Uncover epic's metauniverse plan: Taking changing social style as the core, vowing to break the "walled garden"



1.电子游戏和软件开发商Epic Games致力于构建一个元宇宙,其核心是改变人们的社交方式。

1. Video game and software developer Epic Games is committed to building a meta universe, the core of which is to change people's social style.


2. Sweeney, CEO of epic, believes that the metauniverse he envisions should be a vast digital space in which users can explore freely.

3. Sweeney said that compared with the carefully edited and advertised news push provided by platforms such as Facebook, the metauniverse will be very different.


4. Sweeney calls the economic ecosystem created by Silicon Valley giants "walled gardens", which have hindered the construction of the meta universe.


5. Epic itself currently has a walled garden. The app store is still a closed market, but it is promoting cross platform and interoperability standards.


6. Building Sweeney's metacosmic vision still faces many major obstacles, even beyond epic's control.

腾讯科技讯9月30日,热门游戏《双周夜》视频游戏和软件开发商Epic Games已经形成了"metaverse"的原型,但其首席执行官蒂姆·斯威尼(Tim Sweeney)和公司高管有着更大的愿景。他们希望以改变人们的社会风气为核心,打破科技巨头的"篱笆花园",专注于创作者的角色。

Tencent technology news on September 30, the popular game fortrite night of video game and software developer Epic Games has formed the prototype of "metaverse", but its CEO Tim Sweeney and company executives have a greater vision. They hope to change people's social style as the core, break the "fence garden" of technology giants, and focus on the role of creators.

斯威尼认为,人们已经厌倦了今天的互联网运营。他说,马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)领导的Facebook领导的互联网社交媒体时代将企业与普通受众分离,将用户聚集在一起,引导他们实现公司选定的目标,而不是让他们自由探索。斯威尼说:"现在我们正处在'封闭平台'的浪潮中,苹果和谷歌也在这一浪潮中。在我们走出来之前,每个人都会意识到:'我们已经被使用了十年了。'"

Sweeney believes that people are tired of today's Internet operation. He said that the Internet social media era led by Facebook under Mark Zuckerberg has separated enterprises from ordinary audiences, brought users together, guided them to the goals selected by the company, rather than allowing them to explore freely. "Now we are in the wave of 'closed platforms', and apple and Google are also in this wave. Until we come out, everyone will realize:' we have been used for the past decade, '" Sweeney said

今年早些时候,法拉利296gtb被投入堡垒之夜,这可以说已经成为汽车行业如何使用元宇宙的试金石。Epic Games首席创意官唐纳德·芥末(Donald芥末)表示,这款游戏已经成为这些想法的体验实验室和孵化器。

Earlier this year, Ferrari 296gtb was put into fortress night, which can be said to have become a touchstone for the automotive industry on how to use the meta universe. Donald mustard, chief creative officer of Epic Games, said that the game has become an experiential laboratory and incubator for these ideas.


Mustard believes that fortress night is a changing virtual world shaped by the brand feedback of players and Epic Games partners, whether Marvel director Anthony, Joseph Russo or rapper Travis Scott, They are deeply involved in the guidance and creative process of their activities in the game. Mustard said that players had shaped the game as early as 2018, and the "comet landing" activity at that time really changed the rules of the game.


Mustard also said: "in this world, some things make people feel like real history and are shaped by the community. All this is feedback to us. We focus on what the community is doing and try to come back to them in a way that feels real and is building a part of the world."


Community interaction is the core concept of the meta universe, so how did it develop from the era of social media? "The current situation is that it is based on algorithmic push driven by advertising revenue, not a model. This will immediately bring you into a polarized world: whether you put happiness at the center of what you are doing, not advertising, and the goal is cooperation, entertainment, participation and making new friends. These are completely different incentives and motives," Sistani said


Creator's Internet

Epic Games的工具包非常适合创建sitani描述的那种协作和有趣的体验。早在《堡垒之夜》风靡全球之前,由斯威尼亲自指导的游戏于1998年首次亮相,并成为史诗游戏的核心产品。这个游戏叫做虚幻,由一个现在叫做虚幻引擎的引擎驱动。

Epic Games' toolkit is ideal for creating the kind of collaborative and interesting experience sitani describes. Long before fortress night swept the world, the game personally supervised by Sweeney made its debut in 1998 and became the core product of Epic Games. This game is called unreal and is powered by an engine now called Unreal Engine.

