Scientist Wang Yifang: our generation has no Nobel Prize, and the next generation will have it


Some people always ask Wang Yifang, what's the use of doing neutrino research and particle physics research? Sometimes he would smile and answer, "it's no use."


Is it worth spending so much time, energy and money on the seemingly "useless" basic science? To explain these problems to the public is something he must do in addition to scientific research.

9月23日,在2021年未来青年论坛(future youth forum)上,王一芳站在讲台上解释基础科学研究如何促进企业和国家的技术发展。

"Only when basic science takes the lead in the world, can there be real leadership in science and technology and prosperity of the country." on September 23, at the 2021 future youth forum, Wang Yifang stepped on the podium to explain how basic science research can promote the technological development of enterprises and a country.


He cited an example. When doing neutrino research in Jiangmen, the Institute of high energy physics needed 20 ridge badger Ling to meet the requirements of the world's highest detection efficiency. In the past, he produced small photomultiplier tubes, but the technology was later monopolized by Hamamatsu of Japan. Under their promotion, they cooperated with China Ordnance North night vision company. After six years of development, the technology of domestic photomultiplier tubes finally met the requirements and achieved mass production. This kind of high-speed optoelectronic devices are widely used in national defense, industry, medical treatment and scientific research. Through this process, China's optoelectronic device technology has suddenly reached the forefront of the world.


In 2012, the news that shocked the global physics community - in the neutrino experiment of Daya Bay reactor, the team led by Wang Yifang found a new neutrino oscillation mode.


Science magazine listed this discovery as one of the top ten scientific breakthroughs in the world that year and said that "the era of particle physics in China has come". Wang Yifang also became famous in the first World War and became the first Chinese scientist to win the "breakthrough award in basic physics".


But what really brought Wang Yifang to the public was the dispute between him and Professor Yang Zhenning on "whether China is suitable for building super large colliders" in 2016. After that, cepc (annular electron positron collider) came into public view and became a public topic.


Controversy and opposition have always been the reality that scientists have to face. Ding Zhaozhong, Wang Yifang's mentor and Nobel Laureate in physics, once said that he has encountered too many objections in his life, "but I have never lost confidence and still do what I should do. I can't worry and have nothing to do because of the opposition of this person and that person."


"For me, the core question is whether you have done something you think is right. If so, you should stick to it," said Wang Yifang. What he sees is the possibility of China leading the world in an extremely important scientific field. It is his responsibility as a scientist to recognize the direction and promote it.


Science maniac


In the eyes of colleagues, Wang Yifang is a "science madman" who pursues perfection extremely.


Wang Yifang, born in 1963 in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, grew up during the "Cultural Revolution". In that era of learning to work and agriculture, he recalled that when he was young, he went to factory internships with his classmates, lived in the countryside and worked in farmers' homes, "it really increased a lot of experience in understanding the society."


Learning is never difficult for Wang Yifang. As soon as he resumed the college entrance examination, he chose the Physics Department of Nanjing University for a simple reason - in the discipline of mathematics and chemistry, he didn't like to recite biochemistry, and mathematics was too abstract. "Physics is relatively easy. If the principle is clear, you can deduce without reciting."


Many years later, looking back on his choice at that time, he thought he was not too forward-looking. "The first step was not wrong, so he walked down this road." during the University, in addition to classes, he stayed in the library and read a lot of history, art, novels, philosophy and sociology books.


Many people who come into contact with Wang Yifang will be deeply impressed by his extensive knowledge. Until now, he still maintains a wide and miscellaneous reading habit, "It's very important to read history and humanities, and your understanding of many things will be more rational. From a historical perspective, it's interesting to see the whole development process of physics. The accumulation of humanities is very helpful for you to understand and predict future changes, and for you to choose projects, choose collaborators, or communicate with collaborators."


In the 1980s, Ding Zhaozhong proposed to the Ministry of education to select young talents in China to join his L3 laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland. For Wang Yifang's generation of Chinese students, Ding Zhaozhong is like a God. When the Department recommended him for the exam, he was in such a hurry that he didn't even have time to prepare. He still remembered that Ding Zhaozhong's examination questions were all contents that would not be discussed in the book, which needed to be deduced by physical principles. At that time, I didn't think it was too difficult. Finally, I was able to pass the exam, which became an unexpected joy.


When she came to the European Nuclear Research Center, the "holy land" of physicists in the world, Wang Yifang quickly showed her talent.


There are more than 400 researchers in the cooperation group. Everyone scrambled for topics and wrote articles. In the first year, a total of 21 papers were published. Wang Yifang alone accounted for three articles. Ding Zhaozhong, who is good at training Chinese young people, quickly took a fancy to this young man and promoted him as the only student leader.


