厂出售给富士康。知情人士说,两家公司最早将于本周宣布这笔交易。此次出售将有助于洛德斯顿汽车公司筹集资金。

On September 30, according to Bloomberg, Lordstown motors, an American electric vehicle manufacturer, was close to reaching an agreement to sell its Ohio auto plant to Foxconn. The two companies will announce the deal as soon as this week, the people familiar with the matter said. This sale will help Lordstown motors raise funds.


Smart new products

任天堂再次否认开发4K switch pro

Nintendo once again denied developing 4K switch pro


Recently, it is reported that Nintendo is launching 4K switch development kit. Nintendo reiterated on September 30 that the company has no plans to launch any new switch except the OLED model to be released next week.


Oppo is developing tablet products, which will be released next year


Recently, Liu Bo, vice president of oppo and President of China, revealed that oppo is expanding new tablet computers and some multi-modal smartphone products. The first tablet is expected to be launched in the first half of next year. At the summit, Liu Bo mentioned the latest progress of oppo in brand high-end, IOT market and e-commerce strategy.

Apple pay安全漏洞可绕过锁屏进行欺诈性支付

Apple pay security vulnerability can bypass the lock screen for fraudulent payment

一个英国研究小组最近发现了与visa卡和apple pay相关的安全问题,这可能导致攻击者绕过锁屏进行欺诈性支付。根据这项研究,当visa卡在iPhone上设置为苹果的快速传输模式时,该漏洞可能会让攻击者绕过iPhone的锁屏,在没有密码的情况下进行非接触式支付。

A British research team recently discovered security problems related to visa cards and apple pay, which may lead attackers to bypass the lock screen and make fraudulent payments. According to the study, when the visa card is set to Apple's express transit mode on the iPhone, the flaw may allow an attacker to bypass the iPhone lock screen and make contactless payment without a password.




NASA's Lucy mission will bring Einstein and the Beatles into space


According to foreign media reports, NASA's Lucy spacecraft for detecting Jupiter related Trojan asteroids is scheduled to launch in October. It has recently been equipped with a brand as a time capsule. The plaque of the spacecraft is engraved with the famous words of band members John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr and George Harrison.

SpaceX cargo dragon航天器即将离开国际空间站,踏上返回地球的旅程

SpaceX cargo dragon spacecraft is about to leave the international space station and embark on a journey back to earth


A month after docking with the international space station, SpaceX's cargo dragon flying ship is preparing to leave the international space station for a relatively short return trip to earth. The cargo dragon spacecraft is used in SpaceX's recent cargo supply mission to the international space station for NASA to provide astronauts in earth orbit with the survival materials they need and the latest scientific investigation.


NASA pushed ingenuity's 14th flight after an anomaly


According to foreign media reports, NASA's Mars helicopter ingenuity is taking a short "rest" before trying its next flight. NASA said that during the routine pre flight inspection of the helicopter system, abnormal conditions were detected in two flight control servo motors. As a result, its fourteenth flight plan was postponed.


Other important news


More than 13 million people have electronic driver's licenses


On the 30th, at the press conference of the Ministry of public security, the public security traffic control department said that it was actively promoting the process of electronic driver's license. 28 cities in the first batch of promotion and application have issued more than 13 million electronic driver's licenses and provided online "bright license" and "bright code" services;


The national press and publication administration has launched the online reporting platform to prevent minors from indulging in online games


In order to urge game enterprises to earnestly fulfill their main responsibilities, strictly implement the relevant requirements to prevent minors from indulging in online games, and give full play to the supervisory role of all aspects of society, the national press and Publication Administration's reporting platform for preventing minors from indulging in online games was officially launched on September 30. The reporting platform specially accepts people's reports on issues related to the prevention of addiction of game enterprises, including real name authentication violation reports, period length violation reports, recharge payment violation reports, etc. once the reporting clues are verified, the relevant departments will severely investigate and deal with the game enterprises in violation of regulations.


The Ministry of industry and information technology plans to stipulate that core data shall not be exported


On September 30, the Ministry of industry and information technology publicly solicited opinions on the measures for the administration of data security in the field of industry and information technology (for Trial Implementation) (Draft for comments). The draft for comments proposes that important data collected and generated by industrial and telecommunications data processors within the territory of the people's Republic of China shall be stored in China in accordance with the requirements of laws and administrative regulations. If it is really necessary to provide them abroad, they shall carry out data exit security assessment in accordance with laws and regulations, carry out data exit on the premise of ensuring security, and strengthen the tracking and mastery of data after exit. Core data shall not be exported.


update time:2021-10-01 10:21:10


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