Under power rationing, the new energy vehicle market has no choice but to brake?


Source: pexels


On September 29, Liaoning issued a serious power shortage level II orange warning, which soon boarded the hot search.


Since September 23, many places in Northeast China have issued power rationing notices, which show that if the power shortage is not alleviated, the power rationing may continue.


"I was walking around the corner that night, the lights of the teaching building of Shenyang No. 2 middle school next door suddenly went out, and then the students cheered." Zhou Xin, a resident of Shenyang Shenbei New District, still remembers the power outage on the night of September 23. That night, the broken movie rang, and some roads were congested because the signal lights were out of power.


In the past week, "power rationing" started from the northeast and spread to more than 10 provinces in China. According to incomplete statistics of future auto daily, as of September 28, Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning provinces, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, Anhui, Henan, Fujian, Ningxia, Qinghai, Inner Mongolia, Shanghai and other provinces have issued power restriction notices.


CCTV issued a document saying that this round of multiple power rationing is mainly affected by national coal shortage, serious inversion between coal cost and benchmark electricity price, decline in net capacity of connecting lines and other factors.


Some professionals believe that the lack of coal power supply will have an adverse impact on the new energy vehicle industry.


According to the data released by China Automobile Circulation Association, the retail sales of new energy passenger vehicles reached 249000 in August, a year-on-year increase of 167.5% and a month on month increase of 12.0%. From January to August, the retail volume of new energy vehicles was 1.479 million, a year-on-year increase of 202.1%.


The new energy vehicle industry is still plagued by the pain of lack of core and battery shortage. Now it encounters power shortage, and the rapidly developing new energy vehicle market will be forced to step on the emergency brake?


There's a power failure. My electric car "has no power to add"


In Baoding, Hebei Province, although this small city in a remote corner has not suffered a large-scale power outage, those new energy owners have fallen into panic.


Source: pexels

保定大部分在线租车和出租车采用Euler IQ和长城C30新能源车型。每个人都害怕突然停电,汽车无法通电,所以他们涌进充电站。保定一家旅游公司负责人吴琪告诉《未来汽车报》:"目前,保定的每个充电站都要排队充电。"。

Most online car hailing and taxis in Baoding adopt Euler IQ and Great Wall C30 new energy models. Everyone was afraid of a sudden power failure and the car couldn't power up, so they poured into the charging station. Wu Qi, the person in charge of a travel company in Baoding, told future auto daily that "at present, each charging station in Baoding has to queue up to charge".


According to Wu Qi, in the past, online taxi drivers used to charge at night. "Baoding area is not large. Euler IQ has a range of more than 400 kilometers, which can basically maintain one-day operation."


Now, due to many limited movies, most drivers increase the charging frequency once a day to twice or even three times a day. Some drivers use the "lunch time to replenish electricity, and the driver turns back to the charging station to charge after two orders." everyone's mileage anxiety is generally aggravated.


Baoding's online car Hailing drivers "scramble for power" in the charging station, and northeast car owners have a new understanding of new energy vehicles.


Due to the long winter and unusually cold climate in Northeast China, the range of lithium battery decreases significantly. Therefore, most consumers are deterred from electric vehicles.


But after the power outage, Zhou Xin's view on new energy vehicles has changed.


This comes from a video brushed by Zhou Xin on the short video platform, "a car owner connected an external power supply of an independent brand plug-in hybrid car to cook at home". This video touched Zhou Xin, "this is equivalent to a large mobile charging treasure. People in Northeast China who lack electricity need it too much".


Reminiscent of the recent rainstorm in Henan, a car owner used a pure electric car to charge his cell phone for more than a dozen neighbors in the community. The balance in Zhou Xin's heart suddenly moved slightly. You know, people in Northeast China have never been interested in new energy vehicles. In their hearts, fuel vehicles such as Audi, Mercedes Benz and Toyota are the king.


With the spread of power rationing measures throughout the country, more new energy owners have entered the state of "war preparation". "I don't plan to go out during the National Day holiday. In case the charging pile on the road is powered off, how to come back is a problem," said a Xiaopeng P7 owner in Beijing. There are also new energy vehicle owners who change their commuting mode to subway and bus.


Charging pile accelerates to "optical storage charging"?


Inevitably, the charging business has also been affected.


A Guangzhou charging pile operator disclosed that the charging piles in Haizhu District and Yuexiu District of Guangzhou are more likely to face power failure due to the shortage of local power supply. A "2021 notice on orderly power consumption in Guangzhou" also shows that some charging piles in Haizhu area use power in staggered peak shifts from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. from Monday to Friday, that is, electric vehicle owners can only charge in the corresponding time period.


