SpaceX starship project approved: environmental protection work blocked, residents overwhelmed




Tencent technology news on September 30, US space exploration technology company SpaceX is preparing to launch the largest rocket in space history. If approved by federal regulators, it will take off from a coastal facility at the southern tip of Texas. However, local residents and researchers are fiercely criticizing the licensing process of the project, saying Tesla is flouting the law and at the expense of the environment and community interests.


SpaceX has built a launch tower for the Starship without regulatory approval and has begun assembling rockets without an actual launch license


The only way to the SpaceX facility is Texas Highway 4. The road runs parallel to the Rio Grande from Brownsville to Boca Chica beach. A 40 minute drive takes visitors through dense thorny bushes, which is the preferred habitat for the endangered leopard cat. Behind the thorny vegetation is the flat coast, sand dunes and quiet beaches, home to endangered turtles and unique migratory birds.


Environmental protection investigation is hindered


In early September this year, police cars in Cameron County closed the road. A police officer told David Newstead, director of the coastal bend bays & Estuary Program, a non-profit research and protection organization: "the highway has been closed until further notice." but in fact, the police officer made a mistake and the road closure is a "temporary and intermittent closure order".


Cameron County police officers communicated with David Newstead about the closure of Highway 4


Finally, after repeated communication, the police officer removed his police car and let Newstead pass. But others did not know that the road closure was actually carried out at the request of a private company. After being told that the highway was closed, these people had to return to Brownsville. SpaceX is only allowed to completely close boccachica beach for 300 hours a year. "That means they will launch rockets, test them or something like that," Newstead explained


However, with the permission of Cameron County, SpaceX can close highway 4 and keep the beach open, which is the only access there. This type of closure is not included in the 300 hour limit per year, even if people cannot enter or leave the beach. Newstead estimates that SpaceX actually closes the beach for more than 1000 hours a year.


This nearly 13 kilometer long strip extends from the bottom of South Padre Island to the place where the Rio Grande flows into the Gulf of Mexico. It is very popular among the Latino dominated working class in Brownsville. The frequent closure of applications complicates the research undertaken by Newstead, which usually requires multiple surveys per week. "Since last year, this is basically impossible," he said

斯蒂芬妮·比洛多(Stephanie Bilodeau)是纽斯特德领导的海岸鸟类项目的保护生物学家,也是试图进行这些调查的研究人员之一。她说:"过去,我们在发射台附近发现了12个雪巢和威尔逊巢,但随着时间的推移,数量正在缓慢减少。今年,我们在该地区只发现了一个鸟巢。"。

Stephanie Bilodeau, a conservation biologist at the coastal bird project led by Newstead, was one of the researchers trying to conduct these investigations. "In the past, we found 12 snow nests and Wilson nests in the season near the launch pad, but the number is slowly decreasing over time. This year, we found only one bird's nest in that area," she said.


The seabirds rest on boccachica beach, with SpaceX's launch facility standing in the background


Before SpaceX entered boccachka, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued an "environmental impact statement", which is an in-depth review required by federal law. Since then, the FAA has allowed the company to expand its activities beyond the level originally planned. "They almost approve whatever SpaceX wants to do. So far, they have conducted five written reassessments, and now the project has no resemblance to the original plan," neusted said


FAA did not give a new environmental impact statement for SpaceX's increasingly large-scale test and launch, but conducted a series of "reassessments". The agency said that the scale of SpaceX's expanding business is not large enough to prove the need for more review, although this situation may change soon. The FAA is currently reassessing the possible impact of the launch of the Starship project. If allowed, it would be the largest rocket ever launched.


In its launch related reassessment, the FAA wrote: "any accidental release of potential hazardous materials will be handled in accordance with SpaceX's hazardous materials emergency plan. Therefore, the data and analysis contained in the FAA environmental impact statement are basically still valid, and the proposed action will not have a significant impact on hazardous materials, solid waste and pollution prevention." In short: SpaceX has a response plan for any accident, so even if an accident occurs, it will not have a significant impact.


Boccachica became SpaceX's "back garden"


In late March this year, SpaceX tested the prototype of the starship, after the company had passed the less rigorous reassessment process of the FAA. However, the prototype exploded and rocket parts poured into protected habitats supervised by the Texas Department of parks and wildlife (tpwd). Tpwd researchers were unable to enter the area, and SpaceX dispatched heavy machinery to retrieve the debris scattered for several kilometers on this sensitive land.


A biologist at tpwd wrote on Twitter: "this is SpaceX's territory. I need to reschedule the field work to next year because I can't drive on the interstate highway or interstate beach. Although this is public land and a key protected habitat, SpaceX has just been sprinkled with rocket parts"


In an internal communication, a person in charge of tpwd wrote back to the biologist: "it should never be so difficult for us to enter our own property. My impression is that they don't know what they are doing in four days, and it's totally unacceptable to want to keep all their options." the biologist said that he was asked to delete tweets, And said taxpayers bear the cost of frequent closures.

美国鱼类和野生动物管理局(U.S.Fish and wildlife service)也提出了类似的担忧,该局在该地区设有国家野生动物保护区。该机构获得了大量描述"未经授权侵入保护区"的文件,许多照片显示"SpaceX员工将保护区土地用作停车场,甚至用作排水沟"。SpaceX拒绝置评,也没有回答书面问题。

Similar concerns arise from the U.S. Fish and wildlife service, which operates a national wildlife refuge in the region. The agency obtained a number of documents describing "unauthorized intrusion into the reserve", and many photos showed that "SpaceX employees use the reserve land as a parking lot and even as a drainage ditch". SpaceX declined to comment and did not respond to written questions.