德坎波斯说:"这是一种不同的思维方式,是与社区互动的产物。突然,你不仅想到了玩家,还想到了玩家创造者。"。史诗游戏将这些创造者视为构建元宇宙的另一块基石。在与苹果的试验中,Epic Games详细讨论了将《堡垒之夜》转变为一种更适合创作者的商业模式的愿望,这也将反映新兴的互联网趋势。

"This is a different way of thinking and the product of interaction with the community. Suddenly, you think not only of players, but also of player creators," said de Campos. Epic Games regards these creators as another cornerstone of building the meta universe. In the trial with apple, Epic Games discussed in detail the desire to turn fortress night into a more creator friendly business model, which will also reflect the emerging Internet trend.

在过去的十年中,互联网文化已经演变成一种接受的趋势,并受到世界各地数千万内容创作者的推动。最受欢迎的是利用其庞大的受众吸引有利可图的交易,这使许多人从创作者变成了网络名人,他们塑造了流行文化。以贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)为例,德·坎波斯(de Campos)说:"当今世界上许多顶级娱乐人士都不在好莱坞。"比伯在YouTube上被发现后开始了他的职业生涯。电子游戏也创造了许多名人,这在互联网诞生之初是不可能的。

Over the past decade, Internet culture has evolved into a trend of acceptance and driven by tens of millions of content creators around the world. The most popular is to use their huge audience to attract profitable transactions, which have turned many people from creators to online celebrities, who have shaped popular culture. Taking Justin Bieber as an example, de Campos said: "many of the top entertainment people in the world today are not in Hollywood." Bieber began his career after he was discovered on YouTube. Video games have also created many celebrities, which was impossible at the beginning of the Internet.


Video game celebrities have become a new class of celebrities, sometimes even dwarfing the influence of traditional celebrities. A 2019 study found that among "generation Z", pewdiepie, the person with the highest subscription on youtube, was more popular than NBA star LeBron James, who expanded the audience through games.

泰勒·布莱文斯,也被称为"忍者",掀起了一股流媒体用户寻求并赢得社交媒体公司专业合同的浪潮。2019年,breivins与微软现已关闭的live service mixer达成了一项价值数百万美元的里程碑式协议,开启了youtube和twitch等其他公司试图与超级明星签订合同的趋势。这些明星中的许多人都聘请了专业经纪公司和公关团队。

Tyler Blevins, also known as "Ninja", set off a wave of streaming media users seeking and winning professional contracts with social media companies. In 2019, breivins reached a landmark multi million dollar deal with Microsoft's now closed live service mixer, which opened the trend that other companies such as youtube and twitch tried to sign contracts with superstars. Many of these stars have hired professional brokerage companies and public relations teams.


Facebook may be the leading social network, but some media reported in July that the company is catching up, catching up in space including instagram. This effort includes trying to lock famous video game characters on Twitter and Youtube into an exclusive streaming contract on Facebook.

Epic Games表明,该公司可以吸引像breivins这样的游戏玩家,他们通过《堡垒之夜》成名,但也可以吸引更多音乐行业的传统名人。DJ marshmello、Travis Scott和Ariana Grande都在堡垒之夜举办了开创性的音乐会。在微软的"我的世界"中,广受欢迎的Z一代100个GEC双组还举办了音乐节。

Epic Games has shown that the company can attract game players like breivins, who become famous by playing fortress night, but can also attract more traditional celebrities in the music industry. DJ marshmello, Travis Scott and Ariana Grande all gave groundbreaking concerts in Fortress night. In Microsoft's my world, the popular double group 100 GECS of generation Z also held a music festival.

就其本身而言,谈到音乐,core更喜欢创作过程。制作人兼DJ deadmau5将使用core拍摄他的下一部音乐视频,并请用户帮助他实现自己的愿景。

As for itself, when it comes to music, core prefers the creative process. Producer and DJ deadmau5 will use core to shoot his next music video and ask users to help him realize his vision.

《堡垒之夜》(Fortress night)的粉丝创作者德泉·道森(Dequan Dawson)也被称为gquanoe,他认为,在互联网的任何迭代中,发现创造性作品都需要成为帮助创作者的关键。

Dequan Dawson, the fan creator of Fortress night, also known as gquanoe, believes that in any iteration of the Internet, the discovery of creative work needs to become the key to helping the creator.


