Former Google CEO Schmidt: meta's meta universe is not necessarily a good thing for humans

这位前谷歌高管并不是唯一一位担心人工智能的人。近几个月来,这项技术越来越受到商界领袖的批评,包括特斯拉首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)。马斯克说,他对公司人工智能的透明度和安全性"信心不足"。与此同时,一些分析师表示,增强现实技术的滥用风险甚至高于社交媒体。

The former Google executive is not the only one worried about artificial intelligence. In recent months, this technology has been increasingly criticized by business leaders, including Elon Musk, chief executive of Tesla. Musk said he had "low confidence" in the transparency and security of artificial intelligence in his company. At the same time, some analysts said that the abuse risk of augmented reality is even higher than that of social media.

在施密特发表讲话之前,Facebook周四宣布将把公司名称改为meta,并将meta universe构建成一个虚拟空间,用户可以在其中使用虚拟角色进行数字交互。最近几周,由于扎克伯格和Facebook对错误信息和仇恨言论的处理,以及社交媒体对青少年和儿童的潜在危害,监管机构对Facebook的要求越来越严格。在此之前,Facebook前员工Frances Haugen(后来成为告密者)向媒体提供了内部文件,表明该公司意识到其产品和服务可能造成伤害,但很难解决这些问题。对此,Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)向媒体表示,人们认为泄露的文件已将Facebook带入舆论漩涡,并迫使该公司改名为meta,这是非常"荒谬"的。

Prior to Schmidt's remarks, Facebook announced on Thursday that it would change the company name to meta and build the meta universe into a virtual space where users can use virtual characters for digital interaction. In recent weeks, due to Zuckerberg and Facebook's handling of misinformation and hate speech, as well as the potential harm of social media to teenagers and children, regulators have been increasingly strict with Facebook. Prior to this, Frances Haugen, a former Facebook employee who later became a whistleblower, provided internal documents to the media, indicating that the company was aware that its products and services might cause harm, but it was difficult to solve these problems. In this regard, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg told the media that people believe that the leaked documents have led Facebook into a vortex of public opinion and forced the company name to be changed to meta, which is very "absurd".


Zuckerberg said at the connect developer conference held last Thursday, "From now on, we will start with metauniverse, not Facebook. This means that over time, you will no longer need a Facebook account to use our other services. As our new brand begins to appear in our products, I hope people around the world begin to understand the meta brand and the future we represent."

Facebook和Instagram在年轻人中的使用已经减少,因为tiktok正逐渐被海外版本的tiktok和Snapchat所取代。根据投资银行Piper Sandler的一份报告,81%的受访青少年表示他们使用instagram,这是所有平台中比例最高的。77%的人说他们使用snapchat,73%的人说他们使用tiktok。只有27%的受访者表示他们使用了Facebook,这是所有平台中使用最少的。

The use of Facebook and Instagram in young people has been reduced because they tiktok are increasingly being replaced by overseas versions of TikTok and Snapchat. According to a report by Piper Sandler, an investment bank, 81% of the teenagers surveyed said they used instagram, the highest proportion of all platforms. 77% said they used snapchat and 73% said they used tiktok. Only 27% of respondents said they used Facebook, the least of all platforms.


The following is the interview record:


Q: on Tuesday, you published a new book, the age of artificial intelligence, CO authored with Henry Kissinger and Daniel huttenlocher. About artificial intelligence, is it "friend or enemy?"


A: artificial intelligence is imprecise, which means that it may not be reliable as a partner. It's dynamic because it's always changing. It's sudden and will do things you don't expect. Most importantly, it can learn. Artificial intelligence will be everywhere. What is the best friend supported by AI, especially for a child? What is the war supported by artificial intelligence like? Can AI perceive what we don't have in reality? Is it possible for AI to see things that human beings cannot understand?


Q: I agree with Elon Musk that when we build artificial intelligence without killing switch, we are "summoning demons". As Steve Wozniak said, humans may eventually become family pets.


A: musk, Stephen Hawking and others have issued alarms. They believe that by releasing artificial intelligence, you will eventually get a robot overlord 10, 100 or 1000 times smarter than humans. My answer is different. I think all the evidence shows that these AI systems can think, unlike humans, but they can be very smart. We must coexist.


Q: don't you think voice assistants such as Siri and Alexa will kill us one night?


A: No. But they may become good friends with your children.


Q: we have long known that Silicon Valley is bringing us to a dead end. From democratic paedophilia scandals to rigged elections to vaccine conspiracy theories, absurd claims that once failed to get attention are now spreading at the speed of light. Girls may be pushed into depression by the bright and deceptive world of instagram, which is owned by the controlling and greedy former Facebook.


A: an Oxford student told me about the poison of social media - "the combination of boredom and anonymity is dangerous", especially at the intersection of addiction and jealousy.


Q: the question of whether we will lose control of artificial intelligence may be over. Technology is already manipulating us.


A: it is foolish for cloud computing service providers to lack foresight on the development direction of technology. I would say that when I worked very hard on these social networks 10 years ago, maybe it was naive, but we never thought that the government would use them to deal with citizens under the intervention of the Russians as in 2016. We didn't expect it to combine these special interest groups with these strong belief systems. No one discussed it. I don't want to make the same mistake on the basis of new basic technology.


Q: do you think Facebook can get out of trouble by changing its name to meta?


A: the question is, what do you call faang stock now (i.e. Facebook, apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google parent company alphabet)? Could it be Maang? Google was previously renamed alphabet, but Google is still Google. Google's abbreviation in faang has not changed.


Q: what does Zuckerberg want us to do?


A: all those who talk about the meta universe are talking about a more satisfactory world than the current world - you are richer, more handsome, more beautiful, stronger and faster. Therefore, in some years, people will choose to wear eye masks and spend more time in the meta universe. Who makes the rules? The world will become more digital, not physical. This is not necessarily a good thing for human society. (compiled by Tencent technology / Wuji)


update time:2021-11-01 10:45:55


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