In a written statement, Reagan faught, regional director of tpwd State Park, said: "Tpwd and SpaceX are negotiating on a range of issues of mutual interest. Our adjacent land and respective missions sometimes require closer cooperation, so we are continuing to strive to improve measures to mitigate the impact on state parks and outdoor entertainment in the region. Tpwd is committed to implementing strategies to reduce or offset long-term impacts. What we are concerned about together The focus is on how our respective entities can better operate and operate as adjacent owners. "


Local residents can only sell their houses and leave

现在,4号公路挤满了SpaceX设备、员工、承包商和爱好者。交通流量的增加导致更多的致命事故和对驾驶员的更多危险。SpaceX因今年早些时候35岁的卡洛斯·维尼加斯(Carlos Venegas)的死亡而面临2000万美元的诉讼。维尼加斯家族聘请的一名律师说,凌晨4点,维尼加斯带着妻子和孩子从海滩开车回来,但撞上了一辆停在路边的18轮卡车。

Now, highway 4 is crowded with SpaceX equipment, employees, contractors and enthusiasts. The increase in traffic flow leads to more fatal accidents and more dangers to drivers. SpaceX faces a $20 million lawsuit for the death of Carlos Venegas, a 35 year old man earlier this year. A lawyer hired by Venegas's family said that at 4 a.m., Venegas drove back from the beach with his wife and children, but hit a stalled 18 wheel truck blocking the road.


As SpaceX related traffic increased, the researchers noted an increase in the number of crashes on Texas Highway 4. There are many Bobcats and endangered species such as leopard cats living in the area


Before highway 4 became the artery between SpaceX manufacturing facilities and the launch site, the road was quiet and served only public land and retirement communities.


Near port Isabel, overlooking the Brownsville channel, South Bay and SpaceX facilities in the distance, Maria pointer described her life in "two chapters". She smiled softly and said, "we are now entering the second chapter of Maria's life. The good life we spent in the wilderness is hard to find." before, point had his own house near boccachka beach, near the end of Highway 4. "We thought no one would find us at the end of the road," she said. However, with the arrival of SpaceX, all this changed.


In its initial environmental impact statement, the FAA said that except for the occasional launch of rockets, the residents of the area, like point, would not be disturbed at night. "It is not expected that the proposed daily operation will have a significant impact on the noise level of the community. However, during the night launch of Falcon 9 rocket and Falcon heavy rocket, the noise impact on 35 families in bokachika village will be considered serious," the statement said


As SpaceX's business later began to grow, pointe and her husband suffered from all-weather noise. "It's putting a lot of pressure on us because we both have health problems, so we're in pain," she said. The points finally sold the house to SpaceX.


She recalled: "People are saying, 'my God, Maria, you're supporting SpaceX. They're going to take your house. You're an idiot!' but they may not understand that in addition to being deprived of sleep, there are lights, noise, choking dust, sand and dirt in the air. You can hear them beating your house in the wind. The trees and plants around you are even dead. You can't understand You can't live normally in that situation, and you can't fight billionaires. "


Now, the second chapter begins. The boynts bought a new house across the Bay and can see the scenery of the SpaceX launch site. She runs her own YouTube channel "starship Boca Chica", which specializes in broadcasting SpaceX related content. The channel has more than 16000 subscribers and millions of views. Despite the pain, pointe was excited about Musk's grand vision of colonizing Mars.


Of course, not everyone feels the same. Cheryl Stevens sold her rental house to SpaceX. This used to be her main source of income, where she plans to retire. "I don't understand why people think musk is a genius. In my opinion, he is an antisocial person," Stevens said


In a letter in 2019, SpaceX told bokaqika residents such as Stevens that the company initially expected little interference to their lives. However, the company said that they need to comply with FAA regulations and continue to expand their business, which will make it impossible for them to maintain their initial commitment. "In order for things to go the way SpaceX wants them to, they will say anything they need to say. In fact, that's the truth, just like the classic bait selling method," Stevens said

此外,在布朗斯维尔,由于马斯克鼓励外来者入住,房价飙升。当地倡导组织Fuera SpaceX组织了抗议者,并批评了为SpaceX铺平道路的地方民选官员。这些官员经常提到SpaceX等公司将在表面上带来的经济利益和就业机会。

Further on, in Brownsville, house prices soared as musk encouraged outsiders to move in. The local advocacy group Fuera SpaceX organized protesters and criticized local elected officials who helped pave the way for SpaceX. These officials often mention the economic benefits and employment opportunities that companies like SpaceX will bring on the surface.

抗议组织者xandra Trevi o说:"马斯克一直在邀请来自美国乃至世界各地的人才到SpaceX工作。这里的人收入很低,但不包括他们。他们从来不想卷入这件事,而贫富差距只会越来越大。"

Protest organizer xandra Trevi o said: "musk is always inviting talents from all over the United States and even around the world to work in SpaceX. The people here have a low income, but they are not included. They never want to get involved in this matter, and this wealth gap will only grow."


For SpaceX, the road to Mars has been temporarily closed because the FAA is assessing the environmental impact of the largest rocket launch in history. The agency is seeking public opinion on the Starship project, and musk calls on his 60 million twitter fans to provide support. "Man's future on the moon, Mars and beyond depends on starships," he wrote


SpaceX seems confident of obtaining FAA approval. The company has built a launch tower without regulatory approval and started assembling rockets without an actual launch license. (reviewed by Tencent technology / Jinlu)


update time:2021-09-30 14:40:26


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