During his doctoral study at the University of Florence, he did not understand Italian and it was difficult for him to participate in group discussions. Two or three years later, he was able to discuss difficult professional issues in Italian and complete his doctoral thesis in Italian.


"I probably work harder than others", Wang Yifang downplayed the study and life abroad. But in fact, there are unimaginable efforts behind genius. He has to work 12 hours a day, or even longer. Occasionally, he can rest for half a day on weekends. He goes to museums to learn about the culture and history of the country.


In the ten years from 1985 to 1995, he followed Ding Zhaozhong from graduate to postdoctoral. In the later stage of the laboratory, Ding Zhaozhong became the main designer in the most controversial AMS experiment. In those years, he had no time to take into account the quiet pastoral scenery of Europe. Instead, he buried himself in the laboratory with top scientific researchers from all over the world to have a dialogue between man and space.


When deciding to leave Ding Zhaozhong's laboratory, Wang Yifang wanted to find more possibilities for herself. In 1996, he entered the Physics Department of Stanford University as an assistant researcher. In 2001, he chose to return home. Doing neutrino oscillation experiments in China became his greatest wish at that time.


Basic science is the driving force of the development of modern society


Lack of money, pressure, risks and disputes are the problems that Wang Yifang often faces as a project leader, but he always perseveres and does not compromise to get through one difficulty after another.


The neutrino experiment of Daya Bay Reactor once risked failure. On this Sino US cooperation project, he refused to adopt the scheme provided by the United States because "the sensitivity is 20% worse than the Chinese scheme". Many people advised him to use American ones. He retorted that if the US plan is adopted, the country's investment will not get enough return. Even if it can't be done, it can't compromise and give up.


Carrying great pressure, he finally proved with the success of experiments that China's neutrino research is in the forefront of the world.


Most of the time, he can't tell the public what the use of an equation is, but he will use some examples to popularize the practical significance of basic science - without thermodynamics, Newtonian mechanics and other sciences as the basis, the two industrial revolutions can't be talked about; The superconducting magnet used in clinical MRI equipment in modern hospitals is due to the breakthrough and popularization of superconducting magnet technology brought by Tevatron, the largest accelerator in the United States; The world wide web is also produced in the process of high-energy physics research.


"If you don't care about basic science and don't know why, you will fall behind. Basic science research is the driving force for the development of modern society." he frankly said that because basic science research has the pursuit of "the first in the world", it will also improve the innovation and R & D ability of Chinese industry. "The cooperation between scientists and engineers is an excellent way to improve our innovation ability."


When talking about the history of science, Wang Yifang said that as early as the ancient Greek period, the west developed a complete set of scientific systems through logical reasoning. However, Chinese philosophy emphasizes the "unity of heaven and man", which makes Chinese people pay more attention to themselves than the external natural world since ancient times.


He believes that from a historical point of view, China has suffered too much because it does not pay attention to basic science. "From 2000 to now, China's basic science has never been ahead. China has four major inventions and knows how to make gunpowder, but it does not know the chemical law behind it, and has not developed a corresponding scientific system."


After the failure of the Opium War, China began to learn from the west, but only bought guns and did not introduce the western scientific system. Finally, the Sino Japanese war failed. During the Meiji Restoration, Japan introduced western science and established a scientific system decades earlier than China.


Today, he still needs to popularize the importance of basic science and call on the society to pay more attention to the construction of basic science.


"In the past 20 years, our country's investment in basic science research has never changed." he took out a data. China's R & D expenditure is 2.4% of GDP, basically reaching the level of moderately developed countries, but basic research expenditure accounts for only 6% of R & D expenditure, which is a big gap compared with the data of 15% - 20% of developed countries, "Our total funding for basic research is only 1 / 5 of that of the United States. The state should have a plan to increase our investment in basic scientific research to 15%."


"The construction of Shanghai planetarium costs 300 million, but China doesn't even have an astronomical telescope more than 3 meters." he horizontally compared the basic research funds of various countries and found that in developed countries, many enterprises are funding basic research. Korean enterprises play a leading role in the investment in basic research, making many Korean industries ahead of the world. In Japan, the investment of enterprises in basic science also makes Japan have many world-class technologies. "Since 2000, Japan has basically won a Nobel prize every year. One of the reasons is that it is inseparable from the manufacturing and use of high-end instruments."


He called on Chinese enterprises to support basic research, make up for the lack of government support, and even set up a private foundation focusing on basic scientific research like the United States. "The super competitiveness of American enterprises is inseparable from their consistent emphasis on basic research, especially cutting-edge basic research in the field."


In 2019, when Wang Yifang won the "future science award" Material Science Award, he said, "The neutrino research and particle physics research I am engaged in are 'useless' science. We need pure curiosity to make greater contributions to pure science. Neutrino research and large ring collider are for this purpose. We need large scientific devices with such great scientific significance."