Source: Network


Like Baoding, "most online car hailing in Guangzhou are electric vehicles. Once the charging station is limited, it will affect our daily charging plan." a taxi driver in Guangzhou told future auto daily, "many electric vehicles need fast charging during the day. If the charging pile with high frequency is limited, it will certainly affect the income of many taxi drivers."


Moreover, the peak period of fast filling pile is in the daytime. Once it is used in a concentrated way, it is bound to cause power supply pressure in some areas.


Since 2020, under the east wind of new infrastructure, energy supplement of new energy vehicles has become a hot business, and the number of charging piles has doubled. According to the statistics of the charging alliance, by August 2021, the cumulative ownership of national charging infrastructure had increased by 52.3% year-on-year to 2.105 million units, and this figure continued to grow.


Source: pexels


Even so, compared with industrial power and civil power, the power consumption of pure electric vehicles has little impact on the power grid. Cui Dongshu, Secretary General of the Federation, said that in August, electric vehicle charging accounted for only 0.2% of the total power consumption. "In the future, even if the number of electric vehicles increases to 60 million, it will occupy less than 2% of power resources, which belongs to a low-risk state".


Therefore, Cui Wei, the operator of Shenzhen charging pile, judged that "power restriction will not have a great impact on the charging pile industry, and at present, power restriction will not affect Shenzhen." the new energy vehicle industry is encouraged and supported by policies, and the charging infrastructure belongs to the scope of people's livelihood protection. "Operators provide public services, and the power supply of this part should be met."


Cui Wei believes that the impact of power restriction on the new energy vehicle industry lies more in the supply of "the power of charging pile may be diversified". In the future, the charging pile industry will realize the application of "optical storage and charging" (distributed photovoltaic power generation, energy storage system, charge and discharge) faster.


The integrated optical storage and charging charging charging station integrates photovoltaic power generation, energy storage, charge and discharge and other functions. It can convert solar energy into electric energy and store it in the energy storage battery, which is finally used for charging new energy vehicles. The first mock exam will not affect the power grid, but also can regulate the peak valley electricity price difference through energy storage system, and reduce the daily electricity consumption cost. At present, Cui Wei's company is developing prototype and demonstration community, "although the one-time investment is high, it is more in line with the development trend of the industry in the long run".


Did the new energy vehicle market slam on the brakes?


Owners panic to power up, the charging pile industry accelerates the transformation, and the new energy vehicle market in full swing ushers in a big test.


Chen Guangzu, an expert in China's automobile industry, believes that if the shortage of power coal continues to increase, it will take the lead in affecting the production of new energy vehicles. "The manufacturing of new energy vehicle batteries requires a lot of coal-fired power generation to operate. If the supply of coal-fired power generation is insufficient, the capacity of power batteries will be greatly affected."


Source: pexels


Insiders disclosed to the future auto daily that some small-scale suppliers had power outages, which affected the repair of some molds, thus affecting the production progress of auto enterprises.


In addition, in order to limit power and production, all localities have issued notices to reduce the output of raw materials related to new energy vehicles.


On September 11, Yunnan Provincial Development and Reform Commission issued the notice on resolutely doing a good job in the work related to dual control of energy consumption, which required to ensure that the average monthly output of yellow phosphorus production line in the yellow phosphorus industry from September to December 2021 should not exceed 10% of that in August. As the raw material for the production of iron phosphate, the output of yellow phosphorus has been greatly reduced and the price has soared. Affected by this, the market transaction price of lithium iron phosphate battery is also gradually rising, and the production cost of new energy vehicle enterprises is further increasing.


Zhang Xiang, an analyst in the automotive industry, said that the reason for power rationing was the rise in coal prices, which led to losses for thermal power companies. This round of power rationing will lead to the increase of electricity price and the use cost of new energy vehicles, which is an adverse factor for the development of new energy vehicles.


The shortage of coal and electricity has hindered new energy vehicle enterprises everywhere at the production end, and is restraining consumers' desire to buy at the sales end. "The layout network of charging piles is still imperfect, and the potential risk of switching off power will undoubtedly dissuade some potential users of new energy vehicles," Chen Guangzu said.


(at the request of the interviewee, some characters in the text are pseudonyms)


Author Su pengqin Zhangyong


Editor: Li Huanhuan


update time:2021-09-30 17:12:02


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