Folding screen mobile phone: heart is higher than heaven, life is thinner than paper


Editor Rao Xiafei


Many manufacturers have been burst into the market, new products have been exposed one after another, and the price reduction and promotion of older generation products. Recently, there are rich news about folding screen mobile phones. This mobile phone form that has existed for three years seems to be becoming a new wind direction in the mobile phone industry.


In late October, the product rendering of another folding screen model of Xiaomi, a domestic mobile phone manufacturer, was exposed. According to dsccross analysts, Xiaomi has purchased an 8.1-inch folding screen from Samsung in July this year, supporting 120Hz and lpto (dynamic refresh).


Whether this news is true or not, since Samsung launched its first mass-produced folding screen mobile phone, mobile phone manufacturers such as Huawei, Motorola and Xiaomi are also following up one after another. In addition, brands including oppo, vivo and glory also have concept machines or relevant information. It is an indisputable fact that folding screen mobile phones have become another new category for major mobile phone manufacturers to seize the market.


Just as manufacturers have laid out folding screens, consumers have never stopped questioning folding screen mobile phones. In the post "Why are Samsung folding screen mobile phones not popular?" below, the user with ID coolkyo said, "the main reason is still expensive. The zflip12999 yuan and fold 15999-16999 yuan in those years are not good. I have to try the folding screen. But -- I have tasted it, and after tasting it, I think it's unnecessary"


Another user who bought Huawei's folding screen with ID "tomato is tomato" said, "it's inconvenient to wear it, especially in summer. Wearing shorts is equivalent to putting two mobile phones in your trouser pocket. Why. "The user added," as the mainstream, it's unlikely. "

茂达在手机行业工作多年,他告诉fuel finance,折叠式屏幕似乎不是革命性的创新,但事实上并不容易做到。茂达透露,华为第一代折叠屏手机的屏幕更换率高达50%,三星折叠屏的破屏问题从未消失。此外,屏幕是否合适,折痕是否明显一直是困扰消费者和手机制造商的问题。

Maoda, who has worked deeply in the mobile phone industry for many years, told fuel finance that the folding screen does not seem revolutionary innovation, but in fact it is not easy to do. Maoda revealed that the screen replacement rate of Huawei's first generation folding screen mobile phones is as high as 50%, and the broken screen problem of Samsung's folding screen has never disappeared. In addition, whether the screen fits and whether the creases are obvious has always been a problem perplexing consumers and mobile phone manufacturers.


As Maoda said, recently, 1818 golden eye reported that Mr. Zeng, who spent 15000 yuan on Huawei's folding screen mobile phone in April 2020, has changed the screen three times. The reason for changing the screen three times is that the screen tilts up twice, and the price of changing the screen is as high as 7000 yuan.


Wang Jiong of Xiaobai evaluation of science and technology evaluation number once said in the video that the current folding screen is only a perfect stage in the development of mobile phones. "It's like the development process from iPhone4 to iphone12. In fact, the products are straight, just repairing and constantly improving the software and hardware."


After more than ten years of development, the innovation ability of smart phones has basically disappeared. Now the folding screen mobile phone is not a revolutionary product. In fact, it still hits the market by increasing the screen size. People in the industry believe that "the folding screen is actually an experimental product with ultra-high price, but it is a pseudo noble family in the mobile phone due to hardware technical problems and a lot of problems, which is difficult to be recognized by the market."


Data show that the sales of folding screen mobile phones account for a very small proportion in the product lines of various mobile phone manufacturers. In other words, it is no less difficult for folding screen mobile phones to become the mainstream of the market than ordinary people's "star dream".


Who is buying a folding screen mobile phone?

从华为第一代折叠屏手机mate x到第三代mate X2,手机爱好者小元终于将价格提升到折叠屏手机的"坑"中。

From Huawei's first generation of folding screen mobile phone mate x to the third generation mate X2, mobile phone enthusiast Xiao Yuan finally increased the price into the "pit" of folding screen mobile phones.

