The world's fastest electric vehicle charger will be on the market at the end of the year: four at a time, full in 15 minutes!


Source: Financial Network


Engineering giant ABB announced on Thursday that it has launched the world's fastest electric vehicle charger and is promoting plans to spin off the business, which may be worth about $3 billion.

该公司表示,其新型Terra 360模块化充电器一次可以为四辆汽车充电,并在15分钟内为任何电动汽车充满电。

The company said that its new Terra 360 modular charger can charge four vehicles at a time and fully charge any electric vehicle in 15 minutes.


The device can provide the power required to drive 100 kilometers in less than 3 minutes and will be launched in Europe and the United States at the end of this year.


update time:2021-10-01 10:21:10


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