"I want to see a shortcut that allows people to find my work through search, such as top search results with pictures and videos showing my work, or in addition to fortress night," he said At present, due to the barriers between different products on the Internet, there are not many ways to accurately display my works, but it will certainly be helpful to display them with a wider range of tools and in places outside the game. "


The real obstacles of the universe

如果说电子游戏世界可以被视为一座互动建筑,那么由于广泛使用了虚幻引擎,Epic Games已经成为最大的建筑材料供应商之一。现在,斯威尼想帮助在这些建筑之间建立桥梁。

If the video game world can be regarded as an interactive building, thanks to the wide use of unreal engine, Epic Games has become one of the largest suppliers of building materials. Now Sweeney wants to help build bridges between these buildings.

多年来,除了视频游戏之外,虚拟引擎已经在许多不同的行业中得到了应用。Hok和Zaha Hadid等全球建筑公司已经在使用虚拟引擎和史诗游戏的twinmotion业务进行建筑可视化。Epic Games不仅是一家游戏制造商,还是一家为虚拟世界提供建筑材料的承包商。

Over the years, unreal engine has been used in many different industries except video games. Global construction companies such as Hok and Zaha Hadid are already using the twinmotion business of unreal engine and Epic Games for architectural visualization. Epic Games is not only a game manufacturer, but also a contractor providing building materials for the virtual world.

Sweeney说:"我认为Epic Games是一家独特的公司,因为我们始终服务于消费者和开发者。我们的业务基于两者之间的协同作用。这对消费者和开发者都有好处,可以避免将消费者生态系统公司变成权力过大的霸主。"

Sweeney said: "I think Epic Games is a unique company, because we always serve both the consumer audience and the developer audience. Our business is based on the synergy between the two. This is good for both consumers and developers, and can avoid turning the consumer ecosystem company into an overlord with too much power."


Critics may point out that Epic Games itself is now a walled garden, just like the companies Sweeney ridicules. Sweeney acknowledges this. In addition to logging in using various other services such as Microsoft or social media, the Epic Games store is still a closed market. However, Epic Games has become the main factor affecting the current wave of cross platform interoperability between game consoles and PCs. the company has successfully persuaded Nintendo, Xbox and Sony to open the multiplayer platform while playing fortress night and connect with other platforms. Since then, games like "rocket alliance" and "call of duty" have adopted cross platform and cross data storage standards.


Sweeney pointed out that novel coronavirus pneumonia isolation accelerated people's acceptance of the persistent network world as the real world did last year, but there are still a series of standards and practices to be developed to create any form of the yuan universe, which was established by Internet Engineering Task Force, a government funded researcher in 1986. To formally develop and promote Internet standards is no different.


Sweeney also said, "you need a complete set of standards, and the web is based on several standards." he listed many factors, such as HTML becoming the standard file format for displaying web browser pages. He said: "the metauniverse needs a lot of such things. The file format used to describe 3D scenes and the network protocol used to describe the way players interact in real time. Every multiplayer game has some kind of network protocol. Not everyone agrees with these protocols, but in the end, they should line up and let them communicate."

这是斯威尼在实现其愿景方面面临的最大挑战。虽然Epic Games可以用它的许多想法和其他基于虚幻引擎的作品编织出一个元宇宙,但斯威尼和其他人不会想象一个"元宇宙",直到世界上许多最大品牌之间的壁垒被打破。"我认为将元宇宙塑造成一个开放平台的真正力量是所有品牌的参与,"他说

This is the biggest challenge Sweeney faces in realizing its vision. Although Epic Games can weave a meta universe with many of its ideas and other works based on unreal engine, Sweeney and others will not imagine a "meta universe" until the barriers between many of the world's largest brands are broken. "I think the real power to shape the meta universe into an open platform is the participation of all brands," he said

在这方面,法官的判决对Epic Games是一个沉重的打击,但该公司已提出上诉。如果Epic Games无法找到拆除围墙花园的法律机制,它可能需要效仿《堡垒之夜》中成功推广的cross game,这是Epic Games打开传统封闭生态系统的最好例子。

In this regard, the judge's decision was a heavy blow to Epic Games, but the company has appealed. If Epic Games cannot find a legal mechanism to dismantle the walled garden, it may need to follow the successful promotion of cross game in Fortress night, which is the best example of Epic Games opening the traditional closed ecosystem.


Sweeney said he is optimistic that the next evolution of the Internet may return to the spirit of cooperation, which promoted the landmark personal computer technology standardization agreement reached between apple, IBM and Motorola in 1991. Sweeney said: "hundreds of industries will enter this field, and each industry is aware of the need to protect its own brand. I think this will be the ultimate check and balance system, which does not exist in the social media revolution. I think it will continue to promote the vigorous development of the Internet." (reviewed by Tencent technology / Jinlu)


update time:2021-09-30 14:40:26


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