"事实上,我想从mate x公司买一部折叠屏幕手机,但直到第二代手机都是折叠出来的。我觉得很容易损坏屏幕。设计不是很成熟,也没有开始。"晓远告诉fuel财经,他在今年3月买了一部折叠屏幕手机。在比较市场上几种折叠式屏幕手机的性能和总体设计方案后,选择了华为mate x2。肖元说,由于当时官员缺货,不可能以官方指导价购买手机,但他很喜欢。最后,他将价格提高到2万多元,赢得了这部手机。

"In fact, I wanted to buy a folding screen mobile phone from mate x, but it was still folded out of the screen until the second generation. I thought it was easy to damage the screen. The design was not very mature and didn't start." Xiaoyuan told fuel finance and economics that he bought a folding screen mobile phone in March this year. After comparing the performance and overall design scheme of several folding screen mobile phones on the market, Huawei mate x2 was selected. Xiao Yuan said that because the official was out of stock at that time, it was impossible to buy the mobile phone at the official guidance price, but he really liked it. Finally, he raised the price to more than 20000 yuan to win the mobile phone.


It also cost nearly 10000 yuan, and Shihe started folding screen mobile phones. But Shihe's reason for buying folding screen mobile phones is different from the above, not because he likes it or reduces the price, just to "taste the fresh".


"I bought the Xiaomi folding screen mobile phone around March and April this year. Because the commonly used model has always been the iPhone series, I can't actually feel the difference between it and other Android phones. But the handheld PC mode is quite good. It's very convenient, especially for people who occasionally need to work." Shi He said that in addition to the above two cases, He felt that the advantages of folding screen phones were minimal. In particular, it folds like a brick. After unfolding, the screen resolution is far lower than that of a straight mobile phone.


"It took about three months to change hands. It's fresh."


After half a year's experience, the use feeling of Xiaoyuan is almost the same as that of Shihe. In Xiaoyuan's view, the biggest advantage of folding screen mobile phone is that when you need a large screen, you can use it directly. Especially for some business groups and groups with more mobile offices, it is much more convenient and fast when operating excel and PPT or stock speculation.


"Of course, folding screen mobile phones will also have some customized functions and customized UI design, which can not be experienced by straight mobile phones." but at the same time, Xiaoyuan also said that while enjoying the advantages of folding screen, it is inevitable to accept its disadvantages. For example, it is much heavier than a straight mobile phone, especially in summer. It is extremely inconvenient to put it in your pocket. There is also the criticized thickness. "It's heavy in your hand, like a brick."

从事手机销售超过10年的高达告诉fuel finance,尽管一些数字产品爱好者或对新事物感兴趣的年轻群体也会购买折叠屏幕手机,但目前,高净值商业人士仍然是折叠屏幕手机的主要销售群体。

GAODA, who has been engaged in mobile phone sales for more than 10 years, told fuel finance that although some digital product enthusiasts or young groups curious about new things will also buy folding screen mobile phones, at present, high net worth business people are still the main sales group of folding screen mobile phones.

正如高达所说,数字博客写手兼企业家李蒙(音译)告诉《燃烧财经》(burning finance),尽管折叠式屏幕不是一种受欢迎的群体产品,但它具有很强的可扩展性。第二个角色是从手机转向平板电脑,这更有利于商业和办公。有些人甚至把折叠式屏幕手机视为"办公用品"。小米集团创始人雷军在新闻发布会上表示,他将使用自己的折叠式手机上班。虽然我们不排除为我们的产品做广告的嫌疑,但它确实创造了一个消费场景。

As GAODA said, Li Meng, a digital blogger and entrepreneur, told burning finance that although the folding screen is not a popular group product, it has strong scalability. The second role switching from mobile phone to tablet is more conducive to business and office. Some people even regard the folding screen mobile phone as an "office artifact". Lei Jun, founder of Xiaomi group, said at the press conference that he would use his own folding screen mobile phone to work. Although we do not rule out the suspicion of advertising our products, it does create a consumption scene.


Mobile new battlefield


In fact, folding screens are not new.

早在2018年11月,若宇科技就发布了世界上第一款可折叠柔性屏幕手机flexpai。2019年9月,该公司对该产品进行了反复升级,并发布了折叠屏幕手机flexpai 2 5g。同年,第一款真正大规模生产的折叠屏幕手机三星Galaxy fold上市。此后,摩托罗拉、华为、小米等手机品牌相继进入折叠屏手机市场,折叠屏手机的帷幕正式拉开。

As early as November 2018, Ruoyu technology released the world's first foldable flexible screen mobile phone flexpai. In September 2019, it carried out an iterative upgrade of the product and released the folding screen mobile phone flexpai 2 5g. In the same year, the first truly mass-produced folding screen mobile phone, Samsung Galaxy fold, went to the market. After that, mobile phone brands including Motorola, Huawei and Xiaomi successively entered the folding screen mobile phone market, and the curtain of folding screen mobile phones was officially opened.