Until now, he is still on the road he believes is certain.


[exclusive interview with Wang Yifang] our generation has not won the Nobel Prize, and the next generation will certainly have it


First finance and Economics: you said that you embarked on the road of physics research is due to inertia, as well as chance and opportunity. How did you set your goals in the process of growing up as a scientist? Did you waver?


Wang Yifang: I liked physics at the beginning. I made no mistake in the first step. If I choose a major I don't like and try my best to change it, it will be very painful.


When we were graduate students, some people also discussed whether to learn computers, the salary of IT companies would be 10 times higher than ours, or whether to do finance, and the salary would be higher. I haven't heard of all kinds of temptations, but I'm not very interested. On the whole, I walked down this road relatively smoothly.


First finance and Economics: you studied with Mr. Ding Zhaozhong for ten years and participated in his AMS experiment. At that time, this experiment was strongly opposed. Mr. Dante believed that the progress of physics was developed by overthrowing what was known by predecessors. He once said that when doing experimental physics, you can't consider other people's views and don't do it because the vast majority of people oppose it. How did he affect you?


Wang Yifang: I think he has a great influence on the selection of research topics, the final promotion and implementation of the project, and how to organize a research team.


He has always stressed the need to choose good and meaningful topics that can remain in history. This is very important for us to improve our position, taste and vision.


To put it more popularly, if you choose to do a difficult and innovative project, you may not get everyone's support and have no money. Do you follow the money to do a relatively mediocre and less important project, or do you let the money follow you? We always say that we should do everything possible to let the money follow you.


First finance: how to explain to the public the research you are doing now?


Wang Yifang: first, we have been making accelerators and detectors. The key point is what kind of machine we want to build, what the performance is, and how to optimize its indicators in all aspects, which need to be implemented into the design of each specific equipment. It will take about three or four years, and it is on a large scale.


Second, we have started the technical pre research of some core key components. The design is on paper. I don't know if it can be done. Only when I do it can I know where the difficulties are and where the limit of the index is. Only then can I optimize the design, adjust the index and improve the process and technology. This job also has seven or eight years.


Any new large-scale device needs theoretical and technological innovation. It is a long process to explore the boundary of innovation. It is estimated that it will take more than five years to do all the technology well.


In this process, we have made many very important gains. Some important technology R & D achievements can be directly used in some large domestic devices.


The technology we develop will not be wasted, because we aim at the most advanced technology in the world, and the relevant equipment indicators are the most advanced in the world. Therefore, I have always said that basic scientific research must have a high goal, and your research will take the lead. If your scientific goal is low, your technical goal and innovation will not be so high. If science does not lead, technology will never lead.


Wang Yifang: we are very pleased. We have made a correct choice, and it is almost the only choice. If Europe has another way, it will not follow us. Based on the future development direction, which we first put forward, was recognized by the European academic community after five years of discussion.


The European plan is to start construction in 2028, which is certainly under pressure for us. If we can't catch up with that, we can only participate in the European project in the end. It's impossible to make two identical colliders in the world.


Our goal now is to do it ourselves. There are still eight years left. The pressure is more about how to implement our own plan and how to solve key technical problems in specific work and design. Once these problems can be solved, we don't have much worry. If the technology is advanced, we can participate in European projects.


First finance: if a young man wants to become a scientist, what qualities do you think he needs?


Wang Yifang: you can't judge whether a young person can make a great contribution from a specific person. There are many factors, such as opportunities, environment and their own conditions.


It takes a certain talent to become a scientist. From an early point of view, he should have initiative, have work in his eyes and know what to do, rather than doing what his mentor asked him to do. He has the ability to actively look for problems, solve problems and overcome difficulties. He should have judgment on the ability and future of each stage of himself. The most important thing is that he must love science and love it. Even if the qualification is slightly poor, you will make good achievements if you can stick to it without being tempted by the outside world.


First finance and Economics: you always said that China's reserve of high-energy physics talents is far from enough. I hope to train more talents. What do you think of the opportunities for the next generation? Do they have to resist the temptation to do scientific research?


Wang Yifang: talent is just like capital. It will never be enough. Just like the aerospace industry, we also have projects before we can attract and cultivate talents. If a project is prepared for ten years, a generation can be trained.


The following generation will certainly surpass us in terms of qualification, ability, knowledge foundation and future development.


In fact, when we were young, we also had many temptations, which may be more than now. I believe that one generation is stronger than another. No one in our generation has won the Nobel Prize, and the next generation will have it. At present, the ability of these young people has not been seen. When they reach my age, they will have achievements and will emerge.


update time:2021-10-01 10:21:10


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