如果2019年9月被视为折叠屏幕手机的诞生之年,那么在三年的发展过程中,已经有十多部折叠屏幕手机进入市场。三星已经发布了可折叠屏幕手机,包括但不限于Galaxy fold、Xinxintaxia W20、Galaxy Z flip、Galaxy Z fold2 5g、Xinxintaxia W21 5g和Galaxy Z fold3 5g。摩托罗拉发布了Razr和Razr 5g。

If September 2019 is regarded as the birth year of folding screen mobile phones, more than ten folding screen mobile phones have been introduced to the market in the three years of development. Samsung has released folding screen mobile phones, including but not limited to Galaxy fold, xinxintianxia W20, Galaxy Z flip, Galaxy Z fold2 5g, xinxintianxia W21 5g and Galaxy Z fold3 5g. Motorola released Razr and Razr 5g.


Golder said that although mobile phone manufacturers are eager to try folding screen mobile phones, the mainstream brands in the market are still Samsung and Huawei. In the domestic market, compared with Samsung, Huawei is more favored by consumers because it is more in line with the use experience and operation concept of Chinese people. But at present, the sales of folding screen mobile phones are still in an extremely small sales volume, which is not the mainstream mobile phones at all.


"Post mobile era"


"Now we have entered the 'post mobile phone era'." according to sun Yanbiao, President of the first mobile phone Research Institute, in this era, the mobile phone industry lacks innovation, but the products that can really replace mobile phones have not been born. "From the 'post mobile era' to the wearable era of mobile intelligent terminals, it can be said that it is difficult and long."


Sun Yanbiao bluntly said that the topic of the lack of innovation of mobile phones was mentioned in the industry as early as three or four years ago. According to the current situation, the innovation of mobile phone has reached the peak of scientific research in basic physics and basic chemistry. Taking lithium batteries as an example, revolutionary changes in basic chemistry generally take 10-15 years. Lens, lens and even raw materials have reached the limit of basic physical research. "This lack of innovation does not only refer to domestic mobile phone manufacturers, but also applies to global top mobile phone manufacturers."


"So we see this situation. The only possible innovation, folding screen mobile phones, has become the top priority for mobile phone manufacturers to seize the market." Sun Yanbiao said that although folding screen mobile phones can be regarded as the last innovation in the "post mobile phone era" - the most portable mobile terminal at this stage, It is also the largest screen display terminal that technology can solve. "But whether the emergence of folding screen mobile phones can open a new situation in the mobile phone industry is uncertain."


Li Meng and sun Yanbiao held the same view. In Li Meng's view, the role of folding screen mobile phones in the whole mobile phone industry is not a transitional product, let alone subversive, but a minimally invasive new product. For example, the transition point of folding screen mobile phones does not have any direction. Unlike bangs, water drop screens and hole digging screens, the purpose is to transition to a comprehensive screen.


But at present, Li Meng still believes that folding screen mobile phones will be a small trend. Li Meng said that although the folding screen mobile phone has appeared since 2019, it is still in the early stage of the industry and the process is difficult, but it will be more and more smooth later, and the price will certainly be reduced.


"When a device can switch between a large flat panel screen and a small mobile phone screen, it will still be desirable." Li Meng believes that if the price is cheaper, many flat panel users will be pried. After all, users don't want to use two devices to complete the work that can be completed by one device.


NVIDIA Huang Renxun once said publicly that we are at the cusp of the meta universe. Ma Huateng, founder of Tencent, also put forward the concept of "Quanzhen Internet".


"From mobile phone to mobile phone screen projection, in fact, is to make the display bigger. Before the emergence of smart glasses, the largest screen of mobile terminal was folding screen mobile phone. However, once the spatial display becomes mature and light and convenient, it will be the next product to replace folding screen." in sun Yanbiao's view, folding screen mobile phone is only a transitional product of mobile phone innovation.


Reference material:


Which folding screen mobile phones are recommended on the double tenth day of 2021: what are the folding screen mobile phones recommended in the list of folding screen mobile phones? How are they easy to use?, source, know.


"Detailed comparison of Huawei, Xiaomi and Samsung folding screen mobile phones, who is more worth buying?" source, science and technology model.


"Breaking the news - exposure of multiple folding screen mobile phones, Huawei, Xiaomi, oppo and vivo", source, science and technology aesthetics.


*The title and accompanying drawings come from visual China. In the text, Xiaoyuan, Qian Xin, Shihe, GAODA and Maoda are pseudonyms


update time:2021-11-01 10:45:55


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